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14835751 No.14835751[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are American's stupid enough to vote this man over someone like Bernie who actively has fought for social and economic justice his whole life?

>> No.14835766

Americans? Anon...do you mean blacks and women?

>> No.14835767

I think we should start calling black people Biden-Americans

>> No.14835769


>> No.14835778

I'm American and I really don't understand it myself. Everyone I know either supports Trump or Bernie. Who are all these Biden supporters? I haven't met a single one.

>> No.14835784

Biden was Obama's vice president, that's it

>> No.14835799

Bernie is retarded. Only zoomers and the mentally deficient would think he's anything but another slimy politician. In fact he's extra stubborn for sticking to his idiotic position for so long.

>> No.14835827

>Who are all these Biden supporters? I haven't met a single one.

His ground game was shit compared to Bernies. White feminists who voted for Warren and Black Boomers fucked Bernie. Oh and zoomers who didn't want go vote

>> No.14835844
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The more you learn about the lengthy ongoing war against the oligarchs in America the more Bernie seems like the only real choice, even if you disagree with him on virtually everything.

>> No.14835860

Ideologue you are

>> No.14835861

Old (black) people in red states (former slave states) are, absurdly, determining who the Dem nominee should be. In any rational system, swing (purple) states like Ohio and Michigan would go first. The establishment wants what it wants, and it doesn't want Bernie.

>> No.14835873

unironically, corporations>socialism. one of them has proven its contributes to human welfare

>> No.14835883

^proud Truvada user

>> No.14835891


>> No.14835896

Bernie is a socdem btw, he doesn't want (and can't) abolish private ownership, capitalist employee relationship

>> No.14835958

Good thing corporations would still exist under Bernie. The only difference is that the ridiculous sums of money the corporations make wouldn't be hoarded as much so we'd all actually reap the rewards of those corporations' great contributions.

>> No.14835980

Which Henry Ford would agree with. American cucks BTFO by one of the most signicant figures in American economic life. FUCK NAFTA

>> No.14835990

>corporations need to pay a lot of tax
>shareholders get less money
>corporation need to find a way to pay shareholders otherwise they pull out
>start trimming the fat by firing useless employees

>> No.14835992

>corporations would still exist under Bernie

lol people vastly overestimate the power of presidents, corporations will exist regardless of his views on the matter

if he got in, the tax the billionaires thing would be nipped in the bud real quick, so like everyone else he'd resort to culture war distractions, the more poz he pushes, the more the left will be happy, because it makes the right unhappy, not because it does them any good

>> No.14836002

>so like everyone else he'd resort to culture war distractions
No. Read more.

>> No.14836005

Based. Workers should be the shareholders

>> No.14836007

Yes. Dilate.

>> No.14836009

Congress and the Supreme Court would make things very difficult, the media too. I just hope it goes to a brokered convention and the DNC party comes to an end when they cheat it for Biden which they already have

>> No.14836014

>No. Read more.
How much time do you need to spend on twitter to think responding like this doesnt make you look like a fucking retard

>> No.14836023

>How much time do you need to spend on twitter to think responding like this doesnt make you look like a fucking retard

>> No.14836044

>politician changes stance
>s-snake! populist! turncoat!
>politician does not change stance
>stubborn idiot!

>> No.14836045

You sound young and naive, so I'll explain it. The national Democratic party is owned by the exact same financial interests as the Republican party. To them, Sanders is a bigger threat than Trump. It does not matter that Sanders is the only candidate who consistently beats Trump in the polls. Biden will most likely get the nomination because when he loses to Trump, everybody will still keep getting paid. If Sanders were to become president the billionaire class would be brought to heel, we'd stop spending money on a lot of "projects" like Israel and the weapons industry... a whole lot of the slimy fucks in Washington would stop getting paid. They crippled Sanders' 2016 campaign and they've been desperately trying to do it again this time around. Notice how every other candidate mysteriously dropped out and declared support for Biden the day before "super Tuesday"/the largest round of elections?

Sorry, kiddo. You have no idea how bad things really are.

