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14854794 No.14854794 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on how to escape Creation?
I don't want for my soul to be recycled after death (i.e. reincarnated after being stripped of all memory).

>> No.14854797

The demiurge is such a stupid brainlet idea

>> No.14854801


>> No.14854803

excellent criticism friend

I'm sure you won't be suffering in the same endless cycle that those of us trying to escape it are.

>> No.14854812


>> No.14854814

How else would you explain the absurdity of the world?
Just look at the laws which gave rise to your body. Over billions of years, countless organisms have perished, in a hopeless struggle to survive. Evolution is just a mindless climb on the mountains of corpses. What cruel and insane architect designs rules such as these for his world? It is pointless savagery.

>> No.14854821

what is the demiurge ?

>> No.14854824

He is the architect of our world.

>> No.14854829


>> No.14854838

the Upanishads

>> No.14854856

and how do you know that she created the world

>> No.14854896
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Pathetic humans, all your monuments shall crumble to dust and be forgotten. The Tower of Babel that you have created will fall - do not ever presume you can get rid of death, suffering and failure. Bow down before the eternal and unbending laws of the material universe, for they cannot be bargained with, nor changed on anyone's account.

Worship me. I have created suffering eternal; yet I am justice. I have created hell; yet I am mercy. I am forgiveness infinite. I give you rules to follow; yet I follow none myself. I frown upon your crimes; yet I commit them all. I give you disease and pestilence, pain and death; rejoice, my children. I look down upon all that I have made; and I see that it is good. Sin? I have not created it. I have only created you, uninvited, and placed all the burden of existence upon your shoulders. And there is no escape; you're here forever.

>> No.14854898

archon would be more apt

>> No.14854911

Learn to accept God and creation and recognise that it's our own fault that everything is shit. Humans have made everything worse and continue to make it even worse. Read Ted if you haven't.

God is not your enemy. Satan and the forces of civilisation and greed have created this Hell.

>> No.14854926

Bow down before me puny mortals. How dare you question me like Job did? Did you not know that I am God? I am God and you are just an insect mortal creature, I will not address your arguments I will just rant for chapters talking about how Godly I am and how puny you are stupid mortal. How DARE you question why I only made a covenant with a select group of people for thousands of years and ignored everyone else HOW DARE YOU. How dare you question why I allowed all this strife and division to occur in the church stupid mortal. HOW DARE you question why I didn't send angels to spread the gospel to all the world and yet relied on a small group of Jew Jew beans who we're obviously not capable of reaching everyone. Bow down before your Elohim who chooses to remain aloof in heaven instead of just coming and down and talking to people. HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ANY OF THESE THINGS YOU STUPID HUMAN, LOOK AT ALL THESE BIBLE QUOTES THAT SAY HOW STUPID YOU ARE AND HOW SMART I AM. I DON'T NEED TO EXPLAIN MYSELF YOU JUST NEED TO GET IT THROUGH YOUR STUPID LOWLY BRAIN HOW AMAZING AND INTELLIGENT I AM. BOW DOWN BEFORE YOUR GOD AND CIRCUMCISE YOURSELF BECAUSE I SAID SO.

>> No.14854939

>muh eternal heroin high zero resistance utopia

>> No.14854940
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>Humans have made everything worse and continue to make it even worse.
> forces of civilisation and greed

Is it greed, to want a better existence? To cooperate, and strive for survival? If so is the case, if anything that humans do just hastens their doom - that is the strongest case for the Demiurge there is.
It means that Creation is fundamentally incompatible with humans, it rejects us. It wasn't made for us, it was made against us. We are motivated by the ideals of goodness, justice, love, plenty - but the world spits at our efforts. We want to shape the world in our image, why does the world condemn us? Or perhaps, our image is always evil, without fault? But, we have not created ourselves, we have not created our image. If even we are cursed, then there is no hope, and all is evil and lost.

>> No.14854945

Is that what Heaven is to you?

>> No.14854946 [DELETED] 


Source: it was revealed to home in a dream

>> No.14854952

>Is it greed, to want a better existence?
Is the civilisation we want now, a better existence? We are living in a literal dystopia, spiraling into the gutter.

