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/lit/ - Literature

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14856230 No.14856230 [Reply] [Original]

I see this on /lit/ all the time. People here seem to think that there is no "ideal women," and that they are all whores. How can you possibly think all women are whores or evil? This makes no sense to me, and I want to understand these people.

>> No.14856239

all women are whores

>> No.14856247

The thing I find funny is the fact that most of these people hate women a priori. These losers have no experience with women, yet hate them so much.

>> No.14856260

I remember seeing a girl on the street in my early teens. Something about her appearance antagonized me, and I began looking for a way to justify hating her within my moral system. But then I stopped and said to myself: "This is ridiculous. I'll just hate anybody I please." Since then I have never had any interest or respect for morality, ethics or anything of the sort.

>> No.14856266

The majority of the posters here are either unattractive or lack social skills. Thus, they cope by saying, "She ain't shit anyway" x1000.

>> No.14856275

Although I hate Frued, the Madonna/Whore complex explains it though a lot people here would claim they don't believe in Madonna either.

>> No.14856279

I could kill this woman in a single strike. It's amazing how much better men are than women.

>> No.14856282

Based truthpill.

>> No.14856286

I can't even bring myself to say Hail Mary, sorry but I'm not going to pray to a human, and especially a woman.

>> No.14856287

You could kill a man with a single strike too if you placed it right.

>> No.14856301
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i love women so much, bros. they are the sweetest, softest, most heavenly of specimens a man can ever find within this world. they also somehow always smell fantastic, they are so much more compassionate for people around them than men are, and are innocent by their very nature. maturity and responsibility comes secondhand to them, juggling so much without a wince or whimper, unlike us men who buckle under the same forces of formality, and tend to seek out often-puerile escapisms like that of video games to avoid such realities. life throws so much hardship at them, and yet they bare it with such beauty and grace that a man can only but submit himself to such a wondrous, divine, magnificent being.

any books that match the vibe of this image? asking for a fren

>> No.14856305

Maybe it's because patriarchal "beauty standards" aren't really beauty standards at all. Maybe they are a way to oppress women: big boobs so they can't run, weak and skinny so they depend on men and can't fight, long hair so they can't see, high heels so they can't run, dresses so their mobility is limited

>> No.14856307

i would eat her shit straight from her rectus

>> No.14856315

life is harder for men, but I do agree in that women are great

>> No.14856330

Men want women to depend on them, it's a turn on for them. They're interconnected.

>> No.14856335
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I don't get it, why does she cook pancakes just for herself?

>> No.14856338


>> No.14856339
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/lit/ is an autistic male safe space. i don't want to have women parading in my face.

>> No.14856346

You fell for the "gender roles as sexual reality" bs.

>> No.14856350

part of it is literal autism
part of it is a misguided reaction to feminism/liberalism/bourgeois society in general
part of it was growing up in a broken home where mom and dad were fighting all the time prior to the inevitable divorce
part of it is social isolation
part of it is the STEM environment which puts a lot of emphasis on the exact sciences, material success, "doing something useful for society" and also happens to be male dominated in contrast to the soft and squishy and feminine liberal arts

>> No.14856354
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>I'm ashamed to admit that I would've given up 10 interviews with Einstein to have one dinner with a beautiful woman.

>> No.14856365

1) Camus was a pseud
2) Einstein seems like the least interesting physics figure of the 20th century. Bohr is much more based.

>> No.14856375

I think Wheeler would be more fun

>> No.14856385

/lit/ is particularly toxic for it's intellectualization of misogyny. I think it arises from reading(and idealizing) too much classical literature which is written primarily by males, for males in a male dominated society.

>> No.14856391

Heisenberg, Schrodinger and Planck.

>> No.14856404

Ability to cause harm is indeed a very remarkable trait

>> No.14856407

Those writers didn't hate women though, they just had a different conception of gender roles.

>> No.14856416


So you haven't been around women.

>> No.14856417

That's what I mean. I didn't say they hate women.

>> No.14856423
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>> No.14856428


t. virgins who havent showered in two weeks

>> No.14856431

You literally must never have had sex or given a girl head.

>> No.14856435

You will never have this.

>> No.14856438
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Men and women will always have a love/hate relationship because sexuality is a highly personal, subjective and irrational force that most people think they understand but don't. Men are prone to the madonna/whore complex because society raises children in the illusion that we live in a society that isn't a stratified front for natural selection, and then when they encounter the sexual marketplace and realize women are just as cutthroat as men and seemingly driven by a cruel evolutionary will to find the best genetic mate they come off disillusioned and hopeless. The sexual revolution was a mistake not because as traditionalists argue it broke up the traditional family culture but because it is still trapped in that illusory mindset that somehow we can create a society not dictated by sexual desire and frustration. Women and men are both equally to blame for how this has turned out, but at the same time we can't control our genetic nature so nobody is to blame really. It's a really sad state of affairs and leaves men and women resentful and alienated from one another. I myself hate how much of my sense of self is wrapped up in sexuality, wish I was never born desu.

>> No.14856442


>> No.14856443

To love women you have to hate women. To kiss women you have to beat women.

>> No.14856451


>> No.14856453

This is a decent take, although a lot of benefits were lost with the de-emphasis of the family. The thing is people can and do overcome this sexual aspect of themselves, you can too and you can find someone else who's done it as well once you do.

>> No.14856458

You can't say anything positive about women without being associated with the reddit gentleman, instead people here LARP as college jocks to mimic supposedly sexual successful people and deflect from being called out as virgins. This of course means acting like an edgy 15 year old.

>> No.14856471

Only asian women don't have stinky pussies, and sometimes they do anyway. Not to mention most girls don't clean their butthole well enough, even the hot ones, so during doggystyle there's always the slight stank as well.

>> No.14856472

Don't agree with this and he doesn't understand Hegel one bit but its still worth a watch

>> No.14856478

thanks for your detailed critique friend

>> No.14856481

They're nation wreckers. Simple as.