>> No.14836049

This. I want to see the Democratic Party ripped to shreds and destroyed. If they go for Biden I'll be happy to vote for Trump.

>> No.14836054

>it's ok to be oppressed if it's by people who call themselves a socialist party who are fighting for you
Honestly what is it like being this dumb

>> No.14836060

Oh I'm fully aware of everything you said and more. The thing is with the populist rabble rousing of Trump, Bernies insurgenc in 2016, the lack of candidates with anything remotely interesting I thought Bern had a good chance, I thought the American people would maybe snap of out it and fight back, but no I was foolish, deep down I knew it was a long shot, I predicted 2016 would happen again deep down and it did. When Biden won South Carolina I knew Buttplug and Klob would endorse Biden, Obama (as reported on the NYT) called up Pete letting him know to get behind Joe and what a surprise! Electoral politics are fake duh. But it's entertaining

>> No.14836068

>putting corporations in check
>taxing the rich
>health care subsidized by govt

Fuck off retard. Bernie is a social Democrat, not even a Socialist, not even close

>> No.14836070

Attaboy. The lads and I call it the "who's in bed with which wallet" game, it's fun to try and figure out who owns which politician

>> No.14836076

just different levels of gibs

>> No.14836083

yeah okay CIA shill we know you want to keep all that tax money for your secret torture projects but maybe you could consider how embarrassing it is that rest of the world is watching us die because we can't afford $1,000 insulin that costs about a nickel to produce. it's cringe

>> No.14836085

this is peak lib brain. yeah guys lets all come together and thank boeing and lockheed martin and halliburton and fucking exxon and so on for """"contributing"""" to """""human welfare"""""" lol
i would destroy you with my bare hands you fucking cretinous animal

>> No.14836086

If you don't think the ultra wealthy should pay significantly more in taxes and be accounted for due to the decentralized style of ruling, banana Republic unaccountablity already present in America then don't complain about anything ever

>> No.14836089

$2000 for an ambulance, suicides skyrocketing, wealthy inequality highest it's been, infrastructure dying, tax money is stupid projects and war. Fuck off neolib

>> No.14836094
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Whether you're a "Republican", "Libertarian" a reminder they're all different forms of liberalism. I hate liberals man

>> No.14836097

sick people need to die for eugenic purposes. once we take everyone off welfare and kill them after they revolt there will be more money for roads

>> No.14836101

it's a lot fucking cheaper to abort them before they become a problem, genius

>> No.14836105

improved education and healthcare access is the only proven method of reducing births.

>> No.14836119

Boomers* Young blacks seem down with Bernie.

As for boomer blacks voting who a guy who segregated them, put them into prison, sent them to die in wars or killed them with healthcare costs ... I don't know, facebook memes with Obama?

>> No.14836127


Wrong. China did it just fine.

>> No.14836137
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old people literally only believe stuff if it's on TV. They heard of Photoshop in a Yahoo article and it destroyed their faith in the internet.
not really considering they created a gender gap

>> No.14836139

so you want to set breeding protocols like a one-child policy? fine by me. I think we should breed for intelligence, which means you're going to have to get castrated for the greater good of society

>> No.14836140

We don't need a retard defending Castro for no reason other than being stubborn. It'd be good if he had a moral system he stayed with but instead it's just ideology. Nothing more than a kook politician. Reminder he wormed out to Hillary in 2016.

>> No.14836145
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The crippling embargo on Cuba is unfair cunt

>> No.14836147

Wasn't it asked of him? What the fuck was he supposed to do, lie and say Castro was literally worse than nazis to make red scare boomers feel good?

There is nothing controversial about praising the commie literacy and health care progress when he went on to explain that dictators and authoritarians still can't be excused right away.

>> No.14836149

Cuba has a medical tourism industry bro

>> No.14836150

>Reminder he wormed out to Hillary in 2016.
She was obviously the lesser evil. Him winning was impossible at the time he endorsed here, so what's wrong saying the equivalent of "better to get shoot in your foot than your head?"