>> No.14854956

we have now*

>> No.14854958

No buy it seems to be what Gnostics want, since its the only alternative apart from slavery of choice

>> No.14854971
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Well, Buddhism is basically all about the question: how to commit suicide in spite of reincarnation.

>> No.14854984

>its the only alternative
How do you know that? Because you have been reduced to this mortal body, your mind chained by culture and finitude, linear time and causality imposed on your spirit? Is really what we have the best thing there is? Then existence is pathetic.

>> No.14854997

Who wouldn't want to be on a constant heroin high?

>> No.14855023

Satan pretends that he's the demiurge as that would give him a lot of power. In reality he's just a liar. He only has as much power as you let. Christ is the demiurge. One flaw of gnosticism is that it says you can only be saved by knowledge. But God is both wisdom and love. this world is specially designed to be a bridge between Heaven and Hell In order to help some Souls who are in a bad condition. it's an intense experience but the emergency exit is death. If your hearts are pure you have nothing to fear. Humans conceive of all kinds of insane Hells. Why not conceive of Heaven instead?

>> No.14855058

The demiurge is good; and Evil doesn’t exist by itself. I have posted this countless times in threads about gnosticism. Gnosticism is more akin to modern physics than to any real spiritual doctrine.

>> No.14855074

>Why not conceive of Heaven instead?
Why would Heaven be any way different from what we have now? What we have here, tells us all we need to know about our creator. Christ has told us to follow him, and to take up our own cross. The cross is suffering, and the ultimate good. Surely, there couldn't be anything more noble, more good, than suffering for all eternity? That is what you should be preparing for, if you truly love God.

The snake has told Eve that we would be like gods if we ate from the Tree of Knowledge. It did not lie - to be like God is to suffer. To see all the evil and pain, constantly, with infinite definition. Could you ever find solace in Heaven, if there were souls of your friends and family in Hell, lost for all eternity? Wouldn't it drive you mad, to hear their screams, while you sipped Ambrosia? And God has His children in Hell.

>> No.14855083
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Choice is good, the mystery of choice begets the capacity for evil. Therefore there is evil for otherwise Necessity would enslave us, and herself then be evil.
The power and mystery of choice has made each soul that is here to be here longer than it was meant to be according to Necessity.
These choices produce pain, for we have in a way fallen from heaven (or so it appears to our now far more limited souls).
This pain is nothing but the innate "knowledge" that there is more, that we could be more. The irony is that it was the exact same Will thar made us decline from what we believe is heaven.
The One is infinite, we can always rise higher, closer—and every step up the ladder of love is ecstasy, and seeing the step above is suffering (for suffering is nothing but the memory of a better state).
The absence of pain shall itself beget pain, for it is stagnation, and Life is movement.

>> No.14855088


>> No.14855113

You're trying to communicate something, but it is all confused, and substantiated by nothing.

Pain is a byproduct of death, a way to avoid it. And death is the only rule of our universe, it is how it evolves. Things that do not die, persist, beget new things. We could be perfectly happy all our lives, but we are slaves to our genes, to procreation.

In reality there is no choice, if you do the wrong thing you die. Your thoughts are nothing, but perceptions of what is going inside your brain. They are no different from sensory stimuli - anyone good at meditation has experienced that firsthand. All you can do is observe your doom, and suffer, hopeless on this insane ride.

>> No.14855124

By theurgically tracing the root of your Being via subjective negation of object, you achieve henosis with the One or the Beyond-Beyond, who is above the Demiurge [world soul]. Generally, the practice of ascetism is recommended. However, this can lead to a jouissance effect. I recommend you meditate on metaphysical principles to invite non-dualistic thinking. Good luck.

>> No.14855126

I'm ending the ride early. I've realised that death is a beautiful naked woman with perky breasts with her arms outstretched for me and a look of love on her face as she seeks to give me the peace I so desire.

>> No.14855132
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Be gone Satan.

>> No.14855135

The one contention I have with that is you make God a 'being' similiar to your personhood, whereas he isn't.

