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/lit/ - Literature

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14907936 No.14907936 [Reply] [Original]

I’m considering taking a vow to curb my 4chan addiction. I’ve done a 4chan vow before, and was able to quit for 30 days, and I’m currently on a permanent vow to not visit porn sites or red boards or purposely google/YouTube pornographic material. But seeing sexual content on 4chan isn’t part of that vow, so the more I come here, the more likely I’ll see arousing material, even if it’s just the blue boards. And this place wastes a lot of my time in general. I’m afraid to make a permanent noChan vow, so I’ve come up with a better idea:
>20 pushups
>8 minute ab exercise
>10 pages read
>All homework due within the next 3 days completed
All these things will be required before I visit 4chan, starting 12 AM every day. If I can’t do all of the above, even if I’m sick, then I simply can’t visit 4chan on that day. I’m curious if I’ll actually be able to follow this checklist, or if I’ll just end up not coming to 4chan, but I’m optimistic about using this place as an incentive to improve myself. Perhaps later I can make more severe restrictions after I’ve cultivated discipline and developed a habit. Someday I might add to the list the requirement that I haven’t masturbated in the past day, which would be a small step towards complete nofap and maybe quitting 4chan for good.

What do you think? Is this a bad idea?

>> No.14907960

We're in a quarantine, it's the best time to be a neet piece of shit

>> No.14907980

I’ll be “quarantined” for the next 6 months regardless

>> No.14907984


>> No.14908011

yeah? I’m doing work at home

>> No.14908459


>> No.14908471

What kind of work? Algebra? Lmao

>> No.14908478

But I’m not addicted to 4chan, I’m addicted to escapism. Every time I leave this place the void is immediately filled by other websites or indulgences. My problem is the gnarled root, not the stem or the leaves

>> No.14908482

Know the feel. I dislike almost everyone thats my age. And anyone who has similar interests are either too reddit to stand or are chinese (Which isnt a bad thing, but they tend to stick to their own and there is a bit of a language barrier). I like some teachers, but im not hanging around them often.

>> No.14908493

but you may have to cut off the branches before cutting down the whole tree

>> No.14908505

I wonder how many novels all of the posts I've ever made here would add up to in terms of word count.

>> No.14908685

let’s all leave and come back after a year of literary effort and create a newer, better /lit/

>> No.14909211

I plan to do it tonight. I might update tomorrow, if I get my work done

>> No.14909245

I’ve been in your shoes before, and forcing myself to do “productive” things for the sake of productivity and appeasing the superego never stuck, no matter how many stupid motivational Roman quotes or videos I looked at
Change came only from discovering a true enjoyment in literature that dwarfs whatever I get from this place. If you are continually at war with yourself to pursue what you tell yourself is meaningful it will be hard to make it
Just kidding I only started reading because I made it my sole source of self esteem and tied my very self-perception and affirmation of my own existence to what I read and write hahaha

>> No.14909464
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I need to combine the enjoyment with source of self esteem to be able to do steer myself to do anything.

>> No.14909479

When Cambridge was quarantined due to the plague, Issac Newton developed calculus

Stop cooming and clicking and do something productive

>> No.14909987

You in Taiwan or something?

>> No.14910056
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I hear you loud and clear my friend. Have a worksafe jezebel for your modest dog-whistling

>> No.14910098

>I’m addicted to escapism.
Modernity society is worth escaping from. It's truly horrifying. The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.14910278

I'm actually doing something similar for Lent. It's not exactly a vow, because I know I could never keep it, but I have a set a rules I must follow or else be punished. It's designed to keep me away from from sin and help me get my life on track.
I've been doing no-fap since January 1st so an obvious rule for me is no porn and no fap. Other rules: must read 1 hour a day, must do something related to job seaching 1 hour a day, must work (gig delieveries) for 4 hours a day, may say certain prayers each day, must workout 3 days a week, chores etc.
The punishments for breaking the rules vary depending on the severity. Punishments include: prayer, planking for 2 minutes (could sub push ups), cold showers, and for severe failures, self-flagellation. Each rules has an associated punishment, so I am aware of real physical consequences when I chose to do something.
This may sound too extreme for you, but I can tell you that it is effective for me. I have successfully developed a productive routine and don't even feel compelled to waste time that often. You have the right idea for developing self discipline and I encourage you to keep trying things until you get it. To help keep you off 4chan I suggest you block just the images so that you can still come here but have a much duller experience. I never restricted myself from 4chan but I feel so bored here now without the images that I don't even come here much. You can do this with an extension, but I actually recommend that you find all porn using a hosts file. Just search 'blocking porn hosts file' and add i.4cdn.org to the list.

