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14902840 No.14902840 [Reply] [Original]

Amazon bans sales of 'Mein Kampf' after decades of lobbying from Jewish groups
Amazon has reportedly banned the sale of most editions of Adolf Hitler’s "Mein Kampf" after decades of lobbying from Jewish groups and Holocaust charities.

The tech company informed booksellers in recent days that they would not be permitted to sell a selection of Nazi-authored books within the online store, including Hitler’s autobiography and children’s books that were written to spread anti-Semitic ideas, The Guardian reported Monday.

In an email obtained by The Guardian directed to those selling second-hand copies of "Mein Kampf," Amazon said “they can no longer offer this book” because it breaks its code of conduct.

Several Kindle eBook editions of the Nazi leader's memoir have been removed from the store, as well as his author page. Some foreign language academic editions of Hitler’s work were still available in Amazon’s U.K. bookstore.

Other books that were banned included "The Poisonous Mushroom" and "The Mongrel," both written by Third Reich publisher Julius Streicher, who was later executed for crimes against humanity for managing a Nazi newspaper.

>> No.14902844
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Holocaust charities have pushed for the book’s removal from Amazon since the late 1990s, The Guardian reported, while the company, which was originally a bookstore, usually pointed to free speech and education as reasons to keep selling it. But Amazon has recently has recently — and quietly — removed other Nazi-themed books and memorabilia, The New York Times reported in February.

The Hill has reached out for more details to Amazon, which did not comment to The Guardian directly on the "Mein Kampf" ban.

“As a bookseller, we provide customers with access to a variety of viewpoints, including titles that serve an important educational role in understanding and preventing antisemitism,” a spokesperson told the news outlet. “All retailers make decisions about what selection they choose to offer and we do not take selection decisions lightly.”

>> No.14902876

Why you would buy Mein Kamph when it's freely available online? Why does any of this matter?

>> No.14902905

How I spend my shekels is my business, Moishe

>> No.14902939

Good, when they get rid of all of them they should put Counter-Currents to rest.

>> No.14903001

Let's be honest here - these "charities" and other humbug under the veil of anything that claims to be benevolent and "anti-hate" are really the enforcers of their own political will. They are masqueraders of the highest order when it comes to these things, and no-one can do anything about it. They rely solely on benevolence and naivety. Who's decision was this - the people's, customer's, or that of this political organisation?
Who controls what you get to see on the internet? A strange cluster of organisations that profess humanism and love for their own, but in actuality serve to enforce their own political goals, and the fools buy it. Look at YouTube. Whence comes the mind-boggling amount of censorship over there? Of course, it is these same organisations that profess the love of all in the world and in return only take from it under the guise of moral integrity, and scope of their criteria is certainly up to scrutiny even by the ignorant.
I wonder by what means a company such as Amazon was made to bend the knee on taking down the works.
When it came to Degrelle, his work was almost completely destroyed by infiltration of the publishing company, to the lack of his knowledge then. After this, and after the attempts beforehand with these underhand practices, he was lead to suffering a stroke, rather than a death a result of Mossad agents with fake identities who were to assassinate him, nor machine guns fired at him by communists.

>> No.14903006

i can still find mein kampf on amazon, but not his second book. Now we're going to see a bunch of alt-right book publishing sites like arkatos start selling and profiting off of them. Such a better outcome /s/

>> No.14903943

already got my copy from amazon years ago

>> No.14903972

What truths are the Jews trying to hide?

>> No.14904179


arktos likes jews though...they've never published anything anti-semitic

>> No.14904246
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Why would I buy the milk when I can get the cow?

>> No.14904256

Even as a Jew this seems weird. Mein kampf is pretty terrible, let neonazis be disillusioned by it.

>> No.14904270

that the previous hall of cost was/is a grand fabrication
but dont worry anon the next one will be very real.

>> No.14904349

I want to support the author

>> No.14904382

Well nothing is shipping from Amazon right now except medical supplies. Your worries are invalid.

>> No.14904415
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I want to see it at the top of the Jew York Times best-sellers list

>> No.14904428
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Typical Jews doing what they do best. Not really surprising at this point desu.

>> No.14904454

>NGOs and nonprofits are political machines

>> No.14904481

Even more agitprop to divert the attention of the American underclasses from noticing their rapidly disintegrating infrastructure.

