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/lit/ - Literature

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14891849 No.14891849 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of getting into Stephen King novels. Where's the best place to start?

>> No.14891901

the trash can

>> No.14891929

Harry Potter.

>> No.14891956

I completed my training a long time ago. I'm ready for the real deal.

>> No.14891960

The Long Walk
Fire Starter
Running Man

>> No.14891970

read his old stuff
>Pet Semetary
>The Shining
>Salem's Lot
If none of those do anything for you, abandon ship.

>> No.14892001

>real deal

>> No.14892005

Stephen King. Stephanie Queen.

>> No.14892009

bachman books

>> No.14892023

Collected Tweets

>> No.14892053

The Long Walk
The Stand
Pet Semetary

>> No.14892064

best place to start is with none of them King is shit

>> No.14892472

Desperation is a good one.

Along with Salem's Lot.

>> No.14892475

Holy based...

>> No.14892642

Avoid books he wrote last half of 1980's those are his worst as he was a cokehead then.

>> No.14892654

The Mist is okay as a watered down Lovecraft novella

>> No.14892665

The Green Mile for a sad read; The Long Walk for a disturbing, uncomfortable read.

>> No.14892735


>> No.14892750
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>> No.14892867

The Stand.

>> No.14892906

Wouldn't coke make his books better?

>> No.14893005

It wasn't just coke, he was basically a walking pharmacy.

>> No.14893722

He is interesting to read if you want to see how bad popular writing can really get. But don’t waste too much time on it

>> No.14893739 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14893741

>the long walk
one of my favourites, has a great sense of weird dread that creeps up until that kid gets his foot ran over and crushed, then tries to keep running on it

>> No.14893747

Thinner is his only good story

>> No.14893748

Probably some town in New England. Although, he rarely draws on reality.

I suppose if you were some kind of inter dimensional being and not a human that would help.

Shame on you for being a human you loser.

>> No.14894274

Try his short story collections.

>> No.14894459

no they were awful

>> No.14894476

He is good describing obsession and destructive vices that doom the characters in a fateful way that was unavoidable from the start
That's his main appeal for me, and also the circular prose he employs so he keeps bringing those vices and ticks and thoughts thought the story to haunt the characters and (you)

>> No.14895386

the haunted trash can

>> No.14895577

>writes himself in to a corner
>"better make the kids have sex"
King confirmed pedo

>> No.14895599

I'd say Pizzagate proved that your track record for "confirming" pedos hasn't been that great.

>> No.14895601

>hasn't even heard of NXIVM
uh oh

>> No.14895610

I don't care about your Q bullshit.

>> No.14895617

>Allison Christin Mack (born July 29, 1982) is an American actress, known for her roles as Chloe Sullivan on the WB/CW series Smallville and as Amanda on the FX series Wilfred. She was arrested in Brooklyn by the FBI on April 20, 2018, on charges of sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, and forced labor conspiracy in relation to her role in the NXIVM organization. Mack pleaded guilty to racketeering charges in April 2019, and is awaiting sentencing.
Oh no no no

>> No.14895626

I'm not going to read that because you just used the "Oh no no no" meme. I don't talk to meme-spouting brainlets, especially on /lit/.

>> No.14895632


>> No.14895635
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>I'm not going to read that
You already read it, the cognitive dissonance must be painful though. Why haven't you heard about this you wonder, what else haven't you heard about? Why?

Welcome to the redpill :^)

>> No.14895673

I don't read greentext unless the blacktext isn't meme-spouting bullshit, and yours wasn't. I see you're just firing off more buzzwords now and hoping one sticks. I can see this board is a little too smart for you.

>> No.14895691

>Q bullshit
>you're just firing off more buzzwords now and hoping one sticks
the ironing

>> No.14895695


>> No.14895701

I'm done reading your posts.

>> No.14895702

No you're not

>> No.14895708
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that girl from smallville was really arrested for child sex trafficking, it was right here in my city (vancouver) for some cult thing

>> No.14895728

Celebs are the first to get the "friendly hello" on the day of "tidying."

>> No.14895733


>> No.14895744


>> No.14895754

imo in this order-ish
good intro. Not too long, so you can decide if you like his writing style.
same thing. Gives you a good insight into how he describes characters and their thoughts, which is a huge part of the uniqueness of his writing
Assuming you like those:
Just a classic. Arguably his magnum opus. Fantastic book about how your childhood really defines you and the power of nostalgia over a person.
>The Stand
Relevant today. Also arguably his magnum opus. Lots of people shit on the ending but I really liked it. It has a ton of memorable moments and engrosses you into each character.
After that, it's your choice. Personally I'd recommend 11/22/63 if you like alternate history (although desu 11/22/63 isnt really about alternate history as much as you may think). Also, it's written in first person, which is kind of weird. Still super good
>Eyes of the Dragon
If you want a short medieval story completely separated from every other story (although it does involve Randall Flagg) and written in a different way, try this out. I'd say it's underrated but eh, King's written a ton of great stuff.

>> No.14895768

nightmares and dreamscapes, night shift
both have some really entertaining stuff

>> No.14895933

He seems to write about night a lot.

>> No.14896029

He's a rural guy with a humble upbringing who pulled himself up by his bootstraps and made his own money instead of inheriting it from someone. It's honestly odd that there's so much hate for him.

>> No.14896069

was about to recommend these, especially the long walk. his richard bachman works are his best from a literary perspective.

>> No.14896079

people here hate genre fiction. it's taboo here to think that it can be enjoyable or even readable. obviously it's pretentious if not usually true.

>> No.14896131

They think they can only enjoy "highly intellectual" literature if they wanna be intelligent, for some indiscernible most likely retarded reason.

>> No.14896176

Funniest thing about it is that none of them have actually read such literature. They just sit on /lit/ pretending they have.

>> No.14896790


>> No.14896811

king makes me cringe for real

>> No.14896827

Stephen Cring

>> No.14897041


>> No.14897278

The Dropkick Murphys say they will be playing a full concert that will be livestreamed free on St. Patrick's Day.

>> No.14897284


Perhaps the most kino interview of all time. I cannot think of a single author that pisses off /lit/ more than these two, and here they are together.