>> No.14910323

No, America. Its a decent college so there are a lot of foreign students here. so that means a good amount of chinese and some Indians and Japanese.

>> No.14910332

I don’t think your punishments are sever enough desu. And how do you enforce them? I knew that when I made my porn vow, I might find a way to ignore the spiritual consequences from breaking the vow, since I might persuade myself that I could simply find forgiveness, so I also created worldly punishments as well. If I break the vow, then I expect to lose my health, relationships, and romantic opportunities (specifically a certain girl whom I would give almost anything for). Sometimes when I’m tempted I remember her and realize that it’s not worth it. But the punishment isn’t restricted to her, but to all women who interest me in general. It probably sounds strange but this general view of worldly punishments as well as spiritual has helped me stay unbending.

>> No.14910356
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>Other rules: must read 1 hour a day, must do something related to job seaching 1 hour a day, must work (gig delieveries) for 4 hours a day, may say certain prayers each day, must workout 3 days a week, chores etc.
You know sometimes I feel like I'm not even trying in life. But when you say this and I realize I'm already going above-and-beyond these requirements in just attempting to maintain myself, as poorly as I feel like I do that most of the time, well, maybe I ought to stop psychologically flagellating myself so much.

>> No.14910396

The punishments probably should be more severe but I've never done this before so I wanted to stick with things I would actually make myself do. Enforcement comes in daily reflection and prayer, admitting the sins to myself and to God and then simply accepting the punishment because I made a promise to God that I would keep my word. If not for my faith I couldn't do any of this. I converted to Christianity a year ago and it's basically been my only source of motivation to do anything at all. I've lived my whole life with zero self discipline or motivation to live a normal life, so I must first hold my self accountable to something outside myself in order to hold myself accountable to myself.

Yeah, I didn't realize how pathetic it sounded until I wrote it out. It's essentially the basics just for getting by in life. I have to literally beat myself just to keep my life from falling apart and falling back into depression lol. But I have hope. A few years ago my life was drinking alone and jerking off 3 hours a day. Now, through great effort, I'm beginning to live the life I actually want to. I'm working out, asking out girls, working on my career, and I feel that there's no way I can fail now so long as I keep my faith. It took a long time just to become not a complete failure but now I can only go up.

>> No.14910407

We’re gonna make it

>> No.14910437
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Thank king.

>> No.14910439

Holy shit I just saw a shit thread get deleted. That never happens here. Who is this new jannie and what do we know about him?

>> No.14910455
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All we know is he does it for free.

>> No.14910635
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No amount of motivation is going to change neurological addiction overnight. I don't know how many of these strategies I formulated throughout my '20s, but none of them worked.
Real behavioral change can only occur through habit, and that happens at a glacial pace. Set realistic goals (the agenda in your OP is not realistic). Small stuff. Reward yourself for small victories. Don't beat yourself up over failure (the therapist I went to for porn addiction said that was the #1 most important takeaway). Dust yourself off, reflect on your successes, and how much of a shit you were a year ago, vs how much better you are today.
So if courage wolf pushup bullshit doesn't work, what does work? Simple stuff, easy stuff -- whatever can become a habit. Start your day by making your bed. Internet is fine, but not first thing in the morning, not before you've cooked a protein-rich breakfast. Discuss that school project with friends -- you're not going to sit down and do it of your own accord, so quit lying to yourself and find alternative paths toward success. Or call your mom and discuss it with her. Call your mom anyway. To improve your physical and behavioral shortcomings, first address how you can improve your social and spiritual self. This is the same advice they give to methadone addicts.

>> No.14910648

I quit cold turkey for a month, and I haven’t watched a porn video in 4 months. It’s possible. Even if I don’t complete the checklist, I know I’m capable of not coming to 4chan. And I can add other sources of lady entertainment, or at least sources of sexually arousing imagery, so at least if I’m not being productive, I’m cutting out other vices. I’ll make the vow tonight and set it for a 2-day period and test it out.