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File: 196 KB, 1024x768, 5211461392_4e2ab60d23_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14830791 No.14830791 [Reply] [Original]

the absolute state of academicucks

>> No.14830806

>tfw society is finally moving back to segregation

>> No.14830808

>because they're white
*because students are too lazy to read them

>> No.14830815

most have brains that are so pickled all they can handle are magazine clippings and ya novels unfortunately

>> No.14830816

fucking SOAS that's where i applied. hurumph. not for philosophy though

>> No.14830819

>The student union at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
who cares? just more bait for the culture war faggots.

>> No.14830820

>greeks were white

>> No.14830828
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We're back to the early Church.

>> No.14830854

They were white.
Confirmed for never reading nor looking at statues.

>> No.14830867

Mediterraneans aren’t white. Go to Rome: it’s impossible to distinguish the native Italians from the immigrant Muslims.

>> No.14830868
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Shut up i have 100% med ancestry but i pretend to be black to get a n word pass

>> No.14830879

Complete nonsense. I literally just came back from Rome and the actual Romans look 100% European whereas all the swarthy arabs and the pakis that ask you whether you "WANT TO SKIP THE LINE?!?!?!? HEY YOU WANT SKIP LINE!??!?!" can not at all be mistaken as European.

>> No.14830881

White is an irrelevant and insufficient term to describe race or ethnicity. American obsession with COLOUR over everything else to describe ethnicity has for some reason spread to much of Europe as well. It’s why some dumb Americans say ancient Egyptians were black which even if they were they would still not have been the same type of “black” that black Americans are

>> No.14830884

>Go to Rome: it’s impossible to distinguish the native Italians from the immigrant Muslims.
>i have 100% med ancestry but i pretend to be black
Was this the case in Plato's time though, or is it only since the Moorish invasions?

>> No.14830889

You do realise Pakistan is in Asia right and it’s literally just India but Muslim so why you would compare them to North African/Levantine Muslims (or Christians because there are many in those regions) is beyond me

>> No.14830893

>we wuz kangz and philosophaz and romanz and greekz and mongalz and shakespeerz mang
Also blacks
>fuggin whipipo enslaved us at all times dis why my home is a mudhut!

I say let them study black philosophy, whatever the fuck that is, they will need it at their eventual employment as welfare recipients.

>> No.14830894

Hint: it’s because he’s a retard.

>> No.14830902

Retard I meant by looks not by job occupation. Obviously the people selling selfie sticks and standing outside of the coliseum going “HAKUNA MATATA AFRICA” and trying to intimidate white tourists to “give me money for my baby” aren’t white. But go into a random restaurant or coffee shop and you won’t be able to tell who are the Italians and who are the Muslims.

>> No.14830904

Americans can't use culture and manners as an argument for their superiority that's why they have to pick colour. It's the dumbest kind of racism, even the Nazis weren't that retarded.

>> No.14830913

Because they're both non-European which is why they can be so easily distinguished from Romans. It's really not that difficult.

Should I draw it?

>> No.14830914

>Was this the case in Plato's time though, or is it only since the Moorish invasions?
It's because amerimutts and anglos are absolute historically illiterate retards and i can exploit their ignorance and self-righteousness to my benefit.

>> No.14830915

>even the Nazis weren't that retarded.
Kek it’s actually ridiculous how arbitrary it is

>> No.14830920

cringe and confirmed for never having been to Rome

>> No.14830927

White just means broadly European. When you defend this shit it lines up with the even worse American retards who claim Greeks and Romans were Turks or some shit.
A lot changes in 2000 years, and the statues and stories prove they were white.

>> No.14830930

How do you exploit them, and how does it benefit you?

>> No.14830931

I did a semester abroad in Egypt (may seem odd I know but I study history and always wanted to try living in a developing country anyway so it seemed to be the best overall choice) and let me tell you there were MANY Egyptians that looked indistinguishable from Europeans; blonde hair, blue or green eyes, pale skin, etc. There were these two sister the older of whom had jet black hair and dark brown eyes and tan skin but her older sister was pale, light blonde hair and super pale blue eyes but they had uncannily similar facial structure. Genetics are a funny thing bro it’s not as simple as “European” and “non-European” that’s about as retarded as it gets. That’s not even to mention the differences between native populations within Europe itself or the differences between various African ethnicities

>> No.14830940

Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroids is how you classify humans

>> No.14830947

Well where do you draw the line? Does someone with “white” features but olive skin also count as white or does that magically make them Arab or something lol, how about siblings who look alike but have differing skin colours? Is one of them of a particular race and the other of another? Race occurs on a spectrum so defining it such stark terms as black, white, and brown or “European” and “non-European” is so misinformed it isn’t even worth arguing especially when the Mediterranean was historically an area with lots of different empires from different regions passing through and often mixing with the local pops which is why you get the variations you see in those regions today. This topic is honestly a waste of time typically peddled by misinformed Americans who don’t have much experience outside of their country so this is probably the last I’ll say about this waste of time topic

>> No.14830955

can confirm, I've also met white Egyptians before who looked less swarthy than many Greeks and Italians

>> No.14830959

>let me tell you there were MANY Egyptians that looked indistinguishable from Europeans; blonde hair, blue or green eyes, pale skin, etc
Why would someone lie on the internet?

