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14889471 No.14889471 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys have any book recommendations for getting to understand "the spirit" of our time better? Specifically, books that would give insight as to the nature of contemporary Western socio-cultural climate. Something along the lines of Zygmunt Bauman, David Riessman, Anthony Giddens and Robin van der Akker & Timotheus Vermeulen just to paint a picture of what I had in mind.

>> No.14889647
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I'd be interested too. Music seems to be a lot more depressing, sad, and overall emotional. People joke about suicide all the time. Travel isn't very exciting to anybody I know. Technology doesn't really seem to be improving.

>> No.14889727
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>Technology doesn't really seem to be improving.
I wouldn't go that far, but when it comes to
>Music seems to be a lot more depressing, sad, and overall emotional. People joke about suicide all the time.
I totally agree with you. Then there has been some discussion on the younger generations being more depressed than any other generation thus far and of how popular fashion isn't going anywhere, but I really don't have anything substantial to back these views up, so I hope someone here might know some literature on the subject to educate myself.

>> No.14889757
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Started reading this gem today. It was written before 9/11, which if anything changes the tone from grim despair to genuine jubilation, for it is apparent now that our crap, science worshipping, satanic, civilization is doomed.

>> No.14889802

I noticed you posted an anime image! The following might provide some insight into your disorder!

>The theory of trans-anime. Its one of the damaging combinations of anime fandom and failed male actualization. These men, often quite autistic end up getting no attention or acceptance at all from mainstream society. This is much worse for men because without the default minimum respect that women get there really is no bottom of lack of respect or notice. So here is where this weird shit comes in. The thing about women is that because of their biological nature, and position as reproductive bottlenecks of society, they will always have a certain level of value and furthermore can be loved and adored to an extreme degree just for being cute but actually doing nothing else. This makes failed men very jealous, because society and people will never value them if they are not able to actualize themselves as men which is a much more active process. They then begin to watch hundreds of hours of these anime's with these extremely cute little girls who exude immense amounts of spontaneous and effortless charisma to them and it becomes attractive. Add to this the fact that due to their autistic levels of social intuition, the normal intuition that they would never actually be able to accomplish this identity in their weird looking body fails to arrive and instead they latch on to this specific declarative statement about "trans women are women" when normal people would know better. Anyway the point is, if you think about it, the way that women are accepted and valued for aspects of being rather than aspects of doing like men, exemplified in the charisma of the genre of cute girl anime presents the perfect solution to all the problems faced by these men if only you can be autistic enough to think its possible to become one. Then tell me, is it not true that most of these trannies have anime girl avatars on twitter? The connection is impossible not to see when pointed out.

>> No.14891088

thank you

>> No.14891112
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for me, its kill all normies by Angela Nagel