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14834323 No.14834323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Could a good case be made for the man-only bookstore?

>> No.14834332
File: 58 KB, 1024x878, 1567128647218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those tits
>those tats
>that degenerate slut face

>> No.14834333

Why are women-only bookshops even a thing? What the fuck is wrong with the eternal Angl*?

>> No.14834335

Why would you expect to make turnover from this dumb idea. Women buy more books anyway, probably.

>> No.14834336

You mean the hardware store and porn store?

>> No.14834341

waste of dopamine

>> No.14834419


I swear that book shop is in Hay on Wye

>> No.14834566

Is there an uncensored version?
Is it topless pulp?

>> No.14834833

Probably is. This lady wouldn't be in a bookshop if she wasn't a tourist.

>> No.14834846
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Bookstores are struggling as it is, and women buy more books then men. But if you really want to, it would probably be easy enough to make women feel unwelcome by decoration and attitude.

>> No.14834847

Why are they such shitty writers then?

>> No.14834855

Book stores are useless. The only reason people buy books nowadays is to see in on their shelves.

>> No.14834995

>No tatted qt to lay in bed and read endlessly with

Why live

>> No.14835048

who is this book worm?

>> No.14835142
File: 104 KB, 960x668, thisisntevenrare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will post a link to a dropbox full of rare guenons and evolas as soon as someone links source

>> No.14835155

>those nails
Can’t do it. Shits a deal breaker for me, don’t know what it is exactly. Just hate that look.

>> No.14835156

>now that i'm 35 i am finally ready to settle down and have kids

>> No.14835161

>man-only bookstore
It would go out of business faster than most bookstores since most men don't read.

>> No.14835183

Because that has nothing to do with other women buying books, and it's not even true. Why are you such a shithead at logical continuity?

>> No.14835211

Is that Gould's in Newtown, Sydney? Or does everyone label their shelves that way?

>> No.14835215

That women is probably only twenty-six.

>> No.14835222

gross weak chinned bitch destined to convert chad sperm in to beta babies

>> No.14835266

i'd like to see her try
i'd give her many chances to try, too. many.

>> No.14835280
File: 17 KB, 310x165, Die Mauer kommt zu dir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wall approaches faster than it appears in your mirrors.

>> No.14835379

Reee who is this

>> No.14835465

holy shit that's my bookstore. WHEN WAS THIS

>> No.14835481

>OP makes his fagshop
>Chad makes his Titus Wake shop in which some slut with a good voice reads pretentious works of payers choice.

>> No.14835485

wait hang on
where is that picture from?
that looks like the bookshop in my town

ohh dem calves

>> No.14835489

>dem calves
Look at HIS face

>> No.14835491

You guys can have a meetup

>> No.14835492

COOMERS, the thread

>> No.14835504

even better

>> No.14835518

Her tits are her only redeemable quality.

>> No.14835522

where is it.

>> No.14835537

Yes, there could, and I guarantee women-only bookshops exist.

However the exact people that campaign for women-only bookshops would be the ones protesting not being allowed into the men's ones.

They would not understand why this position is illogical, either

>> No.14835593


>> No.14835679

Didn't that place close?

>> No.14835686

Censoring those nips should be punishable by death.

>> No.14835710

I think I recognize this bookstore. Colorado Springs?

>> No.14835738

The eternal female in the eternal bookstore

>> No.14835754

john lennon said "women are niggers", and like n-words they view books as magical totems, the more books they surround themselves with, the more knowledge... and knowledge is good because it makes all their rival women seethe with jealousy

honestly the world wouldn't be any worse off if all the brick and mortar book stores went out of business, if you're not a pseud anon you should already have a list of all the books you need to acquire next and you'll pirate them online or buy them for the cheapest price you find on bookfinder

>> No.14835755

Women are fucking disgusting.

>> No.14835853

Agreed. Vow of abstinence all the way. Sex is gross

>> No.14835935

>don’t know what it is exactly
the answer is: sheboons

>> No.14835947

I hate long nails as well. I also hate red nail polish, but women love that shit. Disgusting.

>> No.14836003

My local bookshop is frequented almost exclusively by middle-aged men and old ladies. It's pretty comfy tbqhwufam.

