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14881709 No.14881709 [Reply] [Original]

>Martin Heidegger
>Carl Schmitt
>Werner Sombat
>Ludwig Klages
>Ezra Pound
>Ernst Junger
>Yukio Mishima
>Francis Parker Yockey
>Stefan George
>Charles Bukowski
>Julius Evola
>Karl Haushofer
>Richard Strauss
>Louis-Ferdinand Céline
>Carl Jung
>Emil Cicoran
>Michel Houellebecq
>Knut Hamsun
>Oswald Spengler
>Leo Strauss
>Michel Foucault

Why are all the greatest thinkers of the last century literal Nazis?

>> No.14881721

shit bait

>> No.14881736

cry more leftcuck

>> No.14881751

It's the natural state of the real intellectual. After WWII liberal global hegemony was established and this class wiped out. Every intellectual that followed grew up in a sea of Libtardist propaganda.

>> No.14881762
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Excuse me sir do you know which way I go in order to shine my Johnson?

>> No.14881764

The nazis had no intellectuals.

>> No.14881769


>> No.14881770

martin heidegger

>> No.14881776

Heidegger literally ended philosophy

>> No.14881782

And what was his function in the party? How did they implement his ideas? They didn't.

>> No.14881783

You forgot Walt Disney.

>> No.14881784

sounds pretty anti-intellectual to me desu

>> No.14881789
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>> No.14881795

Gay thread

>> No.14881796

giovanni gentile

>> No.14881805
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>> No.14881809

He was a member of the party retard. And then you've got literal geniuses like Schmitt to who were actively taking part in the government

Ending philosophy is the most intellectual thing possible.

>> No.14881811

>Ending philosophy is the most intellectual thing possible
How so?

>> No.14881822

>tfw too smart for philosophy
but an actual well-defined position

>> No.14881831

He completed philosophy, there is no farther it can be taken after him that is not simply a rehash of someone before him like Neechee or Can't or Playdough. He is the high water mark of thousands of years of human thought.

>> No.14881833


>> No.14881844
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>> No.14881876
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Also the greatest mystics...

>> No.14881882

>when a glorified aristocrat neet has to much time on his hands

>> No.14881886

>He completed philosophy
What’s the conclusion then

>> No.14881895

Preemptively refuted by Whitehead

>> No.14881897

I told you, heidegger. Read Being and Time

>> No.14881904

Whitehead preemptively refuted himself by simply rephrasing Aristotle and selling it as his own

>> No.14881912

ernst junger and oswald spengler hated the nazoids

>> No.14881919

>Foucault and Bukowski
>Literal nazis

anon... should i...

>> No.14881929

Spengler only hated them because he couldn't figure out how they worked into his theories

>> No.14881931

>rephrasing Aristotle
which he didn't do

>> No.14881937

Bukowski was a well known nazi sympathizer

>> No.14881938

ERRRR wrong try again

>> No.14881954


no they didint, spengler predicted they would fail because they lacked the resources and infraestructure, not because of any personal grievances

>> No.14881957
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well; Marx on his theses on Feuerbach kinda admited marxism is shit a selfcontradictory... everything is matter, even thought; just, phenomena is what pushes the dialectical movement, just as Hegel said, the negativität, or in kantian words "the pushing from noumena correcting the Reason, in which we understand the phenomena".

Basically, Heidegger said: "there's no material or ideal, just being; and there is authentic being; communion with the Being, and inauthentic... third person intermidiate relationship with the Being thru language; and the dialectic isn't material or ideal, but passional".

>> No.14881961

>The smartest Nazi conspired against Hitler before the war even started and was placed in concentration camp by the Reich itself.
Cool pic anon.

>> No.14881966

BTW, i only saw him with an Iron Cross, which could more related to prussianism instead of nazism... tell me where Bukowski is a nazi sympathiser, and even so, he was such of a degenerate.

Foucault also was a fuckin maoist degenerate

>> No.14881985

>authentic being; communion with the Being, and inauthentic
What does that even mean?

>> No.14881994

read 5.2 chapter of being and time, is one of the few instances where Heidegger speaks normal human language and not some cryptic stupid jargon cause he was a total manlet and kind of ugly... he was still a genius.