>> No.14830962

You've never been outside your room

>> No.14830963


Yes. In fact hindus were white as well. Arjuna was a blonde prince with grey eyes.

>> No.14830965


>> No.14830973
File: 421 KB, 534x642, da9myxd-c336670d-c48d-443e-87bb-9116a5a2a2e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a waste of time
Yet you insist on telling people they are wrong.
Not that it was even necessary, because you can just tell from the facial structure, but recolored statues make it clear. Caesar had reddish-blonde or even blonde hair.

Do you have the same autistic flip out when someone says Asians or Africans? NOOOOOO! YOU CAN'T SAY THAT! RACE IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT! SOUTH KOREANS ARE NOTHING LIKE NORTH KOREANS!

Filipinos are still Asians even though they look different. Minor changes in skin tone and hair color don't mean a European is no longer white. There are intricacies in the discussion of race, but most people are incapable of even considering them and simply default to white guilt and abandonment of European identity.

>> No.14830982

And Krishna was as dark as a Kenyan

>> No.14830987

I literally just described exactly how they operate outside of the coliseum. Only someone who’s been to Rome would know that.

>> No.14830990

Looking at your picture they are clearly white

>> No.14830998

Nah you're right. Egypt is filled with a bunch of blue eyed blonde nord looking natives.

Yes if only i had traveled more.
Yeah and I already described that in the post you responded to. But yes you were really funny and cool. Doesn't change the fact that anyone with an average intelligence can spot the difference between arabs and Italians.

>> No.14831003

Not filled but they exist

>> No.14831008
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>> No.14831017
File: 69 KB, 720x479, s5enviszz8511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks white to me

>> No.14831019

You didn’t describe the black vendors outside of the coliseum and elsewhere in Rome walking around with bracelets shouting “hakuna matata” and trying to talk to white tourists in hopes that they will intimidate them into giving money for “their baby”. I wasn’t being “funny”, that’s literally what they do.
And you literally cannot distinguish most Italians in Rome from the Muslim immigrants. They are literally all brown, and this even accords with the Mediterranean anon above who said he can pass as a black man. Sure, the leaders and elites in the past might’ve been more olive-skinned than brown, but the general populus there is undoubtedly brown.

>> No.14831045

>And you literally cannot distinguish most Italians in Rome from the Muslim immigrants.

>> No.14831054

The middle East is more diverse than you think. Iran is probably the "whitest" but there are other countries with white skinned people like Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Iraq etc. with significant population of people you would consider white. Posting one photo of dark skinned Muslims doesn't disprove this.

>> No.14831061

People can go to Rome and see for themselves. I was shocked myself when I went. They look more like a whiter Muslim country like Syria rather than a European country. Even al-Assad looks whiter than most Italians in Rome.

>> No.14831066

>because you can just tell from the facial structure
Kek you’ll find this facial structure (although not quite so idealised because you know that’s how most statues were) amongst a lot of levantines and North Africans and you’ll find it amongst swarthy Greeks and Italians as well.
Ahh typical retard just because something doesn’t fit with his simplistic beliefs he just blanket denies it despite knowing full well he has no clue or experience on which to base that denial on

>> No.14831068

>continues to lie on the internet
not being able to discriminate is often a sign of various sorts of mental illnesses

>> No.14831076

Why the fuck would I lie about that lmao

>> No.14831101

It's like I'm really on /int/!

>> No.14831111

>you: italians look like arabs
>me: italians do not look like arabs

>> No.14831112

Why are you talking about Americans when the invention was Spanish and the spread was mostly through the British empire

>> No.14831115

Imagine thinking Plato or Kant weren’t white. Imagine that. We have their statues. They’re not half Africans like some there today.

>> No.14831119


>> No.14831141
File: 445 KB, 782x1139, 1428C905-750D-44EE-92CC-1D9375042FF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody thinks Italians look like Arabs. They look like Muslims from the whiter Muslim countries like Syria.
Pic related for example. But I would say he is whiter than most of the Italians I saw during my trip there.

