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14836629 No.14836629 [Reply] [Original]

What books will teach me how the world really works?

I think I'm looking for material that has to do with things like offshore banking and political corruption.

Please no NWO conspiracy theories or anti-semitism or federal reserve paranoia.

>> No.14836634

>Please no NWO conspiracy theories or anti-semitism or federal reserve paranoia

Well you're not gonna learn shit then

>> No.14836647
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>> No.14836732
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Anyone have an opinion on Confessions of an Economic Hit Man?

>> No.14836845
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You guys do read books, right?

>> No.14837036

>What books will teach me how the world really works?
It really doesn't. There's to many dysfunctional morons at every level.

>I think I'm looking for material that has to do with things like offshore banking and political corruption.
Two authors to look at are R. T Naylor and Alain Deneault

>> No.14837042

Paranoia is the most sanest state of mind at this point in time.

>> No.14837045

>it really doesn't
>implying chaos is a bug, not a feature

>> No.14837067

Any elite grouping would rather have their returns guaranteed and protected under some sort of system that doesn't occasionally explode. If you look at modern history hyperinflation and world war has tended to not be good for them. Maybe see Gabriel Kolko's Century of War: Politics, Conflicts, and Society Since 1914

>> No.14837098

Don't worry OP, many people here are not in the general hivemind. Yes, we read books.

Although, you seem to be directed by interest into a certain area I do not read, I can guarantee you it is a legitimate area to be headed into. I can also guarantee you that it's an area that is getting worse as well, just from a general study of how democracy works.

But, I don't have anything specific. Good luck on your hunt :3

>> No.14837105

Actually Pareto's Manual of Political Economy and Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class touches heavily on political corruption. I've read both of those and those have been largely influential in my life :3

>> No.14837139

Veblen doesn't touch on "corruption" just decadence. There's a difference. The nouveau riche may be "corrupt" but more often than not they "play by the rules". Corrupt behavior is illegal and looked at with scorn typically whereas what Veblen's getting at is generally admired and respectable.

>> No.14837145

Marx's Capital
Books about rich people's sex cults, CIA shit, and imperialism

>> No.14837265
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Read pic related, as well as The Society of the Spectacle. The former is an incredibly pro-global-capitalist text that was written by one of the most influential consultants for McKinsey and Company at the time; the latter is a radical left-wing, yet not entirely inaccurate, analysis of how modern capitalism/statism function together in one holistic system of systems.

Both come from almost completely opposite ends of the spectrum, so of course there's going to be a lot of political/economic bias, but you should read both regardless, because they bring up fascinating points/ideas, some of which hold water even today.

>> No.14837277

Also, watch the movie Network.

>> No.14837310

Thanks all. Very interesting recommendations. Keep 'em coming. :3

>> No.14837327
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>> No.14837518

You know you could post a rec and be an insufferable faggot at the same time, right? Those two aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.14838555

There's no way that you can learn this without a thorough grounding in international relations, macroeconomics and geography

>> No.14838571

The Power Broker (then upgrade to Caro's LBJ biography if your body is ready).

>> No.14838575

my diary desu

>> No.14838577
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>> No.14838592


>> No.14838595

eustace mullins - secrets of the federal reserve

>> No.14838668
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>Renegade Inc.
>The Accidental Superpower
>The Bell Curve
>Guns, Germs and Steel
>Bullshit Jobs
>Lies my Teacher Told me
Any suggestions?

>> No.14838703

A lot of people don't like Chomsky but Manufacturing Consent is good. Your OP pic is good too. Also Propaganda by Bernays.

>> No.14838733

Cant find first book? Link?