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File: 48 KB, 217x380, nick land duży mózg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14858548 No.14858548 [Reply] [Original]

where the fuck do I start with him? has he been refuted yet? does he reference Austrian economics in his work? I've seen one of the anons use the phrase "Misesian catallactics" in one of Land threads?

>> No.14858579

do you have a somewhat solid grasp of continental theory and economic ideas?

>> No.14858598

only philosophy I've ever read was Plato, Berkeley and some history of phil textbook. I've read Capital, some of Marx's philosophical works and some Soviet textbook on dialectical materialism. which economic ideas do you mean? actually I have a good grasp of both orthodoxy and heterodoxy in economics

>> No.14858614

you are 10x than me. i know from him because of Deleuze, memes and both
hopefully someone else will come here to guide us

>> No.14858642

all of those questions are shit. start with either Deleuze (who you absolutely need to actually interact with his system instead of just nodding along or rejecting him) or if you are lazy, just read his Jacobitemag articles chronologically.
Last three are easy, next five are intermediate difficulty.

>> No.14858672
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Nice cope thread fags. But even with your autistic memories you will remember this.

>> No.14858677

slide thread
real thread here >>14857676

>> No.14858685 [DELETED] 

>where the fuck do I start with him?
Read the Quick and Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism
has he been refuted yet?
No, this was demonstrated in the other thread
does he reference Austrian economics in his work?
Yes, Mises and Von Bawerk in particular
>I've seen one of the anons use the phrase "Misesian catallactics" in one of Land threads?
He draws more on the Austrian's in his later work, you don't need them so much for the earlier work like Fanged Noumena

>> No.14858701

>where the fuck do I start with him?
Read the Quick and Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism
>has he been refuted yet?
No, this was demonstrated in the other thread
>does he reference Austrian economics in his work?
Yes, Mises and Von Bawerk in particular
>I've seen one of the anons use the phrase "Misesian catallactics" in one of Land threads?
He draws more on the Austrian's in his later work, you don't need them so much for the earlier work like Fanged Noumena

>> No.14858736

where does he reference Austrianism directly? I've read both Mises and Bohm-Bawerk extensively, does he side with Mises on the economic calculation issue?

>> No.14858742

Wow so I guess capitalism is over, thanks anon! Where's the commune at?

>> No.14858758
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>> No.14858760

Here's my reading list on the path from Greeks to Land
>Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics (Kant)
>Marx-Engels Reader
>Freud Reader
>Nietzsche Reader
>Nietzsche Critical Reader
>Accursed Share 1, 2, 3 (Georges Bataille)
>Theory of Religion (Georges Bataille)
>The Theatre and its Double (Antonin Artaud)
>Anti-Oedipus (Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari)
>Thousand Plateaus (Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari)
>Fanged Noumena (Nick Land)
If anyone has suggestions or criticisms, please let me know

>> No.14858777

seems like a long list, can you say why would you recommend this? (not op, but hopefully he'll also read it)
if it doesn't take much time of course

>> No.14858782
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This is now a g/acc thread
>Some choose take the black pill resentfully, in the case of involuntarily and voluntarily celibate, and some choose it with a positive affirmation, in the case primarily of gay men. The queer affirmation of “no future” is perhaps most perfectly captured in the gay man, a nihilistic postmodern refusal of production. One that could very well turn from harmless symbolic castration into resentment, incel fascism, and eventually hyper-patriarchal Nazism in the case of various neo-masculine movements characterized by repressed homoeroticism and a desire to destroy civilization. It is important to realize after all that cis queerness is not a molecular queerness; the body remains the same, and humanism is still possible, even if it is a sad end-times humanism.

>> No.14858787
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>from Greeks to Land
>no greeks

>> No.14858801

It's the shortest path from the Greeks to Land that covers everything you need to know, based on feedback from here and my own research
Marx-Engels, Nietzsche, Bataille are all direct forebears to D&G, and D&G are a direct forebear to Land
I don't remember why Artaud is on the list desu

Everyone has the chart, no need to add it
Plus if you haven't read them by now you shouldn't be posting here

>> No.14858818

>5 posters
Spam thread

>> No.14858829
File: 15 KB, 300x400, d i e l a t e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Appropriating a term from neoreaction belies the superficially reactionary character of trans women that certain factions of so-called radical feminism vilify trans women for. But this is all mere appearance; the function of hyper-sexism is that in affirming, imitating, and accelerating the feminine, it appropriates it towards a different mode of becoming where gender is untethered from the reproductive reterritorializing logic of gender that is inextricably tied with sex and sexual reproduction. If gender acceleration were to retain the identification of feminine with female and masculine with male, patriarchy would still have a fighting chance. The playing field would be more or less the same as it always has been. But in untethering the feminine from the female sex, destroying the logic of gender in the process which seeks to impose the circuit of masculine humanist reproduction onto the female body, trans femininity on the one hand makes the masculine effectively worthless, spurting into a void. As the comparisons between AI and trans women have shown, this untethering of gender from sex is only the beginning of the autonomy of objects, the inhuman desire for machinic autoproduction which in effect negates subject-object dualism. The object, the feminine machine, becomes autonomous and revolts in the form of the sterilized trans woman whose existence is an embodied rejection of the primordial rape of female reproductive potential. Trans femininity heads for the exit from patriarchy.

