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14838317 No.14838317 [Reply] [Original]

Was Aristotle redpilled?

>> No.14838354

See the US.

>> No.14838362

Refuted by Rome.

>> No.14838374

>between members of the same city
The problem is that societies (nation-states) are so big now that ethnicity is irrelevant as there is simply too many to have a flesh-and-blood bond with.

>> No.14838375

lol no

>> No.14838379

Someone post that pic from the Open Borders book about how you only need enough trust in society for credit cards, and any more is folly lol

>> No.14838402


>> No.14838411
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>> No.14838414

Rome proves the thesis if anything retard
>homogeneous republic
>becomes tyrannical empire

>> No.14838492

>Nero was a crazy despot because of ethnic diversity
Open a book retard

>> No.14838853

Will people finally be able to learn from the fall of America or will there even be anyone left to learn?

>> No.14838895

Rome wasn't multi-ethnic in the modern sense. You had provinces with largely homogeneous populations integrated in an empire, not a melting pot.

>> No.14838896

>people in Montana can't be prosperous because they aren't rich

>> No.14838966

The Roman Empire was already multicultural by the time Augustus took power over it.
>b-b-but augustan rome was already in decline

>> No.14839259

No it was not.

>> No.14839313

>uncorrelated dataset
>let me arbitrarily give the regression three degrees of freedom so it gives a nice quadratic that suits my hypothesis a posteriori
This level of incompetence is literally making me seethe right now.

>> No.14839329

Delete this profane kikery.

>> No.14839350

One culture subjugating others through military force is not "multiculturalism", you complete bimbo.

>> No.14839370

which book is this

>> No.14839378


>> No.14839394

>trust is overrated
>the ultra-trusting EARN LESS
This is pure evil.

>> No.14839426

Wonder what he would've said about soviet russia and maoist china though.

>> No.14839451

Multiculturalism is essentially doublespeak for Empire. Just as Diversity is doublespeak for Uniformity. Word-replace these terms wherever you see them and everything will make complete sense.

>> No.14839467


>> No.14839510

I don't think I've ever seen a more jewish comic.

>> No.14839513

What did Aquinas think of that?

>> No.14839524

As someone who is content with only spending money on essentials and saves the rest, more economic prosperity does not benefit me by any degree whereas a higher trust where i live would be absolutely welcomed.

>> No.14839533

is this dude saying that high trust societies are where people don't look both ways before crossing the street and just 'trust' that everyone will stop for them?

>> No.14839625

The 'republic' wasn't a democracy. it was rule by rich landowners.

>> No.14840114

This. The provinces were homogeneous. There weren't large numbers of likes, Greeks or gauls in the city of Rome. They all stayed within their respective provinces, but under Roman rule. Cities, lower ranks were filled with the local population. Like if in America nigs had a state, but accepted the fed was all white.

>> No.14840734

In Roman cities ethnic subgroups had their own districts or quarters. I'm not an expert on Roman law, but mingling and thus conflict was reduced by gendarmes policing their respective areas by what we'd call racial profiling today. They had effective segregation within even the homeland for a very long time.

We had the same thing in cities and towns. It was a very good system that served everyone well. Each group policed their own in a way suitable to that group. The creation of a uniform human rights standard (and the selective legal enforcement of that standard by jews and their cohorts) are causing a systemic collapse of our civilization.

The Romans realized too late that when women were allowed to practice law things went to hell. So something along the same lines happened to them.

>> No.14840742

That and that the Patricians decided that they really, really liked wine sweetened with powdered lead.

>> No.14840779


>> No.14841685

A person who trusted every stranger they met would literally be mentally ill.
Naivety is not a virtue.

>> No.14841696

Yeah and it was a 'republic' on the same level that the 'People's Republic of North Korea' is today. Real Roman democracy was dead by 100 BC.

>> No.14841702

Gradually, I began to hate them.

>> No.14841975

There actually is such an illness: Angelman Syndrome

>> No.14841988

>no citations
fake and gay

>> No.14842358

In all fairness, this is an excerpt of a book about Aristotle and Aristotle is not explicit about multiracial societies (though he is on philia). Aristotle himself was a foreigner in Athens. That isn't to say that Aristotle was pro-multi-culturalism but I'm curious to see the rest of this book that was posted, because I'm not sure exactly how important ethnicity was in terms of philia (or lack thereof).

This is a tad bit of a leap on the author's behalf, and Aristotle is based and does believe slavery and society are inseperable, he's right about almost everything.

>> No.14842561

lol it's not even from a book about Aristotle,it's from a white nationalist book published by Arktos

>> No.14842584

>muh GDP
Fuck you capitalist

>> No.14842590

Please think before you post next time. Thanks.

>> No.14842609
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>> No.14842613

Theoretically speaking, in a homogeneous society where the government serves the people, generally high trust would not only be possible, but rewarded. That's not to say that being wholly trusting is possible or justifiable, just that it would be more so in a harmonious society.

>> No.14843088

He unironically attributed the fall of the Republic and the failures of the empire to non-whites. That anon will never actually read a book, he's like most users now who just use the same spoonfed /pol/ talking point and logic so much that they feel the need to spread their cancer to new boards to LARP as intellectuals and feel good about themselves. The only silver lining is seeing Wehraboos get BTFO on /his/

>> No.14843834

you know, if the world simply started with the greeks, we would all still be ok.

>> No.14843870


>> No.14843879
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>> No.14843886
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The original thinker of the modern jihad movement

>> No.14844001

uh, no he didnt? he attributed it to ethnic diversity, so mainly various 'germans' lol. in any case, it's clear without a small, coherent group unmolested by outside or domineering interests you cannot have democracy of any true sort.

