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14876378 No.14876378[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Socialists: we live in a capitalist system where everybody slaves away for the rich.

Also socialists: we want to tax the shit out of the rich so that they can slave away for us.

Today in most European country there are literally millions of people on state welfare. How is it any different? If one person is working and another one isn't, it doesn't matter who's working and who isn't.

Seems like a double standard.

>> No.14876382
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Oh forgot to ask, what are some books that will teach me "real socialism"?

Because apparently no matter what I read people always tell me I got the wrong book. Even Marx's definition of socialism as a transition state doesn't seem to be accepted by most socialists.

>> No.14876383

You have no idea what socialism is.

>> No.14876386

Fucking KEK, got in there a few seconds before you >>14876382 but good job proving my point. I could literally quote a dictionary and socialists will say "that's not socialism!"

>> No.14876387

>tax the shit out of the rich so that they can slave away for us.
how can one be a slave and be rich at the same time, dumbass?

>> No.14876388

real socialism has never been tried

>> No.14876392

Socialism does not work

>> No.14876396

“Real Socialism” is, just as the defense “Real Communism”, horseshit.

>> No.14876399
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>he thinks the rich do the work
are you retarded dude? Yeah man... I work at the Stocks Factory and make 1000000 dollars an hour thats why my net worth is in the billions.

>> No.14876404

>Also socialists: we want to tax the shit out of the rich so that they can slave away for us.
Not a commie, but it's my understanding that the welfare state is meant to prevent communist revolution... make capitalism liveable.

>> No.14876405
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>I could literally quote a dictionary
fucking retards who think that there's actually a central authority on the meaning of words. What is a dictionary publisher? God? Fucking idiot. Fucking plebeian, neophyte, dilettante, unthinking shiteater. Read a book.

>> No.14876406

Socialism is any economic system in which workers keep what they earn.

>> No.14876411

>central authority on the meaning of words
the french have the Académie française

>> No.14876415

because "socialism" means whatever you want it to mean. "socialism" means everything from 5 year plans to "muh decentralized worker's run factories economy" syndicalism to social democratic welfare states. you're talking about 3 different economic models, and each of their supporters wants to claim that theirs is the "true socialism." The other part of it is what you're talking about, which are people wanting to avoid talking about the flaws of their systems by pinning its problems on a specific person/administration/set of circumstances (If I was in charge, I would have...)

>> No.14876419

'Socialism' is a word. A word has no inherent meaning. Take the word 'curry', you could say 'chicken tikka is my favourite curry' but you could also say 'I hope to curry favour with her'. Because language is arbitrary these sorts of things can happen.

To say 'what does curry mean?', get two answers and then assume it therefore doesn't have a meaning is very, very, very stupid.

So if Lenin and Ocasio-Cortez both use the term socialism but use it to refer to OBVIOUSLY DIFFERENT things then your inability to see the nuance is a sign that it is you, not them, who are very, very, very stupid.

>> No.14876420

Socialism isn't real

>> No.14876422

i define those words as a compliment.

>> No.14876423

If you work for me and I do nothing then you're my slave in a away. Slavery isn't just cotton picking and being whipped.

Another bird brain who thinks work = labour. Rich people work by creating value or providing services by whatever means.

>> No.14876425


real isnt scoialism

>> No.14876426

Interesting point. Welfare was indeed invented by right-wing parties in the UK as a way to avoid free market collapse. Unfortunately there are way too many people on benefits these days which is becoming a burden in itself.

>> No.14876428

>it/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.14876431

Where does the meaning of words come from? If through collective use, then the definition is simply the most commonly used one.

>> No.14876432

eh better politics than another guenon thread

>> No.14876435

You're right, there is Leninism, Stalinism, Marxism, Maoism, and their various combinations. I am actually aware of all these, the problem is that the people I talk to aren't showing nuance, they are just saying "no, my definition is the correct one". If people were actually nuanced like you I'd take them more seriously.

>> No.14876440

Socialism is a set of political and economic theories based on the belief that everyone has an equal right to a share of a country’s wealth and that the government should own and control the main industries.

>> No.14876442

We're talking about socialist books. Hide the thread and go away if you don't like it you sap.

>> No.14876448

cope, no book has been mentioned in this thread let alone OP, any mention of a book from henceforth is a token namedrop for the sake of appearances.

>> No.14876454

Might the 'people you talk to', perchance, be anonymous randos on the internet?

>> No.14876455

Lol, no.

>> No.14876462

>the belief that everyone has an equal right to a share of a country’s wealth
where does this idea come from? inequality of outcome is not eliminated in socialism. the point is that people get what (marxists believe) they deserve (according to the labour theory of value)

>> No.14876468

What the fuck do you even gain by posting this? Explain your mindset to me you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.14876469

>I work at the Stocks Factory and make 1000000 dollars an hour thats why my net worth is in the billions.
I bet any of you socialist wake up early to post in this tea afitionado forum

>> No.14876490

Let's use your definitions then.
>5 year plans
This is the classic socialist implementation that people consider "not real socialism". Interestingly, during the growth of the Soviet Union (when the economy was fine and dandy), many thought that Marxism-Leninism made sense as a catalyst and ultimately as a path to Communism. It wasn't until the failure of agriculture and the other industries that intellectuals started to backtrack. Today only one person (Zizek) thinks Leninism might work.

>decentralized worker's run factories economy
I'll group these two together. I think these are - when implemented on a national scale - closer to communism because of 1) collective ownership of means of production and 2) decentralisation. You can argue that there's still money around but this is just a logistic convenience in this day and age.

>social democratic welfare states.
Once tax reaches a certain stage and the size of public services becomes very large, and we have things like UBI, the system is very much into socialist territory. This functions as a modern definition of socialism because we no longer work in "factories". Some Luddites might not consider this socialism because they're using a literal definition, but ignoring the mechanics the ideology is the same.

So I'm going to ignore the first two definitions for the reasons given and assume we're talking about the third. In such a scenario, isn't there a large proportion of the population who gets to enjoy their life while others (the middle class) provide most of the taxes?

>> No.14876490,1 [INTERNAL] 

mods are fags