>> No.14836066

When John Lennon said women are the niggers of the world he meant that they have a raw deal, not that they're inferior.

>> No.14836075

why you would destroy your body like this is beyond me. it looks in a terrible state too. probably eats poorly and drinks too much, doesnt protect her skin yet wears makeup. abysmal 'sense' of fashion too.

>> No.14836079

I hate women.

>> No.14836121

Certifed based.

>> No.14836251

Scratch your gooch with those nails after sex bro

>> No.14836288

Guénon was against having his picture taken and spread, and most of all he was against all forms of proselytism. Kill yourself zoomer.

>> No.14836499

fuck me dead, I think I know the exact bookstore from this picture. It's a secondhand bookstore in Carlton, Melbourne. I'm pretty sure it was on Queensberry Street. I used to go there as a kid

>> No.14836715

Find some hobby that women haven't infected yet, open up a shop and make some backroom with books in it. It'll be like the underground bars during the prohibition period.

>> No.14836731


>> No.14836758


>> No.14837026

but bookstores are only places where nice women occasionally approach incel tier males

>> No.14837159
File: 28 KB, 487x541, 44E7E82F-0BDA-4037-AF49-43920FD5043D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women approaching men

>> No.14837172

thats a thing?

>> No.14837175

yes, if you're good looking

>> No.14837319

Because very few of them read anything of worth.

>> No.14837330
File: 8 KB, 235x283, 17920948523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong? Does the lesser sex not approach your glorious physique with ever embracing arms upon sight?

>> No.14837335

I've never been inside a book store, give me a quick run down.

>> No.14837338

yes, if you're ridiculously* good looking

>> No.14837587

Is that Evola next to Guenon?

>> No.14837639

why all these degenerate sluts have weak jawline? chads go for strong jaws after using those weak-jaws as cumdump and they flip and go nuts? i went to engineering school, so dont really understand such whore aesthetics/metaphysics. perhaps liberal arts majors could chime in

>> No.14837650

>image search

>> No.14837661

What we really need is men only libraries preferably attached or next door to a men only gym.

>> No.14837665


>> No.14837731

hello based department

>> No.14837734

She's wearing leggings and trainers you dunce. Post body

>> No.14837738

>Guénon was against having his picture taken and spread, and most of all he was against all forms of proselytism. Kill yourself zoomer.
>taking Guenon's name in vain to moralpost while balls-deep in a thread looking for thotposts
Evola was only 12 years younger. But in a single photo one may behold the undeniable advantage, as evidenced by their respective visages, conferred by a superior Weltanschauung.

>> No.14837739

>I'm gay and fail to understand why women don't chase me
Haha this guy's based

>> No.14837742

Oh I'm not gay. My biological desire to fuck women is fully functional. That doesn't mean I have to like them as humans.

>> No.14837751
File: 36 KB, 500x492, 9f2e6df96097bef81dfb003fac9b1d2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd pump a load in her fart crack - If you know what I mean ;)

>> No.14837765

Glad somebody noticed that. it was the whole joke.

>> No.14837773

>this is what women of today expect you to strive towards

>> No.14838178

Typical generalization. The mark of a beta who isn't set out to find the right woman to procreate and make a beautiful life together with. Better off to castigate the entirety of women than to try.

>> No.14838223

the only argument against man-only anything is that it would be too successful and put everything else out of business

>> No.14838237

I've seen so much porn that I can only conceive of women as adulterous whores who spend their lives moving from one mean spiritedorgy to the next. I feel absolute dread whenever I have to spend any extended amount of time with one.

>> No.14838242

>They would not understand why this position is illogical, either
They do. They have elaborate justifications for why it's fair, and why you're a misogynist for even bringing it up.

But ask yourself this: can you imagine ever wanting any book in a women-only bookshop?

>> No.14838252

>roasties shaking over the thought of losing a free meal

>> No.14838304

If I have to interact with a women it doesn't take long for me to remember that she's had penises inside of her, she's been bent over and fucked and sucked cock and swallowed cum, probably from many different men, and I immediately lose all respect for her.

>> No.14838440


>> No.14838452

I hate women but I also want to sex them.

>> No.14838459

I hate women and I hate that I want to have sex with them.

>> No.14838478

And man, when he was in honor, did not understand: he is compared to senseless beasts and has become like unto them.

