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14860173 No.14860173 [Reply] [Original]

I’m looking for books on information theory, computer networks, mycology, and mycorrhizal networks.
I would also like to know how to stop being so afraid of fungus and mushrooms and mold. Every time I’m near them/one I feel like breathing in spores will cause growths in me which will eventually rot my living body and eat me.

>> No.14860236

The Information by James Gleick, and Quit Being A Faggot by Anon et al.

>> No.14860241

Your fear isn't unfounded unfortunately. Fungal spores can be quite dangerous. On the other hand, mushrooms are quite delicious. Perhaps a book on recipes would help?

>> No.14860273

Agen Cormac series by Neal Asher if you want some decent sci fi

>> No.14860295

Thank you, that looks interesting. And yeah I should just stop being a pussy, but I always feel when I enter a particularly grown-over section of the woods that I’m in “their” territory so I start running. Next time I’ll go slowly just for you.
If you have something in mind I’m interested, though I will not be harvesting my own.

>> No.14860477
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>Feel like i'm breathing in spores

Mushroom spores are almost everywhere and you breathe them in constantly :)

>> No.14860553

>I feel like breathing in spores will cause growths in me which will eventually rot my living body and eat me
do you have nightmares about that?

>> No.14860569

My fact-brain knows that, but it only becomes scary when I’m confronted by an especially large fungal outgrowth/moldy cellar.
No, my nightmares are exclusively about spiders, disfigurement, and bureaucracy.

>> No.14860768
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Here’s one. Not sure if he touches on computer network theories.

>> No.14860884

The Secret Life of Trees by Wohlleben

>> No.14861110

Anon I have similar feelings based on how ur describing the phobia and idk does it really bother you so often? Are you determining the fungus count of the area as first order of business in order to feel ok or is it just kinda y ou dont like breathing in fungus cause then i dont see the problem

>> No.14861190

A Voice in the Night by William Hope Hodgson

>> No.14861203

mushrooms are tasty.
get a bunch of different ones, don't forage because you'll die without good knowledge, and make a soup or stew. you'll surely like them then.

>> No.14862297

Thank you for these recommendations.
That was a great story! It reminds me of those books of short stories “for boys” about pirates and ghosts from when I was a little kid.
I’ll go to the library for some identification guides. Maybe once I eat a bunch the fear will go away. Or perhaps I’ll just become like that guy from The Voice in the Night die in the woods. Mushroom stew is whimsical rather than scary.

>> No.14862308

Overnight, very
Whitely, discreetly,
Very quietly

Our toes, our noses
Take hold on the loam,
Acquire the air.

Nobody sees us,
Stops us, betrays us;
The small grains make room.

Soft fists insist on
Heaving the needles,
The leafy bedding,

Even the paving.
Our hammers, our rams,
Earless and eyeless,

Perfectly voiceless,
Widen the crannies,
Shoulder through holes. We

Diet on water,
On crumbs of shadow,
Bland-mannered, asking

Little or nothing.
So many of us!
So many of us!

We are shelves, we are
Tables, we are meek,
We are edible,

Nudgers and shovers
In spite of ourselves.
Our kind multiplies:

We shall by morning
Inherit the earth.
Our foot's in the door.

Mushrooms by Sylvia Plath

>> No.14863601


>> No.14864453
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>> No.14864812
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