>> No.14856482

That's what evolutionary psychology deserves.

>> No.14856486

I am sincere when I say I treat women like hentai characters and they like me for it.

>> No.14856490

Not getting turned on by smell and feeling threatened by it just means you are low test.

>> No.14856491

go on and pretend you're special and not a stinky ape

>> No.14856497

If you found a piece of chewed bubblegum on the sidewalk, would you pick it up off the ground and chew it some more?

What would you think if the guy next to you rushed to do so?

What if the piece of chewed gum jumped in your mouth?

What if everyone but you rushed to chew every piece of gum they could find, regardless of where it ended up?

>> No.14856498

which smell the smell of pussy or the smell of butthole? the pussy smell I don't mind desu I just have the natural human aversion to shit

>> No.14856499

This. If a woman's natural odor doesn't get you hard, you are unquestionably a faggot.

>> No.14856511

This. They lack loyalty and need to be told what to do.

>> No.14856514

if you're not repulsed by the fish smell you're actually a virgin, they actually did the science on this

>> No.14856517

Based. Also the fact that they ridicule you for not wanting to chew the gum

>> No.14856518

>understand why people hate women
Midwits hate women because the fail to understand and accept the nature of women which manifests very differently to the nature of men. Take loyalty for example. A women's true loyalty lies with her children not her partner, and she'll happily monkey branch to another man wereas a man's loyalty lies with family and his tribe.

>given a girl head.
What kind of faggot gives a girl head lol

>> No.14856526

lmao you are the madonna/whore complex at work

>> No.14856538

what kind of trashy fishy smelling women, who also don't have good hygiene, have you been fuckin?

>> No.14856540

>when I hang with a girl I eat her pussy right away I'm such a Chad

>> No.14856551



>> No.14856575

I think according to Freud its a symptom of failing to properly mature through psychosexual development due to insecurities and anxieties surrounding sex. Thats why people are so obsessed with being cheated on when they aren't even involved in the dating scene

>> No.14856582
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Just talk to a woman for 5 mintues and you'll get why, you dont need a fucking book for that.
Though if you want to, read Weininger or Schopenhauer

>> No.14856586

"scientific" studies are almost always just opinion based and impossible to replicate with the same results

>> No.14856595

False equivalence. You are using /lit/ despite it being used by multiple people. You sit on toilet seats that other people have used.

>> No.14856602

>A woman

>> No.14856605

That would imply that he goes outside.

>> No.14856606

when are all of you materialistic retards finally going to fucking kill yourselves i'm so fucking sick of seething this shit jesus fucking christ

>> No.14856615

just look the way her ass is positioned over that pizza haha like wouldn't it be funny if she violently defecated all over it before I had a chance to take a slice haha wouldn't that be hilarious haha

>> No.14856616

I never pooed outside my house, not even school or uni

>> No.14856617

lmao @ human hubris

>> No.14856619

women don't feel love unless it is for their children, and even then they oftentimes don't feel it

>> No.14856625

>elephant showing Greta what he thinks of her environmentalism

>> No.14856627

False equivalence. Posting on /lit/ and using the same tiolent are both way less gross than chewing used gum.

>> No.14856628

Their reaction isn't misguided. It's natural. Feminism is a denial of reality which seems designed almost explicitly to unleash women's basest desires. The elites love it, because women tend to choose the high status men when they're 'free' to choose.

Those broken homes were most often broken by the woman, who provoked the man due to her perception of his growing weakness, and justified her initiation of the divorce. Statistically, the lower the man's income, the more likely a the woman will initiate a divorce. Coincidence, I'm sure!

Social isolation comes from women being free to share the top percentile of men and discard, mock, socially destroy the men who try to pursue them but who are weaker than the top.

A culture of men "doing something useful for society" isn't exactly negative. I'm not sure what your point is. Women have always required men to provide material comfort, but in the past there was a cooperative among men designed to favor men in gaining 'useful' employment. It also excluded women, who only seem to use their employment to exclude men so they can date higher status men, and laugh at the men who make less.

Madonna/Whore is bullshit. Men want a woman who will reject other men and be loyal to THEM above all others. They want someone who will act as a madonna to OTHER men, and a 'whore' (or sexually free) with them. They are only asking for loyalty. And to call it a complex where men want both a whore and a saint is bullshit. It's a roundabout way of justifying disloyalty.
And men want to sleep with lots of women! Maybe we should control this negative aspect of our personalities instead of celebrating it.

>> No.14856629

Sounds like you are a good source of authority with a lot of life experience

>> No.14856637

what does chewed gum have to do with anything

>> No.14856643

all this projection in one post, sounds like you got burned by the madonna/whore complex anon

>> No.14856645

>le lock and key analogy
What is it with misogynists and relying on
weighted metaphors to show why women are bad? Let me guess, not enough experience of them to talk about what they're actually like in person?

>> No.14856649

So no, you don't know what they smell like, virgins.

>> No.14856658

>multiple threads on these subjects daily
You guys really got to sort out your problems and insecurities

>> No.14856657

The one good take in this thread

>> No.14856664
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All women do is piss birth control into the water supply and complain

>> No.14856669

are you retarded? how damaged is your mind?

>> No.14856672

The reasons are primarily sexual unfulfillment and autism (disinterest in other people as persons, as well as inability for self-reflection).
IMO, essentially women are just as idiotic and deserving of hate as men, but men are used to the standards of the male culture, and so the faults of female culture will stick out strongly in their eyes while they remain blind to the problems in their own garden.

You've never been outside your place for more than a day?

>> No.14856680

Not an argument. This thread has nothing to do with gum

>> No.14856683

not that anon but I'll hold shitting in for a long time to avoid shitting anywhere but where I'm staying

>> No.14856689

I've been a week to Italy, Spain and France at a time but never pooed. Just couldn't bring myself to do it.

