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14863394 No.14863394 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw failing intro to philosophy class

My writings really are too complicated for my brainlet of a professor who thinks Bertrand Russell was a good philosopher and that Kant "could have been a better writer." He keeps saying I need to have "clear and concise arguments" in my essays because he's too stupid to understand my use of parables and rhetorical questions. The level of intellectual discourse in the world really is plummeting down the drain. Are there any books about how to maintain one's hope when you're one of the few geniouses to exist in the world? about how to stay motivated when you're constantly undervalued by society?

>> No.14863402

The Martian with Matt Damon

>> No.14863404

kant was a spastic better suited to lego building than feelosofee. just make concise arguments. if your parables are making your work more and not less verbose, you are a retard

>> No.14863413


>> No.14863420

yes I'm sure your phd professor is the retard and not the teenager failing intro to philosophy

>> No.14863429

truth hurts doesn't it? go study. maybe one of the girls in your class will let you orbit her & do her homework if you pull your grades up.

>> No.14863435

>claims to be a genius
>can't express himself clearly
lol nice autism OP

>> No.14863446

regardless of your ideas your prof is right that you fucking suck at writing

>> No.14863447

you have to read guidelines to writing an article on philosophy
why the fuck are you even using parables and rhetoric
that shit is useless

who the fuck fails an intro to phil class, you only need to have memory and a 101 textbook

>> No.14863453

I'm not OP. You're a fucking retard for your take on Kant.

>> No.14863488

A Confederacy of Dunces is the book for you.

>> No.14863490

kant is dogshit bro. he disparaged scent as vulgar. what a moron.

>> No.14863518 [DELETED] 
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There comes a point in every precocious, budding intellectual's life where he or she must decide whether they are truly exceptional and everyone else is wrong, or capitulate to the status quo and go under the waves of homeostatic mediocrity that the rank and file of academia seeks to enforce. The fragility of the average academic's ego cannot be understated. They are, for the most part, a motley crew of hacks, frauds, and true middle-brow bugboys who have huddled together for safety, trying desperately to sterilize any level of genius above their own (neutering Nietzsche, cauterizing Kant, whoring out Hegel, etc.)
Looks like you're about to make the right choice. Just be sure to go all the way and never sacrifice novelty or ingenuity for the sake of making sure the plebs can understand you.

>> No.14863531

If you can't fake whatever they need you to be in order to pass, you ain't no genius.

>> No.14863533
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post work nigger

>> No.14863539

I have professor like this as well. I'm not failing at all, but he is the only phil professor I had who is taking grades off just for stylistic purposes. I try to be concise and clear, but also stylistic and enjoyable to read. He seems to want typical soulless analytic writing.

>> No.14863552

I'm autistic and not a genius and could probably do a better job than OP.

>> No.14863562

jordan peterman - 10 rules for life

>> No.14863564

Imagine a sprinter gets to a race and completely loses because he decided to backflip the entire circuit. Yeah, cool, you can backflip, but you were supposed to win the race you retard. That’s you. You’re backflip man. Just fucking run like a normal person, you aren’t special.

>> No.14863566

you have to understand that you are writing exegetical papers. Your purpose is not to write beautiful prose it's to explain the author's ideas concisely and accurately. When you start outlining your own philosophical system then you can write with all the style and panache you want

>> No.14863572

Dunning Kruger effect is strong in this one.

>> No.14863581

You are in a class to follow a method. Once you are outside in the real world you can do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.14863610

You aren't wrong, but it's not like I'm writing purple prose. I try to incorporate a bit of style like Hume and Schopenhauer so that it's less soulless and more enjoyable, but some academics seem to demand absolute soullessness.

>> No.14863618
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lmao your audience--the only person reading your essays--asked you to communicate clearer. If you can't do that, then perhaps you don't understand the material as well as you think.

these guys get it

this one gets it most

>> No.14863625

Why are you paying for college if all you wanted to do was jizz onto some paper?

>> No.14863636

>implying OP is paying for college

>> No.14863658


>> No.14863665

>Why yes, I am the ultimate cuckformist. how could you tell?

>> No.14863674

It's the same for science writing. The language should be stripped down and light on literary devices. The prose is a means to an end. You're trying to convey an argument and the language is not to draw attention to itself. It's intentionally plain because the goal is to isolate the argument and not clutter it behind fancy metaphors or allegories.

>> No.14863683

what's the point of being a nonconformist at the lowest level of hierarchy? literally do what they tell you, graduate with honors and shit on them once you've graduated

>> No.14863715

You are supposed to write for an uninformed audience you fucking retard don't write for what you think your teacher knows (it's probably some student marking it anyway)

You should have soulless prose in your work for everything but the intro and closing thoughts.

>> No.14863729

Question; what do students in philosophy courses give their thesis on? Do you actually have original ideas?

>> No.14863751

you aren't allowed to have original ideas in school. You need to reference everything. At best you can attempt some synthesis. Innovation is strongly discouraged.

>> No.14863781


>> No.14863783

Make what the teacher likes and get your first. After that you can play.

>> No.14863787

Post one of your essays. I guarantee it's not profound like you think, just self-indulgent.

>> No.14863788
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>> No.14863791

>shit on them once you've graduated
A professor giving a 90 instead of 95 hardly makes anyone the bottom of the hierarchy, but this line of thinking I believe is flawed. Today you bow to your professor, tomorrow to your boss, the day after to your associates or audience or whatever, then you die without living a single day on your own terms. There is no hierarchy if you don't let it exist.