>> No.14855137

>a beautiful naked woman with perky breasts with her arms outstretched for me and a look of love on her face
You desire life but you worship death. Wake up.

>> No.14855140

how so?

>> No.14855142

nice argument, truly divine Logos

>> No.14855149

If god being your boss allows Satan (robber) to steal your things and rape your wife, because he believes in 'harmonizing' principle of freedom, then how is he not evil?

>> No.14855151

Nothing will wake me up bro. The cope machine has run out.

>> No.14855153

Death is coming for all of us, accept it with open arms, like a lover.

>> No.14855157


>> No.14855165

all changes in states of being only happen in darkness

>> No.14855180

>It is pointless savagery
Life exists because it a chemical reaction that is better at staying alive then dying. There's nothing special or mystical about it.

>> No.14855182

That's literally the definition of pointless, mindless savagery.

>> No.14855196
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Yes, and that is what is real. Everything else is not. Don't pretend like philosophy or religious ideals change the obvious and all-encompassing reality that human conciseness is not special or unique. It is just chemicals that evolved a very special niche to survive and make more if itself, irregardless of how valuable it is to actually BE alive, because the chemicals who didn't think it was that important to stay alive died out a long time ago.

>> No.14855203

people in hell are insane and I'm trying to save them from it. Certainly this world is a cross. They will get tired of gnashing their teeth and weeping one day but they should know that the Gates of Heaven are always open. Evil is boredom and therefore it will not last forever. And what about God, does he not deserve some comfort from me? His children suffering in hell refuse to comfort him and so I will. It is their loss. One day they will come to their senses.

>> No.14855208

Who wants a better existence? Most people want to consume themselves into oblivion and live in a moment to moment spiral of hedonistic pleasure. People wanted a fancy car and tasty meal, not a better existence.

>> No.14855219


The Gospel of Thomas.

>> No.14855229

I know this is cringe to say but sometimes I despair because we can’t have what our ancestor’s had. I know life was tougher back then and we’re far safer and more materially provided for but to just be able to look up at the night’s sky after a long hard day of work and struggle and see with your own eyes the unbelievably vast expanse of the cosmos set out before you would’ve been such a simple yet awe inspiring pleasure that I can only imagine it would’ve compelled one to make it to the next evening if for no other reason than to continue to revel in that awesomeness. Most of us don’t even have that anymore. What have we done to ourselves?

>> No.14855233

What caused the chemical reaction?

>> No.14855239

why did it move

>> No.14855243

It's only cringe to a modernist mindset of "Comfort and ""progress"" good, struggle and suffering bad."

I also believe some call it the Burden of knowledge. I strongly believe if the majority of information was censored (global warming, eventual heat death of the universe, rich vs poor income inequality, etc.) people would be SO much happier. Ignorance is bliss and all that.

>> No.14855244

That's like looking at the workings of a CPU and concluding there is no such thing as operating systems.

>> No.14855263

Little Blue Dot by Carl Sagan

>> No.14855268
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Watch this webm, see the wonderful landscape, the imposing mountains, feel the warm sun on your face. Imagine all the wonderful creatures which call it home. Do you see it? Or do you see ideas, emotions, memories? You do not see things then? Your crude chemicals are nowhere to be found. The world is alive, animated - spirited. It is spirit. All of it.

We each perceive a world, each one of us a different one. We are at the center of it, we decide what's real and what isn't. What we see, depends only on us. Chemicals are just another thing made up by humans, we can never prove that they are the true reality, science never says that something is true.

>> No.14855275

>unironically reading that braindead zombie

>> No.14855281

Chemical reactions occur do to the very natural movement of things ala physics, which in turn all natural life processes come up very naturally and without needing intervention.

Unless you are referring to "what caused the laws of physics/aka what caused reality to exist" in which case I obviously don't have the answer. Some meme "dude a God made it but he's GOOD" or "dude a demiurge did it but he's EVIL" is just coping at your own ignorance.

Everything that exists is physical or energetic. You can believe there is something beyond it, but that is based on your faith and superstition, not reality.

