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/lit/ - Literature

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14878727 No.14878727 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favourite...
>tv show

>> No.14878774

>blood meridian
>X Files
>Dark Souls
>sexy times and the pub
>Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to - me, to acquaintances when they wanna talk politics

>> No.14878789
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The Man Without Qualities
Au Hasard Balthazar
Mad Men
Resident Evil 3
Don't really have a favorite food
I just picked one but there's many like it in BoD

>> No.14878830

Nice list fren good shit indeed. Need to read Pessoa at some point.

>> No.14878838

I should start reading Pessoa.

>> No.14878844

I wanna readf Pessoa but I feel like I will learn portuguese and spanish at one point so might wait until then

>> No.14878860

Go ahead fellas, dont wait, it'll be good no matter the languafe or whatever :)

Wanna give us your greentexts frens?

>> No.14878875

The Sound and the Fury
Apocalypse Now
The Wire
Roast Beef
“the three stooges should retire. They aren’t even feeling the punches anymore.” - Jack Kerouac

>> No.14878883

Norwegian Wood
Shaun of the Dead
True Detective (S1)
Persona 5
BBQ Brisket
Talking to strangers
"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence"

>> No.14878886

>A Canticle for Leibowitz
>A Boy and His Dog
>Buffy the Vampire Slayer
>Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy MP
>Video games
>Conan's view on the meaning of life(I don't have a favourite "deep" quote)

>> No.14878898

Almost put the wire in myself. Why pong though? It is so dull. Tetris is the better retro game.

>BBQ Brisket
Based post. Alao, what do you chat to strangers about? i find this repulsive when I have tried it.

>a boy and his dog
Is that the post apocalyptic one set in the cold war?
Great quote. It was lifted feom an alleged Genghis Khan quote.

>> No.14878901

Don Quixote
I only watch documentaries on tv, any is fine
Europa Universalis IV
"I don't ask you to make my life easier…but I ask you to give me strength to face all my trouble"

>> No.14878907

>A Canticle for Leibowitz
>When Marnie was There
>King of the Hill
>bottle digging
>"The Universe is flux, life is opinion."

Great food choice

>> No.14878913

I don't have a fav book but Don Quixote got me into /lit/.
The Tenant.
Grand Theft Auto.
Tacos, Pizza, and Sushi.
Internet and travelling.
I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing.

>> No.14878914

Lost illusions / Novel With Cocaine
Chungking Express / Blade Runner
Pasta with Pesto
I see things you people wouldn't believe

>> No.14878959
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>The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
>Master & Commander
>House MD
>tonkotsu ramen
>target shooting
>"Do not impose on others what you do not wish for yourself."

>> No.14878969
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Not sure on a book but I'm really enjoying the temple of the golden Pavilion right now
Alien / Return of the King
Cowboy Bebop
Neir Automata
I can't even remember song lyrics never mind a quote.

Someone you me, I'm lonely.

>> No.14878971


>> No.14878989

>The New York Trilogy
>The Tree of Life
>League of Legends
>creeping online
>"you will forget everyone and everyone will forget you" - some dude

>so many good lists i want to reply to but there is never conversation in this kind of threads

>> No.14879004

>The Garden of Earthly Delights
>Dude, What Would Happen?
>"Swag Swag Swag Swag Bruh Brang-Dang-Dang Your Girlfriend"

>> No.14879021

>temple of the golden Pavilion
Op here. Funnily I am rereading now. Really cryptic and rich book. Love it. A deserved (you)


I will converse with you fren :)

>> No.14879024

It’s kinda hard to choose a favorite, but right now I enjoy:
>Nature by Emerson
>idk I like eggs and enchiladas and pizza
>bicep curls
>none that I can remember

>> No.14879026

The Book of Disquiet
Rebels of the Neon God
NGE/Zeta Gundam
Don't play vidya
Don't have a favorite food
Reading, lying in bed listening to music, or going outside and just watching people and things
All of living is nothing but a fervid attempt to move closer together. Thomas Bernhard

>> No.14879028

>Journey to the End of the Night
>Enter the Void
>Twin Peaks
>Tacos Al Pastor
>Fucking or Reading
>yadda yadda Imagine Sisyphus Happy

>> No.14879118

Slaughterhouse Five
Twin Peaks
Hunie Pop
Waffle House All Star
listening to music
Seagulls are muslims of the sky

>> No.14879161
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- Parmenides by Plato
- The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
- Twin Peaks
- Hitman 2
- N/A
- Waste my time
- My family took shit from the medigans the minute we got off the boat

>> No.14879245
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>Ada, or ardor
>Alexander (Final Cut)
>Frisky Dingo
>Chrono Cross
>"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

>> No.14879525

>Tale of the Troika
>Hot Fuzz
>Deus Ex
>Accumulating random trivia
>"As one sharpens a knife on a whetstone, the brain can be sharpened on dull
objects of thought. Every form of assiduous thinking has its value." - Stanislaw Ulam

>> No.14879727

>Moby Dick
>Tokyo Story
>Getting drunk, flirting with women, going on walks, sleeping, having coffee, reading, writing, talking with friends
>'Uncertain shapes, visitors from the past
At whom I darkly gazed so long ago,
My heart’s mad fleeting visions—now at last
Shall I embrace you, must I let you go?'

>> No.14879739

Corpus Hermeticum
Taxi Driver
Metal Gear Solid 2
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Simping; martial arts if i could afford it again
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.

