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14904623 No.14904623 [Reply] [Original]

What's the redpilled way to learn mathematics?

I want to learn math, but all math textbooks and teachers online are the most boring pieces of human trash.

I was thinking that maybe I should learn history of math instead and even if is not a proper optimal way of learning math, maybe reading about the development of math and learning how it evolved will give me a more interesting approach to learn math than listening some boomer talk about some dumb shit I don't give a fuck.

I don't care if it would take me longer to learn this way math.

>> No.14904630

Start with Euclid. Be able to prove all the propositions

>> No.14904642
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>I want to learn math
Why? Math is fucking useless. As long as you know basic algebra and arithmetic, you can get by just fine.

>> No.14904645

I need math to code games.

>> No.14904648


For seven years, Paul Lockhart's "A Mathematician's Lament" enjoyed a samizdat-style popularity in the mathematics underground, before demand prompted its 2009 publication to even wider applause and debate. An impassioned critique of K-12 mathematics education, it outlined how we shortchange students by introducing them to math the wrong way. Here Lockhart offers the positive side of the math education story by showing us how math should be done. "Measurement" offers a permanent solution to math phobia by introducing us to mathematics as an artful way of thinking and living.

In conversational prose that conveys his passion for the subject, Lockhart makes mathematics accessible without oversimplifying. He makes no more attempt to hide the challenge of mathematics than he does to shield us from its beautiful intensity. Favoring plain English and pictures over jargon and formulas, he succeeds in making complex ideas about the mathematics of shape and motion intuitive and graspable. His elegant discussion of mathematical reasoning and themes in classical geometry offers proof of his conviction that mathematics illuminates art as much as science.

Lockhart leads us into a universe where beautiful designs and patterns float through our minds and do surprising, miraculous things. As we turn our thoughts to symmetry, circles, cylinders, and cones, we begin to see that almost anyone can do the math in a way that brings emotional and aesthetic rewards. "Measurement" is an invitation to summon curiosity, courage, and creativity in order to experience firsthand the playful excitement of mathematical work."

>> No.14904650

I used to code, and I nearly failed math in high school. You do not need math.

>> No.14904656

yeah, I read his mathematician lament.
I feel the same way as he does.

I need math for gamedev.
specially for things like shaders.

>> No.14904664

You can say that about basically every activity you pinhead. Reading literature is fucking useless. As long as you are able to read at a high school level you can get by just fine.

>> No.14904688

Reading literature is indeed useless; but if we are talking about degrees of uselessness, then math is the most useless, by far.

>> No.14904695

What the fuck is exactly useless in math sir?

>> No.14904711

Foundations of Game Engine Development, Volume 1: Mathematics 1st Edition by Eric Lengyel
Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Third Edition 3rd Edition by Eric Lengyel

>> No.14904713

I have a math degree. You don’t need math to code games lmfao

>> No.14904717

Set theory, calculus, algebra, and anything else taught beyond the math you learn in elementary school.

>> No.14904718

No thanks.

I've tried to learn from modern math books, and is the most trite and boring garbage ever made.

It's like learning literature by focusing 100% on just grammar and punctuation.

I want to learn math, but I hate modern math education.

>> No.14904720

Degrees of uselessness don't exist.

>> No.14904725

t. idiot

>> No.14904735

Set theory => probability and statistics
linear algebra & calc => every science and engineering

I do know you're baiting though, but just in case anyone more innocent reads your comment and believes it

>> No.14904743

>It's like learning literature by focusing 100% on just grammar and punctuation.
why tf do you think they have exercises at the end of every chapter?

>> No.14904748

No nigger, fuck you.

I don't give a fuck about math, if you don't give me the historical context.

fuck you nigger.

>> No.14904753


If you were great at math, you would have already been selected for it during your education.

If you're a high ability ADD bum, idk what to tell you, same thing as being stupid in the end

>> No.14904761

Did I say I wanted to debate the ontology of "degrees of uselessness"? No. So shut the fuck up.

