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14845128 No.14845128 [Reply] [Original]

Is gnosticism the most based philosophy ? Bloom thought so.

>> No.14845138

The Demiurge is good by virtue of its emanation from God, the One.

>> No.14845145

What's your justifcation for that?

>> No.14845169

The One is Good, his emanation is good, the Demiurge is of Being. Our existence as souls here is half-being half-matter, the evil is God's absence (matter), not a direct emanation of His

>> No.14845178
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>Is gnosticism the most based philosophy ?
No. Stoicism is.

>> No.14845204

>half-being half-matter,

now you see the problem?

>> No.14845312

stoicism makes you a slave to whatever powers are in control right now, gnosticism gives you an ideal to strive towards and maintain discipline with but you arent beholden to physical entities.

>> No.14845583

>stoicism makes you a slave to whatever powers are in control right now
When the tyranny began, Cato could either serve the Devil or kill himself. So he killed himself. How was Cato a slave to the powers in control?

>> No.14845604

Any good books on Gnosticism?

>> No.14845612
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>> No.14845616

Stoicism is a form of gnosticism insofar as it's a method of gnosis (refusing the demiurge)

>> No.14846818

Stoicism isn't a philosophy, it's just a cope.

>> No.14848452

Gnosticism, as a set of metaphors, or myth of cosmological origins, at least has the benefit of being highly consistent with matters of fact about the human circumstance in nature. In contrast to orthodox or popular religion, which is deliberately contrived to be immune to refutation generally, gnosticism is congenial to the kind of scientific intuition that lacks panglossian rationalizations in service of whatever the status-quo happens to be, or of hopes that all will turn out as we like it regardless of what we do or don't do to deepen our perception of what's around us.

>> No.14848456
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>> No.14848476

Yes. Also fuck the Demiurge

>> No.14848493
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Because theyre hylics

>> No.14848524

Seems kinda shallow and spiritually empty.

>> No.14848539

Light the dark with your own being. Revolt against the demiurge!

>> No.14848543

you can't even revolt against the laws of physics (created by demiurge)

>> No.14848556

How within Gnosticism do you become certain of your knowledge? Is it possible to be certain that your Gnostic worldview is true?

>> No.14848586

Killing oneself if the same to giving into the power structure you wish to escape.

>> No.14848641


>> No.14849565

It would be really fucking cool if it cut out all that christian drivel desu

>> No.14849576

>Revolt against the demiurge!
i hate that shit. who would win
>the demiurge, creator of this world as his 7 archons, supernatural powerful beings that keep the entire planet earth under lock and key of suffering
>some human who thinks he knows much

>> No.14850094
File: 12 KB, 236x199, Wojak+is+eternal+_715e22ceaab4b4aeafcf463cd238b7df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll win.

>> No.14850099


>> No.14850122

Isn't it more of a religion than a philosophy?

>> No.14850126

There would not be much left. Is that the joke?

>> No.14850135

I'm sure to win because my knowledge is superior.

>> No.14850612

I am not joking at all. The Demiurge, the Archonts, Sophia, Aeons, Nomad, that's all intriguing as hell. But then you got things like Evangelium Veritatis or Tractatus Tripartitus which got (barely) nothing to do with that and read like the bible, ergo: are so boring and generic I had to drop them like 2-3 pages in.

>> No.14850626

i wish you the best and all, but if you think you know more than supernatural god-like entities who are 1000s of years old yoi better be prepared
the worst part is, knowing more is not even enough, you have to bypass the 7 archonts and their guard field on top of that

>> No.14850634

t. zooomer

>> No.14850657
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the power of frenship will win

>> No.14850750

>tfw the demiurge has at least 7 friends and you got literally none

>> No.14851132

I've played vidya that were harder then that. This should be easy.

>> No.14851225

All philosophy is cope

>> No.14851390

So is living in the imaginary world of gnosticism, or any system of beliefs. Only the master of the world is unslaved.