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14855698 No.14855698 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14855704

Wasted another day posting on /lit/, arguing with anonymous strangers.

>> No.14855737

Came hard last night. I smiled hard till the sensation petered out and all I was left with was my coated hand.

>> No.14855773
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# group names

The spatial transformations acting on R^3 (for which time isn't relevant) are called Euclidean transformations.
Those are rotations (3 dim) and translations (3 dim)

The classical transformations acting on R^3+R (space and time) are called Galilean transformations. Those are non-relativistic boosts (mapping x to x-tv) (3 dim) and Euclidean transformations (3+3 dim) plus and extra translations in the temporal (1 dim) component. (So all in all 10 dim.)

The Poincare transformations are the relativistic equivalent of the Galileian transformations (10 dim).
Roughly, replace boost using v with those using
c * sinh(v/c) = v + O(v^2)
The homogenous (i.e. non-translational) Poincare transformations are called Lorentz
translations (6 dim)

The homogenous Galilean transformations (also 6 dim) don't have their own name.


# rotations vs. orientation of rigid object

Note that a rotation spec can be used to specify an orientation of a tripple of
(e.g. orthogonal) axes.
The the use of a rotation/orientation acting on values (e.g. (x,y,z) coordinate
position vectors) is conceptually different from its use in describing the orientation of an extended physical object in space.

Although those are related to the extend that in the coordinate frame of object,
its own orientation is always the trivial one and then the values of
the objects orientation affect the values of fixed objects relative to it,
as described from its coordinate system.
This connection comes about because a coordinate frame in itself just functions
like an extended physical object which has one.


# acceleration and rigid objects

Acceleration datas (classically 3 dim per any point that is accelerated, relativistically 4 dim) of an extended physical object affects
velocity, position and orientation alike, i.e. all 10 dims!
For a rigid object of fixed given mass density, that data can be captured by the acceleration of the center
of mass plus the angular velocity (6 dim)

$\sigma_A $
$ { \mathbb E }[A^* \cdot A] = { \mathbb E }[A]^* \cdot { \mathbb E }[A] + \sigma_A^2 $

>> No.14855860


They write books, recite poetry, and sing songs of men who have seen too much. The same treatment is not given to men who have seen too little.

>> No.14855864

My dude, are you trying to like, become some all knowing being or something? Because what in the actual fuck is this?

>> No.14855905
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I'm a physicist working in AR. That entry is just a goto page for myself or link people to, to use the correct names for transformation groups (for rotations+velocity changes, there's no name for the classical equivalent of Lorentz transformations except "homogenous Galilei transformations", that's what prompted me to write it down)
I do book reviews too

>> No.14855915

Day 17: I have successfully infiltrated Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham and gained their trust; they still do not realize I am a white American incel.

>> No.14855939


>> No.14855995

>5:00am, break

>> No.14856267

Pol sperg ahead:
The realization must follow: the radicals will not come to their senses, back up their bags and go home, they have come, thanks in large part to the sterile, self hating inactivity of the moderates to an unprecedented amount of power, and have no intention of giving it up without a fight. They are not, and to their credit have never claimed to be, just another marginal faction from within the left, like the trade unions or the minority reps , but rather an old destructive force that has survived within. To them the loss of an election does not discredit their brand of politics but is, rather, the loss of the still dominant center into whose crumbling interior they have been slowly expanding, like termites, consuming another part of the rotten woodwork.

>> No.14856353

Last night's dream was an interesting one because it was from my own perspective and included people I know. In it, I was in my late 20s and still a virgin, and charged with being the best man at my best friend from high school's wedding. Part of my responsibilites as best man included giving a speech. The speech I had written, I somehow knew, was the greatest speech the world has ever seen, but as I started to read it I noticed I was just saying the first two sentences repeatedly. The audience was laughing when I got to the time when I would have been saying jokes and stuff, but I was still looping. No one noticed excpet the mother of my best friend's new wife. She had two glass eyes and was staring directly at me, muttering curses I could hear telepathically. At the end of my speech everyone applauded, and my best friend's wife carried him away in her arms since she was at least two feet taller.

