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/lit/ - Literature

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1487792 No.1487792 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. Can I get your critiques, opinions, and advice? Please and thank you!


>> No.1487795

Get a life, not a blog

>> No.1488022

Subscribed. Not too shabby. Has potential. Keep it up and it could be half ass successful

>> No.1488034

Kind of skim read it. Is it just some american college kid whining?

>> No.1488039


I thought it was too for a while, but its not. He has some decent thoughts

>> No.1488055

I like the one about the news. The dead baby one...not so much... Quit trying to be humorous. Your posts that try to delve deeper into topics are better than the "funny" ones

>> No.1488062

Did you really have to explain in a post what your blog was about? Couldn't that have been done by actually doing the blog?

>> No.1488070

There's a fine line between naturalistic observation and stating the obvious. You're on the natural observation side of things, but just barely.

>> No.1488074


what kind of faggot doesn't appreciate a good dead baby joke?

OP you missed some classics, which I will now recite:

Q: What's more fun than throwing a baby off a cliff?

A: catching it with a pitchfork.

Q: what is the difference between a Porsche and a sack of dead babies?

A: I don't have a Porsche in my garage.

Q: what sound does a baby make in the microwave?

A: I don't know, I was too busy masturbating.


Your blog is bit whiny on occassion but it's refreshing that you don't think it's anything super special or fantastic, I like that.

>> No.1488077

these are interesting in that they capture just exactly what humor is

>> No.1488080

Thank you so much for that! Sorry I left them out! XD

And why would I think it's special? There's like a million others out there like it. The only "special" and truly unique thing about it is that it's mine and expresses my thoughts

>> No.1488087

A post about college being unhealthy? Very original...

>> No.1488091


Guessing it's good since you had the balls to post it on /lit/

>> No.1488114



OP, I read the beginning and stopped. Much of what you write is unnecessary, and I don't understand why there are so many line breaks in the opening. If you had not been explaining yourself for no reason and just writing, nor been trying to be lightly humorous yet humorous just enough to get a chuckle, I may have read on.

>> No.1488120


So what do you suggest I do to fix this?

>> No.1488125

Man, nobody whines like the over-privileged.

>> No.1488126

>assumes all that go to college are underprivileged

>> No.1488129


If you're going to be funny, be funny. But, above all else, say what you mean. People have learned to create language that looks just like any other instance of language, but holds no meaning at all. Not that what you posted was completely meaningless, but it reads like that friend you know who is always friendly and goes to see movies and is always polite and helping but he has no taste and his opinions are so generic.

>> No.1488135

Just to see if I understand you correctly, are you saying to either be humorous or say what I mean, but don't straddle the line?

>> No.1488145


No, I am saying that you need to not tiptoe around the points you want to make. And if you're going to be funny, throw caution to the wind.

>> No.1488153

Ah. I understand now. Yeah that makes sense. Thank you kindly :)

>> No.1488155


It reads like you want us to like you, a lot.

>> No.1488162

Over, not under, and shall I present my case?

>If you are sick, stay home, rest up, get better, and don't infect the rest of us healthy people. In any other area of the workforce of education system, you would follow this logic.
Never had a real job, then.

>And before you say "Well, you should have done better in high school," let me tell you that most all grants and scholarships are awarded to the lower class kids. Middle class people fall between the cracks quite often.
"Boo hoo, I'm being disenfranchised because my parents COULD afford dinners and electricity in the same month"

>I had a 103 degree fever, couldn't keep food in me, and just wanted to sleep all day.
>Yes, the doctor made me better. But I'm not sure how. Was it luck? They couldn't explain what I had, and it seemed to me like they were taking a shot in the dark.
"Patient presented with fever and upset tummy, the most common symptoms in the world. Since Dr. House was unavailable, we treated with standard antibiotics and patient never returned. Patient almost certainly expired."

>Professors are intimidating.

All that aside, yeah, anyone who can go to college at all is pretty damned privileged, and an entire blog post about how sometimes they have to go to class even though they've got a fucking cold is just absurd. I knew a guy who had a finger basically reattached and was back at work two days later, because his kids had to eat.

>> No.1488167

These guys are all over fucking university. I remember being hungry and not being able to pay bills when I was growing up, shit sucks ;__;

>> No.1488168


Yes, it would be nice if you like me, or at least the blog. That would cause you to share it with other people and spread what I have to say around more. I'm not trying overly hard though. Just enough to get some good will

>> No.1488184

>>If you are sick, stay home, rest up, get better, and don't infect the rest of us healthy people. In any other area of the workforce of education system, you would follow this logic.
>Never had a real job, then.
Never worked in a front of house job. They have to make you go home if, for example, you have diarrhea (this is mostly true of restaurants/food industry and hospitals). It's not worth being sued over.
>"Patient presented with fever and upset tummy, the most common symptoms in the world. Since Dr. House was unavailable, we treated with standard antibiotics and patient never returned. Patient almost certainly expired."
They won't prescribe antibiotics like that now, problems of resistance. So unless you have an infection for sure, this isn't true.