>> No.14856692

nigga this thread also has nothing to do with toilet seats but you're bringing that shit up jesus fuck do you not understand how conversations work?

>> No.14856703


>> No.14856706

I was just pointing out how the gum thing is a false analogy. You can't just say "thing is like other thing" and expect it to be some ultimate truth

>> No.14856719

but that's exactly what you did

>> No.14856723

>They want someone who will act as a madonna to OTHER men, and a 'whore' (or sexually free) with them.
You don't understand the complex. It's not about men wanting a woman who sustains both archetypes, but the way in which (historically speaking) the male attitude towards women has been violently differentiated into two camps that doesn't allow for anything in-between. With women's sexual freedom, there is less judgement than their ever was on promiscuity, but certainly the reason why 4chan in particular is subject to the complex is because "wayward" women are no longer submitting to this fantasy of male control that doesn't really exist anymore, but 4chan is desperate to perpetuate. That's not to say that some men don't want what you're describing, but it does explain why slut shaming is so popular on this board, despite the fact that the same men would be more than happy to sleep around with these women, if they could get the chance.

>> No.14856726

You've never been on a trip to some foreign country?

That ain't healthy my man, ain't healthy. Just put toilet paper on the seat before you sit on it, it's really not that difficult. Our ancestors could shit in any bush and on any street they felt like, why would the modern man's shitting habits be more limited?

>> No.14856730
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As a wise man once said, the beauty of the Creator can be found within the grooves of a woman's soles.

>> No.14856734

Then who is right? Both of them are analogies that make sense. Maybe its because they are false analogies

>> No.14856735

No I mean where I'm staying as in a hotel room or apartment, I just refuse to shit in public restrooms.

>> No.14856738

Thats a very thoughtful and measured way of living your life

>> No.14856742

why are you so effeminate?

>> No.14856753

The problem is that most people of the new generations were raised with the idea that man and woman are essentially the same and all differences are merely superficial. As a result, when they were developing their worldview growing up, they did not construct in their minds an ideal of man and ideal of woman, but only an ideal of a person: a criteria with which men and women are equally judged with. But just so it happens, this ideal *person* possesses all the qualities on might expect of ideal man (like virtue, honor, intelligence, and so on), and very few of that of women. In other words, women are subjected to mostly male ideals and as it happens they are not very good at it. There is no longer a concept of the ideal women, so women are simply viewed at mostly inferior males.

>> No.14856754

Am I based or cringe for knowing exactly who this is a quote from?

>> No.14856761

I started hating them the moment they started tying my humanity to a job. People will say it's capitalism but they are one doing it's bidding, same as white feather women during WW1. They are agents for the state and I don't like the status quo, so I don't like them.

Men may do this as well, but in my experience men are largely indifferent or even helpful, it's always women who look down on you and deride you.

>> No.14856764

>I started hating them the moment they started tying my humanity to a job
What are you even talking about

>> No.14856768

Idk my man

>> No.14856769

Well, that is reasonable. Though last semester one day of the week I had lectures from 8AM to 8PM and had to shit in the uni's public toilet ._.

>> No.14856800


>> No.14856820
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>> No.14856826

While true that women don't feel love or loyalty for man or child, they do possess the singular attribute of devotion--a more fleeting but intense analog. Controlling a woman is merely a matter of compelling her devotion through heroic acts like leadership and refusing to help with chores.

>> No.14856829


>> No.14856858


>> No.14856869

You're a man and you're complaining right now

>> No.14856887

The truth is... it's all part of a complicated lesbian psyop designed to reduce (male) competition for intelligent + attractive women
>t. lesbian

>> No.14856923

They hate what they can't have.

>> No.14856930

it really varies. Some women I've been with have smelled and tasted so good that it was intoxicating beyond any food or drug, while others were quite foul.

You have to have been with multiple women to know this.

>> No.14856941

korean puss really does taste and smell a lot like kimchi

>> No.14856955

No wonder why women hate inteligence and decency

>> No.14856956

word? maaaan I've been missing out. This feels like a Hegelian moment when the consciousness expands.

>> No.14856971

Sexual Utopia in Power

>> No.14856973

These are the kinds of people posting about sexual purity. Please never go on the internet again, you absolute autist.

>> No.14856997

you said misogyny you fucking retard

>> No.14857043
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It always amuses me how non-males on quadros-canalos always (with no exception) HAVE TO, feel compelled to state their sex.

>> No.14857053

That's because the default state of humanity is male. To be a human is to be a man. All the others are variation of the norm, and they themselves acknowledge it in this way.

>> No.14857056

Big boobs are developed during pregnancy so having them outside of pregnancy is tricking the brain into believing there is milk. Milk is essential for offspring, nothing can replace it.

Weak and skinny my ass. Try fit and healthy. Fashion is about the demands of clothing, not the male gaze. So many fucking people are obese or overweight. Your grandma could probably outrun you and run twice as far while being 2/3 your weight you fucking pig.

Long hair is a valid point.

Heels exist to accentuate the ass. Every primate makes displays of willingness to mate with their ass.

Dresses were primarily used as concealment.

There's no point worrying about mobility when your physiology ensures that you are going to be caught 9/10 times because of your hips. The gap in athletic ability exists despite modern male and female athletes training equally hard.

>> No.14857060

Anons can't reconcile traditional gender roles with today's reality which leads to misogynistic beliefs like women should stick to whatever it was they were allowed to do during those time periods. Old writers reinforce gender norms which have become outdated.

>> No.14857068

Women assessing on job, status, class.

>> No.14857070

This>>14857060 is meant for you, sorry.

>> No.14857098

Then find a better class of woman. They're not all like that, if they were then I certainly wouldn't be with my gf of almost 5 years, I certainly don't meet the arbitrary criteria you've listed

>> No.14857102

Probably some psychology handbook, since the goal is understanding very sick people.

>> No.14857113

What a dishonest thread and question.