No, actual multiculturalism does exist although it isn't often referred to by that name and it certainly doesn't include some kind of unity or exchange, it's explicitly hostile where it would otherwise not be (who knew putting two groups under the same law, governance, territory, etc. wouldn't work because they're, yknow, not the same). although it is usually used when the goal of homogenisation is present in something or is making strides, certainly all of these terms have imperialistic rings to them. they try to enforce a monoculture but overall fail beyond appearances.

How it works is
>white country of some sort
>neoliberals take control of state
>mass import for profit and damaging the masses' power ('power' such as political involvement and labour movements, 'profit' mostly foreign)
>need to bring this new population under some identity so that they're controllable
>using control of mass media and legislation, manufacture some laughably thin civic pretend-nationalism that schizophrenically jumps around according to their needs (it's <insert demonym> to do what i say!)
>the original nation now must bend to this new identity, acting as sponges trying to draw in these migrant groups and destroying everything about themselves to do so (the height of this is nationalism, that is actual nationalism, is hastily painted as taboo)
>the newcomers dont buy this identity or need it and increasingly polarise themselves often outright hating 'their' new country (if not outright gleefully considering themselves invaders)
>dont even need to know the native language properly if at all for many, let alone culture
then again, this does lend to a global kind of culture as an intermediary and then one's own as the proper culture. anyone deemed 'white' is denied a proper, local culture of course. but the global one is rather flimsy and with rising nationalism (not talking about these whites who are cockpuppets lets be honest, rather the migrants) i dont see it gaining. the whole project will collapse but it will be a dumb world of simple ultranationalism. of course, dont tell the ultranationalists, but the world will still be globalist and they'll still get fucked over on a whim. it's amazing how you can just come up with an ideology while 'how it actually works' is very different.

note on the term 'white'. this is just their thinking, the actual countries have their own ethnicity or group of closely related ethnicities that of course is inconvenient when it comes to control and racial shaming so 'white' is only of importance. this is just another angle for homogenisation.

>> No.14844030

High-trust societies are opposite really. Everyone has well-instilled social conscientiousness so they will be very considerate in public and would never run across roads expecting others to stop.

>> No.14844055

>they try to enforce a monoculture but overall fail beyond appearances.
actually im wrong here. i would say not only do they succeed but that they largely succeeded in the 20th century. what's important isn't so much the core culture, which is moreorless identical, but a person's identity and group-feeling (which language is a huge factor in).

>> No.14844065
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So why is it here? To convince the uneducated peckerwoods on here that, since they have never taken a college class or read Aristotle, he was a 20th century redneck racist?

>> No.14844229

>book is about politics
what a hack

>> No.14844246

Sounds based, but just exactly how exact is modern jihad to what he wrote?

>> No.14844264

ironic that ancient greece only became the seed of western civilization BECAUSE of eastern influence. the fact that it was situated in a country widely accessed by the silk road, as it has a river running into the Aegean made the entire place a fertile starting point for a naturalism

aristotle is often a big dumbfuck but hindsight ya kno

>> No.14844286

Oh yeah, everyone who is concerned about the survival of their ethnos is a 'redneck racist'. I hope you die slowly in a fire.

>> No.14844334

Pretty much. Western societies are less and less democratic (US and UK leading the way). Although partly that's due to technical changes and dysgenic effects (lower intelligence).

>> No.14844350

That wasn't my point, it's seeing highly motivated people taking a really important, great book, and spinning it for an audience that won't, or can't, understand it. And I'm not coming at this at an angle as a lefty shield-- Aristotle makes plenty of arguments for the status quo, the necessity of slavery, and human hierarchies as being evolved from our best nature. He is hugely popular in conservative circles (and some liberal, depending on how they lean to classical liberalism).

What he isn't, and pretty explicitly, is a white nationalist. If this excerpt spoke to you, you haven't read Aristotle and you're being taken advantage of. I'm not being mean, I'm being honest, and I guarantee you'd stand to gain from reading this book than reading a white nationalist's musings on distant snippets.

>> No.14844465

At most it could be said to be a representative democracy since the people didnt vote for policies directly. People seem to forget Aristotle's "Democracy" was the Athenian model, the most pure democracy were every citizen gathered to vote by show of hand literally for the policies not for other people to represent them.

>> No.14844601
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This better be bait. And don't tell me you have enough energy to lie.

>> No.14844625


>> No.14844649

Better to be occasionally deceived than constantly on guard against deception

>> No.14844715

There will never be any peace and prosperity until all nonwhites are completely exterminated.

>> No.14844754
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Well he is the chief thinker for the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Hamas

>> No.14844762

Well I can't be sure then, so I assume he was right in some ways but primarily a moron.

>> No.14844829
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>The American is primitive in his artistic tastes, whether in his judgment of art or his own artistic works. Jazz music is his music of choice. It is this music that the savage bushmen created to satisfy their primitive desires, and their desire for noise on the one hand, and the abundance of animal noises on the other. The American’s enjoyment of jazz does not fully begin until he couples it with singing like crude screaming. And the louder the noise of the voices and instruments, until it rings in the ears to an unbearable degree, the greater the appreciation of the listeners. The voices of appreciation are raised, and palms are raised in continuous clapping that could deafen ears.

>> No.14844837

He seems like he has the right intentions but at the same time misses the point "just" with what he says.

>> No.14844846

Derrida addressed this 25 years ago and I'm not sure his homoglobo works as a response.

>> No.14844862
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This coming from a guy that looks like an inbred lepreachaun is a bit rich. Also lol at complaining about muh noise what an autist

>> No.14844887

Issue is that the most trusting people I know are also the most selfless. Of course they're going to make less money, they don't care for money.