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14843744 No.14843744 [Reply] [Original]

Give me the final redpill about god, guys. Is he real? Is he not? Why and why not? And if he is, why should I worship him?

>> No.14843754

>should I worship him
Should an actually omnipotent being even care about worship?

It's not yhwh

>> No.14843767

>Should an actually omnipotent being even care about worship?
He shouldn't, but he'd probably force us to worship him anyway for his omni-intelligent sadistic fetishes.

>> No.14843791

>implying he couldn't satisfy his sadism in other ways
The dude you're thinking of is just capable at pretending to be The All. He isn't. At best he's a projection of its ego.

>> No.14843830

God is.

>> No.14843833

No, he isn't.

>> No.14844627

Existence is perception. We are God’s mirrors. Don’t think that God is the same without creation

>> No.14844637

God is a little girl

>> No.14844674

He's real, and "worshipping" God is not meant to be interpreted like worshipping a dictator that needs to his ego stroked.
Prayer is asking God, faith is relying on God, and worshipping God is celebrating his existence. I don't feel like typing a ton on the latter, but at moments of my life where I truly open my heart to God and his love, the mere idea of using my life to celebrate his existence (and a society that would do such) makes me want to weep with love and joy-- such an existence is beauty beyond comprehension.

I would highly recommend praying, as God might be a lot more than you ever imagined.

>> No.14845760

God made Drake and Donald trump just like Masahiro Sakurai made Kirby LOL

>> No.14845795


>> No.14845801

Isn't what?

>> No.14845820

God abandoned us a long time ago, our creator might return someday: like you might go back to your old Runescape account.

>> No.14846050


/thread nigga

>> No.14846359

>Is he real?

>Why should I worship him?

Because the LORD is the Truth, and by living in accordance with His will, you are living accordance with the Truth. You’re free to live in any way you choose, but choosing anything other than His Will (the Truth) is to choose sin, and therefore misery and ruin.

>> No.14846412

Yet, at the same, He's not- He's no Lord, comprehend this, for he's ultimately Beyond Being:

>Again, ascending yet higher, we maintain that it is neither soul nor intellect; nor has it imagination, opinion reason or understanding; nor can it be expressed or conceived, since it is neither number nor order; nor greatness nor smallness; nor equality nor inequality; nor similarity nor dissimilarity; neither is it standing, nor moving, nor at rest; neither has it power nor is power, nor is light; neither does it live nor is it life; neither is it essence, nor eternity nor time; nor is it subject to intelligible contact; nor is it science nor truth, nor kingship nor wisdom; neither one nor oneness, nor godhead nor goodness; nor is it spirit according to our understanding, nor filiation, nor paternity; nor anything else known to us or to any other beings of the things that are or the things that are not; neither does anything that is know it as it is; nor does it know existing things according to existing knowledge; neither can the reason attain to it, nor name it, nor know it; neither is it darkness nor light, nor the false nor the true; nor can any affirmation or negation be applied to it, for although we may affirm or deny the things below it, we can neither affirm nor deny it, inasmuch as the all-perfect and unique Cause of all things transcends all affirmation, and the simple pre-eminence of Its absolute nature is outside of every negation- free from every limitation and beyond them all.

>> No.14846523
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You want to know? You'll have to die first. But i understand that you dont want to die you want to be young and have unlimited worldly pleasures.

Also you if you want to have the red pill you shouldnt ask if he is real. You should ask yourself what is stopping me from believing that he exists.

>> No.14846541

You need to convince God that your soul is worth keeping around for the next iteration of the universe. Obviously

>> No.14846605

>why should I worship him?

He created you. He created everything and everyone you loved. Our ancestors went against him and caused all of us to fall into sin. Even after this he still sent his son to correct our error. To do this, God did something that would matter to us. Man made flesh descended upon our world and suffered crucifixion. Not only did he suffer from crucifixion however, but spiritual torment. All for you, OP. All for you and for those you love. Think on that.

>> No.14846631

>to convince
Free will is assumed (as it is everywhere, even among those who decline) nonetheless a bit of a vital shock there, anon. But I'm down
>in b4 what anyone else can come up wit'

>> No.14846829

supremely based.