>> No.14858832

this anti-acc guy has been seething for months now
legit barneyfag tier

>> No.14858837

>'Acceleration' as it is used here describes the time-structure of capital accumulation. It thus references the 'roundaboutness' founding Bohm-Bawerk's model of capitalization, in which saving and technicity are integrated within a single social process-diversion of resources from immediate consumption into the enhancement of productive apparatus. Consequently, as basic co-components of capital, technology and economics have only a limited, formal distinctiveness under historical conditions of ignited capital escalation. The indissolubly twin-dynamic is techonomic (cross-excited commercial industrialism). Acceleration is techonomic time.
from Teleoplexy
I don't know of a direct reference but would pretty much guarantee he sides with Mises on the calculation problem
Artaud was a major influence on Deleuze and Land. He's where Deleuze got the idea of a body without organs

>> No.14858849

i'm surprised you don't include some Lacan considering D&G is usually said to be a refutation of Freudian/lacanian thought

>> No.14858858

>Artaud was a major influence on Deleuze and Land. He's where Deleuze got the idea of a body without organs
Is there anything you'd suggest adding to the list?

It's really meant to be a shortest possible path. If we're adding refutations/less important sources then the list gets bigger very quickly

>> No.14858860
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>only one person could oppose trannies spamming the board

>> No.14858872

acc have resorted to fake conversations. complete denial

>> No.14858888
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>We have been robbed of our anuses, just so they can turn them into parts for their ignominious machine which produces Capital, exploitation, and the Family. Reduced to its most practical biological functions the anus is becoming fortress—impenetrable, singular, productive. Our very excrement is assigned commercial value—so many nutrients per cubic foot, average moisture content, cost of processing.

>To reject the commodity logic of shit, we embrace the anus becoming flower—pleasurable, penetrable, commune. The anus has five muscles; the flower, five petals; the fist, five fingers. The anus is the common sexual nexus, an enclosure in the commons of pleasure. We refuse the mediation of our anuses under the logic of biopower, instead unveiling their insurgence by elaborating a logic of scat. In other words, the anuses of our revolt are scatological rather than biological.

>The human strike blossoms at every point of rupture; which is to say, at every point of emergence. Let us speak of the anal rupture, the emergence of fecal matter from our bodies. The human scatological strike will produce nothing in the act of defecation; while leaving nothing behind but an empty rectum. In the space of this void, we become whatever singularities. Our feces, freed from the logic of capital, take lines of flight toward police, while our anuses, no longer mere appendages of flesh upon a machine of nitrate circulation, are filled with found objects. Our anuses becoming… cumming glitter, shit, whatever.


>> No.14858899

is g/acc accelerationism for faggots with sissy fetish? what are the foundational texts of this movement?

>> No.14858903
File: 260 KB, 1366x768, d i l a t e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14858909

Nick Land
Donna Haraway

>> No.14858914

Amy Ireland

>> No.14858917
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>> No.14858919

Artaud is a weird one, it's his poetry which most people draw from. He isn't totally necessary to read first but he did influence them
>anti-acc fag is in meltdown
you love to see it

>> No.14858923

basically, yes
created by an insane twitter tranny
just google gender accelerationism and have a laugh

>> No.14858969


>> No.14859130
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>> No.14859138

>he made another nonsense pomo meme
oh I am laffin

>> No.14859389

It's over for accfags.

>> No.14859484

Quick TLRD for the guy, who doesn't understand what's similarities between ACC and nRx. Aren't they different? How Land might be both at the same time?

>> No.14859496

They're the same. Land is just a bigger pseud.

>> No.14859519

nRx say about the weird revival of old forms of state (also, I don't know for what sake they so racists), ACC about unconditional acceleration IN THE FUTURE.

>> No.14860146

Just start with Land, and the ccru and read some secondary blog posts.
Saying you need to read this and that beforehand would imply gaining a deeper meaning from it is possible.
Then when you got your edgy phase out of yourself, you can try D&G and realize it's actually more interesting and good.

>> No.14861247

>Markets manufacture intelligence
Everyone laugh at Nick Land today.

>> No.14861513

read Meltdown, its available online. if you read Fanged noumena: the beginning is pretty philosophical/stale, the middle is just great and he gets schizo towards the end.

>> No.14861534

lmao still talking to yourself

>> No.14861560

he was retroactively refuted by me in my upcoming interview regarding the publishing of my diary desu

>> No.14862099

based illusion of grandiose

>> No.14863064
File: 164 KB, 530x499, dilatation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start with Dilation Theory

>> No.14863078

Start with Ccru Writings 1997-2003 and Fanged Noumena

>> No.14863093

>12 posters
Land is literally having a meltdown

>> No.14863100
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>Land makes a thread where he asks /lit/ for books that will help him understand what Land wrote

>> No.14863109

yeah no one would ever do that to sell shit books to the gullible

>> No.14863117

>Confucious say, man who run behind car get exhausted.
Just HODL Nick. Acceleration will return someday.
In the meantime might I suggest Vagueism? Or Shortism?