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File: 36 KB, 320x500, Civilization-and-Its-Discontents-0393301583-L[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1483583 No.1483583 [Reply] [Original]

So I just read this. Is it a normal reaction to lose faith in the demands of civilization?

>> No.1483586

Yes. Also, watch The Century of Self.

>> No.1483585

is it a normal reaction to trust a regular cocaine user just because he has a book OP?

>> No.1483590

Since Freud establishes that cocaine allows one to relieve the pressures imposed on man by the external world, I would say yes.

>> No.1483589

Freud is a fucking hack.

>> No.1483592

Actually, I would say no, but that he justifies a reason for doing so.

>> No.1483593

itt: edgy undergrads

>> No.1483601


he was an occasional cocaine user, his real addictions were his work and his sigars

>> No.1483611

Really great book.

"Civilization started with the first human being who cast a word instead of a stone."

It's important to remember that human life has not always been organized as we have it now. There are alternatives. We must strive for them.

>> No.1483621

Are "deep" and "edgy" the only words you have to describe people?

>> No.1483630


Cocaine was in common use back then, especially among laborers, because it gave them energy and helped develop a stronger work ethic.
Cocaine has a reputation for being addictive and making people act stupid and weird but it isn't really much more harmful than caffeine.
Natives in Peru use cocaine constantly to keep themselves awake and help them deal with pressure at high altitudes (i.e. mountains).

It's only in crack cocaine form that it's truly dangerous.

>> No.1483646

>Believes freud AND that cocaine is good for you
fuck contemporary society

>> No.1483655

Well no drug is good for you if you take it too much and in large amounts.
However cocaine's reputation as a devastating epidemic that turns people fucked up is undeserved. Small amounts of cocaine won't do anything severely bad to your brain unless you already have some kind of mental problem in the first place.

>> No.1483682
File: 48 KB, 361x450, CocaColaPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I heard you like coke.

>> No.1483690

cigars that gave him jaw cancer...they cuted it off, piece by piece...33 pieces... His mouth was stincking so bad that his chowchow dog was too disgusted to stay in the same room than him.

But it's not the reason why I hate him. I hate him because he doesn't know a thing about science.

Also, >>1483630
After Freud encouraged strongly concaine use and prescribed some at all his clients, friends and family, this drug has been declared third mondial scourge by Austrian autoritys.

But it's not why I hate him. I hate him because his a liar, a manipulator and because the reason why he was siting at his client's head was that they couldnt see him sleeping while their consultation.
Also, because he never cured hysteria wich is one of his ''bigger'' concrete achievement, because he used (and his followers are still using) the ''Resistance'' argument exorbitantly, because he gives too much importance to favoritism (it's my opinion). Plus, when someone disagreed him, Freud was saying unreasonable things like ''People hate me because I'm jewish and because I talk about sexe'', while sexe was not so controversial at this time and, well, it highlitghts the incapability of Freud to cure himself of some traumatisms associatied with the jews condition at a certain time of the history. Also, specialists diagnosed him as a pathological depressive man, and as today we know cocain can't cure depression, it's easy to see Freud never realy felt better in his life,(I mean in general) wich can explain why he thought humanity was all about Eros and Thanatos (sexe and destruction).

>> No.1483702

>saw Thanatos and Eros as principal forces

That's because back then Psychology was really more of a form of applied Philosophy

>> No.1483719

This book is more philosophical than scientific.

>> No.1483720

Nop. 1879, Leipzig. Wilhem Wundt is the father of SCIENTIFIC psychology.
The psychology-philosophy is associated at the latest with Descartes

>> No.1483722

>Believes that Freud is right and cocaine is good for you

Freud was not entirely correct and most of his theories were flawed.
However, it can be proven that cocaine is good for you. It's just that due to prevailing attitudes about drug use in modern mainstream society that's not the way our law-enforcement/public service announcement culture wants to portray it.

>> No.1483748

Yeah, it can be ''proven'' that a heart attack, high blood pressure, irritability, anxiety and an illusional sensation of power are good for anyone.
Start using coke young so you'll feel the goodness longer.


>> No.1483756

Those effects only result from overly frequent or extended use.
A little cocaine every once in a while never hurts anyone, unless you have heart problems or unless you take it with another drug.

The same things can be said for coffee. You want to ban coffee the same way cocaine is banned?

>> No.1483760

Than OP shoul'd read philosiphical essay instead of freudian bullshit.
My 2 cent...

>> No.1483764

Like it or not, Freud was one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century.

>> No.1483766

In the literary criticism of the early 20th century, Freud's theories were king. Freud is as /lit/ as it gets.

>> No.1483768

''you want to herp coffee the derp cocain''
is Sophism.

Plus, how coul'd cocaine be good at developing a good work ethic if it's cosumed only once a year?
Also...how long does cocain trip lasts? Maybe not enough. Maybe a second or a third shot is necessery to ''deal with high pressure'' (sarcasm...).