>> No.14855288

How do I know I'm real Bros and that I'm not a robot being controlled by aliens or the demiurge Bros? How do I know that what I see in front of me isn't a Dreamworld made by the demiurge boys? WOAHHHHHH

>> No.14855292

>Everything that exists is physical or energetic.
>You can believe there is something beyond it, but that is based on your faith and superstition, not reality.
You can only say there's no evidence for God if you narrowly restrict the term evidence to only mean direct empirical evidence. This is nonsense because there is no direct empirical evidence or scientific experiment that can prove the belief that all true beliefs must be validated with the scientific method. This is called scientism and it is ultimately self-defeating.

>> No.14855327
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You trying to ascribe a more important or "spiritual" aspect to that webm is flawed. Just because something is beautiful doesn't make it special or magic or give it a property beyond what is real. In fact, some scientific research shows that what is perceived as beauty is somewhat universal to all humans- clean sky, bright green grass, access to clean water and so on are all strongly associated with a healthy living environment. It is associated with a survival instinct, which is what that place in that webm is so strongly associated with "wanting to be/live there".

>We each perceive a world, each one of us a different one.
Yes, you PERCEIVE a world, it doesn't change the fact there is one universal one where physical laws do not change and things follow specific patterns and rules. This is high school tier philosophy shit. Yes,you can say that humans named the chemicals and therefore that makes them not real, but the chemicals greatly impact how people think and feel and act, and as far as all evidence goes they are the only thing that determines how a person acts. Math is a concept invented by humans but mathematical truths exist if you like them or not.

>You can only say there's no evidence for God if you narrowly restrict the term evidence to only mean direct empirical evidence.
Which is the only type of evidence that matters.

>This is called scientism and it is ultimately self-defeating.
I disagree.

>> No.14855347

nihilistic scientism is the most midwit ideology


>> No.14855393

I-I... wanna go home bros.

>> No.14855399

>mathematical truths exist if you like them or not.
>Everything that exists is physical or energetic.

oh no no no no, looks like he's waking up! will he short circuit, or will he abandon his flawed scientism? find out in the next post

>> No.14855442

So Windows doesn't exist?

>> No.14855464

But how does one achieve life? The quoted anon clearly seeks female love, but it is impossible to genuinely have it today - for both his own faults and the ones of society.

>> No.14855466

>somebody makes a metaphor
>he clearly seeks food!

>> No.14855504

Why then would he make the metaphor of death being a woman and not just a warm bed? Both can give him the rest he seeks. And even if just to be more literary, using the figure of a muse or whatever, for all we know the quoted anon wants to be loved, otherwise he wouldn't focus on her expression.

>> No.14855570

Maybe dying makes him hard. Love is a surrender, you have to place your trust in another, let go, allow yourself to be vulnerable. Just like death. It is emotional, irrational - suicidal. Nevertheless, just thinking about it feels me with such peace and tenderness - that anon was onto something.

>> No.14855621

I'm still bound to the clock. Money, paperwork, history. Many, many intertwined narratives powering the illusion of a big outside world full of life. It is not real, but it is the ground I stand on. I can look in any direction and see things and imagine industries and people who made them...for money. Without money the illusion falls apart. Where do all these things come from, who makes them and why are they made? My eyes burn like the sun when I'm not blinded by money. I need to come up with a smart new way of looking at things before I can 'come home', but I haven't found a good alternative to money yet.

>> No.14855679

Based anon. I think I agree with you. I've thought about what God feels and I've concluded it's lonlieness and despair. We do have to take up our own crosses. Infinite pleasure is pointless.

>> No.14855693

Why would suffering have more of a point, if that's all there is?

>> No.14855785

Symbols in this physical Universe point to a greater reality. We see that beauty and goodness and life are all the same thing. Abundance of green grass means grass eaters which means the game of obtaining food in fellowship with your fellow humans. That is beautiful. Life is a game. The basic game is to partake of the fullness of life. But it is no proof or evidence to an atheist that God is a video game designer. It does not matter that we repeat patterns over and over in this reality and that those patterns Lead us upwards to God. You say that life is in itself. I say that life is overflowing with God and his beloved and ever increasing.