>> No.14831159

Their ruling caste is whitoid because history.

>> No.14831167
File: 118 KB, 1200x800, 9A6D8908-E71B-465D-A239-9806FBD79A99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay have a picture of some regular Syrian people then.

>> No.14831171
File: 1.41 MB, 3862x2052, EE287D90-A5D0-425F-8CFF-5F404DBD36DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re about as white as Italians

>> No.14831174

More J than Assad though, wouldn’t you agree?

>> No.14831184

It's almost like the closer to the equator you live the darker you are regardless if you are European or Asian

>> No.14831211


>> No.14831254

I’m not even the anon saying Arabs look like Italians, and “Arabs” differ between the gulf and the levant and North Africa, there are similarities sure but they aren’t one and the same. But hey like I said, just doing and saying whatever to support your simplistic beliefs rather than maybe even considering the possibility you might not really know what you’re talking about. Waste of digits
Perhaps but currently it’s primarily propagated by American media and to a lesser extent British and European media as well because whatever America does, the world tends to follow

>> No.14831255

Fuck off jew

>> No.14831297

Greeks are and were Meds, all anthropologists agree that modern Greeks are a proper genetic representations of ancient Greeks, mapping unto the genetic variety found in the Balkans, Anatolia and other parts of the mediterranean.

If you think Greeks are "white" then you have to swallow the pill that large portions of the Turkish population are white. A more useful heuristic would be to stop using the word white when talking of pre-modern-era Europe.

>> No.14831299
File: 72 KB, 541x558, 1_8-Xd1YP70qiJWddAQtzAVA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My time has come

>> No.14831309

>If you think Greeks are "white" then you have to swallow the pill that large portions of the Turkish population are white
As well as large portions of the wider med region. It really is a stupid term to use for anything outside of modern American and European politics

>> No.14831342

Here's a fact: The Turkish genepool most closely resembles that of the Balkan, even moreso than to Central Asian peoples who are of Anatolian/Turkic descent.

>> No.14831432

Keen eye, you and I both. Not sure why he’s do that though. Jews usually support alt right nonsense because it will to ologarchic kleptocracy

>> No.14831472

What would a world with no white people look like?

>> No.14831488

A world of technological stagnation and environmental destruction.

>> No.14831496


the greeks were functionally white. we percieve them as such, and therefore they are

>> No.14831521

>that large portions of the Turkish population are white
They are.
So are some North Africans. Zinedine Zidane is a descendant of Algerians, for example.

>> No.14831532

Berber, sorta whitoid. Turks white? Some west coast dudes with a European lineage. Turks per se are Altaic. A bit mongoloid, so to speak.

>> No.14831544

Not much different? I mean whites are already a global minority

>> No.14831574

Any people living in cold climates would eventually get white skin.

>> No.14831594

What makes you think niggers will read books?

>> No.14831605

i fully support this. fuck boomers and their classics, day of the pillow coming soon. no white author is going to be taught at any school ever again. none of them.

>> No.14831609

it doesn't matter, people who matter will read them regardless of them being on the syllabus

>> No.14831634

Eskimos are brown. Like others in Siberia.

>> No.14831635

How many people read Plato and Aristotle nowadays? If you look at the Western Elite, what percentage of them have a clue about either of them?
And if you don't have encouragement to read them, fewer people will do so.

>> No.14831650

i hate niggers too but can we stop this from becoming another /pol/ thread plz?

>> No.14831652

seethe harder, nordicuck.

>> No.14831657

you're talking about university philosophy courses, if adults in a philosophy course choose not to read anyones works based on ethnicity it's not much of a loss to begin with, why are you trying to compare philosophy students stopping reading the greeks because of race to the general population who has very little in reading or philosophy?

>> No.14831674

Plenty of people base their readings on "what academia cares about". Things like this, which reduce their status, will only reduce the number of people who read those philosophers.

Right now, other than Pewdiepie (yes, the youtube gamer), who else encourages young people to read the Ancient Philosophers?

>> No.14831679

>who else encourages young people to read the Ancient Philosophers?
again why are you going off topic, the discussion is about philosophy students not wanting to read certain authors because of race, stop trying to move away from that

>> No.14831687

This is a bait thread:

1. The article is over a year old.
2. It isn't "students" in general - it's students from the School of African and Oriental Studies specifically.
3. It isn't even students from SOAS generally; it's specifically referring to students from their union (student unions are notoriously left wing).
4. They're saying that, since they attend SOAS to learn about African and Oriental cultures, the majority of the philosophers they learn about should come from Africa and the Far East.