>> No.14836151

have you noticed people always flee commie countries

>> No.14836172

Anon, those aren’t real communist countries. They’re countries to enact socialism, who follow the tenets of the manifesto, who achieve the social parity promised by the greatest socialist thinkers, but that’s not “real” communism. Bernie says he wants to be like Denmark and Norway, so I guess Bernie thinks real socialism looks a lot like capitalism.

>> No.14836173

India or Mexico are capitalist hellholes and much larger percentage of people flee from these than from Cuba and China. Hell, Serbia has twice the rate of Cuba.

>> No.14836177

Bernie is basically a social democrat with some typical right wing takes when it comes to guns. He's less of a socialist than Blair or Merkel.

>> No.14836180

To be fair Cuba has had an embargo against it for the last half a century.

Exactly, he's a social democrat

>> No.14836183

Yeah but he continued to double down on the statement. How is the Cuban literacy program even relevant? The program was to increase basic literacy to the ~30% of the population that was illiterate. The US is 99% literate. The problems in the US education system are entirely different to the ones in Cuba. Maybe if he actually discussed problems in the education system or how following Cuba would help there'd even be something to discuss.
Exactly, he's just a wormy politician with nothing to stand for. He fell behind the party like every other politician. Hillary is horrendous and the fact he went to endorse her shows he's no different or special.

>> No.14836200

Democrats are retarded LOL go cry in a corner

>> No.14836217

>right wing takes when it comes to guns.
What is a 'right wing take' about guns? Didn't Marx support the workers being armed

>> No.14836218

>Hillary is horrendous and the fact he went to endorse her shows he's no different or special.
So what was he supposed to do in the situation? Him winning wasn't in the cards anymore. Greens winning never was in the cards. Killary would've kept the status quo and could've introduce some positive thing here and there. Donald made things even worse while dismantling progress and threatened to do even worse but just couldn't pass the shit. In the scenario she was a horrible but still a better choice.

Will be interesting what he does now though, Trump did the worst already, so Biden wouldn't be much of a difference. Now he could indeed give a finger to the system and run with greens … BUT that choice would probably alienate some moderates with potential to become progressive and make things for his allies in the house harder. Then again, he and his supporters are going to get blamed for Biden losing either way.

>> No.14836225

Back in a time when the idea made sense. Similarly to how the second was actually progressive back in the day. Nowadays it's bullshit controlled by the gun lobby and a typical "muh freedumbs" covering "buy more guns".

>> No.14836229

>jim crow
>japanese americans in concentration camps
Yep, all Democrats.

>> No.14836230

Back in the 19th century the citizens had very similar weapons to the state. If we wanted to approximate the situation at the time when Marx was writing you would have to advocate the workers owning tanks and bombers.

Why on earth does it make sense for leftists to disarm the people they are trying to empower?

>> No.14836242

>economic justice
Economic justice means people who produce more wealth end up wealthier.

>> No.14836252

>19th century tanks
You wut?

The first attempts were made like half a century after Marx died and were basically death-traps. Aerial warfare was a joke with balloons. And the guns generally had a crappy range and reliability. Besides, do militarism, more people actually had the training to use the stuff effectively. Now a zoomer can wreck a village with a drone while watching pornhub in another tab.

>> No.14836261

Who will Bernie stuff his government and administration with?

>> No.14836263

War in the 19th was largely fought with guns available to both citizens and the state. To approximate that today would mean citizens having access to the sorts of weapons the state has access to today.

and Im still not seeing your point. Why do you trust the state more than the people to use this technology?

>> No.14836264

He doesn't have to endorse anyone. He doesn't have to make a big speech where he sings her praise and tries to throw his supporters, who believe in his ideas and all the things he says, behind this entirely different rat. I really can't remember what Hillary was vowing to do back then but I don't remember anything good. She's a scummy hawk and a liar. He did what most politicians would do, follow the party. And that's why he's nothing special.

It seems like the Democrats are poised to fuck him over again and go for Biden. I don't think he's gonna fight the party, he's probably planning for a few more terms in the Senate.

