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File: 125 KB, 687x989, Ernst-Junger-1921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14880835 No.14880835 [Reply] [Original]

>most respected soldier on the entire WW1 western front
>feared by the entente nations(personally caused french army mutinies)
>was an anarchist environmentalist christian aristocratic conservative liberal
>befriended by all the major political, economic, and scientific figures of his time
>Hitler feared and respected him
>wrote anti-semitic pamphlets but secretly helped jews escape execution
>had the largest knowledge of beetles of any human ever
>understood war was a transcendental internal experience
>took large amounts of ether, cocaine, hashish, mescaline, and LSD
>hated technology and liberalism, never drove an automobile once in his life
>lived to be 102

Damn I didn't think it was possible to be this based

>> No.14880956
File: 31 KB, 310x474, 24B055AB-0090-4A2F-8EB5-0CD753CBC64A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most respected soldier on the entire WW1 western front
Blocks your path

>> No.14880978

>spent most of the war in England after a flesh wound

based Junger would eat him alive

>> No.14880981

Inferior in all aspects, including living up to only 100.

>> No.14880985

How are his other books?

>> No.14880989

How can seemingly intelligent men be so wrong?
So so wrong.
Give me Goodbye To All That any day over the boring emotionless after thought of storm of steel.

>> No.14880994

It has been long theorised that Junger invented a lot of his action and spent a large amount of time behind the front.

>> No.14881001

more handsome too

>> No.14881012
File: 11 KB, 350x420, 636D4438-0E94-4593-865C-BC6BF1B599E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why we’re British soldiers better looking, more creative and better fighters than the Hun?
I can’t think of one significant Kraut poet or author that came out of those years of hell.

>> No.14881050

Where's his Schmiss?

>> No.14881080

On the Marble Cliffs is absolutely fantastic.

>> No.14881105
File: 32 KB, 350x525, 9155AF60-6618-4273-9E50-EE41460EA4B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed his WW2 diaries.
Much more thoughtful and introspective than Storm of Steel. He didn’t see any combat but did live through a few allied bombing raids.
I thought On the Marble Cliffs was too overly descriptive and flowery but there was a great action sequence near the end

>> No.14881313
File: 49 KB, 329x499, 61Th52ZG+vL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here read this?

>> No.14881347
File: 74 KB, 633x1024, 1583625142419m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does lit keep spamming this dumb kraut

>> No.14881373

By who? Everything he says checks out. I find it hard to believe that the guy who admits to everyone that he lost part of his finger tinkering with unexploded ordinance for fun is going to lie for glory.

>> No.14881431

he was not 'korporiert' as far as i know

>> No.14881462

dude was irish thats why

>> No.14881614

I'm currently reading storm of steel, Jünger is a great writer.

>> No.14881741

Man of action with some intelligence who led an interesting albeit traumatic life. Lesser men would have buckled. He lived to over 100 and kept writing and publishing well into his 70’s even though many wished he would shut the fuck up.

>> No.14881757

The best allied soldiers were Canadian and Aussie. Same with the leadership, who had to fight with the Brits for the first half of the war just to keep soldiers from being sacrificed for bourgeois stupidity.
The British leadership was generally disliked and would have lost the war if they had not been challenged.
Also strange that you're bragging about the best soldiers while promoting anti-war writers. But I guess that's what fags do, corrupt things.

>> No.14881824
File: 136 KB, 569x800, 569px-Robert_Georges_Nivelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to keep soldiers from being sacrificed for bourgeois stupidity

Meme-knowledge and midwit faggotry. I suppose you have a genius alternative strategy for breaking through the opposing side's lines in 1915 that totally would have worked dude trust me?
Also, pic related is one of many non-Brit generals who stacked up high casualties of his own troops for little territorial gain. Read more.

>> No.14882481

Soldiers themselves stated this, and it's clear in the shift from generals. Once the Canadians and Aussies took charge they started to win. There are many reasons for this, but you're too much of a retard to even consider them so it would be a waste of time.
I didn't say anything about the French, their problems were the same as the English for the most part.
Many of the problems were just common sense: walking towards the enemy machineguns to 'save energy', German soldiers said they would have been overrun if the Brits ran; clear signs that Germany was dug in for a defensive war of attrition; and generally treating soldiers like shit.

Above someone mentioned Junger being away from the front for most of the war, but that's just how it was. The Germans had really good rotation systems to keep morale up, you would be off the line for a few days and then back on. The Brits and French were terrible at this and destroyed the morale of their troops. They would have lost the war in 1917 if it wasn't for the Canadians and Aussies winning major battles.

You might think it's midwit, but it's just a reality the soldiers faced. Stubborn petit-bourgeois and bourgeois leaders, burdened by weakness and poor decision-making. Again, there are other reasons that go deeper, but they would likely be a waste of time to describe.