>> No.1488189


>Never had a real job
What I said is general advice and knowledge given by doctors and media outlets

>> No.1488197

>Boo hoo

Because of tuition, board and books I'm neck deep in loans because my parents have to support themselves

>> No.1488200

As for the rest of your attack, it's not a blog post about having a cold. It's about how the environment breeds unhealthy habits. And any poor kid can get a Pell Grant just for being under the poverty line as long as they can rub out a 19 on their ACTs, which anyone can do in their sleep. Being in college is not a privilege, it's a personal responsibility and commitment. As for your buddy, yeah, that sucks. But I also have friends who have gone to class TO LEARN hopped up on pain killers because they got their toes chopped off mowing grass for the university just so they could pay tuition

>> No.1488223

You are pants on head retarded.
>s long as they can rub out a 19 on their ACTs, which anyone can do in their sleep
If they live a cosy life.
>because they got their toes chopped off mowing grass for the university just so they could pay tuition
This is just funny. If the friends were doing the job properly it's gross negligence. Also, it would be mowing lawns as a paragon of the dangerous, back breaking job for a middle-class faggot. Try working in the warehouses and factories.

>> No.1488233

A cozy life has nothing to do with intelligence. Any sociologist or psychologist can prove that. You get a 19 on the ACT for for showing up and Christmas treeing the bubble sheet.

And by the way, me and my friends go to college so that we can stay in the middle class and not have to do factory work. Leave that for the high school drop outs and junkies who never did anything productive with their lives

>> No.1488242


I think you're trying too hard, and, therefore, the voice of it is annoying.

>> No.1488241

I've had to do factory work to pay for Uni, since nights pay better. Shit sucks, but I don't believe it's somehow below me.

Also, any sociologist or psychologist would point out that standards of living and class background have a massive impact on academic performance. Because it's true.

>> No.1488247

It's the verbal diarrhea of a hypochondriac.

>> No.1488250

To reference Malcolm Gladwell in his book "Outliers," INTELLIGENCE (i.e. test scores) is independent of living situation. PERFORMANCE (insofar as has willing the person is to seek further assistance, work with authority figures, and work hard) does rely on their background, however.

So again, saying that getting a decent grade on the ACT just because they are poor does not make any kind of sense

>> No.1488252

How exactly am I trying too hard?

>> No.1488253

>Didn't read the post

>> No.1488256

And I don't believe that factory work is below me either. But given the choice between making a little bit more than a high school teacher working at a community college and doing factory work, I'll choose the former

>> No.1488257

Totally did bro. And it is "Germs everywhere and I even maybe had MRSA, I don't totally trust doctors" is the gist of it.

>> No.1488259

Not even close to what I was saying

>> No.1488260
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>> No.1488262

I'm familiar with Gladwell, in part due to his work, more so due to the criticism against his work. Essentially journalist writing a book =! an academic writing a book. I would even go so far as to call his books at times a vehicle for promoting his own racist ideologies.

Pinker on Gladwell:
"I will call this the Igon Value Problem: when a writer’s education on a topic consists in interviewing an expert, he is apt to offer generalizations that are banal, obtuse or flat wrong."

>> No.1488263

It's exactly the same, I just wrote it far more concisely.

>> No.1488265

>And any poor kid can get a Pell Grant just for being under the poverty line as long as they can rub out a 19 on their ACTs, which anyone can do in their sleep.

That's probably true - with my grades, I could have gone to college right after high school. Of course, if I had, I wouldn't have had time to work a full-time job, so my unable to work mother wouldn't have been able to pay the rent, and my siblings would have wound up in foster care.

Not all of those kids wind up in prison, or raped, or neglected, or what have you. But instead of playing those odds, I took a job that at sixteen I had no idea was dangerous as fuck, hard manual labor in unsafe conditions for minimum wage.

All that is not why I called you over-privileged, though. Even at that, I'm (almost) as over-privileged, because millions of people would just fucking kill to have my life, because it is so much better than their own.

With that perspective, I try to avoid bitching about ridiculously petty things, and it galls me when others do. You lack that perspective, which is by far the most obvious example of how over-privileged you are - you really believe that any poor kid can go to college, and that manual labor is for drop-outs, and that complaining about how unsafe and unsanitary college can be is not insufferable bitching from an entitled asshole.

>> No.1488271



>> No.1488272
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You spammed your blog last night and it sucked then too. Fuck you, OP.

>> No.1488279

>Igon Value
I sure hope this typo was intentional with a missing [sic] on Pinker's part, or OP is a serious moron.

>> No.1488287

It's Pinker making fun of Gladwell "misspelling" Eigenvalue in his last book. I love it as a term.

>> No.1488289

What sort of editor lets "Igon Value" get through to a published book?

>> No.1488292

One that takes profit over content. Why refine shit when it doesn't add any value, after all?

>> No.1488605

Ad Hominem: /lit/'s best critiquing method

>> No.1488619
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>> No.1488624
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>> No.1488629

*adds u to the list*

>> No.1489061

I personally like the blog. Keep it up man!

>> No.1489071

Dat sum butthurt OP?

Wat a trol, it must hav bean so ezee 2 mak da blog N tree.

>> No.1489095

Why have a Facebook page for such a young blog?

>> No.1489145

More meaningful posts, less humor

>> No.1490732

Another blog on the internet? SWEET!

>> No.1491257

Your banner is boring. Otherwise, good written material