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14864356 No.14864356 [Reply] [Original]

Was it autism?

>> No.14864370

The mind of the aristocracy suddenly unmoored from god and morality. A precursor to fascism.

>> No.14864378

It was sadism

>> No.14864379

Depends on the quality of the women.

>> No.14864391

It was definitely autism

>> No.14864411
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>> No.14864422

Quite the opposite. I dont think an autist gets invited to orgies.

>> No.14864431

This but unironically

>> No.14864495

You have watched too much Pasolini, fag

>> No.14864498

Is that the guy who made Salo?

>> No.14864516

yes. Saló is basically whining about fascists being based and mixing it with weird Foucaultian theory related to sexuality and power

>> No.14864538

Geoffrey Gorer, an English anthropologist and author (1905–1985), wrote one of the earliest books on Sade, entitled The Revolutionary Ideas of the Marquis de Sade in 1935. He pointed out that Sade was in complete opposition to contemporary philosophers for both his "complete and continual denial of the right to property" and for viewing the struggle in late 18th century French society as being not between "the Crown, the bourgeoisie, the aristocracy or the clergy, or sectional interests of any of these against one another", but rather all of these "more or less united against the proletariat." By holding these views, he cut himself off entirely from the revolutionary thinkers of his time to join those of the mid-nineteenth century. Thus, Gorer argued, "he can with some justice be called the first reasoned socialist."

>> No.14864559

Base as in lower and crude, yes. I know the allegory and it’s apt. Rehashing the authoritarian past at the expense of the young.
Let fascism go, child. It’s wrong.

>> No.14864567

De Sade is just a distraction propped up to keep people from reading Casanova’s Memoirs.

Sade was actually a piece of shit.

>> No.14864572

Just a proto-coomer

>> No.14864576

I haven’t read much of his, but the stories descriptions come to me and they seem like horror porn. On her journeys, Juliette encounters an aristocratic of some sort who murderers people daily. I don’t know what her reaction is to this.

>> No.14864579

The most based french to ever live. Combined philosophy and cooming into one synthesis.

>> No.14864603

what's some coomer-core lit?
who are the coom-philosophers?

>> No.14864607

I haven't read him myself. I copy-pasted that excerpt from wikipedia as it was something I hadn't heard about Sade before. It is speculated that his philosophical works influenced Stirner and Nietzsche.

>> No.14864822

Sade's appalling treatment of street prostitutes and peasant women wasn't even that uncommon among the aristocrats of his day- he was just the one guy who didn't disavow it and hide his love of heinous acts behind a facade of false etiquette.

>> No.14864867

Eh, I am personally weary of the time due to how much revolutionary propaganda there was about thats demonstrably false. The Queens character being one exaggeration. I do not doubt there was some scandels, even relitviely common ones, but I find it hard to believe there were many Sade's running around.

>> No.14864884

Blood Meridian

>> No.14865463

Sade was the original coomer but with brains.

>> No.14865471

One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.14865478
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>> No.14865831

Interesting, thanks for the recommendation. I wonder how this compares to Klossowski's reading.

>> No.14865966

It was metaphysical evil

>> No.14867043

Except for his time, De Sade was a left winger.

>> No.14867049
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>It was spook spook spook

>> No.14867086

It was being too based.

>> No.14867119

I don't agree that de Sade was a precursor to fascism, but what difference does it make what he was in his time?Such a stupid argument