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/lit/ - Literature

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14885817 No.14885817 [Reply] [Original]

Culturally, what caused reading to become a feminine hobby in modern times?

>> No.14885818

Reading novels has always been a feminine hobby

>> No.14885821

Reading is sitting on your ass doing nothing that threatens anyone for long periods of time. As effeminate as it gets

>> No.14885822

Your own misunderstandings.
Go read something

>> No.14885823

This. Men are too busy achieving greatness, so women and children read about their deeds

>> No.14885825

reading isn't a female hobby anon and most women don't care about reading anyways. Besides, women who say they "read" don't read anything other than shitty self help books and y/a romance fiction

>> No.14885833

Public School English being a predominately female field.

>> No.14885835

Objectively incorrect. Outside of dense history books women outread men in just about everything.

>> No.14885846
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This but modern day

>> No.14885847

You're delusional if you honestly think men are reading more. Go to literally any bookstore and count the men and women. I would bet my house that women outnumber the men tenfold

>> No.14885858

Reading was pretty much always considered feminine, the domain of women and priests (half-women). Men have traditionally seen their domain as the sphere of action and so would memorise and recite poems, songs and folk-stories. The campfire story, the bard, the skald, and eventually theatre where were men transmitted much of their heritage to one another.

Reading was probably at its most masculine in the late 19th and early 20th century where mass literacy gave rise to pulp fiction. Penny dreadful adventure stories in the late Victorian and Edwardian era, then things like detective fiction and Conan the barbarian. Boxing fiction was huge during the depression, the biggest selling genre out of all the pulps at the time, but is now mostly forgotten. Then cinema and TV came along and the blue collar Joe who was happy to read a few paragraphs about pirate adventure every odd day now had an affordable return to recitation and action/performance through TV and Cinema.

>> No.14885862

>outread men in just about everything
The only thing women outread men in are idiotic soap novels and cooking manuals.

>> No.14885865


>> No.14885866

when was the last time you made a post that was longer than a tweet?

>> No.14885898

>teenage girls enticed by the hormonal intrigue of YA fiction, middle-aged women who are homemakers, elderly women who are retired
They all have plenty of time on their hands. The idea of reading, along with the poseur aesthetic of enjoying a book, are appealing "adornments" for their mental and social lives. Fiction is especially appealing because it features intrigue that is emotionally compelling. If it's particularly chilling or salacious fiction, the act of reading becomes a sensory experience which the average woman finds more stimulating than the average man. Also, because education and the humanities are so intimately related (being an educator means you have to at least try to acclimate students to humanities stuff), and because most teachers are women, women in pedagogical fields --primary/secondary ed, special ed, library science, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, (~)social work -- are required to read more, and become more intimately acquainted with the 'belle lettres' style and focus of liberal-progressive apparats. All of this contributes to the perception that reading is a feminine hobby in today's world.

>> No.14885990

I'm speaking from my general experiences with girls.

as a femanon, I agree that women generally have more time to read and have more time in their hands, but for the majority of the girls I talk to on a daily basis couldn't care less about reading- in fact, I knew a group of girls in my high school that constantly bragged about how they didn't read books. Girls put way too much importance on their social lives, drama, social media and appearance.. how the hell would you expect one to want to sit down and read a book in the first place?

>> No.14886013

'Reading' is not a feminine hobby outside your little victimization bubble

>> No.14886020

he's means fiction reading, projectionist

>> No.14886028

Then to answer the question in light of your response, reading fiction is a feminine hobby because it is inherently weak and devoid of the necessity for truly critical thought.