>> No.14836271

>dismantling progress
Progress where?

>> No.14836283

Ah shit. Now I get what you meant.

>you would have to advocate the workers owning tanks and bombers.
Well, and that would be stupid on too many levels to mention. Take shit like actually organising it, so Joe and Berry actually fight as part of an army and aren't just two drunks rolling in their tanks.

And anything less wouldn't be effective while create downsides. Hence ... fuck guns. Though as long there are decent background checks, mandatory training and the likes, nothing speaks against people having them, but it's silly to pretend it'd be more than a hobby.

>Why do you trust the state more than the people to use this technology?
Checks and balances. And muh monopoly on violence. Not great and carries risks but seems to work just fine in the first world. Violent oppressions are a crude method of the past. Modern methods are more effective and cause less resistance.

>> No.14836294

don't expect 'historical materialists' to know the first thing about history

>> No.14836295

Even I understood what he meant and I'm 85 IQ.

>> No.14836298

>Take shit like actually organising it, so Joe and Berry actually fight as part of an army and aren't just two drunks rolling in their tanks.
This is precisely what the state loses their shit about if you even begin to try it. Look at W*co.

I just for the life of me cannot understand why people who claim that the police and the military are fascist instruments of capital want them to be the only ones who can wield weapons while the workers are totally disarmed.

>fuck guns
Sure but they're here. How is any workers movement ever supposed to function if they can't defend themselves?

>> No.14836302

>I really can't remember what Hillary was vowing to do back then
Not super sure either but it was mostly "4 more years of Obama". So basically what we got now minus insane tax-cuts, open racism, divisions, the whole mess in Israel. Also no cuckservative judges and at least small steps by staying in the Paris deal. Hard to predict how she'd deal with Iran but given her masters, would probably break the Obama deal and provoke them too.

Hardly ideal but again, obviously the better choice. Besides during the time Donny threatened to kill healthcare, was Bernie supposed to watch while millions get fucked even harder The only better alternative at that point would've been telling his followers to storm the WH and bring out the guillotines.

>> No.14836308

Shut the FUCK up. Keep crying because he is going to keep losing. If you don't know why Bernie is losing, then YOU are the idiot. He isn't popular with the old crowd, but you confuse support for the loudest people in the room. My generation does not vote. They either don't know where to vote, haven't registered, or forgot. I will vote Trump. Suck shit.

>> No.14836328

>the police and the military are fascist instruments of capital
Simplifications like that usually come from kids wearing Chè shirts. Since police and military part of the state there are clearly more effective methods one could deal with the mess than organising and leading a war.

Overthrowing the system would just take a few general strikes and people simply going and voting for their interest instead of sitting out. Informed and active citizens are a much better weapon and easier to achieve too. In the muh revolution scenario you'd still need millions informed citizens but also millions prepared to train, equip themselves and risk their lives. Shit's not going to happen in the first world anytime soon.

>> No.14836332

The idea just sounded too outlandish, so I thought either I missed something or there was a typo. And then I recalled where we are.

>> No.14836342

Reported commie faggot

>> No.14836368

If strikes and voting are the way to go why did Marx specifically say the workers should never let themselves be disarmed, at a time when a group of men with rifles was basically the same thing as an army?

>> No.14836382

Different times with different norms. In a much more repressive society with the tech of his time, a few thousand armed and organised people could've managed a coup. While methods like civil disobedience or strikes were less effective. The general population would accept state violence against these with minimal downsides to the rulers. If Trump starts shooting at protestors in-front of the WH now, even half of the Republicans would probably rebel against him.

>> No.14836393

>even half of the Republicans would probably rebel against him.
In which case it would be a good thing if they had guns

>> No.14836425

>Donald made things even worse while dismantling progress
Elaborate on how Trump made things worse. With sources, if possible.

>> No.14836431

>have you noticed people always flee commie countries

Let's talk about all those capitalist countries in Africa and the global south

>> No.14836446

People can have interests other than what gives them the most immediate material benefit. Just because your a cosmopolitan incapable of conceiving of anything beyond his own body doesn’t mean everyone else is.