Read his own words on "Gerede", that shit is simple as fuck and should be the seed to understand that motherfucking book

>> No.14881998

give me the quick rundown

>> No.14882008

There is no end to philosophy. This is pseudry.

>> No.14882009

why did he hide those eggs

>> No.14882017

Yes there is read Heidegger he ended it.


>> No.14882020

What does he mean by authenticity? It just looks like vacuous jargon to cover his shit ideology and hold himself to a privileged position.

>> No.14882029

And yet philosophy is still continuing and interest in Heidegger is waning.

>> No.14882035

I addressed this here >>14881831

>> No.14882040

And yet it has been taken farther

>> No.14882042

why not

>> No.14882043

It has not.

>> No.14882046

Language is being too tho, everything is otherwise it wouldn't be

>> No.14882049
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there's is; what's happening is since many jews and many niggas and many feminoids started doing sophistry due to political reasons it seems like that.

There's knowledge which is one with the world
and prosthetic jargon which expresses individualism and irrationality.

true knowledge is one with the world you fucking libtard... ask the burnt ghosts of the dead in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that the atomic bombs and the formulas which made them possible are power games of a discursive narrative imposed by the patriarchy.

True knowledge is one with the world, and the world is objective; noumena, what is subjective is human thought, phenomena; but when human becomes one in mind and spirit with nature he achives harmony; kind of like Neo in "there is no spoon" scene.

Philosophy is the knowledge about knowledge itself; and since knowledge is no other thing but human being as they are, language creatures true philosophy is about understanding the true nature between knowledge and being; and Heidegger said almost everything that could be said about that relationship.

Leftist theories are disconnected from the world, and by the nature of humans themselves...

we're going backwards...

there's no room for politics in true philosophy.

>> No.14882050

Because this is a literature board. Go look up the Stanford Encyclopedia page on it if you want.

>> No.14882053

It has. Nobody cares about Heidegger now and everyone is off to new things.

>> No.14882055

>there's is; what's happening is since many jews and many niggas and many feminoids
stopped reading there. you have nothing of value to say and lack self awareness.

>> No.14882063

The 3rd way dont mean literally nazis, but looks the most interesting after gay materialistic commies and market protestants living in 17th century.

>> No.14882065

dude, go read the fucking book by yourself

>> No.14882071

the SEP won’t tell me that Heidegger ended philosophy

>> No.14882072

i speak for myself not for you

>> No.14882074

Of course nobody cares about heidegger, you're only proving my point. If you want to make a name for yourself as a think you dont try to build off of the guy who completed philosophy, you'll get nowhere because theres nowhere to go. They simply rehash the Greeks or German Idealists with a contemporary style and sell it off as new and exciting. You cannot name one person since Heidegger who has advanced philosophy beyond him.

>> No.14882075

So you have nothing to say to that? Guess I'm right about my suspicions then.

>> No.14882080

Then don't post moron

>> No.14882082

Of course not, you get that from actually reading him. Why would an institution that makes money from people trying to be philosophers tell them that philosophy is solved?

>> No.14882087
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>stopped reading there. you have nothing of value to say and lack self awareness.

>> No.14882088

so why’d you tell me to look up their page on the book

>> No.14882090

yea you are just proving my point.

>> No.14882092

i'm not him, look for the ID

>> No.14882096

no one cares about him because they all saw his limitations and went off to new things. you think that because you are under read.

>> No.14882097

Because you asked where you could get a rundown of it.

>> No.14882100

yeah but I wanted a good rundown

>> No.14882104

No, nobody addresses him because they cant. He is the endpoint. You cannot name one person since Heidegger who has advanced philosophy beyond him.

>> No.14882109

That is a good rundown.

>> No.14882119

yup, no one ever took the torch from him and continued the journey on that direction. but many do this: they go back to Hegel or Kant and continue thru convoluted paths of political meandering and speculative bullshit to "new horizons" like the brainlets they are: aka, Zizek and Nick Land.

Heidegger said in an interview something along these lines: "i just prepared the way for last man, the one who's gonna unify it all; and lead us to the definitive parousia".

it reminds me of the "child of the stars" prophecy in the neonazis circles: a man will come, who will complete the system of german idealism and usher us all into the Eternal Reich.