>> No.14904772

this, but ONLY if you are super-very-mega committed towards the idea of "muh rigour mathematics" and/or "wow proof very pretti & ~aesthetic~". ofc these are very important and all, but no one really cares about euclid in modern age much, and the proofs in the latter parts are not as elegant you'd wish

depending on how srsly you want to get into coding, you most likely will not need math, and when you do, you will know what you are lacking and it will be natural to learn.

calculus is very important, what are you talking about? it is the foundation of newton/einstein?

lie algebra is used in modern physics, group theory is used in crypto. wha??

set theory probably, but if we can "properly resolve" questions like the continuum hypothesis then it strongly influences almost everything else in math

>anything else taught beyond the math you learn in elementary school.
stats? pde? probability? at this stage i realized im responding to a troll and i admit defeat

if you are dumm liek mii and can't be bothered to read, try some numberphile (easier, but often trife desu); 3blue1brown (harder, rigorous, nice visuals); or mathologer (inconsistent difficulty but rigour)

but if you want to be serious, you have to read the texts and get used to its "dry format" (lemma - proof - lemma - proof). also keep in mind that most math texts usually cover "too much ground", so read the introduction, and it will likely provide a roadmap that is "internally contained"

A Readable Introduction to Real Mathematics is quite ambitious in scope (though a beginner can pick it up), but if you can read this you already know quite a small bit, enough to call yourself "partially educated in math"

Understanding Analysis is quite amazing but it might be too much for a beginner. that being said, the topic being studied (analysis) is quite intuitive compared to most other fields of math, so working though it will seem more obviously "beautiful" than other fields. good luck!

oh, any first course in linear algebra is usually pretty simple and elegant as well, but probably not as amazing as analysis.

>> No.14904784

my issue is with it being too dry, I find math teachers to be quite boring and unbereable low IQ retards.

>> No.14904787

>Ted Kaczynski
>cites article published in 2000

>> No.14904819

No but you did reveal yourself to be a mouth breathing retard with each post you made kek

>> No.14904867

teachers can be an issue yes, but there is a certain "dryness" inherent in math whose beauty will only be realized when you push hard enough to "break though"; though reading a textbook alone can be very dry indeed

>> No.14905467

Kahnacademy and /sci/ wiki Former Maths booklist

>> No.14905666

>I want to learn math
>Math is boring!
Deal with it. You need to sit down, study, and do the exercises. You can't treat math as if it's literature.

>> No.14906547

You do. That's why it's called 'literature'.

Reading a good math book is interesting, you're getting involved in something. Usually introduces concepts or terms you're not familiar with, and that's how you learn them.

If you learn math this way (not with Khanacademy or anything) you will decentralize the learning of mathematics and make sure that you get all aspects of the different understandings of mathematics.

It's not all current or accepted, much like philosophy.

And if this guy (OP) is genuinely interested in learning about the history of mathematics, then he should. I would suggest Euclid's Elements, Archimedes' On Spheroids, Abu Kamil's Algebra, Leonardo Pisano's Liber Abaci, and many more (ask me if you're interested). :3

>> No.14906573

Well, pick a branch of math that interests you. I love geometry but I am interested in algebra and simultaneous equations. Doesn't have to be something too intense. Just start small.

>> No.14906591

I hated algebra and its branches while I was in school. Teaching myself geometry, especially stereometry, is what spurred me to study mathematics in greater depth. Perhaps you could pick up some old edition of Euclid's Elements or Kiselev?

>> No.14906601

remember that real numbers are a scam

>> No.14906734

>computer graphics don't need maths
>physics enginees don't need maths
>shaders don't need maths
>collision detections don't need maths

>> No.14906842

Then idk try starting off with the Wikipedia article on the history of mathematics and move on from there

>> No.14906972

>I want to learn math but having to work hard makes me :(
You’re hopelessly stupid and should give up now.

>> No.14907399

>analysis is quite intuitive compared to most other fields of math
meh for some reason I feel the complete opposite

>> No.14908318
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No leave him alone, he will sabotage other retards in the process (and that is a good thing).

>> No.14908450

I just sat down with a high school textbook

>> No.14908452
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