>> No.14855797

Its more about responsibility I think. You know carrying a burden. I think God carries that burden of being alone and we all carry our burdens down here but idk man. There are times where I'd rather just coom 24/7 not gonna lie but that state seems more false to me. Maybe it's like Agent Smith said in the Matrix. Humans are sado-masochistic by nature.

>> No.14855823

Your acceptance of empirical evidence as the only means to truth is itself based on the a metaphysical position naturalism which you're either taking for granted or accepting as a matter of faith

>> No.14855878

I do want to be loved, but more then love I want eternal life in a paradise. I don't know how people honestly expect me to do all this bullshit and then I don't get even get anything out of it that lasts and just end up dead. However I have lost my faith and I don't think it will ever return, the cope has run out. So now I just envision death as a woman that loves me that will finally give me rest from my pointless life. It's soothing, more soothing then a warm bed. Anyway I'm off to bed, hope you guys have a good day/night whatever.

>> No.14855917

> If so is the case, if anything that humans do just hastens their doom

Humans are not the their desires. The greatest mistake of modernity is to elevate desire to alpha and omega.


>> No.14855929

>Humans are not the their desires.
What are they then.

>> No.14855941

Awareness. Thoughts, feelings, pleasure, pain, are all illusions.

>> No.14855942
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>> No.14855960

Correct. But I can't express how sad it makes me that some people can reach this conclusion, yet not take issue with that very state of the universe.

>> No.14855961

Cope. You just don't want to take any responsibility, so you just decide you are a simple observer, incapable of changing anything.

>> No.14855969

>mikey mouse hahahah
>I get my belief system out of memes!

>> No.14856017

There's nothing to take responsibility for, that's just a story you're telling yourself. Hey, but if it works for you, whatever. Everything is permitted.

>> No.14856031

>hurr durr well i cant SEE anything other than the physical world, and i used my based SCIENCE tools to look for God and couldnt find him, so ITS ALL BULLSHIT!!!11!!!

There's nothing I can say to make you believe otherwise, its a matter of perspective, which can only occur in ones subjective experience. What I dont like is physicalists who dont even legitimately try to experience this so called 'spiritual existence'.
>Yeah, uhh meditiation is a MEME!! haha, dawkins told me! STEM RULES!! I fucking love science!!!!

Try, wholeheartedly, meditation or something like qigong, and try to feel energy. (yeah it sounds soccermommy until you actually experience it) dont just try once session and come to the conclusion that it's bullshit.

the intellect is like a knife; very good at dissecting things and thus knowing the nature of things. But if you want to know the nature of your mother, you wouldnt put her under the knife. In this way, there are different dimensions to life. Please at least try to understand that the dissecting tool of science may not be able to penetrate all things in this universe.

>> No.14856317

>Everything is permitted.
Ok crowley

>> No.14856329

It's not just a story. It means the world. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. Everything may be permitted but there is no play without games and no game without rules.

>> No.14856466

True, but you're not going to induce cognitive dissonance in an atheist by merely asserting that. Christ gave us a completely free faith. It is only once you accept that everything is permitted, that it truly becomes possible to be one with God.

>> No.14856521

smartest post gets ignored

>> No.14856532

>I don't want for my soul to be recycled
Why not?
Existence is good

>> No.14856543

good post!

>> No.14856557

I mean if all there is is suffering why care about anything? Why be responsible to anyone? Hard mode: answer without naming any spooks

>> No.14856593

Suffering is not real. Complete your going under: you have dismissed all pleasant sensation as cope, now dismiss all unpleasant sensation as well.

>> No.14856673


>> No.14856751

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.14856762

If you admit you don’t know, then how can you also claim you do know that there’s nothing mystical about it?

Also, have you seen these chemical processes in action? What causes them? Surely, there must be some cause as an object at rest tends to stay at rest.

>> No.14856792

You simply cannot perceive that your senses can perceive the whole of reality. By the very nature of your sense perception, you’re not able to step outside of sensory perception. The supreme irony here is that almost no one has actually perceived with their senses the type of atomistic scientism that is so pervasive. An electron as you know it is a formal representation of an idea and nothing more. You cannot hold it in your hands, feel it, taste it, hear it, or smell it. It’s no more real to you in a material sense than the notion of spirit.