>> No.14886102


>> No.14886167
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Better format would be
"So you're saying that without any sources to back up your claims?"
the "no" meme is inherently less funny and shows a lack of creativity on the author's part

>> No.14886192

name one (1) hobby that isn't feminine

>> No.14886214

cook books don't count anon they are basically picture books

>> No.14886383

Edith Wharton's short story Xingu, which treats the worst kind of women readers of her time, demonstrates that not much has changed for those with sufficient leisure to read, but insufficient intellect for it. As for the women in my family, the two with careers have had their time and energies completely emptied out by the relentless grind of middle-management in the finance sector, and the home-maker who does read reaches her upper limit with such items as a biography of Dorothy Parker (great fun though it is) but owns no books, and is otherwise openly hostile to the kind of male reader who finds it necessary, not a luxury, to build their own library of materials that matter much more to them than all the rest of it does. "Why do you need all these books, you can just go to the library." Of all the things she's ever said to me, that one gave me the biggest internal REEEEEEEEE! Naturally she uses similar logic when it comes to music, but such has been the norm since radio. So much for normal.

>> No.14886394

Accusing, hunting, and lynching niggers.

>> No.14886410

Power lifting, motor sports, general sports, joinery, building shit, camping, hunting... basically anything /out/doors.

>> No.14886419

Science, philosophy, inventing, exploring the world, traveling to the moon

>> No.14886438

wow zero non-gay activities

>> No.14886452


>> No.14886461

also gay desu, but nice try

>> No.14886501

prostate self-examinations

>> No.14886503

>what caused reading to become a feminine hobby in modern times?
great men of history were well read.
i remember thinking you were the woman i loved. first time returning to /lit/ since that day, and here i find you in the first thread i click on. wish you were her.

>> No.14886565

The woman's 2nd greatest measure of self-defense(2nd to her vagina) is her tongue, and reading expands on what the tongue is capable of.

This is also why they do so much lying.

>> No.14886574

lying is based tho, if you're not lying all the time you're basically an npc. it's like spice in your food

>> No.14886621

>lying is based tho
hi rabbi

>> No.14886643

hi schizo

>> No.14886685


>> No.14886697

jew confirmed.
your weak labels mean nothing to me.

why doesn't /lit/ have ID's ?
how does anyone keep track of who is who!?

>> No.14886722

kek go back to /pol/, there's probably a lot of happening threads you can shit up

>> No.14886802

You really think reading isn't a feminine hobby?

>> No.14886925

Aren't you a female

>> No.14886932

This. Read old books and it's always women at home learning instruments, languages, and reading.

>> No.14886946


Men read for knowledge, insight into how the world works, because some subject is fascinating to them, woman read for the drama and the emotional rollercoaster.

So you get a few male deep readers and a lot of superficial female readers.

>> No.14886961


>> No.14886963

>reading for knowledge

>> No.14886979


>> No.14887669

LE EDGELORD FUCK >:-( xP !!!1111xoxo

>> No.14887727

Computer hardware stuff, lifting, boxing, browsing 4chan.

>> No.14888220

Recently. Getting rapt’d up in socialism again, of course.

*raises eyebrow*

I think it’s a mistake to assign it a sexuality

Yes, I am female human.

>> No.14888294

>I think it’s a mistake to assign it a sexuality
Why, would empirical evidence determine whether they should be associated together?

>> No.14888316

This image genuinely worries me, some times people ask for sources completely unnecessarily but I don't think people using this image apply it to that I think it's a way to act as if somehow you not blindly believing everything you see is a bad trait and you should take everything on faith but most people, The fact we've reached a point where wanting proof for the claims people make is a bad thing actually causes me concern, soon it will reach a point where insults are what leads to the winner, whoever has the best insult against the other wins, regardless of facts or reality

>> No.14888322

You’re saying that someone who reads is a sissy, a woman, weak, suspect of homosexuality. Right there it’s stupid. Now we also hear out the other side of the mouth that only men can write. Or that the best women writers are homosexual themselves. I can take pride in this, but I don’t think it’s a sexuality thing. It gets us all caught up in gender roles and I hate those. I think that pegs people and inhibits their creativity (etc.). I’m interested in freedom and flourishing culture

>> No.14888328
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Also forgot pic

>> No.14888339

it's a meme u dip

>> No.14888362

The obsession with projecting male-ness, rather than understanding that maximizing an ascribed status is nearly the most cucked waste of time imaginable.