>> No.14836450

>still believing in polls after their embarassing predictions in the 2016 elections
Bernie would've lost in 2016 the same way he would lose in 2020. You're really overestimating the willingness of people, especially people over 30+, to vote for a self-declared socialist over Trump who has been getting great numbers on the economy (which is what most people care about).

>> No.14836453

You mean the ones where people flee towards more capitalistic countries?

>> No.14836456

You can only have a "capitalist" country if individual rights are protected. Don't know any African country where this occurs tbqh

>> No.14836467

Bernie is a career politician who has achieved nothing in his life. He has done nothing for anyone. He is the biggest grifter there is. I don't get why people would ever vote for him. Is it really just for some free shit?

>> No.14836474

Yes, his supporters aren’t empathetic saints. They’re egoists making the same appeals to self interest that Hobbes made centuries ago but without the cynicism that made Hobbes salvageable.

>> No.14836477

>Who are all these Biden
There was a republican on CNN that voted for Biden in South Carolina, and I've no idea really how that works I thought you had to be registered as a Democrat to vote in primaries.

>> No.14836478

honestly hindsight is 20/20 but bernie's biggest mistake is being too much of a cuck. he should have dabbed on hillary and called her a war criminal to her face, but he feared getting trump elected so he held back. then trump gets elected anyway because hillary's campaign was a fucking disaster and he gets blamed for it nonetheless.

now he's trying to be "civil" with backstabbing fucking snakes like warren instead of just calling her what she is. he hasn't adequately shat on the DNC establishment for being useless rent seeking fascist aides because he has been trying to be """""""""'civil""""""""" and resistance wine aunts get all uppity because he sometimes raises his voice and it reminds them of their stepfather when he came home drunk from the coal mines. there's no winning with these people, there's no good optics to be had. he's too passive, too lenient, too willing to acquiesce, and he gets blamed for being the exact opposite by people who think social etiquette on twitter is more important than people going bankrupt from healthcare costs. they're fucking animals and forceful submission is the only way they'll learn.

>> No.14836481

>campaigns with other people's money
>writes book to sell to fanbois
>makes millions
>concedes to hilldawg
>repeats 4 years later
Yep, sounds like a fraudster.

>> No.14836485

what was going on between 1973-83?

>> No.14836486
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there is absolutely nothing good about a biden presidency unless you're a tenured DC rent seeker, in which case the only positive is quite literally an immediate material benefit.

>> No.14836489


>> No.14836496

Not having someone who refers to himself as a socialist is good in itself. While I do ultimately support the expansion of the welfare state, I do so in the anti-socialist sense. I’d prefer human extinction via climate change to socialism being a possible form of human organist. Sanders referring o himself as one is alone too transformative in the wrong direction for me too sympathize.

>> No.14836497

You mean the Cuban dictatorship's embargo on Cuba's economy, right?

>> No.14836503
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>Modern methods are more effective and cause less resistance.

thats literally a bad thing

>> No.14836509

>socialism bad
>welfare good
How to be dumb while sounding smart, stay in /lit/ 4ever maggot.

>> No.14836523

The expansion of the state is good. The expansion of individual human autonomy does agency is bad.

>> No.14836539


>> No.14836542
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>with sources, if possible

>> No.14836573

I mean yeah but playing their game is the only way for him to have any chance to win and deliver the change. In a normal country with multiple parties he could afford to be more direct and aggressive while calling out the libs. In Burgerland he has to appear somewhat electable for them before he can even start appealing to the normal voter.

The more Trumpian approach needs a party base who already agrees with your stances; winning neocons with neocon plans while giving them dogwhistles and calling out your competition in a no PC way works great. Selling social democracy to neolibs who unironically care about bullshit like "civility" is a much harder game and barely possible even in best case scenario. The fact that he is even considered a danger by the establishment instead of being some fringe candidate like Tulsi is amazing.

