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/lit/ - Literature

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1487468 No.1487468 [Reply] [Original]

Authors and poets who like to drink or be drunk

Post them

>> No.1487473

F. Scott Fitzgerald said gin was like gasoline for his typewriter.

Hemingway drank.
Faulkner drank.
Joyce drank.
Heller drank.

Many more, I'm sure.

>> No.1487478

Let's be more efficient and list the ones who don't.

I'll start: Stephenie Meyer and Orson Scott Card

>> No.1487480
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>> No.1487482

Every second sentence of every Zelazny book I've read so far has had a character gulping wine or smoking tobacco.

I suspect he enjoyed both

>> No.1487489


This is very illuminating as to why those authors suck a huge nigger dick.

>> No.1487486

Joyce drank a bottle of wine per night.
Malcolm Lowry was a total drunk.

J. M. Coetzee doesn't (and he's great).

>> No.1487490

I don't care for Coetzee.

>> No.1487492

I'm not a huge fan, but I like Waiting for the Barbarians and Disgrace.

>> No.1487494


>> No.1487498


To be honest, I've only read some of "Foe". I couldn't get through it.

>> No.1487499


>> No.1487501

Lets change the topic instead to why so many authors(see: All of them) drink.

Does it contribute positively to their work at all?
Ive noticed that the quality of Stephen Kings work went noticeably downhill after he went sober.(But at least it didnt have any loli gang-bang scenes)

>> No.1487522


>> No.1487528


There's something about the booze that sets your mind going. It opens shit up and lets you work. It shuts off the overarching frontal lobe that tells you, "Hey, you can't write that. That's inaccrochable."

>> No.1487534

I think that can be attributed more to withdrawal than to sobriety. The new book was pretty good.

>> No.1487541
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>> No.1487557


9,000 internets for you

>> No.1487588
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Tio Lan

>> No.1487616


>> No.1487628
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>> No.1487632

Pretty sure everyone knows Bukowski was on the sauce. Hard.

>> No.1487643


Right on. Can't believe we missed him.

>> No.1487694
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This guy.

>> No.1487703

today i was watching family guy and brian said that he was going to stop writing and then stewie was like, "but that's the only thing that validates your alcoholism!"

>> No.1487711

>watching family guy

>> No.1487721
File: 6 KB, 200x200, cd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlie Drake

Starkle, starkle, little twink,
Who the hell you are I think,
I'm not under what they call
The alcofluence of incohol.
I'm not drunk as thinkle peep,
I'm just a little slort of sheep.
Tee martoonis make a guy
Fool so feelish, don't know why
Rally don't know who's me yet
The drunker I stay the longer I get
So just one more to full my cup,
I've all day sober to Sunday up.

>> No.1487732


Also, I truly didn't understand literature or the need to write until I started drinking. There was something about it that I just, I don't know, didn't get. After the drink, a long time after, I realized why writing mattered. Why it was essential. Why the goddamn things always turn out like they do.

>> No.1487735

/lit/, I'm ashamed at you.

How has Kingsley Amis - possibly the KING of drunkard / writers - not been posted yet? The man literally wrote the book on drink. His daily routine was: write 500 words in the morning; go to club; drink for the rest of the day and get incredibly fucking gone. Man was a titan of drunkenness (and also of philandery).

>> No.1487739


what does this word mean?

>> No.1487754

Oh, yeah. Here I recently bought Everyday Drinking, and I forgot to mention him. I'm ashamed of me too.

>> No.1487764


To quote Hemingway who was quoting Gertrude Stein, "That means it is like a picture that a painter paints and then he cannot hang it when he has a show and nobody will buy it because they cannot hang it either."

My take on it is this: If something affronts the sensibilities of people it may be good, but since it is inaccrochable, you can't put it out there because no one will have it, even though it speaks to them.

>> No.1487780

ok i think I get it it. Thanks anon

>> No.1487793

Everyday Drinking is teh awesomes

>> No.1487846

Whoa, I was wondering the same thing and I googled it and tried some online dictionaries...no help.

I'd like to know as well.

>> No.1487858

Arthur Rimbaud had an alcohol issue, and died at the age of 37.