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14836057 No.14836057 [Reply] [Original]

my friend saw my bookshelves and said that he is more street smart than books smart.

what did he mean by this?

>> No.14836065

he's your friend. ask him

>> No.14836071 [DELETED] 

brainless cope

>> No.14836080

It means you wish to have sex with your mother, something I would advice against, you freak

>> No.14836113

It means he disregards whatever knowledge you've gained from your library because "the street" feels more real or more important to him. It also means that he feels inadequate, but instead of surmounting the necessary challenge to alleviate that feeling, he'll demean your accomplishments as anything but. Treat him gently. On the one hand, he's right in his assumption that books barely matter, but he hasn't the strength of will to advocate for what he cares about, so he draws lines and divisions where none need exist.

>> No.14836125

Basically you're the guy looking for a book how to talk to women, while he's doing it and fucking them.

>> No.14836134

>The chad Fat Tony vs the virgin Intellectual Yet Idiot

>> No.14836156

He means he's more retarded than you but he's okay with it because he's happier than you

>> No.14836170

He knows how to take a bus.

>> No.14836199

You shouldn't read much into it. He saw your bookshelves but since he isn't much of a reader he didn't have anything to say, so instead of awkwardly saying nothing he just made a joke about it.

>> No.14836215

Its something non-readers say to make themselves feel like they have some kind of distinct yet equally valuable skillset that you missed out on by reading. This, of course, is bullshit. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Also, more often than not, "street smart" doesn't actually mean knowing how to navigate the realities of the grittier sides of life, or anything like it. For most people, it rarely gets more exciting than parties they went to in high school or the occasional beer at Buffalo Wild Wings.

Keep reading OP but hit the gym too, don't be a one dimensional hack.

>> No.14836257

>that books barely matter
even the technology that allows the tapping out of such absolute wrongness was concocted by readers of more than a few books, anon, even of literature. this opining's at least adequate otherwise

>> No.14836280

i've been training longer than i've been reading. but thanks for the reply, appreciate it

>> No.14836314 [SPOILER] 
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He said a commonly memed phrase from this board, in real life??
Damn, what are the chances of that!

>> No.14836320

means he's a member of the peripatetic school of philosophy

>> No.14836402

Empathetic and compassion-pilled.

>> No.14836700
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All child molestors breathe air, therefore air bad amirite???

>> No.14836720

He means you should search online for an explanation.

>> No.14836728

While you read books he reads street signs and graffiti

>> No.14836729

Where do all these glamor shots of thots pretending to read come from?

>> No.14836805

Knee highs hhhhnnnnnnnnngggggg
Also your friend is either a drug dealer or full of shit

>> No.14837004

An aristotelian way to call you a moron.

>> No.14837110

He can't read. He feels insecure, but still copes.

>> No.14837185

It means he's not smart

>> No.14837195

Mmm... Hello, based department?

>> No.14837200

It means he’s probably actually neither, just insecure.

>> No.14837418

Lol this. I'd take it a bit lower than that they even are socialized and say most likely they're just watching a lot more TV with their spare time.

>> No.14837521

He's a narcissist. He sees how much you read but still wants to elevate himself to a position of superiority to you, implying that incorporeal "street smarts" (which really means nothing at all but still allows him to feel intelligent when he isnt) is better than putting in effort to be intelligent.

>> No.14837770

he's right you know

>> No.14837947

It means he knows where you live

>> No.14838055

it means he's coping. I mean, it's not out of the question that he is in fact more "street smart" than you are, but that's not why he said that. What he is saying is that given the undeniable fact that you're more "book smart" than he is, he MUST be more "street smart" otherwise...otherwise, there is a very real possibility that you are just better than he is. And that can't be true because equality.

>> No.14838073
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>> No.14838235

This. "Street smart" is a coping term. Some books have good information, but reading them doesn't put you in a category of "book smart" whatever the fuck that means. Experience is the number one teacher, and I doubt this friend has experience that surpasses yours generally.

>> No.14838407

"...my friend saw my bookshelves and said that he is more street smart than books smart...."

What did he mean? This: "Okay, so your penis is bigger than mine, but I know how to use mine better, cuz I've had more experience and more chicks."

>> No.14838829

The interpretations provided so far are likely incorrect.

It depends on your relationship with your friend, but my guess is that the comment was to intended assuage a sense of guilt he thought you were feeling.

Here is the line of thinking:
1. Oh wow, that is a lot of books.
2. I don't read many books.
3. He knows I don't read many books.
4. I bet he thinks I feel bad for not being as well-read as him.
5. I don't want him to feel bad for me. I should remove the tension.
6. I'll make a comment that A) recognizes the feeling, B) points out it's not a big deal.

>> No.14839215

That he's a retard
It's like women claiming there's some special intelligence that has nothing to do with intelligence because they can't do maths

>> No.14839410

He’s defend his lack of literacy

>> No.14839418

Terrapin red shirt; my favorite color

>> No.14840310

are you an autist, people have been making the book smart street smart distinction since before 4chan existed

>> No.14840444

he's threatened and feels inferior. what you saw was COPE