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14884039 No.14884039 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why i shouldn't be homeless? I mean you should be able to get sufficient money for food and water. With extra money for like shampoo and soap which you could use at the beach or some public shower. You should be able to get donated clothes quite easily, with the other aforementioned items from like cafeterias and other such houses. You should be able to get sufficient money to be at least able to buy a book once a day or a week. All of this without dumb work and social life stress. Tell me: Why is this bad?

>> No.14884047

OP again. Should also able to get shelter quiet easily and if not, well not to bad of a negative

>> No.14884051

Sleeping on benches sucks, Diogenes technically had a home and bed..

"Look, a barrel" -Atelier Firis

>> No.14884052

You don’t even need soap or shampoo. I don’t use it. You might want a toothbrush or something though

>> No.14884054

because you could be NEET instead

>> No.14884163

Diogenes didn't have to worry about methheads and rapists as much as you would sleeping rough in a large city.

>> No.14884177

Being homeless is very unpleasant and very difficult to get out of

>> No.14884181

Diogenes was rapted and sold as slave lol

>> No.14884198

You’re absolutely right now. I can’t refute you. I stand defeated. Please go be a homeless now, I won’t stop you.

>> No.14884225

Living off handouts is a shameful, parasitic existence, and eventually your conscience will torment you for it.
How many happy-looking homeless people have you ever seen?

>> No.14884264

>conscience will torment you
people are happy looking on social media all the time but they have a miserable existence

>> No.14884278

Probably because they're homeless from addiction

>> No.14884301

It's almost as if functional people don't choose to be homeless.
Apart from a retard like OP, obviously.

>> No.14884312

You won again! Now go join the modern Diogenes and BTFO us in practice also.

>> No.14884343


>> No.14884351
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>> No.14884363

I’ve been fantasizing about this a lot lately. Just walking out the door and into the city and just laying down under a tree in Central Park. I would take one book with me, one change of clothes, and a pillow. There are numerous places in Manhattan that serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner for free to hobos. The Bowery mission has showers. Imagine, just chilling all day in the park, at libraries, wandering around, reading, going to the beach (nyc homelessness is summertime only, of course— when it gets cold I would head down to Florida or Georgia or somewhere and be homeless down there). No phone, no email, no appointments, no deadlines.

Anyway, to answer your question, OP, the only reason we are not doing this is fear of living deliberately.

>> No.14884367

Don’t listen to the haters, OP, they’re so mired in their shitty bourgeois prisons that they can’t even comprehend what freedom is

>> No.14884445

living in a van is more based, park near a beach, take free shower, then go to the van and shitpost during the night

>> No.14884476

Disagree. A van is just a crappy home, and I think the whole point is to be home-less. With a van you have registration, insurance, gas, parking, tickets, maintenance. No thank you

>> No.14884492

I've been thinking about it too. I really want to give it a try. I still have some stuff i want to care of before that but i think i'll do it eventually.

>> No.14884497

Nice. I think I’m going to do it this summer for a few weeks, just for the experience.

>> No.14884505

Pls start a thread to talk about the results. Will you be begging or will you bring money?

>> No.14884511

>not removing your tires to make towing impossible

0/10 idiot

>> No.14884591

I think I’ll take like $20, just so I can get a cup of coffee when I want without having to panhandle all day long. In NYC there are several missions that have meals all day long for homeless people, and I expect I’ll do that. I’ve thought a lot about where to sleep. Ideally I would find sorm out of the way nook or cranny that I could actually get a good 8hrs rather than sleeping on the subway. I’ll take one book (Pickwick Papers), after which I’ll have to acquire books as I go along.

>> No.14885605

imagine a group of /lit/ homeless people congregating to teach each other philosophy and geometry in open air grassroots platonic academies