>> No.14857116

>Long hair is a valid point.
I feel like its more a subconscious line of reasoning.
Long hair implies health using the logical definition of implication(good health is an almost necessary condition for growing nice long hair)

>> No.14857117

You're feigning ignorance.

>> No.14857123


That is the mainstream mindset cunts have.

It is a real fucking mystery why people of the past said they should not vote.

>> No.14857135
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>Maybe it's because patriarchal "beauty standards" aren't really beauty standards at all

Jesus christ man...

>> No.14857143


Women are sick and evil, what you see is a reaction to that.

>> No.14857154
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and so are men, faggot

>> No.14857161

Women mindset is like a toddler's mindset despite the intellectual/academic growth, they are stuck in the give me "attention! attention now! Phase" just like children. It's why social media and social status is like crack for them.
A Woman's mission is one and only, find the most alpha male and that is manifested at every second of her life. Hypergamy in overdrive.
Sex is everything, if a woman gives you sex, it means she finds you worthy of sacrificing possibility of death at birth and 9 months of vulnerability and all the energy to raise your offsprings while "trusting" you to keep the offspring safe(which they fail to do so, see: teen moms, single moms).
A woman's nature is polygamy, give women the freedom and they ruin nations, set rise to degeneracy and thus feminism and postmodernism only cause for weak families which in turn produces broken individuals. The mission of the left is to ruin the concept of a family and traditional roles.
If you want a conservative good wife with moral values and to raise well-off children, you look and judge at her father.
I have come to the conclusion that no woman can say "No" to you, if you rape her, she will have no choice but to oblige is the nature of survival. A woman being raped will get "wet" and her "body" will not reject.
Women are agreeable and really socially capable and elastic, their utopia consists of sharing resources and helping every women, see: The rise of feminism, the woman's attraction to communism.

>> No.14857162

Decent take

>> No.14857165

Even if you have the viewpoint that these have been projected onto the masses by the conspiratorial world order of your choice, they are still legitimate preferences.
I hope you don't get surprised if flaunting the direct opposite of these qualities as being desirable leads to friction or pushback

>> No.14857174

Men are worse

>> No.14857177

just assume those posters are a random combination of american/fat/ugly/small/pimply/tiny dick and at one point managed to enter into a form of discourse that made them feel better about whatever they are from the aforementioned list but simultaneously cultivated a seething and misguided hatred of women

also if they do STEM then that attitude comes with the territory

>> No.14857183

Na not really.

>> No.14857186

This outlook is so fucking overplayed. Don't you have any original ideas?

>> No.14857194

Classic female mindset, everything is somehow the fault and because of the unattractive.

It cannot be female behavior and what they have done to society, nope it just has to be ugly people not being removed at birth so women can feel comfortable.

>> No.14857200

it's even sadder when you try to make people rationalise their hatred with essentialising platitudes.
>muh nature
>muh men and women are different
>muh postmodernism
>muh sociology department brainwashing
>a woman lied to me once
>muh western degeneracy
>muh tradwife

it's all so depressing and very very sad

>> No.14857202


Reality is realty, it is not an about being overplayed like some song that you have to like to be cool.

Your childish mindset is evident for all to see.

>> No.14857204
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Don't be mad that you weren't born a chad who is an altar to women. Accept your lot in life. Find peace and be happy.

>> No.14857210

Men and women are different.
Nature is real, do you believe in evolution or not?

Everything about women is a lie, from their appearance to the words they say.

>> No.14857212

Both takes are incredibly human and therefore wrong, ressentiment cuts both ways

>> No.14857217

I am fine, my personal situation changes nothing about the subject at hand or what has been stated.

>> No.14857218

Not every unattractive person is sexist. Some direct resentment towards God and their parents only but the idea is that there is a need for coping mechanism among most of them.

>> No.14857219

lmao is this Houellebecq

>> No.14857221

The difference is males don't use the government and media to besmirch hate on women.

>> No.14857222

Unattractive women hate men, unattractive men hate women. That's how it works.

>> No.14857223

See: >>14856753
You are expecting women to be men. You're using a pick axe as a hammer and wondering why it doesn't work well.

>> No.14857226

Archetypes, the rules of life, the cruelty of nature and mankind's possibility to walk with god are the only sure things in this finite world.

>> No.14857228

it's the unabomber

>> No.14857229

>my rant about women and the death of traditionalism on a website infamous for playing fast and loose with the truth is "reality"
People have been saying exactly what you've been saying for centuries, but it doesn't mean your interjection is any more correct then their failures. I'm more confused as to why you felt it was deserving of a post in the first place, since its a viewpoint that has been expressed god knows how many times on this board, and there is nothing about your particular phrasing that makes it anymore insightful. Don't you see what an unthinking hivemind you've allowed yourself to become?

>> No.14857230

nono, none of those things are in and of themselves unattractive traits, but those are categories that men who hate women tend to judge themselves by more times than they should. when you ruminate on these things for longer than you ought to you run the risk of getting yourself into all sorts of neuroses and anxieties and trapped into thinking about them and measuring yourself against others. this is lazy, and of course after you've done this you'd abhor the woman, you find the woman attractive!

>> No.14857231

Cite one time in history where the fat, unattractively repulsive, broke, peasant man was adored by all the women who laid eyes on him.

>> No.14857237

As if you feminized shaming is going to make him not post.

>> No.14857243


You just made up some question based off nothing.

>> No.14857253

>feminized shaming
what exactly am I shaming him for? I'm asking why he felt that his point was enough of an original take on the topic to post it. Because, lets face it, who hasn't been on this website before and seen a similar claim? That's not shaming, that's simply asking honest questions.

>> No.14857262

I know people like this in my every day life. Most of them are funny, chill to be around, they aren't thinking about what they look like except in strictly ironic terms. These types of men get laid and maintain good friendships with the women in their life. Never underestimate the power of comedy, respect, and being sociable

>> No.14857266

Literary all men are whores

>> No.14857272

I wouldn't have sex with a woman even if she paid me to do it.

