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/lit/ - Literature

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14865962 No.14865962 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys have any plan to do something with the information you from books, like making a novel of your own or something?

Seems kinda odd to me spend a ton of money on media and not make something out of it.

>> No.14865967

I'm memorizing poetry right now to impress women

>> No.14865973

Do people that consume film always aspire to write and direct there own movie? Do people that watch documentaries always do something with that knowledge? It’s ok to just like something and consume it just to admire it isn’t it?

>> No.14865979

I intend to commit suicide, so I plan to study philosophy so that I can btfo of anyone that tries to make me a slave for their ideas of life with irrefutable arguments.

>> No.14866007

I'm into gothic and Tolkien, I'd like to write a book about gothic or Tolkien but I don't know how to write and I'll end up coming everything I read on books about gothic/Tolkien. So I'd rather enjoy them instead of wasting time on trying to write a book.

>> No.14866010

10 bucks says, not one of those books has been read to completion

>> No.14866104


>> No.14866123

Yeah I'm a strangely productive writer. I've written to the tune of 400+ poems, two novels, and developed a mini philosophical system

>> No.14866131

I'm writing 2 books and plan to write 5 in total. I did not plan this at first, but the amount of info I've assimilated from my readings wants to morph into something original. It's like a natural urge.

>> No.14866355

buying close doesn't mean i'm gonna become a model

i just read to recover the development time that i wasted on videogames and to habituate my body before i go to college

>> No.14866393

I would like to write philosophy as well as create poetry and art but I often feel like I’m not nuanced or talented enough. I’m already 27. I had an interest always but I spent my formative years studying stuff I hate and wallowing in depression, drugs, and alcohol before I got deep into this literature thing at 25 when the existential crisis peaked. These things probably would’ve manifested themselves earlier if I had a real talent for them after all. It feels that no matter what I did from this point on, I missed my window and I’ll never get to erase the fact that I was a bug trying to get a business degree and be a banker or some other worthless shit for my intellectually formative years.

>> No.14866395

Based anon.

>> No.14866472

Yes I do write, but I also only keep books around that I’ve already read and liked and plan to re-read. Most stuff I read I trade back or sell. I don’t like keeping massive “stacks” off books I haven’t read yet around, it reeks of pseudery. My personal library only consists of a couple hundred books.

>> No.14866484
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>> No.14866490


>> No.14866515


>> No.14866542
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>are you guys going to do something PRACTICAL with all this reading instead of just cultivating your own soul
>seems a bit weird to actually, hm, simply ENJOY reading books when it’s not making you rice and famous or getting you laid

Based NPC

>> No.14866698

(Self-replying), I really do think the production of art and critical thought is a type of sickness, in both a good and bad way, but it is by no means healthy. I can't stop. It's a vice and profoundly neurotic behavior.

>> No.14866766

The information and library is for my posterity.

>> No.14867691

this but women with penises

>> No.14867703

No. I'm not creative. I enjoy reading and watching movies. They're just a hobby like anything else. How else should I occupy my time? Stories are fun.

>> No.14868171

>entertainment is supposed to be productive
look at this square