>> No.14904487
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>> No.14904499

In this case we can't tolerate communism, which is intolerant towards capitalists. We can't tolerate 'white privilege' studies either because they are intolerant towards white people.

You aren't allowed to defend your contention that either of these groups deserves to be criticized because if we gave you a platform to speak we would be guilty of allowing intolerance to spread.

>> No.14904503


>Karl Popper
>Literally George Soros' mentor


>> No.14904514


>Julius Streicher, who was later executed for managing a newspaper.

Really makes you think about who the bad guys really were.

>> No.14904526

This. Popper is biased towards the capitalist class and was even a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.

>> No.14904534

>biased towards the capitalist class

there is quite literally nothing wrong about this

>> No.14904539

>calls it a paradox
>does not solve it

>> No.14904543

only degenerates read books on a screen.

>> No.14904558

we're going to have to ban you for spreading intolerance.

>> No.14904822

Imagine one day all history and memory of Hitler and the Nazis is gone, buried beneath layers of censorship, propaganda, and re-written history. No one knows who Hitler or the Nazis were, what they believed, what they did, or what they wanted. Only that they were BAD and EVIL. If you do something disagreeable, you're like Hitler, even if all these theoretical Hitlers were doing entirely contradictory things. They just become terms for vaguely bad or disagreeable thoughts and actions, with no idea as to why they are that way.

>> No.14904838
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ford was a massive kike (in spirit).

>> No.14904850

thats not a paradox, its a logical inconsistency. what a hack.

>> No.14905530

>Other books that were banned included ...
Those were translated into English?

>> No.14905545

>hildren’s books that were written to spread anti-Semitic ideas
Like what?? I need the titles.

>> No.14905548

They publish Evola, and yeah he isn't as anti-Jewish as Hitler he still thinks the Jewish spirit is below the Aryan spirit.

>> No.14906696

Henry Ford has done more damage to society than any Jew. Fuck cars.

>> No.14907012


>> No.14907062
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>who was later executed for crimes against humanity for managing a Nazi newspaper
>managing a newspaper
>crimes against humanity

>> No.14907107

This. Roads are the veins through which the poison of modern degeneracy spreads to circulate a nation.

>> No.14907123

Lets round 'em up boys.
CNN, NBC, and and the New York Times won't lynch themselves.

>> No.14908618

How fucking dumb. No one in the 21st century is going to become an antisemite from reading Mein Kampf. All this does is play into the neo-nazi narrative of jews trying to suppress the truth or whatever.

>> No.14908635

This. Self-sabotaging retardation.

>> No.14908640

Isn't the first group intolerant towards the second, this makes no sense at all.

>> No.14908646

History has shown that "banning" books just makes people more likely to want to read them

>> No.14908681

that isn't anti-semitic, it's hierarchical, just as Nature is

>> No.14908699

and it plays into the progressive narrative of all their opponents being mid-20th century fossils

>> No.14908718

Time to put on the conspiracy hat.

Maybe all those Jewish charities are actually white nationalist psy-ops made to make the Jews look even worse! the amount of actual aid they give tailored to be as little as possible.

I have a hard time thinking they would actively do this.

>> No.14909184

Jews do suppress the truth. Adolf Hitler is the most lied about man in history, with the exception, possibly, of Jesus Christ.

>> No.14909222

Ford didn’t build McDonald’s the man was just trying to make cars. Not all business’s man bad

>> No.14909234

So you’re saying jewish carries are actually /ourguys/ ??? fucking based

>> No.14909247
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Henry Ford was the antithesis of a kike, in both action and spirit. A truly great American.

>> No.14909285

Never really wanted a copy but shit like this defintely does though

>> No.14909480
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I was about to buy the recently translated dual English-German version last month. What a disgrace. Now I want to read it even more.

>> No.14910010

y;all remember that amazon is not the only bookseller in the world right

>> No.14910242

If the Jews can bully somebody like Bezos around what hope do small independent National socialists have?

>> No.14910259
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>What do you mean you want to make up your own mind about what he wrote, goyim? That's not allowed!
>All this does is play into the neo-nazi narrative of jews trying to suppress the truth or whatever.
Yeah, well, they are correct. You don't have to be national socialist to see that, just an honest non-jew.