>> No.14831693

You said
>it doesn't matter, people who matter will read them regardless of them being on the syllabus

It does matter. And the more your marginalize those philosophers by doing things like this the smaller the number of people who will read them.

>> No.14831698

[ ] it is not happening
[x] it is just a fringe group
[ ] this will not affect you personally
[ ] this will affect you, but it is not a bad thing
[ ] this is a good thing
[ ] you are a nazi if you have any complaints about this

>> No.14831704

yes people in the context referring to philosophy students who will actually make some meaningful contribution to philosophy i.e people (philosophy students) who matter (in the context of philosophy) aren't going to stop reading philosophers based on race

>> No.14831705

So whiteness is subjective? So why should anyone bother with terming who's white and who's not? Why not use already existing terms that denote ethnicity or nationality?

>> No.14831708

>Caesar had reddish-blonde or even blonde hair.
No, he didn't. His own diary reveals how alien he found some of the Gauls thanks to their blond hair and blue eyes. This would make no sense if he was blond and blue eyed himself.

>> No.14831709

Then your notion of white has become moot and "functionally" useless.

Turks are most closely related to the peoples of Balkan, genetically. This includes Bulgarians, Greeks and eastern Yugoslavs. Turks are "Turkic" in a linguistic sense, look up Krgyz people for what Turkic peoples look like that.

>> No.14831719

It isn't just a fringe group anymore and that's a problem - but trying to prove this point by lying about the actual contents of a news article isn't going to help.

>> No.14832774

>imagine thinking these look Italian
You clearly have some serious mental and/or eye problems

>> No.14832798

lol when college educated midwits want to be more (((inclusive))) towards (((vulnerable communities))) they rarely mean classical Indian Japanese and Chinese philosophy but rather derivative Negro """thinkers""" like W.E.B. Dubois

>> No.14832800

Based list of doom

>> No.14832973
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>> No.14832989

Invalid anecdote. Also still not the same facial features. There are even more fruity looking Italians though.

>> No.14833063
File: 155 KB, 1199x800, 678967967967.jepg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem completely incapable of perceiving differences in facial features. You cherrypicking some random pic of the most sissified Italians you could find won't change this.

>> No.14833282


The facia features aren't as different as you claim to be, no one was making the case that they are the exact same entity, rather that their genetic relations (which have been proven, and any half-assed google search will tell you this) are physically undeniable. Idiots.

And it wasn't cherry-picked, it was the first pic I found of multiple people under "italians" on google pictures. I've been to Italy many times, you are fucking stupid if you believe they don't look like this.

>> No.14833297
File: 92 KB, 602x402, main-qimg-109557ba735c005e962bfa8f7f9334ee[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add: It is most evident that it is you who is cherry-picking. Pic rel, the first image on google image search.

>> No.14833304

Thanks for the bulletin.

>> No.14833317

>southern italy
you ARE black

>> No.14833325
File: 832 KB, 1364x703, white couple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally from a quora question on whether italians are white
You're such a fucking retard. This is the first result for "white couple" too.

You're not a serious person.

>> No.14833349


>> No.14833359

now do a search for "pregnant white woman"

>> No.14833374
File: 92 KB, 800x533, 13089976425_dda1e3dd27_c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an ideologically brainwashed subhuman. The examples are manifold, direct contact with Italy and adhering to actual, credited genetic research will show you that these people are not distinct from certain groups you deem "non-white".

Your pathetic attempt at discrediting me by adhering to some form of Jewish-led anti-white Google conspiracy theory, that, and that is what you're suggesting, is manipulating google results for "italian people" to only show the darkest and swarthiest of Italians, hiding those precious Aryan specimen behind the veils of the Jewish hypertext.

Get a grip you stupid fucking moron. You're probably an American.

>> No.14833400

Plato just chronicled the words of Socrates, a black man.

>> No.14833410

Jesus Christ. Google has gone full zog.

>> No.14833429

lel genetic research shows that they're distinct but I haven't posted any of that since the difference can be seen clearly phenotypically but you're too ideologically brainwashed to admit it
>your pathetic attempt at discrediting me by adhering to some form of Jewish-led anti-white Google conspiracy theory
The picture you posted was literally from quora asking if Italians are white. Your mental illness is getting out of hand now that you've started calling things that are empirically true conspiracy theories.

>> No.14833459

Take your delusions to your containment board. I've been to Rome myself, the Italians look just like the Syrians, and if I had never heard the Syrians speak Arabic I would've never been able to tell. Also what the other anon was saying about all the niggers yelling hakuna matata and trying to sell you shitty bracelets is true.

>> No.14833467

Based, everybody would be living in the continent God intended for them to live on.

