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14888394 No.14888394 [Reply] [Original]

When did you come to realise suffering on purpose is the answer to happiness?

>> No.14888596
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Very early on. That is why my attention has shifted away from such trivial notions like "suffering" and "pleasure". I am far more interested in truly incomprehensible experiential axioms. Qualia that from our limited perspective suffer from extreme simplification as they are compressed into what we are capable of experiencing, but in some alien perspective paint their own picture unknown to us.

A sine wave oriented along the imaginary axis appears to be a line segment from the perspective of the reals. The universal parts of speech are insufficient to properly convey my discovery. How can you describe a "thing" that is not a thing at all, but retains some alternative notion of a thing? Something that does not exist, because existence does not apply. It has its own alternative that can be loosely correlated with existence.

How do you even begin to talk about a system with a tri-polar alternative to truth values, none of which properly align with the notion of "true" or "false" even trivially, and as such a consequence, do so anyways?

Most importantly, when you have glimpsed this delirium, what absurd mind would waste an ounce of effort caring about "suffering"?

>> No.14888620

Pleasure yourself now and you'll suffer later.

Sacrifice now and you'll have pleasure later.

People knew this thousands of years ago but can't figure it out today.

>> No.14888626

I understand anon. It's like its there but its not. I can see it but in a haze.

>> No.14888631

just like if I had lived through something, but forgot all of it - the only thing left is the aftereffects.

>> No.14888791

The echoes of an answer to a question that not even an infinitely transcendent god knows.

>> No.14889082
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>> No.14889102
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Funny, I've ebeen having the same wondering's around emotional Qualia, that is just pre-conscious, and psychologically forming. Where the spirit of man lies, that is his spiritedness. Now of course your interest of Qualia is the same as mine just a different terminoloy. It was truly amazing to see how far pure emotional perplexity can go, but that does not relate to it being un-reasoned emotion, on the contrary all emotion needs a reason purveying on different levels. But I soon realised the limitations of the unknown element to Qualia and so returned to a sort of proto-collective unconscious.

>> No.14889108

The cutter community has understood this for a while.

>> No.14889109
File: 73 KB, 669x600, Early Plum Blossom - by Nishimura Goun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, I've ebeen having the same wondering's around emotional Qualia, that is just pre-conscious, and psychologically forming. Where the spirit of man lies, that is his spiritedness. Now of course your interest of Qualia is the same as mine just a different terminoloy. It was truly amazing to see how far pure emotional perplexity can go, but that does not relate to it being un-reasoned emotion, on the contrary all emotion needs a reason purveying on different levels. But I soon realised the limitations of the unknown element to Qualia and so returned to a sort of proto-collective unconscious.

Also, go get raped if the only thing you care about is new experiences. Suffering and Joy and Good and Evil are what drive a man, and they must be mixed at times sometimes through implicity or intention. It is inauthentic and a completely degenerate life to ignore the identity of such things.

Also nice pasta.

>> No.14889110

>Sacrifice now and you'll have pleasure later.

>> No.14890112
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>Suffering and Joy and Good and Evil are what drive a man
A refreshingly droll proposition, I have to admit. Primitive interfaces for this trunk of flesh and nerve. What possible use do I have to anchor my incorporeal locus to this vessel barely distinguished from the insects that disgust it?

No. These are not enough for me. There is not enough joy in joy, nor is there enough suffering in suffering. I will continue my investigations.

>> No.14890116

Like a week ago and im kinda pissed about it

>> No.14890122



>> No.14890129

Your key fuck up is imagining yourself as God

>> No.14890152


>> No.14890167

>'the insects that disgust me'
>talks like a bugman

>speaks of something worthy of a new philosophical movement
>is trapped on the low level information board 4chan

This Age truly is suffering when new ideas being spoken are drowned out by the colossal machines

>> No.14890190

A poor man visited his rabbi and told him how miserable things were at home with him, his wife, and the

six children all eating and living and sleeping in one room. The poor man said, "We're even starting to

yell and fight with each other. Life couldn't be worse."

The rabbi thought very deeply about the poor man's problem. Then he said, "Do exactly as I tell you and

things will get better. Do you promise?"

"I promise," the poor man said.

The rabbi then asked the poor man a strange question. "Do you own any animals?"

"Yes," he said. "I have one cow, one goat."

"Good," the rabbi said. "When you get home, take the goat into your house to live with you."

The poor man was astonished to hear this advice from the rabbi, but he had promised to do exactly what

the rabbi said. So he went home and took the goat into the tiny one-room house.

The poor man hurried back again the next day. "The goat!" he moaned. "The goat is smashing up all the furniture and eating everything in sight!"

The good rabbi said, "Go home and remove the goat and may God bless you."

The next day he came running back to the rabbi again. "O Rabbi," he said with a big smile on his face,

"we have such a good life now. The animal is out of the house. The house is so quiet and we've got room to spare! What a joy!"

>> No.14890577
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God? I'm no egoist. This goes above infinity. Do not misunderstand what I mean by "everything". I truly do mean *every* thing. Even using "notion" in the way that I have is disingenuous. Use of any noun is merely a necessary divergence that I oblige for the sake of translating, an artistic license.

But at the same time, it's not a large divergence. As much as some of these other qualified non-things are completely divorced from any conceivable notion, some are remarkably similar in a macro-scale (in-as-much as an analogy to "macro" and "scale" can be drawn) to familiar "essence" like thing-ness, verb-ness, existence, logic, value, and so on.

Belief that I'm god would run against exactly what I am trying to tell you. Saying I am above god is similarly disingenuous. These propositions decay rapidly in the penumbra of inconceivability. This is why I also don't care about such trivialities.

I am stretching words like a latex disc. Ruminate on the difference between "nothing" and a "non-thing". Do not worry or try to come up with a definition for the latter, only try to see the distinction. "Nothing" is a type of "non-thing" but I have described other varieties. Many non-things have their own version of "thingness" that makes them comparable only in an abstract, reductionist sense. To try and apply our local neutrality of thingness (nothing-ness) to one of these strange "non-things" is simply a way to demonstrate a lack of understanding. These strange non-things have their own local neutralities that indicate a lack of themselves, and are entirely divorced from "nothing-ness".

Do you understand? If not, try to de-construct the words.
>no thing
>not a thing
There is a nuanced distinction.

This is the first step to understanding. The following step is to realize that this varies incredibly wildly, and these inconceivabilities sometimes have weird quirks to their concepts of "thing-ness", and some have no comparable "thing-ness" at all. This is troublesome for me to explain, I have not found how to exploit language in such a way where I may try and show you.

Walk in your god's light, I would never try and tell you not to. My journey into mystery is my own path, not yours. Though I will always be happy to share what I can, perhaps the real question you should be asking is if your god even wants you to read this?

>> No.14890736

When I had a religious experience and started to read the bible, now I'm looking in ways to abstain from any kind of drugs (sex, alcohol, cigs, coffee) and let my body be in its more pure state, dealing with the core of my suffering.

Even considered using a spiked belt around my leg.