It's just how it is. The ruling class aren't idiots and realized it's more effective to convince the oppressed they aren't oppressed instead of beating them down until even the centrists start to get wrong ideas. Hence it'd also be a crappy strategy to fight back with violence; most would turn against you. Hell, motherfuckers complain about protests when they can't get to their wagecuck job in time because of them.

>> No.14836581

You niggers keep falling for the socialism crap, man. AHMAGAHD y'all should be given a one way ticket somewhere socialist

>> No.14836586

>Hell, motherfuckers complain about protests when they can't get to their wagecuck job in time because of them.
Yes, people dislike invasive species that cause them harm. Does activist boot taste much different from any other?

>> No.14836593

>he's extra stubborn for sticking to his idiotic position for so long.
He used to be for immigration restrictions, now he promotes illegal immigration, because it's the more PC thing to do.

>> No.14836598
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>> No.14836599
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>The expansion of individual human autonomy does agency is bad.

>> No.14836615

When was that exactly?
As I said this used to be his stance, but lately especially when talking to his fanbase he sounds different

>> No.14836621
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>> No.14836623

That's because he wanted to secure the Latino vote. Also, his campaign staffers were radlibs

>> No.14836633

>My body is of the utmost importance because it can orgasm and have banal conversations about Derrida
You're a narcissist, friend.

>> No.14836644

>Projecting my miseries in order to invalidate individual freedom / agency.

Dude, time to go to bed.

>> No.14836649

I'm perfectly alright. I can just recognize my inferiority to state-cultural entities because I'm not a narcissist.

>> No.14836676

>recognize my inferiority to state-cultural entities

But you are though, you're one of those holier than you weasels who's also a narcissist about his own submission.

>> No.14836695

>not being a narcissist makes you a narcissist
That's an odd form of projection mate. Accept you expendability useless and give your energy to the advancement of those things which can redeem our worthless bodies.

>> No.14836721

>state-cultural entities
>an abstraction is a superior concept than me
Gotta work on that inferiority complex, m8. Try lead candy.

>> No.14836724

>This worthless body that's enabling me to establish its worthlessness must surely be useless.

Keep writing

>> No.14836772

At his age, Biden looks like he will last all of the next two terms of presidency.
Bernie on the other hand doesn't look that healthy. I wonder if he's already coughing blood at night.
At that age, health is a big concern. Bernie's last chance expired in 2016.

>> No.14836783

Precisely. Certain abstractions because of the way they can achieve through utilizing bodies are our superiors. The goal is to o decentralize individuals and allow the the abstractions to gain the autonomy necessary to become a conscious agent of history. Man must be decentralized.
The body is worthless until it the world can be organized to acknowledge its worthlessness. The body is only useful to the state-cultural entity until it can gain true autonomy. It's usefulness is so limited and ephemeral that it isn't worth mentioning.

>> No.14836792

America is about making money. It's not a nation state, it never was.

>> No.14836795

Any American with a brain and a perspective of history realizes the our current economic growth is a farce. We are in a huge bubble that has been perpetuated so that the rich keep getting paid while blue collar towns and families get dicked over by tech companies soaking up everything and giving nothing back. The entire health care insurance and pharmaceutical industries profit, not from free-market competition, but from strangling the working class for additional cash. The unfortunate reality the American democratic process is bought and paid for by a collective that disseminates fragments of truth that frame the powerful and wealthy as the only people to ensure security through media bias. The fact that Bloomberg ever received that many delegates just from throwing up youtube ads speaks to that truth. The fact that boomers hear socialism and only think of Communists regimes reveals their intellectual dishonesty and brain washing from years of media propaganda. They have no choice but to fight Ole Big Red Russia, when really all they are swinging at are ghosts of an old era.

>> No.14836798

Depends on the state

>> No.14836810

>the expansion of the state good. Democratic socialism bad.

>> No.14836816

Democratic socialism entails has the withering away of States as a long term goal. It's not a solution to the problem.