>> No.14879750
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Crime & Punishment
The Good, The Bad and, The Ugly
>tv show
Hotline Miami
Bacon cheeseburger
Playing guitar and making music
"Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks"

>> No.14879760
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>> No.14879766

>Leon: The Professional
>Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
>Babyback ribs
>Competition Shooting
>"This is your driver, Stu, with an update on our new onboard regulations: Passengers will refrain from KILLING MY SOUL... Thank you." -Stu Benedict

>> No.14879879
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>The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
>Days of Heaven
>Beavis and Butt-head
>Persona 5
>instant ramen
>“I went to the zoo once and saw this thing they call an anteater. That was quite enough for me.” ~ Thomas Pynchon

>> No.14879902

>Pride and Prejudice by Austen
>Snow White
>Dragon Tales
>Kingdom Hearts II
>Ice cream
>"You have to lose yourself...in order to be found."

>> No.14879976

Glengarry Glen Ross
Cowboy Bebop
Fallout New Vegas
"It is a sobering thought to think that by the time he was my age, Mozart had already been dead for 3 years"

>> No.14879987

Forgot food

>> No.14880032
File: 103 KB, 1078x701, 1f1cb339794323029ad37c15af06dd2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Psycho
American Psycho
>TV show
Team Fortress 2
Having sex with OP's mom
"The Jew is an inborn communist" Otto Weininger

>> No.14880042

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks, anon

>> No.14880333

Am I the only one who finds the idea of having a "favourite" confusing? Are most normal constantly evaluating everything they consume and deciding whether it exceeds their previous "favourite"?
How can a comedy film be better or worse than an abstract arthouse film? They are trying to do vastly different things and I would watch the two in very different contexts.
Anyway here's what came to my mind (mostly recent things)
>White Noise
>Sourdough Bread and butter
>A drunk walk at night with someone you've met only a few times yet feel a deep connection to (possibly as a result of the alcohol)
>When you're going through hell, keep going

>> No.14880999

>Victoria 2
>True detective S1
>"Thus when the ambitious man, whose slogan was "Either Caesar or nothing", does not become Caesar, he is in despair over it. But this signifies something else, namely, that precisely because he did not become Caesar he now cannot bear to be himself."

>> No.14881009

Yes. You are super special.

>> No.14881194
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I've not really noticed anything cryptic about it so far, I think its unintentionally hilarious at some points though just by the kind of matter of fact way certain things are described or how characters say things.
I'm at the point where Mizoguchi has met Kashiwagi and he's quite shocked at Kashiwagi's life philosophy and I think its a reflection of a part of Mizoguchi and he is disgusted by it but also desires to live that way in some way.

>> No.14881232
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I don't have favorites.

>> No.14881344

>In Search of Lost Time or Ficciones
>Big Lebowski
>Family Guy maybe, i dont really care
>bbq and ice cream

>> No.14881360
File: 32 KB, 314x499, jahb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joseph and His Brothers
>I don't watch moving pictures
>I don't watch moving pictures
>Diablo 2
>Greek yogurt
>There are very few moments in a man's existence when he experiences so much ludicrous distress, or meets with so little charitable commiseration, as when he is in pursuit of his own hat

>> No.14881376

> The Dwarf
> none
> none
> Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
> spinach
> fantasizing
> none

>> No.14881381

>As I Lay Dying
>The Master
>True Detective
>Barely into gaming
>Ratatouille drained in Tabasco
>Wasting time on the internet
>Don't remember the exact wording but when Columbo tells Johnny Cash (portraying a murderer) that someone who can sing like him can't be completely bad

>> No.14881387

No, you're just an autist overthinking stuff. People just answer these questions based on gut feeling and maybe trying to be somewhat consistent with their previous answers.

>> No.14881434

>The Three Musketeers
>The Three Musketeers (1973)
>Last Blade 2
>a picquant fricandeau, a fillet of beef, and several bottles of bourgogne
>HEMA rapier
>"Endure nothing from anyone except Monsieur the Cardinal and the king. It is by his courage, please observe, by his courage alone, that a gentleman can make his way nowadays. ... Fight on all occasions. Fight the more for duels being forbidden, since consequently there is twice as much courage in fighting."

>> No.14881497

I was maybe 16 when I read it and I found it cryptic in tge sense that it was deeply psychological and had such dense themes to it that my hormonal cum brain couldnt seem to grasp. I will go over it again and see how I have developed as a reader since.

>> No.14881510

>Moby Dick
>Pale Flower
>Seinfeld I guess
>Medieval 2: Total War, KOTOR 2
>Katsu Curry
>Atrophying in front of my computer for 12+ hours a day
>There's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will

>> No.14881575
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Aah I probably wouldn't have managed it at 16, not enough swords and dragons for me at that point lol.

I see what you mean though. Every paragraph seems to have some kind of subtext but it's fairly approachable despite that. I'll definitely pick up the sea of fertility next.

>> No.14881681

>Karamaz/Underground man/MDick
>Fight club/Godfather 2/Taxi driver
>Breaking bad/Sopranos/Star trek
>D souls 2/Osu/Factorio/Typeracer
>Lasagna/Cheese cake/Rice
>Gym/Playing piano/running/
>Shopie, pendulum boredom, death

I'm just a brainlet depressed normie, aren't I? Oh well, only 50 more years

>> No.14881722

>Underworld among novels, La Divina Comedia or Macbeth in general, Hume's Treatise for philosophy
>Andrei Rublev
>The Wire
>Metal Gear Solid II or III
>up yours. any Shakespeare monologue
can you redpoll me about tsai? he's supposed to come to my city for a retrospective in a month, I don't know what to watch by him
Watch Buffalo '66

>> No.14881780

>American Psycho
>The Wire
>Final Fantasy X
>Sex but don't have much of it, also drugs

>> No.14881891

Exactly. I could have lingered on every paragraph and reread it dozens of times and still not have felt like I had exhausted the whole thing.

>> No.14882022

>pulp fiction
>the one by plato about humans being split into 2