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/lit/ - Literature

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14878041 No.14878041 [Reply] [Original]

now that Korea has established itself as the foremost country with respect to cinema and music, how long until they do the same with literature?

>> No.14878054

I don't know any Korean books or authors so I guess not anytime soon.

>> No.14878061
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>> No.14878071

The vast majority of people still don't know any Korean films other than Parasite, The Handmaiden, and Oldboy

>> No.14878122
File: 131 KB, 829x1200, noOneWrites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already done.

>> No.14878131

didn’t i see this same exact thread here like a month ago

>> No.14878156

human acts by han kang is nice
parasite was underwhelming

>> No.14878163

Where the fuck do I pirate this book? I have been meaning to read it for months.

>> No.14878255

memories of murder
house of hummingbird
the wailing
^really good korean films worth watching (imo)

>> No.14878331

film is literature in decline, so never.

>> No.14878337

Chinky flu will wipe them out

>> No.14878744

You can't. I have that one and others from that collection. Give contact and I'll share.

>> No.14878911

>No Oldboy

>> No.14878946

I am another anon, but I'll try: beebohikp@mail.ru

>> No.14878976
File: 224 KB, 760x1164, hong gildong cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You STILL haven't read The Story of Hong Gildong, The Cloud Dream of the Nine, Our Twisted Hero, I Have the Right to Destroy Myself, or The Vegetarian.

>> No.14879074

Parasite is trash. It has a purge-tier social message and is merely above the hunger games. If an American had made it, nobody would’ve watched it.

>> No.14879083

does it have good cinematography? i havent watched it but if what you are saying is true then I'd assume that there's something visually interesting going on that warranted it's praise

>> No.14879440

>that lit deep basement with books and isolation
>basement guy telling him how he loves being down there
>mr kim going monk mode in the end
i think i would live there too

>> No.14879450

Imagine having one film, no kino, and a few flicks and thinking you've won

>> No.14879471

this movie is a total waste of time. it excels at being EXACTLY mediocre. ive never seen a movie do so well at saying and doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.14879498

Anybody got a DDL link? (ideally 720p x265, but I'll take whatever)

>> No.14879534

Korean and Filipino movies usually suck. Coincidentally, Korea and the Philippines have the lowest oriental standards of culture, education, decency, etc. Ask any oriental who wasn't brainwashed by Americans and/or Koreans. No oriental whatsoever could say they have any high regard for Filipinos, Koreans, Mongols, Thai, Cambodians, and more. The big four have been the Chinese, Japanese, Malaysians and Vietnamese.

>> No.14879668

It’s average, really. I’d bet they gave the Oscar to this piece of shit to try to salvage these boomer tier awards show that just won’t die.

>> No.14879674


>Korean music good

Fucking white people smdh.

>> No.14879845

I'd really appreciate you sharing the book! karan11295@gmail.com

>> No.14880109

Sent. Enjoy.

>> No.14880120

Nvm, I got a message saying the email couldn't be delivered to you, I don't know why, didn't have a problem with the gmail anon.

>> No.14880135

it does say something. in fact its message is so clear you'd have to be a mongoloid to miss it

>> No.14880275


>> No.14880308

I'd like to get my hands on the book also, if you don't mind.

>> No.14880616


>> No.14880722

yea it says some very obvious things about korean society and mentality that even an outsider can understand easily.

>> No.14880770

You forgot "the Raid", homes

>> No.14880774

it's indonesian

>> No.14880802

That vast majority of people don't know any of these movies. They've heard the name "Parasite," but they've never seen it, and they never will.

>> No.14880808

actually no.
its still sucks ass and should be pruned.

>> No.14880810

Plebs ain’t people

>> No.14880819

>Ninety-nine percent of people aren't people
Okay. That's fine, I guess.

>> No.14880836

Because I sent you the wrong email address (sorry). It's beebohilp@mail.ru
Just in case, you can also send it to merli@protonmail.com
Thank you!

>> No.14880860

> another burger discovers there are films outside of Hollywoodland, but only because of some meme award that is not that relevant for the rest of the world

>> No.14881260

Original requester here. Please send me a copy as well.

>> No.14882537

The best literature being written in the world today comes from Latin America and Korea. Pick a couple of books from the Korean Library series Dalkey did and you’ll see why. They’re far more experimental than any writing currently popular in America (where we have small patches of isolated genius) or Europe which seems stunted.

>> No.14882632

>or Europe which seems stunted.
which contemporary europeans have you read?

>> No.14882754

Lmao they haven't even done anything bigger than Gangnam Style yet.

>> No.14882756

I mean, as far as living writers go quite a few. My favorites tend to come from Scandinavia (Jon Fosse, Dag Solstad, Fleur Jaeggy, Peter Stamm). France has good writers, but they are too political and will seemingly age poorly. Spain, too, seems more aligned with the experimental side of Latin American than the rest of Europe in that its writers often operate in a closed-field, books written about other previous books (Vila-Matas is the obvious example, but I also enjoyed the Juan Jose Millas translation that came out last year).

The issue, to me, is that Europe had such a monolithic stronghold on the 20th century in regards to its pushing new forms and kinds of literature that its writers now struggle to do anything differently (even those i wrote about above). Take a book like Milkman, a fine novel, and begin seeking its voices. You find it bound to the 20th cent in form (Beckettian insularity and monologue) and content. Korea and Latin America seem to be more playful with ideas.

>> No.14882929

The Vegetarian by Han Kang gave me a boner

>> No.14882969

Memories of murder is based

>> No.14883505

>mcdonalds art house
>respectful cinema

Bet you also thought Joker was "high art"

>> No.14883526

An outsider to what?

>> No.14883678


>> No.14883687

>You STILL haven't read The Story of Hong Gildong, The Cloud Dream of the Nine, Our Twisted Hero, I Have the Right to Destroy Myself, or The Vegetarian.
read them all, actually.

>> No.14883736

U can't. Cinema and pop music are relatively new, therefore there's some room for innovation and novelty, literature is too old and has too many masterpieces. No room for k-lit

>> No.14884276

Both are well-received so you think you can compare them

>> No.14884679

Any examples of good Latin American writers?

>> No.14884685

then please make genuine threads about Korean literature instead of off topic bait threads

>> No.14884695

It's not that it says absolutely nothing but that what it says is unoriginal. It's pretty clear about the whole "everyone in a capitalist society is a parasite" thing.

>> No.14884854
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On that subject, any novel where a korean woman kills a white man, or where korean women kill white men? For instance, suppose one is about to be raped, and she bites off her aggressor's penis ; something like that.


>> No.14886180

the fuck does that even mean? am i "coping" beacuse i'm dehumanizing soulless bugmen? /lit/ is a patrician board

>> No.14886482

Roberto Arlt

>> No.14886549

Hong Sang-soo... anyone?