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14900487 No.14900487 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best book publisher and why is it Oxford University Press?

>> No.14900493

Their version of Paradise Lost is a JOKE. Penguin all the way.

>> No.14900657

Cambridge* University Press

>> No.14900696


>> No.14900723


>> No.14900756


>> No.14900786

Hackett has never let me down

>> No.14901807

Based and open-access pilled.

>> No.14901863

The content is generally good but the quality of printing with Oxford is pretty bad

>> No.14901896

For paperback classics: Penguin Classics >= Oxfords World's Classics > Barnes & Noble Classics (B&N wins in price though)

GOAT: penguin classics from the 80s and 90s with orange pages.

>> No.14901910

Oxford University Press publishes controversial stuff by writers I like so that’s why.

>> No.14901926

Inner City Books

>> No.14901999

Which books would you recommend?

>> No.14902519
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Call me a hipster if you want but I love NYRB Classics

>> No.14902916

In the case of Paradise Lost, the content is also bad. They modernized the text and they fucked up Milton's meter.

>> No.14902995

As a guy who reads mostly obscure history and political philosophy books, Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford, Harvard, and Berkeley university press are my best friends. Best thing is that that if they are published by these the stanford and Berkeley library would have it available to be checked out and my mom buys me a year long pass for those libraries every Christmas. If I can't torrent it online I just check it out in person. These books are being sold for $100+ on amazon it's retarded

>> No.14903012

Oxford has those ''''modernised'''' Shakespeare plays with the atrocious covers, so no. Vintage or Collins for me.

>> No.14903040
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These ones?

>> No.14903077

Oxford World’s Classics has good versions of a lot of mythology related material

>> No.14903488

That people call you a hipster is part of the allure of this publisher, and you relish in it.

>> No.14903583
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This, but specifically the Clarendon Press and 21st century Oxford Authors. Anyone looking forward to the paperback Swinburne?

>> No.14903603

Anyone who thinks of Oxford World's Classics when they think of OUP is a certified pleb.

>> No.14903757

what is wrong with these people?

>> No.14904742

I hope you aren't talking about Oxford world classics

>> No.14904759

ummm sweaty none of those finna publish loeb and they say they best??? baka

>> No.14904783

This desu. Cambridge's history of political thought series is great, Stanford is always excellent for sociology/social philosophy, and Yale has a series called 'rethinking the western tradition' which is also very good. MIT press can be hit or miss though.

>> No.14904785

It's certainly a part of it and probably their most well-known brand. If they can't get the simple things right, how can we trust they get the complex ones right?

>> No.14904792

For got to add University of California for sociology too.

>> No.14904802

>It's certainly a part of it and probably their most well-known brand.
We're talking about academic trade paperbacks and hardbacks, kiddo.

>> No.14904853

1) Oxford University Press
2) Cambridge University Press
3) W. W. Norton
4) Routledge
5) Princeton University Press
6) Wiley / Blackwell
7) University of Chicago Press
8) Hackett Publishing
9) Harvard University Press
10) MIT Press

>> No.14904908

For Philosophy books, here is the objective ranking:

1. Oxford University Press
2. Cambridge University Press
3. Harvard University Press
4. Routledge
5. Princeton University Press
6. MIT Press
7. Wiley-Blackwell
8. University of Chicago Press
9. Hackett Publishing
10. Yale University Press

>> No.14905420

>Routledge, MIT , Wiley-Blackwell, and Hackett above University of California Press for philosophy
Lmao what? MIT??!!?? Blackwell??
Found the anglo analytic cuck

>> No.14905433

t. clueless moron

University of California Press is a non-entity in philosophy.

>> No.14905514

>Non entity in philosophy
Wiley and Hackett is textbook shit and Routledge doesn't count because their work is usually dual published with the university the authors are actually located in. MIT has high output but most of it is worthless trash trying to separate themselves from the dominant stem department and you can get 10x the value from reading directly from there. They are riding high on the name with the guise as being the forefront of philosophy because of their close relationship with the world class stem research, in other words, analytic bullshit. If you want to know what philosophy is being soaked in by people who actually do shit in the United States and not jack themselves off by producing work nobody reads or needs it's Stanford and uc california press for technocrats and the east coast ivys for the politicians. The only thing people want out of mit are stemfags. Actual physical proximity is extremely important in dictating the academic culture and whats being put out

>> No.14905520

Literally the first page that pops up on google you just copied. I knew it.

>> No.14905812

>it's Stanford and uc california press for technocrats and the east coast ivys for the politicians
What on earth are you blathering about?

>> No.14905818

In other words, what I said is provable correct and not something I just pulled out of my ass. You're welcome.

>> No.14906435
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Everychad's Library

>> No.14907586
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Library of America are pure kino

>> No.14909167
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for me, it's pléiade

>> No.14909182
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belles lettres for greco roman