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/lit/ - Literature

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14845360 No.14845360 [Reply] [Original]

Post your book ideas
Its not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.14845371

But anon I'm getting published..

>> No.14845376

Short stories with some conexion between them.

>> No.14845383


I see diabeetus in that man's future.

>> No.14845390

An army officer leads a band of soldiers and refugees seeking revenge on the commies, in a guerilla-style campaign during the Rhodesian Bushwar. They get bogged down, all the killing and brutality warps their minds into something more guerilla and much less 'queen and country' over time, to the point where the officer declares himself King of Rhodesia and his former-refugee commie-hating soldier-friend eventually splits off to fight an even bloodier campaign, and eventually turns into Robert Mugabe.

>> No.14845393

he died and this is how his roommates found him.

>> No.14845417


Your kidding. He's not dead, the skin would be blueish or chalky white if he were. Looks like he just passed out.

>> No.14845428

they found him just after he died

>> No.14845459

If true, should have given CPR, he might have been saved.

>> No.14845543

a scifi story where in 2020 a serial killer is going to kill 2020 babies in different parts of a country, you wonder how is this possible?
because there are many serial killers that have been planning this for years

>> No.14845548

Is this you telling us to turn on the news or something?

>> No.14845560
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I don't have any because publishing is fucking useless in 2020 due to it being a industry of entitled white coastie women, and self-publishing being a horrific technocratic marketing void. All books published after WWII can suck my dick.

Fuck modernism, fuck postmodernism, fuck Empowered Karens, fuck nu-media and fuck jannies.

>> No.14845566

>the skin would be blueish or chalky white if he were
Lmao that's not what dead people look like by default, anon. Blood would probably have drained from his face a bit but skin colour doesn't change. Old people tend to turn yellow-ish, even more so than when they are alive.

t. ex morgue worker and corpse transporter

>> No.14845570

>All books published after WWII can suck my dick.
>fuck modernism
>modernism exist since at least S. XVI

>> No.14845588

modernism is 18th c. bro, there is some good stuff from this time still tho. for that matter


fuck the late modern period, fuck this guy who replied to me, fuck religion, fuck chinks and coronavirus, and fuck niggers. fuck everything.

>> No.14845595

*19th, god dammit

fuck typos.

>> No.14845599

you are confusing modernism with the "modern"

>> No.14845619

but i'm not. there are a million different "modernisms" but a general melange of all of them is generally 19th century to WWII, and definitely not the 16th century aka the beginning of the literal early modern period which has nothing to do with modernism. wikipedia agrees with me.

>> No.14845645

i know you feel like a chad citing wikipedia but you are still wrong
modernism ended with WWI not WWII
get your shit together

>> No.14845649

Crime and Punishment but as a litrpg

>> No.14845662

guy comes homes back from work, calls the lift, pushes the button, but nothing happens so he tries again and the lift tells him, you should have asked for my consent before penetrating into me, and then you realize every single object has become a feminist, and shit ensues.

>> No.14845664

i have nothing to prove, you are the one being a contrarian faggot. no idea where you got the 16th century thing from. what would you call 1930 to 1945 then? the nameless ghost times? modernism is generally from the 19th century to 1945 then pomo begins.

>Modernism is both a philosophical movement and an art movement that, along with cultural trends and changes, arose from wide-scale and far-reaching transformations in Western society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among the factors that shaped modernism were the development of modern industrial societies and the rapid growth of cities, followed then by reactions to the horrors of World War I. Modernism also rejected the certainty of Enlightenment thinking, although many modernists also rejected religious belief.[3][4]

sure it's wikipedia but what do you want, 10 textbooks on the subject instead? it's on wiki because it's the commonly held definition of the term.


>> No.14845783

Why is /lit/ like this?
I have to leave this board occasionally just because it’s so demoralizing to see people on a board for high minded discussion wanting nothing but to insult other and cast aspersions at their intelligence.
Who gives a god damn if his language isn’t perfect? If you want to police posts go be a fucking janny. This kind of behavior is beyond petulant and self-serving— it appears as if it is ultimately done to stop conversation altogether, which of course it ultimately does.
Honestly, what the fuck do you get out of this?

>> No.14846119

how'd he die?

>> No.14846139

Angels and demons waging war on eachother. Humans and aliens get caught in the crossfire.

>> No.14846206

Congrats, liar!

>> No.14846701


you are right i'm sorry

yup, checked my sources
modernist start at least at S. XVIII but it is commonly accepted that it ends with WWI, after that most philosophical/political proyects take a divergent route (from the european version of modernity)

desu i didn't realize iwas being this annoying i thought we were having fun lol

>> No.14846744

All my ideas are too edgy. Is it possible to write a comfy novel?

>> No.14846796

Please delete this picture, that's me

>> No.14847409
File: 128 KB, 515x979, 41B5AD53-BF93-4EAA-90B9-F9E8A6D5F295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd book in series: following the action packed finale of Volume one where Luma races back to Algo the space station to Save everyone from asphyxiation, she and the remaining members of the society confront Warhead and and his undead minions. In the heat of battle, Luma becomes desperate to stop him from wounding and killing more of her friends so she foolishly charges into battle with her two friends only to be outclassed by warhead teleporting her friends to parts unknown via dimensional portal. When backup arrives in the form of an Ocularian she begs it to open a portal so she can seek out her companions. It does so and Lima finds herself on a desert planet alone with no clues of where to go next. Her jetpack damaged in the battle, she must brave loneliness, heat and fear to cross the vast dunes in search of her lost friends.

>> No.14847421
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I am writing an ironic take of Isekai shit that get more complex with each chapter and its full of references to Burroughs works.

>> No.14848682

not that other anon, but the whole 'modernism' issue is interesting indeed. In France it doesn't even mean anything when applied to literature. Of course it does have a meaning when considering english-speaking lit (and in a few other countries, but not all of them) - however I'm pretty sure that there's a small part of bullshit in any kind of 'ism' (and this can probably not be avoided).

>> No.14848693

Goosebumps style choose your own adventure but make it have more options to choose different magic powers, the reader will conquest different regions of a map based on the decisions they make. Idea is trademarked and pattented already

>> No.14848702
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Marquis de Safe but in space. Think about it.

>> No.14848707


>> No.14848813 [DELETED] 
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>Short stories with some conexion between them

>> No.14849704
