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14880638 No.14880638 [Reply] [Original]

What do I read to trick myself into becoming Christian?

>> No.14880643

Luther Small catechism. Also pray every day and night.

>> No.14880644
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C.S. Lewis' work (both nonfiction and fiction). I enjoyed it, despite the fact that I'm an atheist.

>> No.14880646

the way of the pilgrim

>> No.14880650

The Imitation of Christ

>> No.14880688

Yeah, Mere Christianity especially seems to work for a lot of people. I thought it was a pleasant read but whenever he got into rigorous arguments it totally fell apart.

>> No.14880728

You can't. You already know it's retarded and nothing will be able to trick you into believing otherwise.

All Christian arguments only work on people that already believe in it.

>> No.14880739

This is where I'm at and I've realized I'll never be able to go back. It's so tiring when all they say is just to stop questioning and just believe. If God expects me to ignore all my doubts and questions he can get fucked.

>> No.14880776
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Come to the based side of eastern philosophers, anon. Read Tao Te Ching, Chuang Tzu, or the Art of War. For something more poetic and literary, I recommend Matsuo Basho.

>> No.14880779

t. prideful fool

>> No.14880781

Confessions by Saint Augustine

>> No.14880784

I don't care anymore bro, I can't larp, I just can't do it.

>> No.14880953

A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy

Created finally in the XVI century A.D. and accepted today chronology and history of the ancient and medieval world, evidently contains big mistakes.
Many outstanding scientists understood it and discussed during a long period of time. But it appeared to be a difficult task to build a new, non-contradictory concept of chronology.
Starting from 1975 a group of mathematicians, mainly from the Moscow State University, were engaged in the development of this problem. Interesting results were received and published both in scientific periodical print and in separate monographs. We underline, that new concept of chronology is based, mainly, on analysis of historical sources WITH THE METHODS OF MODERN MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS and vast COMPUTER CALCULATIONS.

The task of chronology is to put in order the events into proper way on a temporary scale based on the available information. This task naturally fits into the field of applications to modern mathematical statistics, theory of information. The methods of humanities, one of which is history, are not enough for solving chronological issues. New chronology imposes another psychological picture of perception of the antiquity. Now the word "antiquity" should be connected with XV-XVII centuries A.D. that is with the events, distant from us on 300-400 years. Expression "high antiquity" should now relate to the XIII-XIV centuries A.D. And the words "the highest antiquity" – are already the XI-XII centuries A. D. BEFORE THE X-XI CENTURIES A.D. THE EPOCH OF SILENCE OF WRITTEN DOCUMENTS COMES. (See the book RECONSTRUCTION).
Our analyses of the chronology and history opened a striking circumstance. Based on the applied by us mathematical methods it was proved, that the Scaligerian chronology, and therefore also the Scaligerian history of the "antiquity" and the Middle Ages, is totally wrong. Moreover, it appeared that our history right up to the end of the XVI century was consciously falsified at the epoch of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

>> No.14881005

Be careful anon, religion can either lead you down a path of insanity or enlightenment and cosmic love.

>> No.14881019


The growing sinophobia among alt larpers makes the eastern path much more attractive

>> No.14881047

Read the mews everyday and you will see miracles everyday, redemption and kindness will shine through.

>> No.14881054

Francis of Assisi, Meister Eckhart, Pseudo-Dionysius, Saint Maximus, Gregory of Nyssa, Basil the Great, Philokalia, Bonaventure, John of the Cross, Gregory Palamas, Clement of Alexandria, Philo, Tertullian, Augustine and the Bible

>> No.14881069

Unfortunately for YHWH he also endowed humans with reason. Probably not his greatest of moments.

>> No.14881137

That's great list. I would, however, recommend you further names: Gregory Nazianzen, John of Damascus and, of course, Evagrius. Also, Sergius Bulgakov could be an interesting read.

>> No.14881140

Cusa's De Visione Dei is a must, too.

>> No.14881143

>99% sure I'm going to hell
I want to change but I can't seem to break my habits. When I look at pic related I can almost see myself on the right somewhere.

>> No.14881145

And Origen; I thought that the first anon had recommend it already.

>> No.14881156

You aren't saved by becoming a better person, you're saved by repenting of your sins and putting your faith in Christ for forgiveness.

>> No.14881233
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How can I repent if I never change or do better?

>> No.14881261

It will come gradually over time, but we can't become perfect in this life.

>> No.14881262
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>> No.14881271

Watching Diary of a Country Priest made me temporarily want to be the priest of Ambricourt and offer my life as a sacrifice to God, even though I could probably never be a true Christian.

