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1486122 No.1486122 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read Pride and Prejudice? Do you remember that one of the daughters, specifically Mary, read a lot, and she ended up being the one who never got married. Do you ever fear that your affection for reading and thought could possibly be isolating? I mean, that's obvious, but have you ever considered quitting reading because it's isolating? Is reading/philosophy really worth being forever alone?

From Pride and Prejudice:

"What say you, Mary? For you are a young lady of deep reflection, I know, and read great books and make extracts.'"

"I admire the activity of your benevolence," observed Mary, "but every impulse of feeling should be guided by reason; and, in my opinion, exertion should always be in proportion to what is required."

"Mary was the only daughter who remained at home; and she was necessarily drawn from the pursuit of accomplishments by Mrs. Bennet's being quite unable to sit alone. Mary was obliged to mix more with the world, but she could still moralize over every morning visit"

>> No.1486136

Well, I'm going to be forever alone regardless of whether I read, so might as well, right?

>> No.1486143

I honestly can't think of why anyone would want to read/watch pride and prejudice.

It seems like constant blabber about marriage and dull, everyday occurrences bound into a mess of English diarrhea.

The only people I know who have read and enjoyed it are women or men that are pretentious or gay.

>> No.1486149

I'm intending to read it after I finish Pride and Prejudice and Zombies just to compare.

>> No.1486153

Honestly I keep trying to read Jane Austen books & I enjoy them, I really do, but I can never get more than like halfway through. Just get bogged down.

>> No.1486155


>> No.1486157

You've mixed up the direction of causality. Foreveralone types are attracted/limited to solitary activities, rather than those activities making them foreveralone. Although it's true that some of these, like MMOs, often aggravate social retardedness, reading is pretty mild in comparison as it isn't a great substitute for social interaction.

>> No.1486170

Yes, Jane Austen is a complete and utter yawnfesting cunt.

>> No.1486185
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>> No.1486215

You're missing the whole point of this character.
Mary was set to be an intellectual foil to Elizabeth in that they are both very book-smart; however Mary only retained the ability to regurgitate what she read, whereas Elizabeth was independent enough to develop her own interpretations and opinions based on what she saw/read.

>> No.1486234

Oh, really. I thought she was just being used as an example of someone who reads too much and never interacts with the outside world. Like a typical shut-in. From what I observed, she seemed to be the type who thinks too much, 'overly rational', a lot like myself.

>> No.1486242


Austen herself was thought of as 'too bookish' by her family and friends... Mary and Kitty are the real cautionary tales in P&P- 'this is how not to get a husband'.

>> No.1486318

Mary was dull. That was her problem, not reading too much. She was empty, intellectually and morally, and used books as a tool to masquerade that.

So, if you're a bitch who lacks empathy reciting what you learn in books won't save you from foreveralone.

Other than that, I don't agree with your thesis OP. Books can help your flirting and sex appeal immensely. Ceteris paribus, readers are more interesting than non-readers. I know I couldn't fall in love with someone who doesn't read. Heck, I once lost interest in a chick when she said her favourite writer was Paulo Coelho. I was already in the bed with her; this sad episode led to 2 martyrish weeks of impotency.

So yeah.. it doesn't make sense to read books from a teleological perspective, with the idea of using them - what you read - as a tool of seduction; likewise it doesn't make sense to fear that being a heavy reader will prevent you from succeeding in those domains.

Btw, I'm a straight guy who thoroughly enjoys Jane Austen's books.

>> No.1487287

you sound kinda douchy. If you don't mind me saying, bro. -Anonymous

>> No.1487308
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>straight male who enjoys Jane Austen
>you bump to say he's a douche
You just had to bump a thread to point out the obvious?

>> No.1487315

>Described as 'too bookish' by her friends and family
>Write one of the best and most famous books in the history of english literature

I've just about finished pride and prejudice. For one of the most famous love stories ever written, there doesn't seem to be a lot of love happening.

>> No.1487337

No, but the film is awesome. Keira <3

>> No.1487467
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She is hot, but I'm only saying because I couldn't get anything better. But, if you don't mind my anonymous opinion, she is a tad too skinny, wouldn't you agree, anon?

>> No.1487507

I read a lot so I found a girl who reads a lot and now we read together then have sex afterwards.

>> No.1487533

so... where do you find these girls who read 'a lot'?

I was just at a book reading for these two english dep. grad students 'bout an hour ago, and this pretty hot asian girl with plaid colored toe nails rolled in with her boyfriend -- checked her hair for split ends the whole *30 minutes* -- didn't listen to a word spoken, and the readings were pretty good too. Girls who read: only in the movies/books, mannn.

>> No.1487538

I once tried reading Pride and Prejudice - I lasted 70 pages before I gave up. I was so bored I literally had no idea what anyone was talking about and who was what.

I read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and I was still bored out of my mind, 80% of the book is unchanged from the original text.

>> No.1487554

lol wat

girls make up 75% of english majors, that is a true statistic

you need to hang out with hipster girls more often, they be reading shit all the time yo

>> No.1487558

I'm not an english major. I guess dat be my prob man.

>> No.1487596

Dude. I go to a pretty intense college with a reputation as a real academic / nerdy place - EVERY girl here reads to some extent, and a lot of 'em are on some serious shit. It's kind of depressing because I know that once I get out of here this kind of environment is never going to exist again.

>> No.1487609

If I had to choose between books and a companion I'd stick with books anyhow. At least I can't get bored with books, just switch genres and that's handled. That said, I really hate Jane Austen's novels.

>> No.1487618

God 'o God I wish I was smart enough to get into a decent liberal arts college. I imagine the chicks there aren't that hot, but at least they can stand a little conversation about something more than dieting and jello-shots.

>> No.1487631

>IF i left the house today and this harajuku fantasy girl i fixated on wasn't paying attention to the mfa students' short stories about childhood incest play in planned suburbs THEN the only 3d woman who reads outside of school is michiko kakutani, QED

>> No.1487635

As long as you aren't a complete social retard during your lifetime you can find someone to marry. Reading has nothing to do with it.