>> No.14833478
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x550, BelitOnayHanover_0_2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a multitude of images, you are being obtuse. Beyond that I made it clear that I don't think my images are proof of anything, other than to suggest to you that these types of Italians -at least- exist, to sensibilize you to the possibility that your canon of "white" vs "non-white" is pseudo-scientific at best.

Genetic research shows that Italians are their own people, you can map up -any- people to cluster to a segment and call it a "people" and Italians clearly are a people. They clearly resemble Europeans, genetically, but also people from the Balkans and from the whole of the mediterranean. Now another group that, even according to me, is not "white" are the Turks, who equally map unto Balkan and mediterranean genetic clusters.

Turks clearly differ from Italians in many shapes and forms, and so do both from Libyans and so do all of these from Ashkenazi Jews. The resemblences however make a canonical account of "holistically white" non-sensical, for slicing Italian into this cake of whitehood would pressure you to include a whole of shitskin arabs, Jews and Turks into this group. Depending on the case, certain nations from the middle east are now white. The whole of eastern minor Asia, thus, a large segment of Turkey is now white.

You are confused about what the fuck you're talking about because you're some 19 year old brainwashed zoomer who hasn't done any research in his entire life.

>empirically true
It's not empirically true that Google is
>manipulating google results for "italian people" to only show the darkest and swarthiest of Italians, hiding those precious Aryan specimen behind the veils of the Jewish hypertext
You don't even know what empiricism is, subhuman Ameriretard.

>> No.14833485

I’ve been there too and they don’t look the same.

>> No.14833500

Are you sure you haven't confused them with the gypsies selling cheap shit?

>> No.14833501
File: 2.07 MB, 1125x2436, D8E87FC0-EC53-4D90-9AD9-0396C573681D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14833507

Even if so, Syrians are amongst the lightest skinned in that region. Why are we talking about them anyway. Oh yeah, someone said Ancient Greek weren’t white. Lolwtf!

>> No.14833508

Your views fit better with /pol/ than mine do though. Are you alright?
>italians are their own people
Good I can see i've started turning you on to the truth. You're almost there!

>> No.14833518

The answer isn’t an official statement

>> No.14833521

Have you ever enjoyed learning stuff or were you always an impressionable little retard, adopting the latest opinion that emotionally persuaded it against all odds?

>> No.14833532

>>manipulating google results for "italian people" to only show the darkest and swarthiest of Italians, hiding those precious Aryan specimen behind the veils of the Jewish hypertext
So now you've just started arguing against your own theory.

This is not good! When one can detect mental illness through posts on an imageboard then you know its bad.

>> No.14833539
File: 108 KB, 640x590, 1579667241187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that italians are genetically european and look phenotypically european is just the latest opinion!
>s-stop being so emotionally persuaded!

>> No.14833543

Different guys bucko

>> No.14833562

>you can map up -any- people to cluster to a segment and call it a "people" and Italians clearly are a people.

>hey clearly resemble Europeans, genetically, but also people from the Balkans and from the whole of the mediterranean. Now another group that, even according to me, is not "white" are the Turks, who equally map unto Balkan and mediterranean genetic clusters.

To try one last simplification for your pseud brain: You could cluster a strip, reaching from the west of Iberia all the way to Central Asia and make it a genetic "people" in the way you're confusing these language games. Ponder on this for 15 minutes, then read a book or alternatively KYS.

>> No.14833602
File: 14 KB, 481x515, Sardinians just exception to the rule no bully please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could cluster a strip, reaching from the west of Iberia all the way to Central Asia and make it a genetic "people" in the way you're confusing these language games.
Yes now you know a great part of how one defines races and peoples based solely on genetics. Let us continue until we reach the common understanding of races and peoples which necessarily flows from these genetics, their phenotypical expressions in groups, culture and history..

Or shall we just stop at this? And then we can conclude that there are no peoples and races because you know borders are fussy, the exceptions and such. Then we can remove colors out of our vocabulary too and kinda mentally train ourselves out of pattern recognition because who can truly say where blue begins/ends.

>> No.14833617

Be careful to not be marketed towards, boys. These inflammatory articles are only posted and shared so that men like you will get upset and take action, contributing to a system. They're all heavily exaggerated and only represent a tiny fraction of whatever problem they claim to cover.

>> No.14833621 [DELETED] 

Am I the only one who doesn't care about being white? I just care about genetic continuity to my ancestors. Also, my ancestors were cooler than all of yours. You should have all been subjugated by my glorious ancestors.

>> No.14833667

Literally no one defines races or peoples like that. The possibility was there to serve you as a heuristic, but you're too much of a bug-brain, untrained in any form of scholarship, to comprehend any of that.