>b-but women want to have SEX with REAL MEN and that's signed through cultural conceptions of gender!!!
Imbecile, if you cannot steal the wife of a man - who is taller, more muscular and has a bigger dick than you - while you are wearing a dress and heels, you have no business untangling the knot that obfuscates the relationship between the semiotics of gender and attraction.

>> No.14888363

maybe I'm worrying about nothing

>> No.14888378

first time i sincerely agree with you butters

>> No.14888948

Shitty modern books

>> No.14889160

>constantly bragged about how they didn't read books
i hate this type of person.
i used to work in a book store and multiple times someone would be buying a book and id say "oh nice, that was a good one" and they would LAUGH and say "haha this isnt for me, its a present for my friend. i dont read books" like they were proud of it.

>> No.14889163

Uh, why has no one said Jews yet?

>> No.14889188
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then they would just switch it to the Yes meme

>> No.14889220
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>soon it will reach a point where insults are what leads to the winner, whoever has the best insult against the other wins, regardless of facts or reality
welcome to 4chan

>> No.14889228

Cultural marxism.

>> No.14889461

>first time
I get this a lot from people.

Through these years it seems women polled (or whatever) had more time to read “for personal interests”. It’s all rather loaded with caveats, don’t you see?

>> No.14889767

get out of this board peterson boy

>> No.14889949

Men do things to extremes whereas women do things casually. As long as you're reading really dense and complicated books it's ok. The constant desire to reach higher is what makes a man.

>> No.14889995

First time here?

>> No.14890299

There is a bit of truth in the pic. We have reached a point where anything that diverges from the current episteme is treated with extra scrutiny. Anything that doesn't conform to it must immediately be shot down, which leads to a kind of barbarism where citations become self-referential that stifles any kind of creativity and revolutionary discovery.

>> No.14890678

exactly. the yes meme is far, far funnier.

>> No.14891902 [DELETED] 

The women in my family are like that too. I hate being apart of the meme gender

<work at a record store
>initially my colleagues weren't very enthusiastic when I started working there
>they assumed I was another 'quirky' art hoe
<pleasantly surprised by my music taste, hobbies, taste in literature.

Pretty based colleges. They nicknamed me "4chan daughter" and "femcel" kek

That must have sucked anon why are people these days such brainlets I don't understand ;-; bookstores around me suck desu they only sell those horrid self help books written by middle aged white women and young adults crap. Most of the classics and non fiction books are either shit tier, I already own, or stuff highschooler kids are going to have to read for English.

>> No.14891917

Yeah 99% of men achieve literally nothing.

>> No.14891940

It isn't. There's just a large market for generally dumb romance novels. Reading is broader than just that subset of it.

>> No.14891942

The women in my family are like that too. I hate being apart of the meme gender

>work at a record store
>initially my colleagues weren't very enthusiastic when I started working there
>they assumed I was another 'quirky' art hoe
>pleasantly surprised by my music taste, hobbies, taste in literature.

Pretty based colleges. They nicknamed me "4chan daughter" and "femcel" kek

That must have sucked anon. I don't get why normies seem to know nothing about anything really. Bookstores in general have kinda fallen off the grid, especially the ones around me.. they actually suck desu

books consist of:
>horrid self help/young adult/poetry crap written by middle-aged, sjw, white women.
>classics are either shit tier, stuff I already own, or highschooler tier.
>not much variety on non-fiction
>no philosophy

the state of literature is really sad

>> No.14891943

Is Stoicism wrong and uncool just because normies are reading about it, though?

>> No.14891974

Reading this thread I have no idea what kind of women you anons meet in your life. Really feels like you only met the lowest comom denominator.
I must be a lucky guy.

>> No.14891989

Science is gay and we never went to the moon.

