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14853349 No.14853349 [Reply] [Original]

Is happiness truly the greatest "good" that all of life must strive for?

>> No.14853355

Sometimes there are more important things than being happy; especially if it's a very short-term kind of happiness, like playing video games.

>> No.14853360
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yeah, the alternative, spending the rest of your life being miserable with a person you eventually grow to hate. sounds way better

>> No.14853361

Never search solely for happiness. And never settle for suffering. You should aim to continuously challenge yourself, intellectually, emotionally, physically, skillfully, until death.

Complacency breeds contempt and contempt breeds hatred and hatred leads destruction.

>> No.14853370

Are the faggot screencapped in the OP?

>> No.14853376

“happiness” is too specific. In general, our aim should be the most preferable life, the life that we would choose over all others if we tested each

>> No.14853380

This, but also remove the state of desire so as to do away with suffering.

>> No.14853384

There’s lots of layers to happiness and it’s all good.

Like running away from danger.

>> No.14853389
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>spending the rest of your life being miserable with a person you eventually grow to hate.
Or you could just find somebody who also likes video games.

>> No.14853394

Adults should not be playing video games.
>check em

>> No.14853397

Never do away with suffering. Suffering is an intrinsic nature of existence. It encourages us to strengthen our resolve. Suffering is necessary to your survival.

>> No.14853420

Suffering is inherent to existence and only the enlightened can overcome it.

>> No.14853424

There is always suffering. The only way to overcome it is to relish in it. It can't beat you if you want it.

>> No.14853429

I think contentment is a better word. I can cum, but I would trade jacking off a few times a day with a pretty decent friend I can do stuff with. maybe in an Epicurean sense, it is having an even spreed of happiness. but I think contentedness has a more accurate feel to it.

>> No.14853437

>I can cum, but I would trade jacking off a few times a day with a pretty decent friend I can do stuff with.
You mean jack off together?

>> No.14853442

I mean, that would definitely make it more interesting.

>> No.14853458

You shouldn't use Steam and shouldn't pay for digital distribution. Thinking it is acceptable to charge or be charged for digital distribution is a mental illness.

>> No.14853488

I like the way you think anon

>> No.14853524

I knew this was going to happen, and yes, that would be a possible subsection of friendly relationships.

>> No.14853535

Quality and novelty in life are way up there. Happiness is just one of many goods. A bad relationship gives the potential for the development for devotion or loyalty. Even failure can be a useful experience. Reality is too complex to just judge a situation that is unique and to attempt to apply some crude simplistic Theory to it.

>> No.14853574

The greatest good for man and sole faculty that is distinctly human, is self-creation through one's thoughts and works (such works include, but are far from limited to, sexual reproduction). Such creation works itself out through the highest delight and deepest suffering, and neither persists. You are always creating and being created whether you want to do so or not; the trick is to do it intentionally, which is to say humanly.

>> No.14853959

Adults should not play golf. What a waste of (((productivity))).

>> No.14853962

>Is happiness truly the greatest "good"
It's final good.
>that all of life must strive for?

>> No.14853969

That won't bring happiness. Its chasing a pleasure and a cope, just a "NO BAD THOUGHTS" tier distraction just like drug addiction. The guy can't even get his ergonomics right and will suffer neck pain and headaches after more than a half hour in these conditions.

>> No.14854010

happiness belongs to cows and small furry mammals

>> No.14854034

Imagine someone who got happiness out of being unhappy..

>> No.14854042

I wish for an infinite hunger that can only be momentarily satiated

>> No.14854086

What is infinite requires another infinite. This is the hope of Eternal Joy and life.

>> No.14854102

Strive for what dosent make you want to kill yourself.

>> No.14854137

happiness is an illusion

>> No.14854141

Girls dont like video games

>> No.14854152

Plato.. BTFO?

>> No.14854158

No reason you have to date a girl

>> No.14854164

Reminds me of a guy I knew once. He loved to play guitar and was great at it, but he got married and his wife didn't like the noise so he wasn't allowed to play guitar anymore. He was miserable of course. You people put on this faux-traditionalist act, like you should drop everything that you care about and enjoy in life just so you can procreate. I'd like to see any of you go first then.

>> No.14854227
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Legit sometimes I get jealous of gay dudes now that they don't really lack any civil liberties any more. But if I was gay I'd probably just have to deal with effeminate gays who are just women with gross body hair and penises. I thought traps might be a revolution but they're just mentally ill retards who end up acting just like women after estrogen anyway. I wish I was asexual and just treated women like I do men, but I'm not and no matter what I can't help but do shit like avert my eyes and generally be rude to women out of some weird repressed frustration I have with them.
Damn I'm gonna go bully some Warren supporters on Twitter now

>> No.14854249

Reddit was based for once

>> No.14854310
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You cannot eliminate suffering, and in the words of the poet Richard Whitman: "What is happiness? Happiness is just the moment before you need more happiness."

Instead, I propose to learn to find beauty and purpose in your suffering. Take a step back, let go of your dream of a perfect life. Let go of your narcissism; then the world will start making perfect sense, and you will fall in love with it fully. Fully - not just with the sunny meadows and the lush forests - but with all the grey buildings and the smog which hangs over them.