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/lit/ - Literature

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14839073 No.14839073 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw soon to finish reading the entire western canon by Bloom. I'm 26 years old right now
>tfw have only read each book once and absolutely no secondary literature so I dont know SHIT about literature

>> No.14839099

>tfw have read +200 novels, +50 history books, ~20 philosophy books, but can't get through a single physics or math book

>> No.14839248

There are countless masterpieces that are regarded as secondary but are actually worth remembering. Stop reading only what illiterate pseuds recommend you and pick up anything that catches your attention, look into the literary historical periods and find out about the authors who were overshadowed by the most successful writers of the era.

>> No.14839586
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Why would you let yourself be memed by Bloom? It's ok to get a few recs, but why take it as sacrosanct? For some reason I also think you're simply fucking lying on the internet.

>> No.14839612

>secondary literature
Why do you care about the opinions of some fraudster academics? Bloom is alright, however.

>> No.14839716

>”at least my son might be able to do what I haven’t been able to. Yes, he’ll learn Latin and Greek and know every important mathematical, scientific, and philosophical work ever written!”

>> No.14839728

I can’t think of a bad book recommendation made by the former guardian of the canon, though.

>> No.14839759

But reading every single thing he told you to is a cuck move.

>> No.14839832

Why? It feels like you got pleb filtered by the canon, my guy.

>> No.14839854

How many fucking languages did you learn to read all that shit

>> No.14839893

Harold Bloom does not get to establish the canon, my fellow reader. One is allowed to rebuke his opinions. Plus, Bloom was a monolingual retard.

>> No.14839903

Dante doesn't belong to the western cannon
go fuck yourself

>> No.14839909

sounds like it's time to decolonize your bookshelf

>> No.14839918

There are more important philosophical and scientific works in German than in either Greek or Latin

>> No.14839947
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Just 1 - Chinese

>> No.14840051

You haven’t answered my question, though. I guess you got pleb filtered.

>> No.14840145

>spending years reading the entire canon with a highschool-tier capacity for analyzing, evaluating and understanding what you read instead of spending two or three years focusing on one or two great authors, reading and re-reading them and reading all available criticism amount them, so you can actually learn what goes into intensive and critical reading and analysis first
i hate to say it, kid, but you fucked up

>> No.14840197

How can you know which authors you like and want to specialize in unless you've already read a great number of them?

>> No.14840453

can you give an example of author that would be suitable for what you suggest? including the secondary literature that critiques them?

>> No.14840505

>tfw I have skimmed the first pages of novels and have already decided which authors are retarded and which are sufficient
Joseph Conrad, John Milton, Holderlin, Joyce (only in Dubliners and APOTAAAYM), Viginia Woolf (I was surprised how proficient she was for a woman), John Steinbeck, Nabakov, Dostoyevski, Shakespeare, and Unica Zurn are all extremely good writers.

>> No.14841229

Plato or Aristotle for philosophy
Shakespeare or Dante for literature

Read their most seminal interpreters first and then follow the trail of critical crumbs where it leads you

>> No.14841251

>Listening to what others think instead of forming your own opinion
Never gonna make it. I skip all introductions and ignore all footnotes. Think your own thoughts and argue them with your friends.

>inb4 >friends
Argue with the voices in your head then. You ought to be able to argue for multiple views anyways.

>> No.14841274

What you like is irrelevant. You haven't learned how to like things worth liking yet. You know which authors to read by listening to what a self-proclaimed master of reading tells you to read:

2-3 years in total:
Plato or Aristotle (pick one)
Shakespeare or Dante (pick one)

As you read criticism write your own responses to it. Reading criticism is no substitute for wrestling with all aspects of an issue an author raises (or an argument a critic makes) to the point that you understand the issue well enough to write about it coherently and defend your position against compelling alternatives.

>> No.14841286

Your friends are idiots. So are you, and, therefore, also the voice in your head.
Know who aren't idiots? Know who understand more about your favourite authors than you or your friends? They people who have dedicated their lives to studying those authors, and are recognized by other specialists as being exceptionally good interpreters of those authors.

>> No.14841326

>There are countless masterpieces that are regarded as secondary but are actually worth remembering.
Me with Jack Kerouac. Fuck anyone who says otherwsie. Good post, fuck Bloom

>> No.14841345

Guess I struck a chord huh? It's okay to be a follower, someone needs to read my critiques :^)

>> No.14841374

Nope didn't strike a chord I'm just an incorrigible cunt online and talk to everyone like this

>> No.14841446

The amount of exsisting and continually produced content, each year will outstrip any human lifetime

Reading the gauntlet of human produced media even if its 'curated' is a pointless task if you yourself do not derive some enjoyment from it.

>> No.14841458
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>struck a chord

>> No.14841982
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>Bloom was a monolingual retard