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File: 153 KB, 819x1024, 31217495067_ebe2068284_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14906936 No.14906936 [Reply] [Original]

Pervasive error means politics corrupts everything it can. Politics cannot corrupt virology. It can corrupt public policy. Its virology is science. Its public policy is…weird. For this virus, there is no way our experts could rethink that public policy in time. Either we get lucky, or the virus is replicating in America within a few weeks. The proper attitude is just to observe the tragedy as it happens—if it happens. How can we act? We have not even started to learn to observe—much less plan. And the best plans are long. History is pure because no one can act on the past. Present history is hard because one can. Or so it often seems; but this is hardly ever so. Before we can even begin to observe the world around us, we must develop the ability to read the present as immutable, like the past. Only those who have mastered this art, which now and for the foreseeable future is no one, can consider suspending it. This remains true even in the moment of a likely tragedy.


>> No.14907063

I was about to make this exact thread. Has anyone ever been proven as right as Moldbug? UR has like an 80% correct prediction rate at this point.

>> No.14907078

Is he a yootoober?

>> No.14907094
File: 49 KB, 498x573, 1576966226078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when does urbit make me a millionaire

>> No.14907180

When you buy planets. I bought several recently, and with vanity names too.

>> No.14907200

What even is orbit? I've heard of it but never looked into it

>> No.14907240

It's a clean slate identity node for p2p encryption and storage between star systems

>> No.14907248

Loonix for ugly basedboys

>> No.14907272

How would you make money from that?

>> No.14907292

lmao as if this retard has ever been right about anything. politics was the only possible solution to this situation.
just buy your jewish coins bro

>> No.14907319
File: 143 KB, 1024x819, 45433034084_2febe0102c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things change and we can't do anything
>have some barney science
Fucking idiot

>> No.14907387

He engineered this virus, of course he got the predictions right.

>> No.14907469

Globalism is certainly brought under newfound doubt with this present crisis. Globalism trusts to an absurd degree in stable international relations that it cybernetically guarantees through its own network of neoliberal trade agreements and transnationally distributed supply chains. Yet there is almost a geometric flaw to this premise, as if it runs up against the laws of space and time. Expand the surface area of supply chains, increase the odds of something happening in between to disrupt them, multiply assumptions about distributions and logistics. Overcomplicate because it is best for corporate bottom lines in times where there are no shocks, but in the advent of a shock, experience a crumpling and contraction of severe proportions because those loose bonds of international trust are immediately voided as nations, like individuals, retreat inward. A compact, self-stable autarky would not have to worry about the crisis' impacts beyond its borders, multiplying its risk profile substantially.
Autarky is considered a bad word even when for instance America, back when it produced everything it needed, enjoyed economic power of transcendent levels and the average worker was far more prosperous. Now China, virally compromised and a political rival, produces 90% of its supply of ingredients for antibiotics.

We are poisoned by sycophantic economists who work for the very globalist banking order they claim to empirically describe with lies that there are no feasible alternatives.

>> No.14907511

There's a hard-coded cap on the amount of nodes. Buy early, sell late.

>> No.14907534

Do his mom dress him lmao

>> No.14907652

he's just a boomer

leave him alone

>> No.14909011
File: 11 KB, 220x301, David_Hilbert_Vorlesung_1932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Curtis Yarvin Live at the Based Deleuze Release Party in LA
>2h:43 talk / convo.
Starts at 7min:15


And no, I'm not Justin, I just want to talk about this talk

>> No.14909044

Is it like crypto or something?

>> No.14909046
File: 16 KB, 412x434, 1577804623555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14909071

For those who don't know a lot about him (like me), what were his predictions?
Which ones did he get right and which ones did he get wrong?

>> No.14909146

>Based Deleuze


>> No.14909227
File: 1.77 MB, 1280x720, mencious moldbug with his family.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14909248
File: 923 KB, 570x788, 1580710502000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will you interview Megan Boyle, Justin?

>> No.14909276

Didn't he leave urbit?

>> No.14909542

Yes, but he owns a huge chunk of Urbit's addresses.

>> No.14909572

god i fucking hate the way this pseud writes

>> No.14909582

seems fine by me

>> No.14909601

why are nerds allergic to haircuts?

>> No.14909614

long hair has A E S T H E T I C S

short hair are for normies, conformists and people who are afraid of being outside the cattle

>> No.14909667
File: 938 KB, 2838x1304, Screenshot 2020-03-19 at 00.32.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded take. some long hair looks good but for any hair to look good it requires a certain level of maintenance and care. if you think looking good is a normie conformist thing, you're an incel nerd

btw, he doesn't have 'long' hair, he has nerd hair. spotting the difference is pretty simple, see if you can figure it out

>> No.14909700
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb soiboi who thinks having short hair is the pinnacle of attractiveness

do you know that even women prefer that us boys to have long hair, they think that trait is attractive

>> No.14909774
File: 131 KB, 1200x1200, 3e56c3644ec3536ab0e1512a046ad378_xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way to competely miss the point of my post. you're a bit slow so I'll rephrase. long hair can be attractive (whether it is more attractive than short hair is irrelelvant) but there is a difference between attractive long hair (like Brad Pitt's or Matt Mcconaughey's) and overgrown nerd hair, like OPs, pic related and yours


>> No.14909790

Let me guess the one with bad facial aesthetics is the one with the worst haircut.

>> No.14909791

btw you don't look like brad pitt, you are ugly and have unkept greasy hair.

since you're using dumb buzzwords like normie and soiboi, I'm assuming you're an incel which explains why you seem braindead. you're on the wrong board chump

>> No.14909810
File: 54 KB, 1080x1080, 16110762_125153451326227_7609113874347851776_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i look cute when i have long hair tho

>have unkept greasy hair.

this bit is true lol, but i´m not an incel

>> No.14909828

I'm pretty sure you're attributing their nerd factor to the presence of glasses more than the hair

>> No.14909846

go back

>> No.14910003

this particular hairstyle is better and more cared-for than any of the retarded ass hairdos here >>14909667 with the exception of the top left and perhaps the 2nd bottom left

>> No.14910470

>why are social recluses afraid of going to a barber and having to have 30 minutes human interaction where you have to also coherently explain what you want
Gee anon no idea

>> No.14910849

Also peachfuzz stache, mouthbreather expression and fucked up teeth.

>> No.14910857

Have acc trannies ever contributed a single useful thought?

>> No.14910893

Where do I buy the nodes?

>> No.14911700

There's a bunch of places. urbit.live for example

>> No.14911922
