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14891676 No.14891676 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is Extremely Online nihilist zoomer shit, with a lot of ideas directly ripped from 4chan memes, but I can't stop reading it for some reason

>> No.14891695

I stopped reading about a third in. It's just kinda gay/emo/tryhard.
He sounds like someone with daddy issues.

>> No.14891720

I am convinced that these threads are the author shilling his own book. there's one every week. fuck off retard. saged and reported

>> No.14891764

nah its based

>> No.14891883

I’m waiting for the libgen upload although I do plan to physically buy more of these books since these books will be the tidal wave of the new school of thought

>> No.14891890

i literally cannot conceive of the concept of buying a book like this. it would imply on some level that you thought it had more worth than the thousands of classics available for free download

>> No.14891898


the overall design of the book is great, the front back, font, spine etc, looks great on the shelf

>> No.14891937

this sort of book is the exact same shit /lit/ always gets butthurt about re: darkies, wammin, etc, only this target market is twitter incels with tyler durden avis. it’s a fashion statement for guys who want to signal loud and clear that they jerk off to doric columns and definitely can’t talk girls

case in point >>14891898

>> No.14891953

You know I have never seen a single criticism of the character of Tyler Dryden that has made any sense. The whole “you missed the point if you identified with him”criticism honestly just seems to be coming from a place of jealousy and resentment

>> No.14891957

mid wit dog shit

>> No.14891964

Tyler Durden is a bit of a retard. His plan for rebellion includes no actual path for something better. Ironically the people who criticize Fight Club most are modern '''leftists''' who are really just progressive retards who are conditioned to hate anything vaguely masculine, and themselves have some absolutely incoherent mix of socialist and liberal concepts they hope will some day bring about some fucking meme world of equality. They are basically fine with Durdenesque terrorism and edginess if it's a black tranny commie doing it.

>> No.14892076
File: 41 KB, 330x499, D6C9EF02-D71C-43AB-B1ED-6D481C48D3D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad it’s swiped from a RAW book it could never compete with

>> No.14892157

already available in pdf


>> No.14892184

>I'm listening to Wagner's Tannhäuser with the windows down,
mostly because I want the people at this red light to think I'm a
cultured guy. A girl of about eighteen, probably soon graduating
high school, pulls up on my left. She's trying desperately to avoid
eye contact and undeniably scared by the atmosphere I've crafted
along this ride. I'm broadcasting this kind of unhinged but handsome
white male wavelength. A kind of manic superbreakdown in
waiting. Hidden behind knock-off Ray-Bans are two tired, bloodshot
eyes. They sting as if this world was a chlorinated pool, and so I'm
made to hide them. She keeps pivoting her head more and more in
the opposite direction until I call her "bitch" at my loudest. Now
she's just nervous-angry. As for me? I look good today, so naturally
the consequence of certain actions is reduced by half or more.

you cannot be fucking serious

>> No.14892200

it's ironic

>> No.14892204

it's garbage as irony or sincerely, neither is remotely interesting

>> No.14892208

in fact, it is facetious

>> No.14892220

it's cringe tryhard bullshit