>> No.14892099


>> No.14892177

women kill babies all the time

>> No.14892409

Greatness doesn't have to be world-changing. Simply being an active member of your community is what a man's purpose is

>> No.14892495


>> No.14892585

women=left wing for anything but sex
women= capitalist for sex [making men compete for a reward and the reward is providing for a woman at least sexually]

men = right wing for anything but sex = autism = clinging to pathetic power fantasies of leading other people and killing people who do not think like them, craving to be alphas when all they do is supporting women at best
men like to be told what to do
and it is distraction from orbiting roasties.
So that men feel like strong and powerful about something not related to women. However, the only thing that men do when they create a society is in fact to give an easy life to women, because
-men never ever stop competing for women
-society according to men is jsut to get comfortable, which women benefit a lot from , and create rules and being upset when they think that other tribes do things differently

this is why women always push for more society and men gladly work for them free of charge.
men = left wing for sex [utopia]

>> No.14892600

your brain on protestantism. why are you wasting time on 4chinz? shame on you

>> No.14893238

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.14893290


>> No.14893354
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Anyone who says women have vastly outread men or that reading is effeminate are complete and utter brainlets. For many thousands of years, men made up the vast majority of readers, as women were uninterested in becoming literate or even reading in general.

Go home, you stupid redditfags.

>> No.14893758

i hope she sees this, bro

>> No.14893949

Fiction out selling non-fiction and the aesthetics of a library/librarian.

>> No.14894517

Novels are retarded. For YA it’s always, “teenagers rise up”, for sci fi, “nerds rise up”, for modernists,”atheists rise up”, for japshit “NEETs rise up”, for haremshit,”dicks rise up”, and for Women’s ,”abdominals gallop right now”. Fuck novels, the people who write them, and the people who read them. /lit/ better spends its time on google scholar and Jstor than reading things that never happened and posting the questions those novels don’t solve on here.

>> No.14894636

>Achieving greatness is gay
Kill yourself, nigger

>> No.14894763

>the state of literature is really sad
Everything is conforming to the lowest common denominator. Enjoy the ride.

>> No.14895102

Depends what is being read. Women read trash, and we know that 90% of everything is trash. Therefore, women read more than men do.

>> No.14895761

>For many thousands of years, men made up the vast majority of readers
Yes this is true. But I'm asking why it BECAME feminine. In the year 2020 women definitely outread men

>> No.14895765

That's subjective, anon

>> No.14896239

this was true, the ya fiction became a thing

>> No.14896253

Basically this.

>> No.14896256
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Erotica and YA isn't literature.

>> No.14896434


>> No.14896455

It isn't. Only if you read exclusively YA and airport lit.

>> No.14896457

gay sex between men

>> No.14896527

wasting your one life trying to impress other men is quite gay, and also nobody here are “achieving greatness“. and alexander the great was literally gay

>> No.14896560

Reading was always something wealthy women do. Men studied either religion, philosophy, warfare, statecraft or something similar. I don't think reading is seen as feminine these days.

>> No.14896566

how do you study philosophy, religion and warfare without reading?

>> No.14896570

youtube vids

>> No.14896583

This. Women read more, but nothing they read is worth reading. In so far as a woman attempts to engage with worthwhile material she is incapable of understanding it as a man might.

>Reading novels has always been a feminine hobby
You are a stupid reddit apologist faggot. Women being literate or going to school at all is a modern development, and a mistake at that.

>> No.14896598
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Reading, as a primary method of acquiring knowledge, goes only as far as your library goes. Contemplation and conversation can go much farther than books in some areas, especially in theoretical subjects such as logic and metaphysics. The best way to learn about the mechanisms of nature, however, is by observation.

>> No.14896604



>> No.14896608

Based Sturgeon's law stickler.

>> No.14896640

Oral tradition is one possibility. I meant reading as a past time hobby, although you probably knew that.

>> No.14896653

I didn't, how would you define past time hobby?

>> No.14896899

Projecting much?

>> No.14897254

This isn't true.

>> No.14897307

Reading isn't the same as studying literature or philosophy. Those are still masculine pursuits. Most of the other women I know who read are reading romance novels, young adult stuff, etc. It might as well be comic books or manga. I was consistently the only girl in upper level philosophy courses at my uni.