>> No.14838697

Try dudes? You might like it.

>> No.14838713

based barbarian engineer

>> No.14838747

Not an argument. Try again next time beta

>> No.14838800

Remember when only men used to be literate? Books were actually, like, good back then.
>tfw already resigned to self-publishing because even though I'm a gay pakistani writing a mixed-race, autistic, near-asexual, hispanic, female protagonist, the book's still too right wing in its themes.

>> No.14838825

It could probably work if it was a combination bar/bookstore with a quiet section for readers

>> No.14838868

Guenon and Evola never met

>> No.14838970

she looks like the type of bitch you take home and ware out for the night

>> No.14839024

wow you really must be ugly to consider this atrocious looking female adequate enough to jack off to.

>> No.14839178

i often find them cheaper in bargain bins of used bookstores, if they sold them online people would buy them at full price and pay for shipping so i like that access is restricted.

>> No.14839227

Why do hipsters have fucking awful tattoo tastes and aesthetics.

Nice rack tho

>> No.14839241

Based /fitlit/

>> No.14840250

Those tats are a signboard that tells the discerning reader MDMA and Buddhism are the keys to her pants and once you get them off she wants you to fuck her ass.

>> No.14840334

What good would that do when men don't read anymore? I read between sets at the gym and I've never seen anyone else do so. Almost everyone else stares at their phone and I highly doubt that they are reading on there.
Face it, men are just as bad as women in this regard.

>> No.14840370

Based fascist.

>> No.14840385


>> No.14840423

MD and sex is a bad combination for men just a word of warning

>> No.14840473

Have you considered going to an MSM outlet and shilling it there?

>> No.14840490

This is going to sound edgy as fuck, but I think I finally understand the male impulse to rape.

I look at her and feel two things at once:
1. Utter disgust with her personality and full knowledge she's a horrible person who I would gladly throw in the gutter
2. Sexual attraction

The only clear reaction to that combination of feelings is rape. It satisfies both the lust and the rejection of her humanity.

>> No.14840508
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>> No.14840516
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She has graced us with another image

>> No.14840531

Is this your whore of a girlfriend or something?

>> No.14841734


>> No.14841873

only women read

>> No.14841882
File: 26 KB, 305x499, 1245643981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men don't read for knowledge for knowledge is already in our soul. We simply must remember what we forgot after our birth.

>> No.14841902

is this a post object coomer take? If she was completely concealed in latex it would be 100% more based

>> No.14841956

Highly based.

>> No.14842445

God I love girls with weird/unconventional faces and a cute hair. Plus, those tits are a treat.

Shame about the fact that she has no hips and has those horrible tattoos and nails. Repulsive.

>> No.14842456

you seem conflicted

>> No.14842464
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>> No.14842467

Yes. This is what I call "the bad life."
A girl who I would absolutely love to fuck, but who I won't out a moral and aesthetic repulsion.

I do have a weak chin but it's nowhere near that bad.

>> No.14842478
File: 706 KB, 1280x1707, o6mddjk5Uy1rl2xsfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should women with weak physiognomies be sold into sexual slavery?

>> No.14842502

What woman shouldn't?
Name one.

>> No.14842507
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 20394A92-4802-45E2-B97A-053CF5F0C03B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a funny looking goose.

>> No.14842512

your mum since she'd give everyone the clap

>> No.14842524


>> No.14842547

A male only bookstore would be 50% porn and 50% gay porn.

>> No.14842592

I swear I've been to that book store.

>> No.14842616

/lit/ is the most incel board on 4chan

>> No.14842621

nah we just follow in the Greek tradition of manlove

>> No.14842627

As if.
I bet you believe lit terrorized that youtuber woman too.

>> No.14842647

>leggings and trainers
Exactly. Absolutely disgusting.

>Post body
No, I don't want a poof like you masturbating to my lean sculpture of joyful athleticism.

>> No.14842659



>> No.14842664

Based COOMer

>> No.14842927

Regardless of her shitty tattoos, terrible haircut, unnecessary piercings and weird jaw, why is she dressed so incredibly poorly? This always bothers me the most because it’s easy to put effort into how you dress and yet she looks so boring and gross. She has nice boobs though I guess

>> No.14843282

Who dis