Genetics have never played a role in these types of discussion, the concept of race, peoples, ethnicities, nations (natio is latin for people) pre-date Darwin. Turks for example are named after their language group. For the longest part of history, anyone speaking Turkic who was also a Muslim was called a Turk. This former group of "Turks" is at least ten times the size of the modern "turkish" population.

Similar arguments can be made for Hungarians and Poles. The name Hungaria comes from another Turkic people, the Huns, for example. These people aren't tied by their "genetic" variations. Hungarians are named after some of their Turkic ancestry, the same goes for Bulgaria. Bulgars used to be a group of Turkic settlers who were slavinized over time.

During the greatest times of race realism within Europe, during Hitlers times, Poles and many other Europeans were considered subhuman and of completely different stock, worthy of destruction.

A last point: I highly doubt that image you posted is credible, where is the source on this? Not that it would change anything for my argument, you simply haven't understood the essence of what I'm getting at, because you're really American.
In what world are Kalash that far away from Punjabi?

Time to read, imbecile.

>> No.14833683

>Genetics have never played a role in these types of discussion, the concept of race, peoples, ethnicities, nations (natio is latin for people) pre-date Darwin.
yeah but there is an obvious correlation. genotype makes phenotype look different, that is what people were picking up on before genes were understood. Genes have just made the understanding of race much more refined than it used to be.

People also understand language groups and nation were different than how a person looked, they werent retarded just because the word race has been used in loose ways historically.

>> No.14833699

No one is in denial of that. I'm saying there is for example greater continuity from Rome to Athene to Istanbul to Alexandria than from Rome to Berlin to Helsinki to Moscow.

And that is also completely wrong, again Turks for example were an identifiable people despite their genetic variety. They were named after a people that today makes up a small portion of their genetic make-up, same as Croats, Serbs, Bulgars, Hungarians. Race is a modern categorization that would greatly clash with many of pre-modern identifications of peoples, and AGAIN: the important point is, that even genetically you don't have a coherent argument to differentiate Italians from Libyans but cluster them to Russians, because uh they're white according to 18th century American taxonomy. You fucking imbecile, read a goddamn book.

Why the fuck are you even acting as if you have information to back your claims up? You are 100% riding the wave of intuitive race-realism, shoveled down your throat through your exposure to 4chan scientism.

>> No.14833704

So let me give you one piece of hermeneutics again: The obvious claim that phenotypes stem from genotypes is 100% unrelated to the argument that I'm making. You need to read more clearly.

>> No.14833728

I'd agree about Italians not being very close to Russians, the east/west divide seems to be the biggest subgroup division in Europe genetically. Idk about Libyans though, it's possible southern Italians are close to them

and people were not so stupid before Darwin that the concept 'the Turks are made up of different races of men' was beyond them

>> No.14833746

You're the person that brought up genetics not me. You have some serious issues my friend.

I do believe you've mostly started arguing against yourself at this point so I will leave you be.

Also you should stop with your silly muh fussy borders and exceptions therefore no such thing as race argument. You'll be laughed at in the real world.

>> No.14833771
File: 207 KB, 1200x900, DoNjEapXcAAFcLA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race never meant genetic, this is 100% an asspull. If you had a son chances are he looked like you, chances were equally as great that he ate what you ate, spoke the same language, had the same religion, same customs etc. This was also 100% applicable to say slaves you had, to again cite the example of Ottomans, Turks today who 100% look white are considered 100% Turkish by anyone, despite their most probable slavic ancestry.

And no, the east/west divide is not the biggest subgroup divison in Europe "genetically", that is again a retarded fucking asspull. Are Spainiards more closely related to the peoples of Denmark to than to the peoples of Greece? Here's again one bit of help for your cancer-riddled Ameriretard brain: Alphabet, alpha, beta, gamma, have hebrew roots. Attic Greeks saw themselves in close relationships to Semitic peoples and most notably to the Egyptians, who are evidently not white and never were. The assertion that they are still more closely related to Germans is 100% retarded, clustering them in a group of "whites" serve a purpose, I'm not going to deny that, you're just severely misunderstanding this purpose and artifically trying to ground it in genetic distinctions.

The matter regarding the self-identification of pepoples has nothing to do with stupidity and genetics, you just don't understand how peoples come to be. Infact I don't think you understand anything of anything, you're the typical uneducated, .jpg swallowing pseudo-intellectual that this site has been fostering for years. Imbecile.

