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/lit/ - Literature

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14895250 No.14895250 [Reply] [Original]

Every single one of you posting on this board is a pretentious fucking pseudointellectual, reading philosophy and whatnot to stand out from the rest of society and be a special little snowflake. Hey here’s an idea. Maybe, just maybe you could go outside and take a hike? Throw a football around? Fuck someone? ( you probably haven’t even spoken to a girl since elementary school) stop being a fucking “book” work and be a man. Reading is for literal faggots and teehee I’m special type girls. Disgusting

>> No.14895258


>> No.14895265

yea bro let me just be a normie and not have any knowledge about anything bro. Haha ooooo look at the ball flying through the air.

>> No.14895269

Nice bait

>> No.14895360

Holy... I want more

>> No.14895371
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>Stop being a pseud
Make me nigga

>> No.14895376
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>he doesn't realize there is a balance between pursuing knowledge and other social activities.

>> No.14895382

fuck, you don't even need to leave, just pull your head out of your fucking ass and read something because it's actually enjoyable. Stop being joyless circle-jerking cunts and actually appreciate the actual power of literature.

>> No.14895387

literally baiting
you are at the same fucking level that the frogposters (god bless them), the >books for this feeling and the >is X it any good

>> No.14895407
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Yeah? Well I've got a bigger dick then you. Not literally, but in twenty or thirty years your dick won't matter, your brain will. And I'm cultivating that son of a bitch right now to the point that you have no chance, your future self has not chance, of ever catching up to me. I'm going to be dancing circles around you and you'll be left talking about how your dick used to be so good.

To be clear, in twenty or thirty years my penis and your penis will not matter. What will matter is how we have developed our brains. I am working on that and it sounds like I will have a full two decade head start by the time the penis-to-brain crossover occurs.

I bet you don't even have any toilet paper or rice, fuckin idiot. Prep is my game. Don't fuck without it.

>> No.14895506

Reading fun doe dawg. I wanna be educated

>> No.14895518

>To stand out from society
Speak for yourself, faggot

>> No.14895530

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid.

>> No.14895534
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>stop being elite intellectuals, it hurts my brainlet feelings

>> No.14895965
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Nice. I'm hoarding buckwheat myself.

>> No.14896211

who the fuck is standing outside my house yelling "stop being a pseud"
show yourself, coward
i will never stop being a pseud

>> No.14896262

being a pseud is based.
ps. I do most of my reading while hiking, and I've had several girlfriends.