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/lit/ - Literature

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14884991 No.14884991 [Reply] [Original]

Please post titles you like


Free books and lectures at newmuslimacademy.com

Basic practice
>Umdah al-Fiqh

Basic theology
>Kitab al-Iman

Seerah (biography of the Prophet) ﷺ
>The Sealed Nectar

Politics and current events

by Sayyid Qutb

>Political Theory of Islam
by Abul A'la Maududi

>My Life With the Taliban
Abdul Salam Zaeef

Qur'an rendered in English, try Pickthall's translation. He was an English writer who was fluent in Arabic and convert. He prepared his translation with extensive supervision of scholars. It's available as a translation setting on quran.com

If you want to learn to pray, memorize surah (chapter) 1 and 112 in Arabic (that's enough to start but you will need more later). Quran.com allows you to click each word as you go. You can also use a rough transliteration they provide. If you want a tafsir (commentary), check Maududi on the translation

Arabic alphabet song

>On Jihad
By Hassan al-Banna

A very good little treatise on Islamic rules of war

>First Principles of Islamic Economics
By Abul A'la Maududi

A book on establishing an Islamic economy that would differ significantly from both socialism and capitalism

>The Universal Enemy: Jihad, Empire, and the Challenge of Solidarity
By Darryl Li

A very new book, here is a summary, it's about jihad as a new humanism that transcends race and nationality

>The Ring of the Dove
By Ibn Hazm
Normally a jurist who would be very influential in strict literalist and textualist schools, Ibn Hazm wrote a treatise on love as well that would go on to start the trope of courtly love in the Middle Ages

>We Crossed a Bridge and it Trembled: Voices from Syria
By Wendy Pearlman

A collection of many brief accounts by Syrians about the war

>Belief in Allah In the Light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah
By Dr 'Umar Sm al-Ashqar

First book of a series on aqidah, really good, you will love it

Three articles that will get you informed on Hamas




Three articles that will get you informed on the Taliban




>> No.14885010

>Islamic economics

>> No.14885263

are you pushing islam now? I swear to god not two days ago someone was spamming homo threads now we have this

>> No.14885331

t. riba-consuming kike

>> No.14885335 [DELETED] 


>> No.14885337
File: 132 KB, 800x800, photo5906932324384222196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayidd Qutb is a kafir who believes the Quran is "created" just like the jahmiyyah did.

>> No.14885355

Any good Youtube channels? I’m sick of listening to irony-laden alt-right fags who unknowingly cuck to liberalism and fall for teleological bullshit like “progress” and want some good Islamic channels to listen to. I might convert one day

>> No.14885790


>> No.14885811

False accusations are a very serious crime

I posted a whole site for videos and books

>> No.14885828

Jesus is the second person of the most high Trinity, the Son of God, truly God and truly man. He died on the cross so that He might be the sacrifice for our sins, that is, He bore the wrath of in that we deserve so that we might go free and worship the Triune God for eternity. Why do you harden your hearts? Do you believe in God? Believe also in Him (John 14.1).

>> No.14885837
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>> No.14885854

I believe God is one, not three. I further believe God can forgive sins. I further believe His justice isn't satisfied by innocents being killed

>> No.14885859

Catholics are blasphemous pagans.

>> No.14885863

Well RIP for you then, gl getting your sins forgiven if the wrath of God yet abides on you.

not Catholic but thx

>> No.14885884

God can forgive any debt. Saying He needs someone to pay it is saying He is helpless to forgive it.

>> No.14885991 [DELETED] 

Al-Qaeda congratulates Taliban on victory


>> No.14886593

Since U.S. bombing stopped, the Taliban have been making progress. Today they completely eradicated ISIS in Afghanistan, which is no more

>> No.14886866 [DELETED] 

Sites to buy clothes for Muslim women


>> No.14887804

HTS have just captured ISIS Khalifa

>> No.14887846

Hello my fellow Muslim brothers. Recently Ive had some trouble with 'apocraphycal gospels' appearing in our Quran. Anyone got any thoughts on this?

>> No.14888008

Not sure why you think apocryphal gospels can't contain any truth. Even Christians think the Gospel of James does