>> No.14857274

See this is the problem with (You) people, you treat male/female interaction as a non-stop mating game. No wonder you've gotten it all twisted

>> No.14857279

You couldn't.

>> No.14857289


Na, that is just some little game you types like to play.

If you cunts had your way humanity would not even exist.

>> No.14857290

That's a blessing, not a curse. I'm not ashamed of it, if it were true.

>> No.14857307

I fucking wish

>> No.14857316

Yeah man.
Cheating happens for no reasons, so do divorces and broken families.
Women show themselves in bikins in Instagram for no reason whatsoever.
Women want a 6 footer for no reason, marriage statistics show husbands making more than their wife for no reason.
Yes, Men and Women are the same, Gender is a construct of society and we tradition and gender roles are stupid, being a cuck is okay, cutting your dick off is okay.
Letting your life be driven by the government is okay and immigrants are more than welcome.
Single mother families will not produce bastards, criminals, man out of touch with their masculinity.
Marriage is a stupid construct of religion and monogamy is the most evil thing in this world, Family members are demons and I only love and trust my friends. Let's explore the rainbow and have fun :)
>muh patriarchy
>muh oppression
>muh western values
>muh feelings and emotions

Women are not evil, it's you the males in the left that want easy sex and want to watch the world burn by exploiting the core values of family, tradition, marriage and patriotism. Fuck the Jews, Fuck Globalism and Post-modernistic "Values"

>> No.14857318

It's a combination of cultural reproduction, homosociality (male bonding), infantile resentment towards gender equality and their stubborn denial of their own personal complicity in unequal power relations.

Now just watch some petty, limp-wristed male poster try and dispute this.

>> No.14857332

I wish I could be this simple minded.

>> No.14857333


I really think they have convinced themselves that none of that exists or is an issue.

>> No.14857340

Have sex

>> No.14857341

>their own personal complicity in unequal power relations

The waitress does not get paid the same as the CEO.

>> No.14857347

>infantile resentment towards gender equality

You don't want equality, you are now obviously seeking domination.

>> No.14857355 [DELETED] 

All women are disloyal, narcissistic whores, if you ever interacted with women you would know this

>> No.14857357


>> No.14857360

I think it's a good thing because if incels realized that women aren't the source of their problems, they might genuinely consider suicide.

>> No.14857373

I thought she was gonna hit her head on that angle

>> No.14857377

>infantile resentment towards gender equality

The thing that fuels white women in America isn't some great crime or tragedy, they just don't like their cut.

>> No.14857380

Yes, waitresses do not make the same amount as CEOs. Why you thought that was a relevant interjection I'm not really sure, but different jobs earn different salaries, this has nothing to do with gender.

>> No.14857382

all women fantasize about cheating on you
all women are whores

>> No.14857390

I would be really hurt if that were to happen.

>> No.14857400

>obviously seeking domination
See what I mean? Resentment, envy, whatever you want to call it– its clear as day. Equality feels like you're getting the wrong end of the stick, but that's only because real equality after superiority for such a long time is going to be a little jarring.

>> No.14857412
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holy based

>> No.14857421

That is the kind of shit they mean when they say unequal power relations.

>> No.14857429


>> No.14857435

Again, I am doing fine it is not about me, it is about what I can see happening with my own eyes.

When you are already ahead in most metrics but keep pushing and pushing that is not equality.


>> No.14857438

I feel this way too but I'm afraid to admit it because I'm afraid of being ridiculed by my friends.

>> No.14857441

based and truepilled

>> No.14857442
File: 4 KB, 98x122, IfYouOnlyKnews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14857450

What metrics? They all show that sexism is thriving, feminism only making slow progress.

>> No.14857458

Mommy didn't give them enough attention.

>> No.14857462

>most metrics
and what might those metrics be?

No, what they mean is things like the many cases in which men make than women for the same work, or when male executives abuse their power, or when men (like you) try to obfuscate the problems facing women by creating a strawman in which women are dumb enough to think a waitress and a CEO should earn the same amount. Go on then, humour me– which feminist is making that claim?

>> No.14857464
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>tfw you love women but women hate you

>> No.14857474


Unless you have something they want they hate everybody, all of the niceness is just a front.

>> No.14857475

>a priori

>> No.14857479

You're confusing love with narcissism. If you crave love from the object you idolize so much, you want the ultimate ego boost, the ultimate affirmation - this is why you build them up so much.

>> No.14857480

Stop talking about yourself like that anon, its not nice.

>> No.14857484

Nice assumptions you got there

>> No.14857485
File: 70 KB, 652x310, 1562072073792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books on evolution. When you understand what women have been biologically programmed to be it's impossible to have any respect for them.

>> No.14857493

>biologically programmed

>> No.14857504

As if you even care, it is all just some childish game.

>> No.14857506

give me a sec, there's a lot of /pol/ propaganda to sift through in my folder

>> No.14857524

Burden of proof is in you.

>> No.14857525

Literally every alive being is biologically programmed, retard. Look up DNA.

>> No.14857528

Four posts in the space of four minutes, and not a single one even able to provide one source. Interesting...

>> No.14857529

how noble of you, to place an impossible task on somebody else

>> No.14857535

>why people hate women

Does it even matter?

Not really.

>> No.14857540

I assumed you know how to use google. There you go:

>> No.14857544

I once read that women store the DNA of all their previous partners, cucking the poor beta who they decided to settle with in the end

>> No.14857546

books on why girls are cute and full of life?

>> No.14857547

No one gives a shit if you belie it or not.

>> No.14857549

This. Opinions of sexists do not matter at all, at least on sex.

>> No.14857552
File: 867 KB, 1080x1661, 20200308_151730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon noticing things is sexist women dont make things worse they're here to free you from your prejudice and make a new, better generation of men!