Oh yes, it will definitely me who will be laughed at in the real world for actually adhering to research rather than retarded intuitive ass-pulls. No one is making fuzzy-border arguments, even white nationalists will concede this point, that at some point it becomes difficult to essentialize "whiteness". That wasn't what I was aiming at, you can't read and will never understand anything with this attitude. It's time to read a book, or kill yourself, I'd prefer the latter.

>> No.14833783

I think even dogs can tell that humans belong to different races, because the visual markers are so obviously a sign of genetic disparity. Judging by your posts it is very possible that your specific ancestors couldn't grasp this concept, but rest assured there were people above 90IQ before Darwin.

>> No.14833789

/lit/ told me that the subversion of western culture was just a conservative meme and not to worry about it though

>> No.14833806

>that at some point it becomes difficult to essentialize "whiteness"
Which is why it isn't being done. Just like no one essentialized ethnic groups. No one have to find the gene for whiteness. And no one had to find the essentialized markers for a Hellenic person but people still knew who was Hellenic and who wasn't, and that Hellenic Scythian disproved nothing.

Intuition > cringe google images and historical particularities

>> No.14833826
File: 212 KB, 1200x1200, daskreatur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Das Kobold des Königsberg

>> No.14833830

So you're again just going to brute-force your unscientific opinion, because that's what it is, nothing but an unjustifiable opinion? Why then do you even feel motivated to engage in these arguments if you have no ammunition to engage in it other than "I think people used to know steppe nomads didn't look like sub-saharan africans", which again, has nothing to do with the points I'm making?

Lemme give you even another bit of education: The racial taxonomy you're operating with predates even Darwin, these were never racial categories, thus, if a peoples looked 100% white but were genetically 100% distinct from Britons, they effectively would have been white. In this thought-experiment, your heuristic would demand we deem them non-whites for their lack of European genetic continuity.

If this sounds unreasonable to you, it is now either unreasonable to discount certain mediterranean peoples from being classified as being white, or you have to stop assuming "white" neatly maps unto the European borders and parts of Russia. As I've been trying to tell you, and I hope you might reread my arguments so you can learn something, the latter option is the most sensical one.

I made that point that it isn't being done.
What you're actually saying is:
>Intuition > Actually doing my research.
Which is honest, and that's why your type of people need to be delicensed from voicing opinions.


"The largest autosomal study of Turkish genetics (on 16 individuals) concluded that the Turkish population form a cluster with South European populations, and that the East Asian (presumably Central Asian) legacy to the Turkish people is estimated to be 21.7%.[1]"

It is time to kill yourself.

>> No.14833833

>PAYING to hand over your genomic data to some company

>> No.14833849

These were never GENETIC categories*

>> No.14833852

Not really. Brazil is pretty segregated with the shitskins in the north and the whites in the south but the country as a whole is still ruined by the darkies. Homogeneity is the only way to go

>> No.14833853

>"The largest autosomal study of Turkish genetics (on 16 individuals) concluded that the Turkish population form a cluster with South European populations, and that the East Asian (presumably Central Asian) legacy to the Turkish people is estimated to be 21.7%.[1]"
Good now you've defeated your own brain ghost that you've been arguing against that I suppose thought Turks were.... Asians? or South Europeans? Ethnically pure? Don't know exactly. But you've done it!

>> No.14833902

you have to put it in between quotes

>> No.14833907

Completely embarrassing, you can just ask if you're incapable of understanding what I'm saying, instead you have to resort to acting like a butthurt woman. The temperament of a true scholar indeed.

>> No.14833912
File: 176 KB, 1024x576, Mideast-Lebanon-Final_Horo-e1388439268236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are parts of Italy in the South that have significant Near Eastern/Middle Eastern influence, they were Ancient Greek colonies and so on.
For example pic related wouldn't really stick out there.
Italy itself is multi ethnic, though, as are most countries.

>> No.14833924

Indoeuropeans disagree. Zeus, Jupiter, Tyr aka Dyaus Pater. All of that common language, customs and sayings stuff. They invaded Europe and mixed with indigenous people. Those are all now Europeans. In Europe.

>> No.14833937
File: 45 KB, 600x288, lucio-vario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme kid is from Naples and he could pass for a Palestinian.

>> No.14833946

Ancient med continuum down south and east, but Levantine J and African E group, think Phoenician etc., missing ANE and PIE admixture therefore less white or European in appearance. Caucasoid in the general sense yes. Obviously not Black.

>> No.14833956

Nah he’s just fat. Combo of philtrum, nose, forehead etc say he’s not an Arab. De Niro looks more Arab than that kid.

>> No.14833968
File: 180 KB, 1400x854, AFP Palestinian child detention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Palestinians don't have to look Arab either. (Some would say they aren't really Arabs, they just speak Arab.)