>> No.1483775

>In the literary criticism of the early 20th century, Freud's theories were king. Freud is as /lit/ as it gets.
new criticism, russian formalism, leavisism etc were much more dominant

>> No.1483792


Just because he's one of the only thinker /lit/ (troll) majority can think about when they try to get some explanation about their own depravity doesn't make him a king.
I think you like Freud just beacause he's easy to be understood.

>> No.1483795
File: 810 KB, 2487x1678, Annex - Stanwyck, Barbara (Lady Eve, The)_NRFPT_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your two cents are worthless. (Go fuck yourself).

>> No.1483797

>does he mean Levi-Strauss?
>F. R. Leavis, British literary critic
Never heard of him. Structuralism was in any case immensely more influential.

>> No.1483802

The effects of cocaine usually last a good three days.

That's why it's so popular among students working on research papers. That's also the reason for its use as a party drug, because it keeps you from falling asleep at house parties and clubs.

>> No.1483811

I didn't say once a year, just not all the time every day.

>> No.1483812

Good luck reading any literary criticism from the earl 20th century without seeing at least one: Oedipus Complex, ego, id, penis envy, Electra Complex, anal/oral/phallic stage, repression, subconscious, etc.

>> No.1483813

at least in your head...
Wich, compared to the whole humanity and everything belonging to the domain of ''what you don't know about'' may not be as precious and revelant as you think ;)

>> No.1483814

>never done cocaine

>thinks he knows all about it!

Because ignorance is better than knowledge, right, /lit/?

>> No.1483837

I have this lying on my coffee table. Read first few pages. Fell asleep. Do not remember.

>> No.1483839

I think you confound with a SF drug. 3 days is much more than a trip does lasts IRL. Sorry.
Also, cocaine does excite the sympatic nervous system (high blood pressure).
As the cocain is strongly addictive, the depression sensation and irritability sensation occurs with a single shot.
Plus, the power sensation on the sexual, intellectual and motive plan is illusional as its a sensation based on nothing tangible. Sorry

>> No.1483844

Try some cocaine. You'll stay awake.

>> No.1483851


Oh you ;)

>> No.1483854

Yeah because I desagree and base my argument on knowladge it means I have never dealt with any cocain experience, is that it?
It probably means smart and cerebral person don't take cocain. At least it's the message your sending...oops, uh? It's okay, try again ;)

>> No.1483867

No, the message you're sending is that you're someone who thinks inexperience and believing what you've been told all your life makes you intelligent.

>> No.1483884

And if my ex step father was putting some coke in the marijuana we were smoking together when I was 15 and had a hard time but deceided to use my head sharply and base my opinion on objective and constructive reasoning woul'd it make you feel like we share something special together? Somekind of melodramatic frame or whatever the fuck can makes you feel you lived your life as a badass motherfuckin' field achiever who implys he took cocain and knows about it because drugs are good.
Noooo. Because I base my opinion on matters that escape your comprehension.

>> No.1483895
File: 19 KB, 243x301, 1294000169295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moralfags: "Drugs are bad."
>Drugfags: "I have been in a drug-induced neurosis and it is fine, so, STFU."
>Moralfags: "No you!"
>Drugfags: -insert long-winded anecdotal story nobody gives a flying fuck about-

Keep going guys, you are really proving a point!

>> No.1483900

moralfag here
>Drugfags: -insert long-winded anecdotal story nobody gives a flying fuck about-

actualy, the moralfag delievered the anecdotal story. And it was sarcasm...but it's okay, palmface as you wish.

>> No.1483905 [DELETED] 

No, the message you're sending is that you're someone who thinks inexperience and believing what you've been told all your life makes you intelligent.

>> No.1483907


My bad. I am just sick of the drug use versus no drug use debate.

They always end up with people comparing stories like their penises and claiming one is better than the other.

I just do not give a fuck. Can we actually discuss whether this text has substance or not? Yes, I can see how you can make a pun out of the word 'substance'.

>> No.1483925

Sorry I could not resist the temptation. I played the game.
I realise my mistake, now. :/

But still, Freud is shit.

>> No.1484001

strengthen your faith, then.

Freud is marketing. A name that makes concepts easily sold.

Can you express yourself a little more about these demands your thinking about?
Is it normal any wanabee interpretation can make you loose faith in something you can't put into words?

Is it normal you feel free when you can't issue a critic judgement?

straighten up, boy!

>> No.1484004

Freud is an outdated hack, cocaine is bad and you are all miserable twats.

>> No.1484012

can you elaborate?

>> No.1484020

Many of his theories were based on the blatant sexism of his time, for instance he conjectured that women were predestined to be less intelligent than men because their brains were smaller. He also outright denied that multiple women that he analyzed were sexually abused, attributing their experiences to something along the lines of repressed sexual urges.

Cocaine is like coffee, but 10 times worse. Can cause hallucinations, paranoid delusions, etc.

You are all miserable twats because you follow the doctrine of a pseudo-psychologist thinking oh it's so cool and edgy, it's psychology, when in the end it really is closer to philosophy.

>> No.1484023

your plea looks good to me.
Thank you.

>> No.1484278
File: 21 KB, 612x806, freud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a thousand hours in KolurPaint