>> No.14856892
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It's simple.
Satan doesn't exist and his existence making God evil proves the illegitimacy of the Hebrews as unique among the peoples.
The Will to create (the greatest of all Virtues, if not the greater cause of virtue itself) does not happen to what's already perfect, therefore creating and creation is what makes God self-perfect.
This too disproves the Christian—the world is eternal. Infinite is also the number of times you've "escaped" becoming and freely descended again. For to stagnate even in heaven is to not be like the One. We are our own effluence of power.

>> No.14856905
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>> No.14857026
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We must transcend the old churches and their bickering, raise our hand to the protestants and their sicknesses of fragmentation. The sects and cults must be dissolved. We will wipe away the corruption.
You haters of the world, we are none of us havers of the right to deserve anything from anyone, but you have all the freedom to amend or tear. In aimless chaos perhaps you will find a little tearing down makes what we rebuild even greater, and you could do better.

>> No.14857188

What bullshit.

>There is nothing more futile than to consciously look for something to save you. But consciousness makes this fact seem otherwise. Consciousness makes it seem as if (1) there is something to do; (2) there is somewhere to go; (3) there is something to be; (4) there is someone to know. This is what makes consciousness the parent of all horrors, the thing that makes us try to do something, go somewhere, be something, and know someone, such as ourselves, so that we can escape our MALIGNANTLY USELESS being and think that being alive is all right rather than that which should not be.
(Thomas Ligotti; Conspiracy Against The Human Race)

>> No.14857353


>> No.14858001

Not all responsibility is suffering. You shouldnt really equate the two. Sometimes being responsible for things can bring joy and purpose. Ultimately, you pick a side and trust in it I think. Purely on animal gut instinct. I don't believe there is such a thing as reason. To reason in any direction first you have to have faith, faith in some kind of assumption. I think at logics foundation is made up of faith.

>> No.14858014

Did you learn this from listening to tool. Jokes aside. It seems pretty damn real here but this world itself is illusory. When an illusion is perfect is it indistinguishable from the thing it's pretending to be?

>> No.14858283

it's funny how are there are so many houses but no cars or car roads
how long before the water from the waterfall is routed to so many places that it dries up and the beautiful mountains are carved up to make highways for the next city and the atmosphere is full of noise from the automobiles and the constantly going on work for construction because of the tourists and new upcoming hotels and sky starts looking smokey

>> No.14858411

He is right at the uselessness of trying but arrives at the opposite of the truth. In the face of all that futility we find what should just be. Consciousness is an answer unto itself.

>> No.14858473

That is why it is The Good who outpours His eternal Love, Beauty and Goodness unto all things.

Kataphatic theology, as well as reason itself, are necessary as elective power to attain apophaticism, to reach the Ineffable.

>> No.14858495

Because that's what it said on the gnosticism fandom wikia

>> No.14858530

Your sophist tactic is already distorting reality by accumulating bullshit. Quit acting like a smartass

>> No.14858589

Mixture of Nietzsche, Advaita Vedanta, and Buddhism. When I say suffering is not real, I don't mean it's an imitation of a real suffering, I mean it does not exist. It is literally a story you tell yourself in response to certain bodily sensations. When you recognize those sensations for what they are, and see their transience, there is no more suffering.

>> No.14858645

>It is literally a story you tell yourself in response to certain bodily sensations. When you recognize those sensations for what they are, and see their transience, there is no more suffering.
Can you make an example?

>> No.14858720

Every emotion is that. For example, a friend of mine told me the other day he was very anxious about an interview. I asked him "how do you know you're anxious?". He was stunned. I knew he would be, because the first time I heard that question (I was asked by Brad Blanton in a Radical Honesty workshop "how do you know you're angry?"), I had absolutely no idea what to answer. But there is an answer, which is that there is a sensation somewhere in your body that through the years you have reified with the word 'anxiety', or 'anger', or 'suffering'. Once I walked my friend through it, he was able to pinpoint that it was a tightness in his chest that he was calling his 'anxiety'. And it's the same with every emotion. You can get past them simply by moving past the symbol ('anger') and engaging directly with the experiential reality. Once you recognize that all emotions are transient bodily sensations, your relationship to them completely changes. But that's step one. Step two is seeing your thoughts as transient, and irrelevant. The goal is to identify with your conscious awareness, not with your body, your thoughts, or your emotions, and instead see all those like a movie being projected on a tv screen. You're not the screen. You're in the seats watching the movie.