>> No.14836822
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dude you're just a cuck, thats not an intellectual position it's just fucking weird and bug brained

>> No.14836823

To move the thread slightly closer to /lit/, what happened to black intellectuals and activists of the 60s? Is there a single one who is relevant these days?

>> No.14836836

shaun king :)

>> No.14836838

Give insects are our superiors, and we should arrive to be something like them in the short term.

Also, fuck intellectualism.

>> No.14836844

Excellent sentence you've written there. So under Democratic Socialism, which provides programs based on well-defined human rights via state institutions where people become MORE DEPENDENT ON THE STATE, when does the state begin to dissolve?

>> No.14836846

Angela Davis goes on speaking tours, and you can pay the hear her speak.

>> No.14836855

FBI killed all of the intelligent and outspoken ones. That's why Black people vote against their own interests.

>> No.14836872

>It's usefulness is so limited and ephemeral that it isn't worth mentioning.
If it's so useless and limited, why don't you throw it away?

>> No.14836879

And what do you propose as a solution for american corporativism?

>> No.14836891
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Yep, I'm ridin' with Biden

>> No.14836916

>I'd prefer human extinction via climate change to socialism being a possible form of human organist.
For someone that is against Bernie, you sure sound a lot like him; like when he said that he'd rather endorse Satan instead of Trump and basically alienated any christian that would ever vote for him in the future!

>> No.14836924

Did Satan cheat on his wife?

>> No.14836927

Everyone who isnt a Jewish Zionist votes against their own interests retard this isnt localized to black people.

>> No.14836933

>Implying Satan has a wife.
What are you, gay?

>> No.14836955

U.S. lost Vietnam and invading other countries became taboo.

>> No.14837292

Cynicism is not truth just because it sounds cynical

>> No.14837298

Nothing can save America. It was doomed from the start. It's just unfortunate we all have to suffer their dumb hegemony.

>> No.14837397


>> No.14837402
File: 26 KB, 480x480, socialism work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialism does not work.

>> No.14837446


Underrated post

>> No.14837464


The only thing i dislike about him is his insistence to keep calling what he proposes "socialism". Nigga could have branded himself as a socialist democrat, not a democratic socialist. Literally what he proposes are things that any worthwhile developed country should provide - free healthcare and higher education.

t. Baltic who got a free bachelor's here and a free masters degree in Denmark.

>> No.14837470

"Socialism" (Communism) doesn't work.

>> No.14837476
File: 30 KB, 565x339, fullsizeoutput_24e-565x339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welfare is a massive dysgenics program and the subsidization of failure. Why would anyone vote for open borders and free shit to anyone who comes along

>> No.14837482

"""Democratic""" socialism is still socialism.

In fact, there is nothing democratic about socialism, it's inherently undemocratic.

Healthcare is not free. Education is not free.

>> No.14837488

This has nothing to do with /lit/ fuck off
Jannies here are fucking nonexistent

>> No.14837508
File: 393 KB, 342x342, 1581120294856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok boomer

>> No.14837523
File: 359 KB, 1200x1684, Behind+the+enemy+powers+der+ewige+boomer_0d6988_6818597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is exactly why we should continue voting for establishment politicians like Biden who will work hard to make this country work for the rich and the boomers, fellow kids!

>> No.14837530

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

>> No.14837540

Day of the pillow will come soon enough you decrepit piece of shit. I'm gonna flush all your Warfarin and take the house when you're gone faggot

>> No.14837545
File: 90 KB, 857x570, chapo-trap-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Day of the pillow will come soon enough you decrepit piece of shit. I'm gonna flush all your Warfarin and take the house when you're gone faggot

>> No.14837546

Pretty sure he was insulting you, not arguing.

>> No.14837550

Actually I voted for Trump, dumbfuck

>> No.14837557

You're a walking Kulak. What you seem to fail to understand is that should your stupid communist dream come through, you are a part of the very group you hate and want to kill.

Ad hom is not an argument.

>> No.14837565

Ok boomer

>> No.14837570

I don't get it, either.

Vote for the guy who wants to give you free shit, you idiots! It's that simple.