>> No.14863793

anon you need to make your arguments easier to follow for your prof. Use smaller words and shorter sentences. That's all.

>> No.14863955

post your work in a pastebin and let us judge

>> No.14863969

100% bait, but in any case philosophy is really just about solid reasoning and arguments, not conjecture or analogy

>> No.14864073

This picture is so damn aesthetic. Imagine dicking around as a kid with your suburban friends on the fringe of the desert

>> No.14864085

If you are in an American U, this is normal. Elsewhere, youre just unlucky.

Learn to parrot; profs as a whole run their classes like a personality cult are easy to read and exploit.

Save your genius for masters tiger.


>> No.14864807

>Parables and rhetorical questions
>One of the few geniouses in the world
>His professor can't understand him
Oh you must be such a retard

>> No.14864813


>> No.14864830

Your professor is right and you are a retard.

>> No.14864862

Bertrand Russell was not a bad philisopher, he was a bad historian, get your shit right at least

>> No.14864915

Probably was in his day with all the peasants teeming over the literal paths of horseshit that would constitute a street.

>> No.14864943

>parables and rhetorical questions.
He can be an analytic hylic all he likes, your fruity, 'playful' rhetorical flourishes are not going over well without a Continental bias prof. Cut those and it should be fine.

>taking grades off just for stylistic purposes.
Wait until you encounter the formatting casuistics niggerfessor.

>You are supposed to write for an uninformed audience you fucking retard
This isn't journalism.
>don't write for what you think your teacher knows (it's probably some student marking it anyway)
No need to game it. If it really is some associate prof.'s jannies grading, it should hold up on appeal in office hours.

>when you're constantly undervalued by society
Get this out of your head. Life is cheap and no one is special, and to end in a place where fools like your prof. (if you've characterized him accurately) will require endless graft and cunning. You can give him what he wants and call its value into question at the same time.

>> No.14865241

follow socrates' advice: the wisest is he who realizes he knows nothing. your ego is what's killing you, you're convinced you're smarter than your phd professor and you're failing fucking intro to philosophy

>> No.14865250

Pretty good troll. I give it a 7/10, like they did in the old days

>> No.14865305

Philosophy is an NPC subject, you can't expect there to be any thinking

>> No.14865319
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Well done OP. Now write your next paper in full automatic writing mode, and also, write in play dialogue. Don't even think about reality when writing this, just make the characters interact in a non-reality, infact make spiders come out of a young brides pussy. Your almost there anon, your almost there.

>> No.14865327

pretty crazy how you manage to be a whiny little bitch and an arrogant dumbass at the same time

>> No.14865368

>using rhetorical question in a fucking essay

Unless you are the most gifted writer in the world, kill yourself you fucking pretentious bastard.

>> No.14865525
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>he doesn't include subtle occult truths in all of his schoolwork

>> No.14865536
File: 22 KB, 400x436, 8AF8C187-CE6D-4512-B1A3-AB78D43DCD52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related has a few good chapters near the end on genius and society

>> No.14865555

what the hell does a person even do in a "philosophy class"?

>> No.14865559

Stare at cute girls' feet.

>> No.14865567

Pic related wrote a few words on academic philosophy as well.

>> No.14865569

has bait always been this shit?

>> No.14865573

Overwriting isn't a style, and it isn't enjoyable to read. You just don't want to grow as a student.

>> No.14865771

>second semester in an English degree
>say fuck it and take a philosophy module as one of my options for the semester
>never do any reading
>never show up to seminars
>finish with a higher mark than 95% of the second year full time philosophy students on the course with an 83

>> No.14865888

Post one of your essays and let us judge.

>> No.14866181

The way u wrote this post, already shows how bad you are at writing. Use comma's please.

>> No.14866196

Using parables in an actual uni essay? Sperg.

Also, >genious

>> No.14866299

Post it or shut it

>> No.14866333

THE OP IS SATIRE AND BAIT. Very disappointed in all of you. Also, the people who genuinely think that Kant was in any way an obscurantist need to leave this board.

>> No.14866958

Then you might as well use mathematical notation.

>> No.14866964

Looks like anon cast the pearls before swine :(

>> No.14867005


>> No.14868182
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>> No.14868722

Dude it's not that hard. Write for normans in the most spell-it-out manner you can fashion. Do they not teach you thesis statements?

>in this extract Arendt establishes the prerequisites necessary for a normal persons' moral deteriarioration through anecdotes from Eichmann, the defendant.

>> No.14868728

OP was his class' "smart" kid and now realises academia isn't 4chan with tests

>> No.14868735

Sign me up.

>> No.14869404

Kant wasn't an obscurantist, just a terrible writer.

>> No.14869969

found the low IQ

>> No.14869980

You are trash with your shit ego.

>> No.14869994

If you're not reclining into a leisurely discourse on the nature of things between your peers and your sophistes it's not real philosophy. You're just being told the prescribed realm of ideas generally agreed upon within the cultural and political feedback loops of your society and being instructed on how to further disseminate those ideas. No real investigation or revelation is taking place.

Repeat thing in book I select for you. Pass.

>> No.14870211

You are a pseud with nothing to add to a field which is basically dead.

>> No.14870813

Stop taking Philosophy classes you fucking dyke just study Literature like an actually smart person jeez why are you so stupid god you're such an idiot wow jeez

>> No.14870835

>tfw when failing intro to phil class because I'm too much of a brainlet to understand descartes