This >>14855917 elaborates more.

>> No.14858821

Really good post. Been thinking of getting Radical Honesty for a while too

>> No.14858865

It's actually not when you've encountered the "fakeness" of material reality directly. I can't describe it better than that but I have direct perception of the illusory nature of time space and matter and thereafter I've always considered myself free from all moral obligations.

>> No.14858871

The fundamental perception of gnosticism is that something terrible has happened and that we don't belong here.
That anyone would question that axiom at least, I doubt.
Everything else follows from that first observation.

>> No.14859038

Care to explain it for brainlets? What do you mean when you say invite non dualistic thinking? What metaphisycal principles do you mean? Do you refer as talking with your inner daimon?

>> No.14859562

You are a body inside of soul, but you also have a Spirit, and this Spirit is above the modelling of this world, as it is Fullness and this world is clearly in a state of ignorance. When you meditate on the Spirit, it helps you self-remember who you are and breaks the spell of ignorance, so you will no longer be reincarnated. If you are looking for methodologies, I suggest looking into Sant Mat and Gurdjieff. If you are looking for metaphysics and a general 'worldview' to adopt, I suggest looking into Advaita Vedanta and Valentinain Gnosticism. When you adopt non dualistic thinking it means you are getting closer to the end...

>> No.14859748


>> No.14859780


>> No.14859782

What sort of server is this?

>> No.14860074

'selling your soul' is descending, gaining conditionals because you think its an easy life

ascending is losing conditions and joining the absolute

>> No.14860092


>> No.14860122

Final exit

>> No.14860130

Just blow your brains out retard
The 'soul' is something cavedwellers thought up to explain dreams, time to grow up

>> No.14860132
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I'm sorry /lit/. I started reading the gnostics and got kind of into it, then started posting in the religion threads about it. At first it was tradLARPers shitting on me and then shitting on each other, and then at one point some other anons started posting about it. Now it is a daily thing and there is even a tripfag. I didn't mean for it to turn out this way.

>> No.14860137

Prove it!

>> No.14860188

Nothing can force your "soul" to do anything. You are in possession of the absolute authority.

>> No.14860352

>how do you know you're anxious?
I'm paralyzed by the future; unable to think about anything else but the worst scenario. It never goes away, it's always there, this feeling of impending doom, self-blame and pain. It's not just butterflies in your stomach - your friend was never really anxious.
>here is a sensation somewhere in your body that through the years you have reified with the word 'anxiety', or 'anger', or 'suffering'.
Fuck off. Pain and suffering is the only real thing there is, everything else pales in comparison. The ideology that you've constructed, the smug enlightenment, all of your ego falls away in the face of real pain. You have not felt it, and neither have I, but I have seen it with the eyes of my soul in others. The consciousness that you so worship is nothing it the face of it.

>> No.14860363

esoteric posting is as old as lit itself, newfag

>> No.14860593

wow! How did you definitively found out you had a soul?

>> No.14860605

> feeling of impending doom, self-blame and pain

How do you know you're feeling those?

>> No.14860955

Shut up YHWH.

>> No.14861251

gay baby retard

>> No.14861267

lol life is a cosmic snake eating itself in terror of death and the void, these kinds of posts make me hurl

>> No.14861280

Did you hurl your tail?

>> No.14862081

It is human ego that leads to suffering. We can have quite nice lives but people are too shortsighted to see how to accomplish that.

People are more concerned with appearing important than actually helping.

>> No.14862091

what would a heroin high be if your body didnt exist you fucking mong

>> No.14862175

How do you know you're perceiving anything?

>> No.14862212

I have 5 senses. Touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. Everything I perceive comes through those. Through which of those are the pain/etc. coming through?