>> No.14856359

I hope the coronavirus mutates stronger so we get another black death with higher wages, cheap real estate and abundant resources as the payoff

>> No.14856406

3-6 — "Worked. Slept 5 hrs so i feel myself keep drifiting into the atmosphere of sleepy times. You know that guy Will at work? Its wild to me that people like this exist How are they so unaffected? By everything? Im sure hes a fine guy, right? maybe im actually startlingly correct in my assumptions and not just some elitist-cynic-prick. Is the world better with these people? is the world better with these people like me? what have we done?"

>> No.14856420
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I don't take loneliness to be anything. It is just another fact. I am alive. I am lonely. The need arises to vanquish this inner solitude? Then I must do away with the first condition: "I am alive". And out of this basic reasoning arises a yearning for death. I don't wish to dwell on that topic any longer. What more could I say about death? Look in the mirror.

>> No.14856432

I have a general notebook that I use as a diary and sketchbook, and for work-related notes. I also write down general worldbuilding/writefaggery ideas. These are translated from Swedish.

Latest entry(writefaggery/worldbuilding related):
- The Peon has a flashback about a battle in the trenches. One of the soldiers carries a whistlebuss. They are ordered to crawl down the tunnels.
- Arlo + Ensign + Alice have a dialog where Arlo explains that he doesn't know the FEL's history. The industrialization is explained.
- The Crowlike want to destroy time and space as the Ambrosia runs out, so they can rule the interdimensional chaos
- They've promised The Man in Gray a place there
- Bob wants to rule by himself, and is satisfied with local worship. He accomplishes this by achieving a wider social collapse before the ambrosia runs out.
Did the man in gray know the peon during the war?
Is the man in gray the peon's son? If so, when did he disappear?

Last diary entry:
31st of January 2020
Yesterday I met a new girl that caught my eye on the bus. I spoke with her more than Selma, but I never learned her name. She lives in --- by the station someplace and studies painting. She was sweet, shy yet open. She was very short, perhaps 150 cm(I am 180), with a cute, round face, undyed platinum blonde hair, but with dark eyes. She's very active, playing soccer and floorball, as well as free parkour. Out of everything, she's afraid of birds. I told her of when I was a child, when I was at the beach with my father. We used to bring cinnamon buns, so I would spread out a trai of crumbs on the ground leading to him where he laid asleep. Hungry ducks would follow the trail and eventually walk up on him. She said I seemed nice. I'm uncertain if we'd fit together, but I like her and hope we'll meet again.

>> No.14856772


Some sketches of work: I had a student yesterday who has testing accommodations for the ACT such that he gets twice as much time on every section, plus he takes the test over the course of a few days, rather than having to complete it all in one sitting. And the scores he's been getting in each section but science are low to mid 30's. So a college, seeing his transcripts, will think he's an exemplary student; I don't think they're privy to his unequal playing field.

A few days ago I overheard a teacher's response to being asked the meaning of "parson." I don't remember the exact phrase she used, but its intimation was, "Of course I know the definition of the word, but I'm having trouble coming up with a way to say it so that you'll understand." And after asking another teacher for the definition, she looked it up online and said something to the effect of, "See? Don't you agree that this is a difficult word to define, even for someone who knows exactly what it means?" It wasn't the first time she's acted this way either. She's self-conscious about her intelligence, about being perceived as intelligent. She can't say that she simply doesn't know the word or has forgotten what it means.

How she looks: She's a "white Hispanic" with very light skin and jet black eyes and hair. Every day she's heavily made up with attentively applied lipstick and mascara. Her shoes are invariably high heels, which is impressive given her size. She only wears skirts or dresses; I don't remember ever seeing her in pants. She's one of the better looking ones, as far as obese teachers go. I think she'd be quite attractive if she were 30 lbs thinner.

I don't know what it is about female teachers that they tend to be massively overweight.We have such misshapen bodies working there, some of whom come to work in spandex pants resembling yoga pants or pajama bottoms. One of the pajama-clad women has such a hard and distended gut that anyone seeing her would assume she's 8-9 months pregnant. But seeing her unchanging month after month would force one to abandon that idea.

