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/lit/ - Literature

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14848155 No.14848155 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck are you supposed to achieve knowledge? Theres too many books. It seems to have an understanding of every branch of philosophy, math, science, arts, and everything between would require many lifetimes of reading. How can I say anything true if I dont know it all?

>> No.14848188

I was just thinking about this.

>> No.14848192

You can become familiar enough with the main topics to be conversant on most subjects, and then you can gain more expertise in narrower fields. You will not master everything in your lifetime. That is OK.

>> No.14848205
File: 612 KB, 2497x3000, 942306259.0.x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's only one book you need to read

>> No.14848230
File: 33 KB, 252x374, PerennialPhilsophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

know god, know the essence of things, not delimited by the strictures of biology.

>> No.14848237
File: 139 KB, 1051x1360, mein_kampf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's only one book you need to read

>> No.14848253

Most books repeat the same shit in slightly different ways just like the 10000 different sci-fi books and 1000000 fantasy books. Sure, reading them will probably not be any detriment and might even give you a little surplus of knowledge but really there are only a few books you should read for only a small amount of total information that you need to consume. It would also be unreasonable of you to want to have such a thing when it is most likely not realistic unless you look into life extension shit or remaining conscious after death. Like the others are saying, if you give yourself a good foundation then you can solve all the necessary problems yourself.

>> No.14848254

>the 10000 different sci-fi books and 1000000 fantasy books. Sure, reading them will probably not be any detriment

It is indeed a detriment to read that much genre trash. It's one of the reasons that western society today is in such decline.

>> No.14848256

>neo-nazi comic

>> No.14848288

I've read the Bible several times and have even studied it. It hasn't helped and isn't a tome of infinite knowledge, unfortunately.

>> No.14848292

Bad meme

>> No.14848295

You're a bad meme butterbutt

>> No.14848338

No, Hitler is.

>> No.14848344

(_)_)=====D' ~~~~~ ( {'} )

>> No.14848345

Hitler is literally mai waifu, I'd appreciate it if you'd be respectful.

>> No.14848360

Hitler was a very misunderstood man. Have some respect for the departed.

>> No.14848387
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, 1583474000230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this

>> No.14848426

Peepee is also a bad meme.

>> No.14848475

You're right, a pretty bad analogy on my part. I mean reading non-fiction produced in the way genre fiction pulp gets produced - which it does. To have the knowledge of those millions of books wouldn't be a detriment unless you are a retard, anyone would ask for complete knowledge which contains all, even the ugly, not just filtered aspects. I didn't mean actually literally reading genre trash which would be pointless and detriment in a limited lifespan.

>> No.14848491

You can't fully know all because you are not a computer trying to collect all data. Knowledge is for your joy and should never be an ends. Only knowledge of the divine can be an ends due to the infinite nature, worth and oneness of the divine.

>> No.14848618
File: 115 KB, 625x215, H38WU3Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Moomin, the most wholesome book and comic series there is? Wow, you Americans are really something else.

>> No.14849901

you could stop spending time on 4chan.