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File: 78 KB, 650x650, A1191ED3-EC16-4057-BCB6-082D3D728EBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14872092 No.14872092 [Reply] [Original]

Will new sincerity vanquish post-modernism in the literary world? Will it happen this decade? In our lives?

>> No.14872101

If DFW had not necked himself maybe. His disciples are a bunch of pretend bohemian yuppies yapping about sincerity while plastering their hideous forms all over the gram in desperate bids for validation.

>> No.14872106

Right is better

>> No.14872114

Left is arguably way cuter, but right is for high test individuals

>> No.14872123

What do you think he could have produced if he had not unfortunately died so prematurely?

>> No.14872222

Would be happy to take home right and wake up with left

>> No.14872249


>> No.14872258

it already failed

>> No.14872261

He could have finished Pale King

>> No.14872265

The Pale King for starters. Would've definitly had some interesting, probably terrifying takes on the internet.

>> No.14872266

Fuck left, kill right.

>> No.14872271

>If only DFW had lived, he’d have led us out into the wilderness and preached the righteousness of New Sincerity ...

Want something different? Turn the page. Is it the extinction event or is it “Socialism”? Sincerely.

>> No.14872272

classic soul vs. soulless pic

>> No.14872278

>schizo posting

>> No.14872318

New Sincerity is post-modern

>> No.14872372

>trannyfly posting

>> No.14872537

Why do you pretend to be deep and well read when you're as stupid as everyone else in this board?

>> No.14872557

Left: 7/10
Right: 3/10

>> No.14872563

probably shes not even the same age (at least, she doesnt look like it). a 9 and a 7

>> No.14872574
File: 55 KB, 654x900, soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's here. It's now. Seeping out of your floorboards. Getting sincerity all over your post-modern soup cans. Crack one open and take a sip brother.

>> No.14872588

Do you actively try to be as dislikable as possible?

>> No.14872787
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>> No.14872813

left please right is soulless

>> No.14872815

Subjectively I prefer left. What does this say about me.

>> No.14872833

Nothing substantial, I assure you

>> No.14874058


>> No.14874069

You're afraid of talking to girls in public

>> No.14874074

right is soulless but left looks murderous

>> No.14874181

Left > right
Right > left

>> No.14874189
File: 81 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks sincerity is opposite post-modernism

>> No.14874263
File: 536 KB, 2048x2048, brent_bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talk as if New Sincerety was actually a thing.
Just because someone romantically pitches an idea, doesn't mean it's a movement. Who even wrote books according to that philosophy? That's an empty card house of hypotheticals we're discussing in this thread..

>> No.14874271

new sincerity is the most ironic branch of post-modernism

>> No.14874298 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 960x871, shitwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dehumanize yourself and face to cumshed. Ten billion dicks sucked, the world is a whore.

>> No.14874417

Can somebody explain to me why anybody should ever be anything but themselves

Why do they need these labels and ideas

Why not just have the self

>> No.14874421

have sex

>> No.14874457

Give me left or I'll rope

>> No.14874520

>Left: Jodie Foster
>Right: painted doll
Femanons, subtle make up application sends an honesty signal -- being able to see and evaluate skin quality (especially freckles) supersedes the paper mache foundation caking uniformity.

>> No.14874673

Umm Sorry sweetie, Chad likes it like that more :)

>> No.14874700

I prefer left much more. Right reminds me of things I don’t like about women in general, she looks very stern and off-putting. I am gay though, so.

>> No.14874704

As a straight man, I couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.14874726 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 960x700, DhJhjRu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse, I won't waste my seed on some walking cumrag dressed as a clown whore. Only men, and only some of them, are worthy of any affection or even attention.

>> No.14874729

>No Tristan Ludlow
Well, fuuuuuck.

>> No.14874784

Left is still cuter.

>> No.14874790

Court and marry left, rape, kill and main right.

>> No.14874825

Honestly most makeup styles look awful and this is no exception. In both these pics the eyes without makeup look far better. Fake eyelashes are particularly disgusting. Why do women have such poor taste in one of their only hobbies.

>> No.14874847

Post-modernism vanquished itself and the only things left are rejectionists and reactionaries.

>> No.14875584

the duality of woman

>> No.14875613


>> No.14875631

Left is better

>> No.14875642
File: 104 KB, 570x1135, 1582416407499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blind rage of an ironist, ladies and germs

>> No.14875648

left one looks like she listens to my favorite shoegaze bands right one looks like she failed algebra in high school

>> No.14875717

are you going to suck his dick, because your response was pretty gay

>> No.14875731


>> No.14875753


>> No.14876000

who is she?

>> No.14876798

The feet lady

>> No.14877071

>subtle make up application sends an honesty signal
It's a genetic signal. Caking in makeup is like the beards that hipsters grow to hide their weak jawlines.
>Chad likes it like that more :)
Only for a pump and dump.

>> No.14877115


>> No.14877175


>> No.14877264

Left is cuter. Right's the amount of makeup you should wear to a charity event, otherwise it signals insecurity. She needs to tone it down.

>> No.14877298

You should realize that women do makeup not just to attract chads, but compete with each other

>> No.14877317 [DELETED] 

Why do women compete in being whores?