>> No.14857558

I can't find any paragraph where it says women are programmed to be what you think they are.

>> No.14857561


No I mean it does not at all matter if some people hate women.

It means nothing and changes nothing.

>> No.14857562
File: 69 KB, 225x225, 1387514767790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the intellectual dishonesty ITT

>> No.14857566

DNA is not proof that women are biologically programmed, at least, anymore than men are. And men are just as fucking awful. There is no reason to make women the exception in this instance

Good thing you (hopefully) don't believe everything you read.

>> No.14857569

As if the subject is intellectual at all.

You have nothing but tired games while saying others are tired.

>> No.14857570

You will find plenty of paragraphs that says all living organisms are biologically programmed, which is what you asked for. :)

>> No.14857574

>That is the mainstream mindset cunts have
Only in principle.
In principle women appear to be more liberal/accepting of LGBT people and sensitive to their issues. But lesbians cry to high heaven about how straight girls LARP as bi just to attract guys or flirt with lezzos out of curiosity but don't follow thru (teasing but cock blocking like they do to guys as well).
And while doing tha above, women are also far less likely to accept dating a man who identifies as bisexual than men are saying bi women (this despite gay male porn being the 2nd most female watched porn after lesbian).
In principle women appear to be less racist but in dating statistics all women tend to favour white men (black women might be the slight exception). Asian women in particular are positively hostile to their own men but white women are Also brutal in their profiles/bios (no asians or Indians please).

>> No.14857577


>> No.14857581

No one gives a shit, and yet you're all still replying. I think your posting habits say a lot more about you than your actual post

>> No.14857607

Learn about evolution, it's not just apparent but actually intuitive that women aren't deserving of respect.

>> No.14857623

I'll probably get flak for this but I honestly don't believe someone should go to jail or face the same kind of sentencing for crimes against women compared to men. It's not the same if you kill a dog over a person, right? The same principle applies.

>> No.14857628

LOL nice try with that outlandishness.

>> No.14857631

>violently defecated
>/lit/ - 2020

>> No.14857636

>There is no reason to make women the exception in this instance
Nobody made an exception. The question is as to how women were programmed *differently* than men, the truth of which isn't at all beautiful.

>> No.14857646


How do you think she comes?

>> No.14857650

she doesn't; it's all fake

>> No.14857653

This. It wouldn't be an issue if society didn't still idealize women from a young age, and ironically feminism let the opportunity slip from its hands in the transition from the second to the third wave to demarcate the role of sexuality in the oppression of women, instead they embraced the sexual revolution and so now we have a whole other bizarre layer of lies to pile on to the lies of traditional society.

>> No.14857658

Female orgasms don't exist.

>> No.14857669

Women have less teeth and are deformed get over it

>> No.14857670


I am not even sure women like sex except for when they are in heat.

>> No.14857680

>when they are in heat.
you naive soul, it's all an act

>> No.14857686

>It wouldn't be an issue if society didn't still idealize women from a young age
Exactly. Nature itself isn't the problem. The problem is because of feminism and some other things we have unreasonable expectations from nature. If people were to collectively take a reasonable look at the differences and adjust their expectations and responsibilities accordingly all would have been solved.

>> No.14857689

what? how do they have less teeth? are they even the same species

>> No.14857692

women are more into sex than men in my experience, all my exes ever wanted to do was fuck and it got tiresome desu. And god forbid you don't want to, you'll never hear the end of a woman's sexual insecurity.

>> No.14857693

>Nature itself isn't the problem
Nature forces this idolization through the very nature of human reproduction and biology.

>> No.14857694

a 5 minute conversation with one

>> No.14857698

Humans aren't seasonal breeders.

>> No.14857708

It's not just feminism's fault anon, the madonna/whore complex is deeply ingrained in western culture, and if anything conservative "trad" culture elevates women even more and expects them to act with impeccable virtue. This is why feminism was needed but it went horribly wrong in internalizing this same idealized image of womanhood, just with a different spin.

>> No.14857721

who do you mean specifically anon, not that I disagree

>> No.14857723

explain valentine's day

>> No.14857727

>Nobody made an exception
The original poster I replied to did. Suggesting that women's biological predisposition is inherently unbeautiful is to smuggle in an insinuation that men's biological predisposition is (by gendered contrast) beautiful, when neither are appealing from a civilised perspective. This is the problem, you reduce women down to some abstract essentialism, and then completely ignore the fact that the biological male imperative is even worse. You want everyone to be their worst natures so that you can absolve yourself of any guilt, agency or impulse control when you go out raping and pillaging.

Again, what is your source for this claim? "learning about evolution" is the most nondirect, unhelpful reply you could possibly make, especially when no evolutionist I've come across has made the claim you're making. I want to know the specific research you're referring to that proves what you're saying is right

>> No.14857746

Most of it is just cognitive dissonance. Some of it is the fact that women are more easily culturally indoctrinated and right now our culture blows.

>> No.14857750

The situation that we are in today isn't at all natural, it has been deliberately forced. Almost all cultures and traditions of humanity did not share the egalitarian view of today. Idolization itself isn't the problem, the problem is how they are idolized. If you for example look at 17-19th century Europe you would see that women are still idolized (and men also, unlike our time), but each in a much more reasonable way, and so each gender has reasonable expectations from each other and there is a relative harmony between the sexes.

>> No.14857792

This. The world's do fucked now. So yeah I hate women, and pretty much everyone. You can thank the (((current world order))) for that

>> No.14857800


>> No.14857801

I don't know why you'd think Madonna/Whore complex is a bad thing. You seem to think under the skin of the "whore" and the "saint" there is essentially the same person, and it might be true. But the complex at least discourages sexual promiscuity in woman (and men) and is therefore a good thing.

If anything, women should be educated that there is such an inherent "complex" in men that elevates sexual moderation and faithfulness and despises promiscuity, so that women could act accordingly.

