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14863466 No.14863466 [Reply] [Original]

I really don't get what the big deal is. The dialouge is wooden at best, and the love stories are stapled on. The gay zombie knife fight at the top of a waterfall is almost worth slogging through the Book of Obadiah, but I admit I just skipped ahead. The One True Faith? Maybe for the Reader's Digest crowd, but I just couldn't buy it.

>> No.14863478


>> No.14863482

if you were going for a copypasta thread you're going to have to do better than that

>> No.14863558

You losers never fail to make me laugh. Spirituality? Immaterialism? What's this enormous bullshit? You're just a pack of insecure virgins who project their autism on other people and believe in fairy tales to cope with your miserable existence. Now you will call me coomer or normie and shoot senseless buzzwords in an attempt to look smart, but the truth is you're dumber than you make yourselves out to be. I have three wives and fourteen children and countless life achievements a pathetic incel like you would only dream of accomplishing, and all without reading a single book on religious apologists or jewish fairy tales. I don't need no spirituality because i already have a life of accomplishments and my greatness will be passed on to my offspring, you on the other hand will never reproduce and leave your shit genes behind, and you've still got the guts to believe you're above the norm. You're not God's chosen ones, you're a circlejerk of losers who will live a shit life to the very end, no amount of prayers will save you from your genetic inferiority, you just were born to be a detriment to other functional members of society, and the fact that you act like scumbags through and through just proves my point. You are nothing but low IQ, ugly, and vile genetic abominations clinging to man-made delusions in the hope of living in an afterlife that doesn't exist. You are the embodiment of cope, an unsalvageable bunch of virgins.

>> No.14863570

Badly edited, poor continuity and internal consistency. Authors seem to change between books. Plot is cliched and thin, with virtually no character development save for Judas Iscariot. The main characters of Jesus and Moses are entirely one dimensional messianic figures. The novel opens with Adam and Eve, and then ignores them for the next thousand pages or so. The built-in bookmark was a nice touch, but a little pretentious.

Oddly, it wasn't shelved with the other fiction books.

>> No.14863579

1/10 bait

>> No.14863824


>> No.14863875

Based and truth-pilled.

This is true for all holy texts written in antiquity. We need something new. Something that incorporates the massive jumps we've made intellectually in the past 100 years (let alone 2000)

>> No.14863888

>what is the corpus hermeticum

>> No.14863914

As a work of fiction it's laughably bad and poorly conceived. Giant logical fallacies, poor character development, and all the plots are scuttled by a magical, invisible entity that's petty, cruel, tyrannical, and amoral. There is no central narrative that is worthwhile (or even believable), and each of the chapters seem written by committee rather than a singular voice. Clearly the book was so bad to begin with a team of editors had to step in and make major changes - which means no part of this book is even meritorious or reflects an author's vision. Frankly, I don't see this book having much of an impact.

>> No.14863924

Anyone interested in the literary aspects of the bible should watch the Northrop Frye lectures on youtube. He really delves into the images and symbology that drive the Biblical narrative.

>> No.14863931

>Anti-sacrilege, monotheism
No, hermeticism is just as blue pilled as the bible.