>> No.14846858
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>> No.14846868
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>> No.14846871

>There cannot be an infinite regress

>> No.14846886

"This chain cannot be infinitely long.An infinite number of inert members cannot do anything''

They cannot do anything for they do not possess motion.But,this motion needs to come from somewhere.

>> No.14846891

>But,this motion needs to come from somewhere
Total bullshit. We have no clue if there needs to be something that sparked everything.

>> No.14846988

Anon,if a family member of yours went missing,you would be asking yourself what happened to them.There needs to be something that *sparked* everything for motion is not in innate matter.It's just like saying that from white alone there can come blue.Now,we know that white is white and blue is blue and the only way to change that is by some mixture which involves x+x.

>> No.14847171

The demiurge is a sadistic cunt and the bible is a psyop he's running on the world.

>> No.14848599

>causality, hence god
lmao what a load of bullcrap. choosing God to be the uncaused cause is just as arbitrary as choosing the big bang.

>> No.14848605


This guy gets it. What's more, since the former requires an additional leap, the latter is to be preferred as the more sensible explanation.

>> No.14848611

>hur dur God of the gaps

>> No.14848717

>Prayer is asking God, faith is relying on God, and worshipping God is celebrating his existence.
Based as fuck, even if I don't agree on the latter half of your post.

Man should stand on his own two legs, and that's what God wants us to do since he doesn't directly intervene in our lives. God created man in his own image, so rather than celebrating his existence, we should be celebrating ours, for we are Gods own children.

>> No.14848765

You do not worship God but rather manifest God's goodness through your body through methods like prayer.

>> No.14848771
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Aquinas starts with the Axiom that the Universe not always existed. Actually he implies that there was "no movement" at some time. That's nothingness / the void. The problem here is that "nothing" may be a figment of human imagination. It's well possible that the void can not exist. And the his whole argument breaks down.

>> No.14848790

if there is a God then we have no free will because he already knows the fate of every single atom in this universe.

>> No.14848795
File: 62 KB, 1680x1050, beaker-muppet3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"This chain cannot be infinitely long.An infinite number of inert members cannot do anything''
How about this: infinite chain with non-inert members.

>> No.14849329

>asking a fucking board on 4chan

Why don't you try to find out for yourself? Why do you think some anonymous stranger would know the answer to that? You wouldn't find out for sure if god exists or not in just a day. I suggest you just start reading and doing research on it for yourself and look for signs of god's existence. Try reading holy books and see which one makes the most sense and calls out to you the most. (Hint: It's the Quran but take your time to see for yourself first that Islam is the true religion by studying other religions as well.)

>> No.14849487

Does reality rely on your sensibilities? Then why is not the quantum reality intuitive to your ape brain?

>> No.14849703

this and only this
god is not fucking hitler, no matter how much /pol/tards want you to believe that

>> No.14849807

An omnipotent, omnibenevolent being that chooses not to be a part of the world has chosen irrelevance. That is to say, the question of God is irrelevant. The fact that you're asking this question demonstrates the pointlessness of the question. Just man up and accept that the world is a shithole and Daddy isn't gonna save you from it, and decide where you're gonna go from here.

>> No.14849989

It's true that aquinas didn't know if the universe always existed.But he didn't imply that there was no *movement* at some time,for that would admit that god did not exist.What aquinas said was that, time did not of necessity always have to exist((he follows aristotle here and to aristotle time is only observed when anything changes).God since he is perfect,never changes.The phenomenon of time cannot be applied to god.You should read some aristotle or your typical introduction to medieval philosophy.Copleston series would do fine.Ask me anything.

>> No.14850007

By the fact that you exist,your argument goes down.Read the last superstition,or your typical introduction to medieval philosophy.You don't realize how important is the distinction between potential and actual.Seek and you shall find it.

>> No.14850016

Read the last two images.

>> No.14850053

Could be real/not but who cares, people just use it as a massive cope on poor evidence because their scared of death and meaninglessness