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File: 29 KB, 230x346, pat buchanan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14840910 No.14840910 [Reply] [Original]

Was Buchanan right in this book?

>> No.14840997

Yes, and he was right about those other things too.

>> No.14841007

Haven't read it, but he is extremely incisive, and I would take anything he says seriously.!

>> No.14841031

He was too good to be President. We failed him.

>> No.14841047

I often wonder what the country would be like had we listened to him. It's a shame what the Neocons did to him.

>> No.14841095
File: 51 KB, 832x1000, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As you may have heard in my last campaign, I am called by many names. “Protectionist” is one of the nicer ones; but it is inexact. I am an economic nationalist. To me, the country comes before the economy; and the economy exists for the people. I believe in free markets, but I do not worship them. In the proper hierarchy of things, it is the market that must be harnessed to work for man – and not the other way around.

>The Beltway Right has entered into a civil union with Big Brother.

>> No.14841103

>In his litany of famous immigrants who have contributed mightily to America, JFK does not mention a single woman, African or Asian. All are males and all were from Europe, except one West Indian: Alexander Hamilton. And JFK assures the nation, "Immigrants would still be given tests for health, intelligence, morality and security..."

>Islamization of Europe is an unavoidable consequence, indeed, an inevitability, once Europe ceased to reproduce itself. The descendants of the men who went out from Europe to conquer and Christianize the world have decided to leave the world. The culture of death triumphs, as the poor but fecund Muslims, expelled centuries ago, return to inherit the estate.

>> No.14841133

Is based Uncle Pat one of the final red pills?

>Though blacks are outnumbered 5-to-1 in the population by whites, they commit eight times as many crimes against whites as the reverse. By those 2007 numbers, a black male was 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse. If interracial crime is the ugliest manifestation of racism, what does this tell us about where racism really resides — in America?

>Like materialism, consumerism and socialism, transnationalism suffers from the same fatal flaw. It feeds the body and starves the soul. And eventually bored people hear the old calls again.

>> No.14842193

How To Destroy America In 8 Easy Steps

>> No.14842200

Gore Vidal and Buchanan make better essayists than politicians, let's face it

>> No.14842380

I don't know, I haven't read it. But he's been more or less right about everything else.

>> No.14842783
File: 3.12 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200223_182820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im half Swedish, and I have three of his books. I regret SoE should have brought his book on Neocons since cuz i'm half middle eastern and I like International relations and so on

>> No.14842916


>> No.14842974

>Im half Swedish
>i'm half middle eastern
of course you are

>> No.14843042

>Will America Survive to 2025?

Considering this is when Trump's second term ends, a new Democratic president likely takes office, and the GOP will effectively become doomed to never win the Electoral College again due to demographic shifts and states like Texas finally turning blue (making Trump the last Republican president) - this is actually a valid question. Most authors use their titles to sensationalize problems but he saw into the future better than anybody else. We had our shot to elect him but now it's too late and the damage is irreversible.

>> No.14843103

Blacks aren’t racist because they kill more blacks than whites

>> No.14843228

Trump is part of the problem, not the solution. The moment he was inaugurated he sold out to Wall Street and filled his administration with lobbyists. That's not putting the nation before the economy.

>> No.14843411

Well now a senator for Delaware is probably going to replace him, a state which only exists for corporate tax evasion purposes. The major difference will be an end to anti-immigration policies.

>> No.14843415

Buchanan was completely right about demographics. Even left-leaning pundits agree with him that growth in minority voter turnout will make Republicans lose elections. It's really only conservatives who won't acknowledge this.

>> No.14844620

Is this the best book to start with if I want to get into Buchanan?

>> No.14844720

>It's really only conservatives who won't acknowledge this.
Stop calling them conservatives. They're liberals. They want to be called conservatives because they're fucking snakes.

>> No.14844770

I lol'd; underrated post

>> No.14844797

B-but, Mexicans/Latinos have large families and are religious!

Nevermind their beliefs on how an economy should function or the power of govt.

>> No.14844815
File: 38 KB, 475x475, Pat Buchanan - Death of the West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's bigtime correct.
Everything he predicted going back to Death of the West came into fruition; highlighted particularly by the neoliberal trade policies of free trade and free movement of people (immigration).
You cannot have a nation state of transient economic units. Globalist realize this and are fine with the destruction of the nation state in favor of some global/univeralist economic idealism.
But one has to ask, who is the primary benefactor of this neoliberal globalist scheme and are the costs worth it? To many in the US the answer is no; especially if one questions the lack of teleology of neoliberal Free-Markets as they are merely self-serving rather than a function of national agenda.

In essence, you end up with economic slavery: people exist to serve the economy rather than the economy existing to serve the people.

>> No.14845028

Biden doesn't stand a chance against Trump.

>> No.14845059


The loss of morality is not an answer to perceived decline.

Morality is just confidence game. I is propagated by con artists who have no intention of behaving altruistically, but presume they can get you to accept their selfishness as long as you think you are superior because YOU followed a code.

This is how exploiters have been taking advantage of society since society's inception.

There is no such thing as morality, and Pat Buchanan is a con artist trying to keep you from smashing his face in with a brick by blaming your failure on anything but his and the Republican's exploitation and theft.

You all blame Jews when it has been white Christians all along. because only Christians talk of values and morality while the exploit with their actions

>> No.14845085

>There is no such thing as morality
That's quite a cynical take. Got any proof for that claim?

>> No.14845206

I wish I was 14 again :-(

>> No.14845351

t. never read any of Pat's books

>> No.14845372

Yes, he's one of the best political commentators around.

>> No.14846309

where can I read his books online?

>> No.14846324


>> No.14846496


>> No.14846524
File: 325 KB, 1363x1129, sds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people on this board are Larouchites

>> No.14846984

wow, the West is really fucked. Buchanan was spot on about the population time bomb problem, Western indigenous population birthrates really are in terminal decline, it's scary seeing how his 20 year old predictions came true, we have less than 30 years until end game.

>> No.14848584


die you fucking nigger abomination

>> No.14848636

The Democratic Party could very certainly splinter if they lose in 2020.

>> No.14848639

Whites decides to free their women. Congratulations, you played yourselves.

>> No.14848701


It wouldnt be a paradise but it would be better for sure. For starters the economy would be in much better shape, and america wouldnt be involved in any retarded ME wars.

>> No.14848759

>muh economy