>> No.14833977

Let’s stop the race crap. UK has lost the plot entirely anyway. Good luck to them.
Why are they detaining that kid.

>> No.14833987

>Let’s stop the race crap.
You can't stop it. People are going to notice different groups and they're going to have opinions.
Best you can do is teach them to be polite when they interact.

>> No.14834008

Every female in this photo is gorgeous.

>> No.14834055

Retarded thread. Thought it would be better. Would have fit on /pol/ /int/ or /his/ fine.

>> No.14834077

I haven't clicked the link and yet I know you are LYING. How do I figured it out, you ask? Every time a Conservative makes a headline about anything I always assume he is lying. 100% scientifically verified method.

>> No.14834087

>because students are too lazy to read them
this is the only real answer

>> No.14834109

identity politics is for niggers
mods please delete this pos thread

>> No.14834203

where are the pre 20th century african philosophers

>> No.14835096

does the person who made this not understand how search functions work? it's search for the word white, then the word couple

>> No.14835597
File: 55 KB, 630x935, zipcoon_custom-a8b301d2fc9f20e15965d180ab104483d8af0888-s700-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sad they dont realise they're parroting an anachronistic, colonial concept of race onto a society where it never existed, at least in the case of Plato. Teaching the colonial context of Voltaire or say Adam Smith is simply necessary, as it relates to their work either generically or structurally in terms of economic realities of the time.

In any case let them colonialise their own psyches with some pathetic half-remembered orientalist confucian-yoruba mindset. It'll be insane to watch.

>> No.14835605

I actually appreciate the ecological footprint of that house.

>> No.14835651

Hope you didn't get corona while in Italy bro.

>> No.14835658
File: 57 KB, 610x909, Ramesses-II's-mummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an Anicient Pharaoh

>> No.14835668


>> No.14835726

Italy was conquered by Arabs

>> No.14835768

Bullshit. I was at a state school in the and it was chocked to the brim with nigger and tranny shit. This is not fringe. Obese malnourished mentally unstable xhes are literally at work to dismantle the founding principles of academia. This is the university industry marketing plan at work. Everyone is welcome. In fact, retards and degenerates are MORE welcome.
>Oy vey get these goyim a loan!

>> No.14835907

mirrors werent invented yet, so perhaps he didnt know

>> No.14836030

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

You really see no ethical difference between the two images?

>> No.14836312

Kocc Barma Fall, Zera Yacob, Walda Heywat

>> No.14836330
File: 2.80 MB, 2048x647, 1575887000668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole term is pretty dumb since it changes all the time too.

>> No.14836348


>> No.14836350

>Fags demand philosophers like Plato and Kant are removed from syllabus because they're too cool and remind them how fucking pathetic they are.

Fixed it for you. Also Caucasians rock and fuck anyone that thinks otherwise.

>> No.14836387

/lit/ is the last place I expected to chimp out over the retarded notion of tribalization that is called "race" in the US. The best one can do is disregard such a dumbfounded concept in it's entirety, maybe debunk it's usefulness in a single reply while point out how arbitrary it is but no look, we have a /pol/-tier thread with 60+ posters chimping out because "race" is a core part of their personal beliefs and identity and not the foundationless tool that it is.
What gutter trash this board has become.

>> No.14836400

Nice book discussion cunts.

>> No.14836419


>> No.14836423

>genetics r not reel
ok lol

>> No.14836433

No one on the planet uses the word race when seriously discussing genetics because it's a retarded vague term that has the world's largest baggage attached to it, it's a meaningless buzzword to get people invested in the dumbest shit.

>> No.14836436

>More minority organ donors are needed
we should inform these doctors that race is not a real concept and they dont need use such a useless construct

>> No.14836444

This applies too, the meaning is fluid as all Hell to the point that it has become a practically subjective term so far removed from it's original intention it's not even funny.
It's an absolute tool of a word that just serves to generate conflict and interest but has no actual use or meaning, this thread would have a 100 less replies or so if the word "race" wasn't used.

>> No.14836457

Doctors don't use "black and white" for practical purposes, not even in your article. They use ethnic categorizations, you think African American is a race, or Pacific Islander?
Don't even answer because there is no "yes" or "no" answer that would be objectively right because 'race' is indeed a term that has become useless and lost what little meaning it had.
Racial sciences have been retired before the field could've said anything conclusive, there is no point in using the term "race" for anyone intellectually honest and sincere.

>> No.14836462

>ethnic categorizations
literally the same thing as race kek

>> No.14836473

You're a mutt, not meaning it in the genetic sense, but you're truly American in some other sense of the word.