>> No.14881272
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Various philosophers have believed in god and in the god of christianity.Do not be so conceited to think you are better then aristotle,aquinas,descartes,lebniz,pascal and the list goes on.Pick something like the last superstition or reasonable faith.Then head to medieval philosophy.

>> No.14881281

read all the eschatology and realise nearly all of them say a guy on a white horse will descend and defeat a bad guy and end a big war

>> No.14881283


>> No.14881354
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Follow this Bible reading list to return to the Lord:
Mark, Genesis, Exodus, Matthew, books of Samuel and Kings, Luke, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, John, Romans, Galatians, James, Johannine epistles, Revelation

>> No.14881386

Forgot to include Acts, I'd say read it immediately after Luke

>> No.14881400

The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.
In other words, it's too late my friend.

>> No.14881444

I feel Christianity's importance of faith is what really kills it for me. I don't believe. I've tried. I want to believe but i just don't.

Islam on the otherhand says God chooses who believes and who doesn't and that Shirk (deification) is the only unforgivable sin (easy not to do as an agnostic atheist). Therefore we can practice the religion without fear because God gave us unbelief.

>> No.14881463

Islam also says you should beat your wife who is 9 year olds and that it's okay to make out with little boys, maybe even suck them off.
You're not trying hard enough.

>> No.14881477

>Islam on the otherhand says God chooses who believes and who doesn't
Christianity teaches this as well (Calvinism)

>> No.14881551


>> No.14881620

lmao no.

>> No.14881649

No, that's wrong, atheism is included in Shirk. Shirk is denial of monotheism, either because you are a polytheist or an atheist. Secondly, no Allah did not choose for you to be an unbeliever, everyone is born a Muslim speaking perfect Classical Arabic, it is only because your sinful, Satan lead parents and society, taught you otherwise that you aren't a Muslim.

Allah chose for that to happen, yes, but you still burn in hell for it. Yes, that is double predestination, btw.

>> No.14881671

You can't logic yourself into becoming Christian (or religious at all), but it is possible to make yourself religious.
You just need to do drugs.
Drugs that cause ego death have the ability to make those kinds of huge changes in your psyche. I achieved ego death on accident and while I'm still not a Christian, I now believe that there must be some kind of God because of what I experienced. With the right setting you could probably turn yourself into an evangelical christian overnight.

>> No.14881766

Everyone ITT saying that you can’t do it is a fool. I did it, even after asking so many of the common critical questions, even after watching so many atheist YouTube videos, and agreeing with all of it. Academically I’m in the 99.95%, so don’t think this is an issue of intelligence. It’s mostly an issue of pride, and whether or not you’re actually willing to seek God, father than merely lazily asking for a quick sign every now and then. When people say things like “god can get fucked” (as was said in this thread), they are shutting themselves off from Him through their pride. When they believe that they’re too intelligent to change their belief, they have already made the assumption that religion is false, that they are above it all. You can’t expect to become a Christian as I did without first humbling yourself and recognizing how limited your reason is.
Deuteronomy 4:29
>But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Proverbs 8:17
>I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.
Jeremiah 29:13
>You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
Matthew 7:7-8
>Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
Isaiah 55:6-7
>Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Lamentations 3:25
>The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
James 4:8
>Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded

>> No.14881773

I heard Screwtape Letters was better

>> No.14881797

If you are going to make that arguement you might as well just believe in a western philo/religious thing like transcendental idealism, existentialism, or just become a Spinozan or Pascalian or something.

>> No.14881885

Dostoevsky. Also, the main thing is the realization that empiricism is not a perfect tool that can answer everything: it is incapable of that even in principle.

>> No.14882694

>whenever he got into rigorous arguments it totally fell apart
Any 'arguments' for faith fall apart, as it turns faith into a cheap gimmick - you rely on the argument, not God, and thus cheat yourself out of genuine faith. True faith is not gained by arguments.

>> No.14882765
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Calvinists are extremely based
t. Elect

>> No.14882775

That doesn't work, anon.

Unlike knowledge, having faith is not something you can fake to have. There is no "fake till you make it" when it comes to religion.

>> No.14882782

I am claustrophobic and this image makes me feel bad. Why would God discriminate against people like me?

>> No.14882794

I only see so far because I stand on the shoulders of giants. That doesn’t mean I’m taller than the giants, but I can see further.

>> No.14882827

You covet space, stop being so attached to the material world

>> No.14882883

Faith is inherently illogical, moreso now than ever. As edgy as it sounds, nihilism seems the only logical conclusion when afflicted with consciousness. Obtaining faith is akin to walking up to the edge of a cliff, looking down and seeing nothing but a long drop into a black pit, then not just jumping off but jumping off and truthfully believing you are going to be okay.
Thank God I jumped.