>> No.14856779

3/6/2020 (continued)

There's a relatively new woman there who defies the mold. Maybe it's because she was hired as an exam prep teacher. The brainy ACT and SAT teachers tend to be thinner. This one is kind of odd in that she has distinctly Asiatic features, but her first and last names are Hispanic. By any measure she is the first or second most attractive woman there. (Her rival is married with children, so I largely discount her.) She has large dark eyes with slight epicanthus such that it enhances her beauty. She has long black hair and a very becoming smile. I'm awful at guessing ages, but I'd say she's late 20's, early 30's. In other words, much too old for me; despite the fact that I fall within that range myself. I'm just so stunted emotionally and career-wise that I can't imagine dating anyone out of college, not until I have a career. Plus, I don't know if she's married; she has a hyphenated last name, so it's likely. It goes without saying I've never spoken to her and never intend to (unfortunate as it may be). Either way, she's my favorite person there now.


>> No.14856795

It’s coming back like a freight train I believe. It’s been months since I wrote a journal like this, and came dripping from my soul the uninterrupted spool of thread that by god no living person on this planet should ever suffer the course of trying to distinguish, because, like spool, I’m a part of everything I’ve ever been to or around and so, as is algebraically appropriate, referring of course to some stretched veil of the transitive property, I am all. Yes. You must hear it again, and again, and again, until you measure the distance of things remotely, as one checks the time, because no distance should ever be quantified because, of course, all that is quantifiable is marked separate, and to be truthful to the universe, which I propose all men should be, there is no separate. There is only God. God, as I see them, is indistinct from everyone, yes, including that sunuvabitch Whitman and his rightful prose which frolics amongst itself like a cloud spilling over the horizon.

Perhaps I’m too far removed from the tangible. I’ll drink more and get back you.

I’m back, with burning lips I may add. Of course, burning by the whiskey, and not at all the boiling hot garbage I’m flinging at the page, because today of all days is the start of the rest of it. The beginning of the time where I will refuse to be segmented. Where I will refuse Satan and his correspondents (measure, definition, all things men with soft dicks idolize) and really, I don’t mean to embellish the masculine anymore than I have. Lord knows history has done that enough for me.

And God, too, being the link of all things, real and imagined, is a part of them. So, as follows, he should be swallowed in the mind’s eye, forever processed and present. This is impossible of course, and so the human condition is made tragic. But, but, and I can’t stress this enough… but, there ought to be some beauty inherent in man’s constant efforts to achieve the futile. What a lovely planet we live on.

>I was saucy-boi

>> No.14856821

I'm taking a shit right now but I wrote three separate things on my last entry.
First one was something about the Bible which I forgot the specifics of.
Second one I forgot entirely.
Third one was something along the lines of "You can fill your own cup in solitude. With others, you can have your cup taken from similar to Jesus, or take from the cup of others similar to Faust."

>> No.14856823

Aw I feel bad. You should try to talk with her though! Like even if you're anxious, wouldn't you want to at least take the opportunity to at least make a friend if you guys have chemistry? It would be amazing if something meaningful could come out of this you remember for an entire lifetime, so much more meaningful than a bit of anxiety or self-destructive thoughts whatever it turns out to be.

>> No.14857388

Thanks for the comment. I am the worst person socially. I've been there for 3 years and never initiated a conversation with anyone. I am basically a ghost haunting the place.

>> No.14857407

So, do you want to talk more about it? If you want I'll hear you out and try to help in a better setting. We all have those times, but I'm sure you can make something brilliant happen for yourself with a bit of encouragement.

>> No.14857415

I am a rat, and even though I know it, I can’t seem to change my behavior. This self-pity is as destructive as my binge eating and cigarette smoking. Baby steps, baby steps. Get rid of something before getting rid of something else.

>> No.14857507

Complexity is incompressibility. Knowledge is an attempt to construct theories of finite symbology, where a symbol is a compressed representation of reality. Where symbols are insufficient or impractical to codify reality there is complexity. Complexity is at the boundary, or IS the boundary, between the known and the unknown. Fragmented articulations of a complex subject must be so because to unify the topic would be a farce by definition - it is the lack of unity, organization, or arrangement which characterizes complexity. Appeals to such imply order which implies compressibility. The approach typical used with such systems is to measure and quantify as much as possible, aggregate the measurements, and perform statistical inference. The practitioners of such commonly fall for the illusion that they know something about the system although they could not any instant predict the value of any of their measure by inference from the others. They know only a quasi-knowledge about the contrived features they measure - a gambler's knowledge of the odds on the roulette wheel. The difference is where the roulette is a static system, reality is dynamic and complex.

>> No.14858797
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