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File: 15 KB, 400x390, Cigarette-Smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1488190 No.1488190 [Reply] [Original]

I know some of you are smokers,

If you haven't had a smoke for a while, maybe a few hours or a few days, maybe you quit for a while, how do you feel when you have that first cigarette after that period of time without them.

(I'm writing about a smoker, but clearly I am not one)

>> No.1488196

Personally... it depends on how long its been. I mean i sometimes quit for weeks on end. Sometimes i smoke a pack a day. Most of it depends on my stress level. But usually when i have the first one i really feel kinda out of breathe and relaxed. Hope that helps

>> No.1488202

If I haven't smoked for a day or two, I get a huge headrush with the first cigarette. I get a little tired, very relaxed, and maybe a smidgen dizzy. It feels so good. When I first started smoking cigarettes I never got any sort of buzz from them, but whenever I quit for awhile, the buzz when I come back is so delectably intense. The shitty thing is, it only lasts a few minutes and it won't come back until I take a break from smoking again. If I smoke another cigarette an hour later, I'll feel nothing.

>> No.1488207
File: 20 KB, 460x288, cigarettes4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in beore thise threads devolves into this:

liberals: looking at a cigarette gives you cancer
conservatives: nothing bad will happen if you chain smoke 20 packs of cigarettes

>> No.1488217

Smoking is a choice.

Let it go dude.

>> No.1488219

i didn't smoke for 6 months
when I had the first cig it was an anticlimax
every now and then during the 6 months I would randomly crave cigs
when I actually had one, I was a bit drunk and it was only like "meh"
still, I smoked two more that night
either way, feels good man, but not everything I was expecting

>> No.1488221

Smoking is not a choice. Only the first cigarette is a choice. Everything after that is the result of that first choice to choice to walk into a trap.

>> No.1488225

it takes a lot more than one cigarette to get addicted...

this coming from someone who smoked for 3 years and hasn't smoked since (2 years so far...)

>> No.1488227

Bah, you dont know shit

>> No.1488231

Oldfag knows smoking, kids. Put it down.

>> No.1488235

You bastard! I'm trying to quit smoking!

Don't post shit like this please

>> No.1488251

Quitting guy. Ex-heavy smoker says remember that the "pleasure" is all illusion. There is no pleasure in smoking, other than the temporary cessation of frustration. Believe me when I tell you that eventually, even smoking a cigarette does not fully relieve this frustration.

Relax and walk out of the trap.

>> No.1488278


Just because you're poor, doesn't mean we all our.

>> No.1488285

I don't understand the reference to "poor" in this context.

>> No.1488302

I don't understand anything.

>> No.1488320

OP here. I'm not a smoker, I'm an asthmatic.

I'm writing about a guy, and he happens to be smoker. but since i can't smoke...

you see the problem

>> No.1488325


Ahh, that never stopped me OP. I'm asthmatic aswell, and smoked for a few years when I was 13-15.

I only stopped when I got slep Apnia - where you stop breathing in your sleep - and as a kid, stopping was extremely hard. The first week was killer, but I've stopped now though. The remembering of how good there were doesn't go away though, whenever I walk past someone smoking, I have a few seconds where all I want is to smoke.

Hope that helps you OP.

>> No.1488348
File: 24 KB, 264x413, brautigan-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking pussy, I had asthma as a kid and I'll tell you what cured it...

Fucking smoking Lucky Strike non-filters.

Sack up, young brother.

>> No.1488360

"The way I see it.."
You only ever quit smoking once, that would be forever.
The fact that you start smoking again leads me to say that you will only stop smoking numerous to an infinite amount of times.
That buzz once you first start smoking, for possibly the first week of really smoking is never again found to its longevity.
having said that, when you have been smoking any amount of cigarettes for however long, when you (stop) smoking for a period of time, that buzz/rather that drunken feeling does return for a shorter, much shorter amount of time.

>> No.1488362


>> No.1488365

its very different from chain smoking shit. you actually taste something and it hurts a bit in your throat. feels insanely relaxing when you are stressed.

>> No.1488367

I smoke when I go out drinking, Which is probably once or twice a month, i've been doing this for about 3 years, smoking about 5-10 a month, would you call me an addict? I don't think I am, but i bloody love smoking. Keeping it at gaps like that means I still get a decent buzz when I do smoke.

>> No.1488369

Sometimes the cigarrette tastes like shit and just smoke about a third of it and throw it.

Most of the times it's like a regular smoke but a little stronger

But sometimes it's the most incredible thing i've ever experienced, it feels and even tastes like my first cigarrette, the hands get a little shaky and the tip of my right middle and index finger a little cold after the the first time i inhale the smoke, after about 4 deep inhalations head feels a little light but also heavy, like your brain is about to fly but your head is about to fall, and a little ticklish sensation goes down the legs, after that it's like the whole world is at peace, everything may be breaking down but you just don't care, bucause for that moment it's just you and the smoke, that sensation lasts for about 1 minute, after that it's simple relaxation.

After finishing the cigarrette i always feel a little lightheaded but in a very good way, like a little stoned or something.

Just smoked my first cigarrete after a week, felt really good, good luck anon.

Sorry for the bad english, it's not my main language and i'm still learning.

>> No.1488378


You are a social smoker,

It's all about balance,

Drink in one hand, smoke in the other
and alternate.