>> No.14857831

>The original poster I replied to did.
This is what the original poster said:
>When you understand what women have been biologically programmed to be
>what women have been biologically programmed to be
There is no indication in his post that men weren't programmed, but that women were programmed differently. Regarding the rest your post, I have no problem with accepting women as they are, I actually do and encourage it. Only that this is opposed to the egalitarian view. *I* do not find it unbeautiful, but judged from (ironically) the feminist point of view, the truth is very much displeasing.

>> No.14857855

>women should be educated
>so that women could act accordingly
lmao I'm not him but you really don't know anything about women, do you? They don't exist just to fulfil some preconception you have of them, and they don't need you mansplaining them how to do it either. I don't know a single woman who wouldn't be infuriated by all of the unchecked assumptions at work here.

>> No.14857860
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I don't hate women, but I seriously don't understand what straight men get out of relationships with women. Besides sex/children, what can a woman offer you that a man can't? In a male-female relationship, the man always has to put in so much more effort, since society encourages women to be passive and to receive rather than to give affection, while in a gay relationship there's a much more equal playing field.

>> No.14857873

Based and gaypilled

>> No.14857875


>> No.14857890

>the man always has to put in so much more effort, since society encourages women to be passive and to receive rather than to give affection
Then find yourself one who is equally affectionate to you. What "society encourages" is rarely an exact model for what ACTUALLY happens in society. I'm speaking from personal experience here, but there isn't a man (or woman) with whom I could build a more rewarding relationship.

>> No.14857892
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It's hard for both genders to try and view one another and themselves as people, especially now that men and women have to compete openly for the same spots/roles in society at large.

I think, for women, it's easier to say that all men are ravenous, violent, crude, and ultimately entitled creatures than to admit and internalize that men are also incredibly sensitive and oftentimes in need of help, yet they've been deprived of the capability to ask for it. Women need to be able to help men without feeling like they're either submitting to him, or like they have to justify it with some post-60s drivel that ultimately amounts to, "Men treated a lot of women poorly for most of human history; why women couldn't help themselves, nobody knows, but we're very angry about it."

And I think, for men, it's easier to simply say that if a woman doesn't bear any kind of noticeable male traits or interests, she's clearly not human and will be treated as such. It's much harder for men to also see that women are entirely their own separate type of person, because men are used to viewing and being treated by most of life as a source of competition--women and the life you can live with one seem to be held up amongst guys as a reprieve from that competition. But if women are also people, and not just vacation spots/trophies/therapists... they're ALSO part of the competition.

Which makes the situation difficult for both genders--now men and women are competing more openly for each other than they ever have, and it's clear that most guys don't know how to--or simply can't--compete with women in the same space. At the same time, women continually demand specialized treatment and care, which gives them a severe handicap against their male competitors, because how can you be a valid part of a competition if it's expected that members of the other team are supposed to help you?

I think as we move forward, the discussion will revolve less around women versus men as a kind of battle for supremacy, and it'll de-escalate into a type of friendly rivalry. The genders will simply have to learn how to compete with each other without going for the throat every time.

>> No.14857903


>> No.14857906

I'm not saying women have to act in a certain way. But if they had the knowledge that a certain inherent disposition in men makes them despise promiscuous women and respect the sexually moderate ones (known as madonna/whore complex), then they could act in anyway they choose *according to this knowledge*.

Nowhere I said they have to act according to me. I said if they knew, they could direct their actions according to their knowledge.

I can't even say if you're deliberately misreading my post or if you have comprehension issues.

>> No.14857914

This, women are fun once you convince them you’re worth it

>> No.14857919

cmn anon share with the class

>> No.14857962
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How many of these do you want me to post?

>> No.14857963

>a certain inherent disposition in men makes them despise promiscuous women
have you surveyed all men as to how they feel about this? Because as far as I'm aware, the madonna/whore complex is an outdated freudianism that you're using to diminish the male agency in relation to all of this. It's not an instinctive revulsion, its a learned form of social conditioning, and to try and use it to excuse hatred is deeply concerning.

>"By the way ladies, feel free to do what you like, but just be aware that if you sleep around with men I will aggressively despise you because someone told me that the madonna/whore complex is a biological absolute"

I mean, really, what a crock of shit.

>> No.14857969
File: 3.64 MB, 5312x2988, Carefulwhatyouvotefor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average Wamen is annoying, rude and stupid. At least Japanese women dont try to pretend to be smart.

>> No.14857973

how many do you have?

>> No.14857976

Social media gives you a really shallow view of everyone

>> No.14857977
File: 119 KB, 899x767, Reap what you sow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apprently Im suppose to respect these women, Live would have been a lot easier for me If I could have beat the shit out of retards who though I was an easy pick without there interference, OH THE POOR VIOLENT RETARDS

>> No.14857988
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They have no self respect, every image of women since 1950 has been a psychological representation of how male children view their mothers, not the real image of women. They are oppressive rule enforcers

>> No.14857990
File: 46 KB, 290x820, 32dbdd735b24cd8669fbbdb42327e3acd595c525078b942a8bac1f028c14eea0_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think a book would be published today that would clarify the reality of women? Okay Ill bite, Balford Bax knew

>> No.14858003

>why people hate women?
They're weak and dumb and if you let them near the reigns of society they will crash it, just like when they drive cars. They're also not very loyal, but simps are too stupid to understand that you have to beat it into them, so it's not really a valid critique.

>> No.14858010

it pleases me that I can view this image and feel disgust at such a vulgar display, rather than arousal

>> No.14858011

Well, anon, I do love both my mother and my sister but also tend to shy away from generalizations of this type. That said, people are people, and I'm okay with that.

>> No.14858024

My thought was that she was making them for the cameraman. She's gotta watch her figure, anon..

>> No.14858026
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>> No.14858032
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>tfw you hate women but they love you

>> No.14858040

Why keep it secret then?