>> No.14882125

but it won’t tell me that he ended philosophy or what the answer is

>> No.14882129

Whether it be his vacuous jargon to cover up his shit ideology or his limited anthropocentric view that there is nothing outside the correlation of thought and being, people realized he was shit and went off to new and better things.

>> No.14882131

if you know its bait why even answer you utter retard

>> No.14882133


>> No.14882135

dude, kek, saying that Heidegger is irrelevant and shit for the reasons you listed is like saying "let's understand jenga without giving a shit of what every block is made of".

>> No.14882137

No, nobody addresses him because they cant. He is the endpoint. You cannot name one person since Heidegger who has advanced philosophy beyond him

>> No.14882142
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that is a good sign

>> No.14882148


>> No.14882150

Did you even read the OP?

>> No.14882153

name a single thing that’s outside the correlation of thought and being

>> No.14882156

well i just stated how he has been addressed and tossed in the trash where he belongs. Sure I can but you will keep coping: Adorno, Benjamin, Foucault, Deleuze, Whitehead, literally any philosopher coming after him. Philosophy is still continuing and there is no end to it. Whenever some one says "lmao end of philosophy" that is a red flag of a pseud/freshman undergrad that treats philosophy as vidya.

>> No.14882164

Lmao you got me good b8

>> No.14882165

The retard who made this threat (OP) has no understanding of Heidegger, and I wouldn't be surprised if he never read an of Heidegger's books. Heidegger was not a nazi or a fascist.

>> No.14882166

keep coping

>> No.14882167

>:^| (this is the face I reserve to show the disdain I have for you)

>> No.14882181

One thing is philosophy, other thing are critical works

axiomatically there's nothing new on Foucault, all of his works are implicitly contained on Marx's works.

Heidegger's system of thought was the last one original

>> No.14882191

no reason to distinguish them from one another

>> No.14882196

and if you want "classic" philosophy then Whitehead was certainly working within that, who was listed there.

>> No.14882198

>Foucault, all of his works are implicitly contained on Marx's works.
also not true

>> No.14882261

Heidegger was literally, actually a nazi.

>> No.14882335

Idiot. Heidegger was kept from working and Schmitt was distrusted simply for hid participation in the republic.
The nazis were philistines who lost a genius because of their moralfagging.

>> No.14882342

Hjamlar Schacht wrote a great book about his vision of economics.

>> No.14882345

Junger literally said the nazis were worse than Jews.
You cunts are just like faggots, can only use ideas by corrupting them.

>> No.14882359

of all the people in the OP that weren't fascists you choose the one guy who was literally a member of the Nazi party lol

>> No.14882550

Heidegger's philosophy is not compatible with national socialism you fucking moron. Heidegger even says that Hitler disappointed him, in that the nazis ended up being completely different then what Heidegger envisioned.

>> No.14882839

you forgot knut hamsun

>> No.14882968


Wow, it's true!

>> No.14882978

That doesnt mea he wasnt literally a nazi you fucking retard. Stop apologizing for these people

>> No.14883187

Foucault? Im gonna need a source dog

>> No.14883258

>Ezra Pound
>Great anything

>> No.14883278

Forgot Mircea Eliade

>> No.14883415

cringe it's not 2016 anymore grandpa

>> No.14883417

Man I love Serrano, the guy's just so funny while still having some truth to him.

>> No.14883437

fucked a dude once
renowned macho homo and gay club lover
literal fag pedophile
closet faglord who craved mussolini's cock
he hated women so much he turned himself gay
inserted thinly veiled homosexual messages in his operas
the question you were asking was, why are all the best intellectuals also huge homos?

>> No.14883772

I’ve never understood why Ernst Junger disliked them. Storm of Steel was all about how war is badass and an essential experience to becoming a man. That falls in line pretty well with what I know about nazis.

>> No.14883959

>greatest thinkers / >last century / >literal nazis

>> No.14883966

Academics are different from intellectuals.

>> No.14883970

Did you read their books? Many were not nazis, or even hated them
Obvious bait thread