>> No.14862221

Through which sense does thought come from? none of them for you, because you're retarded

>> No.14862342

Thought comes in through hearing for me, though. You don't have an inner monologue?

Since you were unable to answer, I will. Your pain sensation comes through touch, same as every other bodily sensation, touch being the somatosensory system. Now, stop building an altar to what is a mere bodily sensation. Try to pinpoint exactly what sensation leads you to conclude you're in constant pain, try to describe it, instead of hiding behind the abstraction 'pain'.

>> No.14862365

>Thought comes in through hearing for me
you're a literal bicameral zombie-puppet
there weren't even supposed the be any bicamerals living after 2nd millennium BC, you should be in a museum

>> No.14862372


You can still do that anon, the sky hasnt gone anywhere

>> No.14862419

Then continue in the snare of identification with the body.

>> No.14862712

> materialism intensifies

Your nihilism is disgusting. Bring yourself together.

>> No.14862719

Based and greenpilled

Spirited away.

>> No.14863785

That's just Switzerland.

>> No.14864503

Read the Zen Teachings of Huang Po. You must learn to break your attachments to all concepts. Any desire at all will put you right back on the wheel.

>> No.14864580

It literally won't be. Once you are dead you are dead.

>> No.14864623

salt stimulating the muscles

>> No.14864645

Based, and no amount of new age bs is going to change that. The return to nonbeing is your only freedom.

>> No.14864670

I'd like variety

>> No.14865562

the place doesn't matter

>> No.14865570

>The return to nonbeing is your only freedom.
There is no such thing as non-being, you will live this one life forever, stuck on a loop, unable to escape.

>> No.14866554
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don't worry you won't, you'll be melted and molded together with all those other small souls

>> No.14866593

if (you) identify with as your ego then you will cease to be, if you identify with being itself then you won't
really it's just semantics, but it will affect your outlook on life which is all that really matters desu

>> No.14866644


>> No.14866689
File: 78 KB, 564x1410, 1582390112915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnostics are Noetic communists.
>muh spiritual hierarchy is unfair
>mememe should not have to struggle or have responsibility or be required to put in any effort in acquiring anything I want

>> No.14866938

>waaaah you're supposed to struggle and die in a cosmic meat grinder like the trillions of living beings before you

>> No.14866982

> Any books on how to escape Creation?
Soap and rope. (You can skip the soap.)

>> No.14867011
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belief systems literally are memes, nigger.

>> No.14867041
File: 930 KB, 838x800, 1568485176925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O Ra. I am you and you are I. If you shine in me, I will shine in you. For I am that Eye of yours which is on the horns of Hathor, which turns back the years from me; I spend the night and am conceived and born every day.

>> No.14867345

Stop worshipping your pain.

>> No.14867354
File: 82 KB, 626x617, 1572409302546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>universe is mindless and cruel
>hurrrr stop worhissping pian


>> No.14867356

Stop deifying your contentment into an all-loving God

>> No.14867443

>always considered myself free from all moral obligations.
so you are a slave to the same physical reality you claim to transcend.

>> No.14868891

>tfw corona is just the demiurge optimizing his algorithm

>> No.14868973

L. Ron Hubbard was adamant that one must ignore the "Happy Homecoming Committee," as it was a reincarnation trap, and just fly off as fast and as far as possible into the void upon dropping the body.

>> No.14869007

sounds like a troll to trick you into going to hell

>> No.14869244

the demiurge only posts on reddit

>> No.14869252

No cruelty but what we make. Next time you feel bad because you saw a dead kitty in the road, laugh at it instead of shitting your pants.

>> No.14869307

shoo shoo archon

if a man doesn't have an outpouring of compassion over dead animals at least every once in a while he's barely even human

>> No.14869452

>He's barely even human

Death and being human are material considerations. You are still a hylic. You should rejoice death, for it signifies the escape from the material.

>> No.14869509

>for it signifies the escape from the material.

No it doesn't, unless you're on your last life.

Death signifies the violence and absurdity of the material world but doesn't offer escape from it for the ones still trapped. The dragon catches you and you come back down.