>> No.14858048
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I fear for the future

>> No.14858054
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>You hate women and they love you hating them

>> No.14858061
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Send Help

>> No.14858069
File: 97 KB, 340x454, joseph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will join me in disliking women, even now, even right now at this very moment?

>> No.14858077
File: 24 KB, 317x432, Frogboss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White women legit get off to being murdered. I'm 99% sure they orgasm while being stabbed, strangled or beheaded.

>> No.14858086

>all women fantasize about cheating on you
I don't think I have ever been on a relationship where i didn't atleast sometime think about cheating too.

>> No.14858090


>> No.14858096

I don't hate women at all. It is just extremely difficult to have a satsfying long-term relationship in 21st century, but I do not think this is the fault of the women.

>> No.14858097

i wish they would piss in my mouth instead

>> No.14858102

Whoever made this missed the point. She framed both in the shot intentionally. Women are far less naive than men.

>> No.14858124

True, Ive fucked quiet a few women who lock butt slaps, strangulation, and violent sex

>> No.14858125

Das rite

>> No.14858129

This is... the most retarded fucking thing i've read all day

>> No.14858139

lol are there any women who don't like getting treated like shit in bed

>> No.14858141

Personally for me, the only frustrating part is that women's love is more based on respect than anything else. When she gets to know you better and realizes that you are just a flawed guy and not the superman god she had in mind, it usually kills the relationship. I don't know maybe some women manage to pull through that, but many will just leave. I've never experienced women finding flaws or moments of weakness in men as being something that could deepen your relationship, you basically have to be on your A game 24/7. It might be cute if you have some psychotic weakness 5% of the time so you do not look like a robot, but generally speaking women are extremely unforgiving towards weakness. If you lose your job, or somebody humiliates you or you lose a fight or whatever the fuck it is, you are in grave danger of losing her if you do not immediately regain control. It's a bit tiresome I guess and I am lazy.

>> No.14858146
File: 96 KB, 890x656, 1492987443896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are far less naive then men
Kek. No they lie more but they're bad liars. They are much more susceptible to propaganda and they have the minds of children.

>> No.14858145

>women aren’t fun unless you convince them you have high value

>> No.14858149
File: 125 KB, 912x1102, 1496149420001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im glaf I listened to by grandad, he always knew what was right.
"Listen anon, women are nothing but trouble, dont focus too much on them"

>> No.14858154

Trust me, you never slept with a woman who was letting you into her deepest desires, you have to connect to them on the emotional level about their troubles and problems, then vent it o

>> No.14858172
File: 420 KB, 832x968, disdain_for_plebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's biological. No woman is worthy of any respect and the sooner men learn that the better. Only men possess such things as dignity and self-respect.

>> No.14858189
File: 781 KB, 955x696, ImtheFemalenow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture encapsulates what happens to society when you let them run it, they get over taken and dominated by others

>> No.14858191

OK roastie

>> No.14858217

>life throws so much hardship at them

>> No.14858223

>A women's true loyalty lies with her children
why are women so much more likely to abuse or kill their children?

>> No.14858257

truepilled. the traditional family was what worked to control this, and that is why it stuck around even if people did not remember why it was adopted. also, i blame men far more for the current state because they allowed women to act totally whimsically to placate them. women are not just as cutthroat, they are more.

>> No.14858265

cringe and delusional cope

>> No.14858269

you don't need a book, its self evident

>> No.14858278

men can compete with women, but that isn't the situation. a man has to compete against women and their simps.

>> No.14858309

stoicism is the key to a relationship in a society where women can choose shit.

>> No.14858315

This is the problem. The 80% of men who worship women as goddesses need to be fucking beaten into proper behaviour. Society can't go on like this, made up of whore women flaunting themselves constantly, and the vast majority of men being at least semi-sycophantic toward them. Even this post I'm writing right now, I can already feel the simp pussy bitch replies it will probably get (on 4chan, let alone posting it elsewhere) from guys whose most powerful instinct is MUST DEFEND WOMEN, MUST SHOWCASE THAT I AM A COOL GUY AND WOMEN APPROVE OF ME BY SHOWING HOW HYPER-DEFENSIVE I AM ABOUT ANY CRITICISM OF WOMEN!!

That just needs to stop. I don't hate women, I just don't want to live in a prison full of them acting like children and their willing slaves rewarding them for it. We don't need to throw women back in the kitchen, but we do need to give them a space where they can figure their own shit out and create their own hierarchies of merit and civic participation. In the meantime, the fucking gender traitors who have been grovelling at their feet for 100+ years need to be ruthlessly beaten. They were the real problem.

We need to make it a cultural offense, on par with shitting in public, to be sycophantic toward a woman. It should immediately make people think "ugh, she's not going to fuck you, you pathetic grovelling idiot" when a man sucks up to a woman in any way. People should be on guard against it.

>> No.14858330

A book of Aesop's Fables. In it, you will find a story about a fox that can't reach grapes on a vine.

>> No.14858338

there are only a handful of books that the people here have all read. we can only talk about IJ and lolita so many times.

>> No.14858354

for not controlling women, yes.

>> No.14858424

> Get gf

Suddenly stop hating women.

>> No.14858435

they are great while they love you, when they stop you can't do anything about it even if nothing changed. they are fickle. most will dump you if CEO 10k a day starts flirting with her

>> No.14858467
File: 104 KB, 899x1124, 1583277625847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you hate women, you are a failure.
If you hate women, you know you are a failure.
Failure is hard to accept, hence this thread and all others like it.

>> No.14858494

imagine being this pliable

>> No.14858497

Source on OP's webm?

>> No.14858498

that's what you get for dating a seal

>> No.14858560

10/10 and you answered the question too

>> No.14858570

Fuck you jezebel worshipper. If I ever catch you hoarding webms of stupid neoteny pigs I'll behead you with a katana.

>> No.14858894


>> No.14859060