>> No.14877611

I detest irony, but she is not an authentic human being

>> No.14877721

who dis bitch? she looks like the type who acts all cutesy and nice but likes taking big dicks up the ass

>> No.14877731 [DELETED] 

>she looks like the type who acts all cutesy and nice but likes taking big dicks up the ass
You mean to say she's a woman?

>> No.14877739

His predictions in the 90s about the internet and technology were remarkably prescient, hearing his insight today would be just as valuable if not more so

>> No.14877772

dont say that even as a joke
left is actually attractive and right looks like a swamp creature

>> No.14877784

Her face shape is literally different

>> No.14877806

ok incel

>> No.14877810

Women don't even act cutesy and nice anymore.

>> No.14877817

they do in europe

>> No.14877825

Calling it post irony is way more based either way

>> No.14878805

that is easily the gayest shit I've ever seen on this website and I regularly visit /gif/

>> No.14879696

yes, and , ultimately, they are competing with each other for Chad

>> No.14879782

How soon until post sincerity begins?

>> No.14879924


Left is gorgeous.

>> No.14880095
File: 900 KB, 3000x2000, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling it post irony is way more based either way
Post irony is only the beginning of new sincerity. The more irony develops, the more new sincerity will develop as a response.

>> No.14880136

>Post-modernism vanquished itself and the only things left are rejectionists and reactionaries.
Post-modernism is a victim of its own success. It was meant to critique culture, not become the culture. Once it achieves ubiquity, it has nothing to critique and therefore nothing to offer.

>> No.14880166

>new sincerity
i've never heard of this shit. how do you follow literary trends? i don't know what websites to go to or anything. where's the body of work with, what, a tag for "new sincerity" school?

explain where i can find their material

>> No.14880713

why would you cover up those freckles?

>> No.14880740

can disconfirm. we laugh with Brad about it behind your back and still fuck you cos you're free :)
t. Chad

>> No.14880747

Incorrect, the 'alt-right', whatever it means, has had a field day with the same criticisms of the 60s applied to the legacy of the third-way Blair and Clinton governments. It all comes from the same source

>> No.14881293
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>> No.14881297

This chart is disproven by the fact that Gen X'ers showcase the supposedly Milennial affect more while Milennials just say what they mean effusively.

>> No.14881306
File: 158 KB, 694x1343, 1558574403422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14881521

she was more effay before

>> No.14881543


>> No.14881959

t. Brad

>> No.14881968

What has the alt-right created? I get that they're continuing the legacy of deconstruction, but this isn't producing a new culture. All it can do is tear things down.

>> No.14881975

She ruined her jaw and cheekbones.

>> No.14882069

>Gen X'ers showcase the supposedly Milennial affect more
How do they fail so hard at contemporary irony then? For example, Bad Religion tried to make a video mocking the alt-right, and ended up accidentally making a recruiting ad for them.
>while Milennials just say what they mean effusively
So you would make them post-ironic? As someone at the tail end of Millennial, I really wish this were true, but most people my age are pretty cynical and annoying even if you know how to decode what they are saying.

>> No.14882077

Wait. Is that the same girl? Did she get her cheeks sanded down? She went from sexy to boring as fuck if so

>> No.14882089

Asians hate high cheekbones for some dumb reason. If you see Japanese racist caricature of Koreans they emphasize cheekbones

>> No.14882095

New sincerity is bullshit that never happened its literally just

>bro let's be sincere in the face of irony

ok and? postmodernism is here because it's assumptions smacked us in the face, new sincerity just says do it because idk we gotta be sincere it's garbage

>> No.14882175

>bro let's be sincere in the face of irony
I don't think it's as deliberate as that, it's more like when a joke becomes old. Irony has been done to death and can't produce anything new, because it already deconstructed everything we used to value.

>> No.14882205

looked better before. gooks are insane.

>> No.14882255

does anyone else ever get violent thoughts when they see a woman
like whenever i see some fucking thot sticking her ass out wearing almost nothing obviously vying for attention and wanting to be desired, i find it hard to stop myself from daydreaming about bashing her smug fucking whore face in with a fucking golf club, watching her expression go from that fake "trying to be cute" face they all make to fear and then horror as she starts screaming and pleading with me before i hit her again and knock the wind out of her disgusting whore body, her screaming turns to frantic gurgling as i keep bashing her stupid fucking face in over and over until even that subsides, she's unrecognizable her head is a bloody bubbling pulp, all shades of red speckled with bright white and soggy grey littering her crushed cranium alongside tufts of her stupid fucking dyed hair jesus fucking christ i hate these people so god damned much i don't even want pussy from them i don't want their attention i don't want to be liked by these vile people they're disgusting, if one of them touched me i'd cut my fucking hand off i just want them to fucking DIE

>> No.14882256

Why did she do this to herself, anons? I feel genuinely disturbed by the fact that someone would willingly uglify themself in such a manner.

>> No.14882279
File: 400 KB, 1100x1100, 9c6189d979272cde3a6594c0500988789a9adc0c55b66706ae55991d2ea82bbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we are living in Kali Yuga and the women are disgusting, just like everything else. Channel your hatred anon. You can do amazing things with it, but it has to be set to a constructive purpose.