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14907039 No.14907039 [Reply] [Original]

Why ban a book that is demonstrably incorrect?

>> No.14907049
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>> No.14907065

No, it means there's nothing valuable there, or that it contains falsehoods that can lead people astray.

>> No.14907089

Should not each reader determine that for himself, rather than allowing a censor to control what he is allowed to read and think about?

>> No.14907112

Please, please fuck off.

>> No.14907139

if it does then whoever intends to ban the book should instead expose fallacies contained therein and market his own vision in the free marketplace of ideas (meme intended)

>> No.14907159

the subhuman nazis were the ones who burned books.
stop crying like little fucking bitches you right wing crackers.

>> No.14907173

Reminder that this event is very misrepresented. The state did not order the burning of books. A student group decided to do it voluntarily, for fun, as a one off. Later on, they did it again and had some officials come to watch.

>> No.14907179

You are wrong.

See >>14907173

>> No.14907194
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>> No.14907198

>a private company choosing not to sell a book = banning a book

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.14907201


>> No.14907208

Nice try, we’ve all seen Indians Jones.

>> No.14907215
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>> No.14907230

suck deeznuts you pathetic subhuman

>> No.14907260

Ironic since this is the exact argument pushed by Nazis.

>> No.14907263

What book was banned, though?

>> No.14907343

>for fun
Clearly trying to downplay it. They did it because they wanted to purge “anti-Gemran” thought. It’s irrelevant if it wasn’t literally orchestrated by the Nazi party itself when they permitted it and attended the ceremonies. Clearly it was in accordance with the Nazi spirit.

>> No.14907363

What a shallow understanding of politics. Politics is about power, not about who has the most logically sound arguments. It’s irrelevant whether or not you can refute Mein Kampf. if other people who read it become convinced by it that’s going to cause the Neo nazi movement to become more powerful. I’m not even making a judgement on this decision, I’m just saying it’s stupid to chalk it up to “what you can refute me bro? XD”

>> No.14907667
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>in order to protect liberal democracy and plurality of thought we need to adhere to my specific ideological project and ban any dangerous thoughts

>> No.14907768

I have read Mein Kampf, its an interesting read, but long, boring and with a lot of irrelevant stuff for modern politics, like how are we going to feed Germany etc.

Why does the book get banned? Because our society is controlled by insane ideological fundamentalists, who have turned Nazism into some kind of ultimate evil.

Any person who sees Nazism as something else put another stage or movement in history alongside Marxism, Catholicism, Humanism or Buddhism is clinically insane.

The Nazi period produced some interesting writers and art, the science developed is certainly positive. Nazi Germany should be seen in a completely neutral way.

The Third German Empire is gone, Nazism is not a thriving ideology, its history, people should view it as such.

My enlightened response ends here.

>> No.14908043
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It's almost as if all political philosophies are predicated upon a friend-enemy distinction...

>> No.14908059

based truthbro BTFOing lying kikes

>> No.14908092

>they permitted it
I'm pretty sure a book burning would be permitted today.

It wasn't about "anti-German" thought, it was very specifically Jewish Marxist works and pornographic material etc.

>> No.14908704

>and pornographic material etc.
Hello? Based department?

>> No.14908808

looks like guattari

>> No.14908811


>> No.14908814

Goes against a country's morals and/or laws.

>> No.14909045

I don't agree with banning books, but the logic is that the book promotes dangerous modes of thinking.
Of course any book banning is going to claim that the book in question is false as well, but of course that can never be taken at face value, and because it is banned, it can no longer be demonstrated via logical argument.

>> No.14909191

he was describing a tactic used by Jewish newspapers. Goebbels personally believed that the best propaganda was the truth.

>> No.14909225
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that was just a few over-zealous students, sweetie. book-burning is more of a Judeo-Western tactic:
>To re-educate Germany, the Allies last week adopted a typically Nazi device. The four-power Coordinating Committee decided to reduce to pulp all "undemocratic, militaristic and Nazi" literature, museum and library material, newspapers, films and war memorials. Tombstones were excepted.
>Here is how the Allies went about the suppression of ideas:
>Into Berlin's press camp breezed a pretty young ex-WAC introduced as Vivian Cox, an "expert" attached to the Military Directorate. Sitting on a desk and dangling her long, nylon-clad legs, Miss Cox answered indignant newsmen's questions in a pleasant Southern drawl. How would "militaristic" be defined, asked one reporter. Replied Miss Cox: "It's the way the Germans have of
waging war.". How would "democratic" be defined? Said Miss Cox: "Everything American people think and call democratic."
>Was the order different in principle from Nazi book burnings? No, not in Miss Cox's opinion.
>Just 13 years ago, the Nazis had confiscated and burned millions of "unGerman" books. The war had destroyed hundreds of thousands more.
>Now the Allied order would eliminate millions more. Pessimists could see the day approaching when Germans would have nothing left to read except perhaps some of Grimm's lighter fairy tales. Cracked one British officer to a U.S. colleague: "You people might yet be able to convert the Germans to your comics. . . ."
>The measure found its defenders. Said one U.S. official: "At least the Germans won't be able to read Clausewitz these long summer nights." Said a Russian: "If more of them were out ploughing fields instead of reading, there would be more food."
>But most observers condemned the order as a piece of unenforceable foolishness which would only increase interest in the verboten books, and martyrize Germany's nationalistic spirit.
>Time; Monday, May. 27, 1946

>> No.14909231

It means that you should not rely on profit-driven institutions for the promulgation of knowledge.

>> No.14909249

>Exposing fact based book such as Mein Kampf
It’s literally impossible.

>> No.14909256

Weak bait. Work on it more.

>> No.14909302

>supporting private company to totally control what to read what think
Look Jewish anon I know your going through hard times. When rabbi cut half of your dick off he reduced your skin sensation at the tip of your dick thus making it harder for you to have healthy sexual relationship in the long run and because of that you had to succumb to unhealthy sexual practices such as prostate stimulation or complete anal obliteration and then you look at gentiles with their intact skin and get super salty because they lead a healthy sexual life and that infuriates you and that’s why you had to become the subversive poisonous kike leech with the mindset of
>if I can’t get laid properly no one can
But let me tell you this there is no reason to be such an evil like you know. Life is not all about sex.

>> No.14909309

>free speech
>against countries morals
How did you come up with this?

>> No.14909327

>supporting private company to totally control what to read what think
Yeah, that's not what's happening, you can easioy find that book elsewhere, and pdfs of it are readily available.
Also the rest of your posts just proves that youre a degenerate pervert.

>> No.14909332

There has been no infringement of freedom of speech here, dummy

>> No.14909503

>he was describing a tactic used by Jewish newspapers
and he used it for his own purposes

>Goebbels personally believed that the best propaganda was the truth.
The Truth(c)

>> No.14909712

Most people in a country haven't the critical faculty to make such decisions. In the vast majority of cases, they don't even possess the ability to develop it. They're effectively cattle. It's the responsibility of their rulers to make sure that they are not lead astray.

>> No.14909777

Banning books is, in fact, the ultimate refutation. Removing them from history is probably the only thing that can top it.

>> No.14909933
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full "big lie" passage (from Hitler's book which the Jews have just banned from Amazon):
>In this they [the Jews] proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds, they more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others.…

>> No.14910329
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>> No.14910962

This, since Amazon has banned Mein Kampf there's been an influx of stormfags from /pol/.