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14854729 No.14854729 [Reply] [Original]

What books should I read to stop hating women? Or alternatively, what should I read to eliminate my sexual desire for women? I think if I had no desire for them I would not hate them -- rather I probably would not think of them much at all. I'd just like to view and interact with them as normal humans with no sexual aspect to torment me; my hatred of them is getting in the way of dealing with my depression and other spiritual issues.

>> No.14854955


>> No.14854962

Unironically, The Bible.

>> No.14854967

>I'd just like to view and interact with them as normal humans with no sexual aspect to torment me
Just give up now

>> No.14854979

If you didn't want to fuck them, you would hate them even more. Women are complete bitches, the only reason men put up with them is because of pussy. If women got treated just like men, you would start seeing the number of women getting punched in the mouth go up exponentially.

>> No.14854987

I don't really have to interact with them very much. Like I said, I would probably not worry about them at all if I didn't have my sexual drive.

>> No.14855131
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>what should I read to eliminate my sexual desire for women?
I'm afraid there isn't a book like that.

>I think if I had no desire for them I would not hate them -- rather I probably would not think of them much at all.
That's true but not the whole story. The reason most men hate women is because they see them as the gatekeepers to their self worth. The femoid is seen as this dumb, vapid animal with no control over her biological impulses, but at the same time she decides who gets the pussy. And if you get pussy you're a Chad and based; if not, you're a loser incel who should "have sex". You're self-worth depends on being liked by someone you hate. And that's a hard predicament to be in.

Since eliminating your sexual desire isn't really possible. The only thing you can do is stop valuing yourself by how much pussy you get. This is hard. See any hollywood movie, listen to any rap song, go on 4chan, and you'll be blasted with images of ass, tits, feet. Have sex loser. James Bond always gets the girl in the end. You get the point.
Here are a couple of things you can do.

1. Accept the following fact: The amount of return of investment on an individual's sexual pursuits depends almost entirely on things outside of his control, like genetics and upbringing.
An average guy can sleep with a 100 women. If he talks to 2000 of them. A Chad can sleep with 100 women by going about his daily life. Effort can make you sleep with a lot of women, but no amount of effort will make you into a Chad. This is liberating. Because a lot of ex-incels get into this slave morality mindset of "it's entirely my fault I don't get laid yada yada". That's just plain wrong. You can accept you've been fucked by being born short, bald, etc., without turning into a bitter person on one hand, or becoming totally blue pilled on the other.

2. Realize, you can be a badass even if you don't have much sex. Focus your attention on great men like Newton, Kant, Tesla etc. and realize how they were bad motherfuckers and fucking lots of women wasn't part of their identity.

3. Don't try to demonize the sexual act, that will only make you want it more. t's probably great being a Chad and getting a double-blowjob from Stacy and her cousin, who are using your cock in a deepthroat competition while they're both on the phone with their boyfriends. It sucks you'll probably never experience that. But you can have a good, fulfilling life in spite of it.

4. Get busy. Whether you're writing the next Ulysses, or becoming the biggest academic in your country, or working on your album. When you're in your room and you start obsessing over that cute Becky who rejected you, and how she's probably getting face fucked by her bf this very second, slap yourself in the face and get back to reading. Or whatever else you find fulfilling. Write that novel, or that paper, or that lyric. You might just make something great.

>> No.14855144

Great post

>> No.14855150

All this "game" theory only applies to degenerate women. The same women I wasted half my life chasing. If you meet a woman who has grown up and lived in a deeply religious community, you will realise the sickness is in society, not in womankind. Pray. Repent. Go to church.

>> No.14855206

>If you meet a woman who has grown up and lived in a deeply religious community
Yeah and they're all happily married with children by their early 20s. If you didn't grow up their too you aren't going to get one.

>> No.14855213

>All this "game" theory only applies to degenerate women.
I don't know what you perceive to be "game theory" in my post. I do not like the PUA community. Not that there's anything wrong in approaching women in bars or whatever. But they are the perfect example of the tension I highlighted. Their lifestyles revolve around sleeping with as many women as possible while seeing "the woman" as a dumb automaton that must be charmed by you signalling the maximum amount of "alpha" characteristics.

>> No.14855230

umm based department?

>> No.14855357

Thanks, I needed to read that. It's something I know already, but it's easy to forget and get absorbed in negative thoughts.

>> No.14855437

Now THIS is some top-shelf cope

>> No.14855473

What do you mean by cope?

>> No.14855509

Do you disagree with him? Is your worth as a man determined by how much pussy you get?

>> No.14855603

>Is your worth as a man determined by how much pussy you get?

>> No.14855690 [DELETED] 

women are all venomous vipers. they all deserve to be impaled and burned on sight

>> No.14855710

>wh-whats cope I’ve never h-heard of it

>> No.14855772

It sounds like acceptance and overcoming. The opposite of cope.

>> No.14855796


>> No.14855805

>acceptance and overcoming
>of reality
do I even need to say it this time?

>> No.14856019


You're still being vague. Is it cope to take your hand of the stove if it's burning?

Do you think valuing yourself by how much pussy you get is a necessity or merely some contingent feeling that happens to be popular these days?

>> No.14856041

These days this is prolly the least sexual time in history. That's what people did in the old days for fun was bone.

>> No.14856072
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Yea cuz he needs to read Samson betrayed by a whore LMFAO. Bible literally teaches young men to not trust women. A great red pill of course but Op is looking for blue.

>> No.14856085
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Which is why you can't offer any suggestions for reading only disqualify red pill literature.

>> No.14856093
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>> No.14856102


You, sir, are going in a reply folder.

So much wisdom in this post.

>> No.14856113

No book will help you with this, anon, except by way of distraction

>> No.14856123

>popular these days
>these days
ye dude valuing reproductive viability is just a fad

>> No.14856133

>what should I read to eliminate my sexual desire for women?
Satipatthana Meditation: A Practice Guide - Analayo
Mindfulness of Breathing: A Practice Guide and Translations - Analayo
Perspectives on Satipatthana - Analayo
Satipaṭṭhāna: The Direct Path to Realization - Analayo
The Heart of Buddhist Meditation: Satipatthana: A Handbook of Mental Training Based on the Buddha's Way of Mindfulness - Nyanaponika Thera

>> No.14856136
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>> No.14856185

>ye dude valuing reproductive viability is just a fad
Why should your self worth (or anyone else's) be determined by a subjective judgement of reproductive viability?

>> No.14856223

I don’t even think admiring women is necessarily a bad thing. You just need to let go of this idea that every woman you meet is a potential partner. Compatibility is key in a long term relationship, and most women you meet aren’t going to be compatible. Understand that enjoyable eye candy is merely that, but enjoy it for what it is. Also, understand that it’s better to be alone than stuck with someone you can’t stand.

With this in mind, you should be looking to make some female friends/acquaintances if you don’t already have any. You come to appreciate women more when you stop holding them to impossibly high standards and stop talking to them with the sole intention of fucking them.

>> No.14856238

lol cope

>> No.14857649
