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/lit/ - Literature

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14892361 No.14892361 [Reply] [Original]

This is torture.

>> No.14892369

no, it's Metaphysics by Aristotle.

>> No.14892393

imagine the person who had to translate it

>> No.14892446

You can tell philosophy is a subject for midwits from the original text being preferred instead of a modern textbook. No one reads Newton's Principia or even Darwin's Origin they read a recent textbook to learn calculus or evolution since the sciences don't have a fetish for a specific author over the idea. That's something philosophy shares with literature

>> No.14892471

The nature of the subject matter doesn't allow for the same formulaic precision as the sciences have. That doesn't detract from the value of the undertaking and if you would bother to read instead of just the book coers, you would know this.

>> No.14892481
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Reading it in my native language
>pic related


>> No.14892493

This doesn't even make any sense. If the sciences could be expressed with "formulaic precision" you wouldn't need modern textbooks since they would be same thing as the original texts. The sciences and especially math have a real truth behind them that allows multiple ways of explanation of the same thing. Any explanation of Aristotle loses something because most of what he's saying is bound up in his specific viewpoint

>> No.14892537

>STEMfag can't read
Color me suprised

>> No.14893209
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But am I doing it wrong bros? Would the pain be ameliorated if I read other works first? Secondary lit? Dry prose is no problem for me, really not, but I've never had such trouble extracting the essence from a text as now.

>> No.14893808

read Werner Jaeger

>> No.14893813

sorry if the literal peak of human intellectual achievement isn't easy enough for you to understand